Top 2 Apps Similar to King Stories In Hindi

King Story 1.0
King Story was a second Magic or Giftforyouform jungle Of Magic.Basically King Story Is a App Which You Allows To Play withYourNameOn The Story. and it was a very simple to use you needtochose yourstory and put your name and become the character,that'sit.we believe every people are live their own dream andweappreciate.don't leave your dream. and we will happy to saythisapp areavailable on every country. and finally we want to saywebelievethis app are change your reading mind because this apparehelp tofind out interesting way to read hope you will like this app and please shear yourfriendandfamily to this appApp Developer Company : in 18 June 2016 a company namejungleofmagic we're born.the company started making mobileapplication.oneof the first mobile application was 'do youknow.
Vikram Betal Stories In Hindi 14
Vikram betal stories in hindi. All-new design. - Easy to readHindikahaniyan. - Read stores offline. - No internetconnectionrequired. - Purely Hindi Application All-New Design. Easyto readhindi kahaniyan. Read stores offline kahaniyan hindi. Nointernetconnection required. Purely Hindi Application Kahaniyan inhindifree About Vikram Betal story : In ancient times, used to beanideal king named Vikramaditya. Their courage, valour andchivalryof King Vikrama were famous for. It is also said that KingVikramsuffering the pains of life to learn his people watch thenight goabout the city in disguise. And also used to relieve thesufferingof the poor. Vikramaditya blessing of Lord Shiva was born.Shiv hadhis name before birth, such recognition. Vikram probablywhy hislife had not favoured injustice. Vikram Singh's offer tobecome afather because his eldest brother Bhatruhari rejectedbecause thepost was right. Father considered it his defiance. Theywere angry.But Vikram Singh stood his certainty. This event was asign thatjustice would be to renounce their supreme Vikram. Thisstory iswritten 2500 years ago by Somdev Mahakvi which is acollection oftalks between King Vikram and discordant. Accordingly,thetwenty-five times the vampire king Vikram tried to take offfromthe tree and discordant in the way every time a new story wastoldKing Vikrama. Vikramaditya is a story with a combination ofdaring,truth, bravery, and supernatural things. Yes, these storiesalsorevolve around the supernatural theories and they explain aboutthesupernaturalism, which is really very hard to believe butstillrevolves around our heart and mind. And we love to read aboutthesestories at all times. Not only children but also young chaps,oldpersons either male or female, everybody likes to go throughthesestories and read these stories very interestingly. Thesestories ofVikram Betal Or somebody may say it Bikram Betal arereally verymuch inspiring and gives a lot of knowledge about ourpast, historyand also tells us about the various things happeningin our life.It gives us an opportunity to face us the truth oflife. At manyplaces, these stories are also known as Betal Pachisior BaitalPachisi. प्राचीन काल में विक्रमादित्य नाम के एक आदर्श राजाहुआ करतेथे। अपने साहस, पराक्रम और शौर्य के लिए राजा विक्रम मशहूरथे। ऐसा भीकहा जाता है कि राजा विक्रम अपनी प्राजा के जीवन के दुखदर्द जानने केलिए रात्री के पहर में भेष बदल कर नगर में घूमते थे। औरदुखियों कादुख भी दूर करते थे। विक्रमादित्य का जन्म भगवान शिव केवरदान से हुआथा। शिव ने उसका नामकरण जन्म से पहले ही कर दिया था, ऐसीमान्यता है।संभवतया इसी कारण विक्रम ने आजीवन अन्याय का पक्ष नहींलिया। पिताद्वारा युवराज बनने के प्रस्ताव को विक्रम ने इसीलिएअस्वीकार कर दियाक्योंकि इस पद पर उनके ज्येष्ठ भ्राता भर्तृहरि काअधिकार था। इसेपिता ने अपनी अवज्ञा माना। वे क्रोधित हो उठे। लेकिनविक्रम अपनेनिश्चय पर अडिग रहे। यह घटना संकेत थी कि न्याय के लिएअपने सर्वस्वका त्याग करने वाला होगा विक्रम। यह कहानी महाकवी सोमदेवद्वारा 2500वर्ष पहले रचित है जिसमे राजा विक्रम और बेताल के बीच हुएवार्ता कासंग्रह है. उसी के अनुसार, राजा विक्रम ने बेताल को पच्चीसबार पेड़से उतार कर ले जाने की कोशिश की थी और बेताल ने हर बार रास्तेमें एकनई कहानी राजा विक्रम को सुनाई थी।