Top 9 Apps Similar to Kuasa Forex - Panduan Asas Fx

Forex Trading for Beginners 3.92
Go Forex
The fastest, most fun way to master the basics and strategiesofForex trading
The Forex Training Guide 1.03
Get in on Some of the Action in the International ForeignExchangeMarket and Start Making Profit Today with "The ForexTrainingGuide"This eBook will teach you everything you need to know togetstarted today, including:- What the stock market is all about, stock market trends,andhow to use this information in FOREX trading- How you can make sure you have a firm grasp on the FOREXmarketthrough an insightful introduction- A deeper understanding of currency trading, includingitsbenefits and pitfalls- How to deal with FOREX volatility and market expectation- An in-depth look into trading statistics and how they applytothe FOREX market- The various aspects of the FOREX trade and whether or nottoinvest long or short- The way to deal with risk management, including workingwithlimit orders and other risk minimization factors- An explanation of all the FOREX buzz words so youcanunderstand related discussion and investment terms- And much, much more!Learn Effective FOREX Trading Strategy So You Don't LoseYourShirt!Don't jump into international foreign exchange trading untilyouunderstand the dynamics.Many have lost their savings by trying to trade in theFOREXmarketplace without a sound knowledge of what they aredoing.Instead of learning the hard way, rely on the pros to showyouhow it is done.In other words, get valuable knowledge that will help you doitright and make money.Even if you have traded equities in the Nasdaq, the Dow orothermarkets, understanding the volatility and differences in theFOREXmarket are crucial if you want to make money instead of loseit.Download this ebook now and learn more to help you succeed.
HomeWork 8.8.4
HomeWork & TimeTable app for students. Widgets for timetableandhomework.
Animals for Kids 4.1.0
Feasy Apps
Kids can now learn the animal sounds with this funeducationalapplication!
Haitian tradiksyon diksyonè 1.17
English Haitian Creole dictionary - Angle kreyòl ayisyen pibondiksyonè
Forex Basics - Udemy Course 1.9
This is a beginners course on the Forex Market. It isintendedtohelp the curious investor get a better look at what isinvolvedintrading for themselves. Not everyone is cut out fortradingForexand this is designed to help people make an informeddecision.The course covers the basics of the market and whatskillsandtools are required to trade actively. It also includesacompletetraining on the most popular trading software MetaTrader4(MT4).It is completely free and available to anyone with aninterestinknowing more about Forex.*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*• Over 26 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!• By the end of this course you should be able to makeawelleducated decision on wether or not to continue studyingtheForexmarket.• You should also be pretty up to speed on using the MT4platformtotrade.*FEATURES*- Lifetime access to 26 lectures- 3+ hours of high quality content- A community of 6900+ students learning together!- Watch courses on the go: video lectures,audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything insideyourcourse.- Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewingsoyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMMY *"This is a very good basic overview to see if forex tradingisforyou or not. Thank you for designing this course !"- (Ingrid Welch ) ★★★★★"The forex education is not easy,Jared make complexthingssimpleand I thank him for that.I recommend taking thisstartupcourse andother courses he has."- (Hatim Asaad) ★★★★★"The instructor is easy to follow and givesindependentreviewfrom past experience of being self forex trader.He givesfirsthand experience on do's and don'ts to limit the risk /rewardandmoney management along with emotional well being which iskey tobesuccessful in any trading esp. forex. "- (Vishal) ★★★★★Instructed By : Jared Passey | Teaching ForexTradingsince2004My trading styles focus on manual price actiontrading,whichmeans that I don't look at trading robots orautomatedsystems. Ibelieve in creating trading strategies that haveboth ahighprobability of success and the average wins are greaterthanthelosses.Install the "Forex Basics - Udemy Course" app now and joinover4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Himpunan Kuliah Agama 1.0
Tom Pou App
Aplikasi Himpunan Kuliah Agama adalah Perkongsian videoceramah,tazkirah menarik dan siaran kuliah-kuliah agama terbaikyang telahdi himpunkan untuk pembelajaran menerusi smart phoneanda.Semoga kuliah-kuliah agama yang disampaikan dapatmeningkatkanpengetahuan dan seterusnya dapatlah kita beramal denganlebih yakindan khusyuk. Semoga kita berada didalam golongan yangberiman danbertaqwa. AminnReligionisa collection of applications Lecture video sharing talks,tazkirahinteresting lectures and broadcasts the best religion thathas beengathered to learning through your smart phone.Hopefully religious lectures served to increase knowledge andthuswe are able to work with more confidence andconcentration.Hopefully we are in those who believe and do right.Aminn
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Ji Xiaolan "Sketches" vernacular wonderful story, accompanied byitsoriginal. Author: Qing. Ji Xiaolan Translator: Master Lin play
Simple Word Book 1.7.0
Word book app to manage your word books and test your vocabulary