Top 10 Apps Similar to python saltstack doc

The Ball Python App 1.0
An essential guide to keeping and breedingoneof the most popular snakes sold in the pet trade today. Becauseofthe their relatively small size, their gentle temperament,andvariety of beautiful colors and pattern morphs they makegreatpets. This app provides simple and easy instructions, tips,andtricks to keeping and breeding ball pythons.Featuring:- Natural History- Life Span- Caging- Heating- Substrate- Feeding Tips and Tricks- Breeding- Ovulation and Egg Laying- Incubation- Explanation of Ball Python Genetics- Examples of many of the different colors and pattern morphs- Step by Step instructions on how to build your own lowcostmultilevel rack to house your ball pythons- Step by Step instructions on how to build a low cost ballpythonegg incubator from a cooler- Photo Gallery showcasing many of the different colors andpatternmorphsWorks on phones and tablets.
Python Programming Tutorial 3.0
Python is a widely usedgeneral-purpose,high-level programming language. Its designphilosophy emphasizescode readability, and its syntax allowsprogrammers to expressconcepts in fewer lines of code than would bepossible in languagessuch as C++ or Java. The language providesconstructs intended toenable clear programs on both a small andlarge scale.Python supports multiple programming paradigms,includingobject-oriented, imperative and functional programmingorprocedural styles. It features a dynamic type system andautomaticmemory management and has a large and comprehensivestandardlibrary.Python interpreters are available for installation onmanyoperating systems, allowing Python code execution on a widevarietyof systems. Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe orPyinstaller,Python code can be packaged into stand-alone executableprogramsfor some of the most popular operating systems, allowingthedistribution of Python-based software for use on thoseenvironmentswithout requiring the installation of a Pythoninterpreter.
Dive Into Python 3 1.0
Dive Into Python 3 is a freely distributed book wrote byMarkPilgrim. Dive Into Python 3 covers Python 3 and a number ofitsdifferences from Python 2.
Python Programming in a day 1.0
Skip long, complicated books on Phyton that get you nowhere. Doyouwant to start developing Phyton programs as soon as possible?LearnPhyton Programming in the quickest time possible with thisshortand concise app that teaches you all the essentials aboutPhytonprogramming.This book is written for people who have NO backgroundinprogramming or are beginners. It strips away the non-essentialsandprovides you with the fundamental building blocks to get you upandrunning in Phyton.Phyton Programming in a Day zooms in on the mostessentialconcepts with EXAMPLES!We cover the following topics:IntroductionHello worldWho goes thereCount to 10DecisionsDebuggingDefining FunctionsAdvance Functions ExampleListFor loopboolean expressionDictionariesModulesMore on ListsRevenge of the StringFile I/OHow to handle Errors
Python Tutorial 2.1.6
So, you've never programmed before. As we go through thistutorial,I will attempt to teach you how to program. There reallyis onlyone way to learn to program. You must read code and writecode (ascomputer programs are often called). I'm going to show youlots ofcode. You should type in code that I show you to see whathappens.Play around with it and make changes.
python flask doc 0.0.1
// Flask //web development, one drop at a time~ What is Flask?Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeugand Jinja2. It's intended for getting started very quicklyand was developed with best intentions in mind.~ Is it ready?It's still not 1.0 but it's shaping up nicely and isalready widely used. Consider the API to slightlyimprove over time but we don't plan on breaking it.~ What do I need?Jinja 2.4 and Werkzeug 0.7 or later.`pip` or `easy_install` will install them for you if you do`pip install Flask`. I encourage you to use a virtualenv.Check the docs for complete installation and usageinstructions.~ Where are the docs?Go to for a prebuilt versionof the current documentation. Otherwise build them yourselffrom the sphinx sources in the docs folder.~ Where are the tests?Good that you're asking. The tests are in theflask/testsuite package. To run the tests use the`` file:$ python run-tests.pyIf it's not enough output for you, you can use the`--verbose` flag:$ python --verboseIf you just want one particular testcase to run you canprovide it on the command line:$ python test_to_run~ Where can I get help?Either use the #pocoo IRC channel on orask on the mailinglist: for more resources.
eBooks For Programmers 1.1.4
For questions about this App please contact via emailtoDeveloper.In this app You will find all books realated toProgrammings,OnlyDirect Download.Available eBooks related toIT eBooks for Android,IT eBooks for HTML , HTML5 , ASP.netIT eBooks for C#IT eBooks for vb.netIT eBooks for CIT eBooks for C++IT eBooks for J#IT eBooks for ADO.netIT eBooks for AndEngineIT eBooks for Game DevelopmentIT eBooks for JavaIT eBooks for Core JavaIT eBooks for PHP & MySQLIT eBooks for jQueryIT eBooks for C# and VBIT eBooks for Web DevelopersIT eBooks for PHP Web ServicesIT eBooks for SQLIT eBooks for Mobile WebIT eBooks for PythonIT eBooks for JavaScriptIT eBooks for AjaxIT eBooks for RailsIT eBooks for Rubyand more than 2K Books AvailableAvailable books of Following publishersAddison-WesleyApressCisco PressManningMcGraw-HillMicrosoft PressNo Starch PressO'Reilly MediaPackt PublishingSAMS PublishingSitePointThe Pragmatic ProgrammersWileyWrox
python ipython doc 0.0.1
istribution the docs/sourcedirectorycontainsthe plaintext version of these manuals. If youhaveSphinxinstalled, you can build them by typing cd docs; makehtmlforlocal browsing.Dependencies and supported Python versionsFor full details, see the installation section of themanual.Thebasic parts of IPython only need the Python standardlibrary,butmuch of its more advanced functionality requiresextrapackages.Officially, IPython requires Python version 2.7, or 3.3andabove.IPython 1.x is the last IPython version to supportPython2.6 and3.2.
python scrapy doc 0.0.1
Scrapy is a fast high-level screen scrapingandweb crawling framework, used to crawl websites andextractstructured data from their pages. It can be used for a widerangeof purposes, from data mining to monitoring and automatedtesting.For more information including a list of features checktheScrapy homepage at:
Python Help Files Lite 1.4.2
Helpfull Apps
These programming files were createdtooutlinethe basic topics of Python programming. If you arejuststarting outwith Python programming or need to jog your memoryusethis app whenyou need a little help.I also found this app useful for revision if youarecurrentlystudying programming in Python. Please note thatthesetutorialsare brief summaries and tutorials of Python topicsandintended asmore of a quick reference guide and can notpossiblyhold the depthof information found in a 450 pagebook.Don't forget to checkout the QUIZ function. Its a great waytotestyour knowledge of Python with its multiplechoicequizquestions.QUIZ will keep you thinking!Features:* Help Cards* Index of topics* Questions and possible answers are shuffledrandomly
* Unlimited Play
* No advertisements
*Noregistrationnecessary.Keywords: free, trivia, game, quiz, test,certification,technicalqualification, prep, CBIS, computer-basedinformationsystem, Python,computer science, IT, InformationTechnology.