Top 2 Apps Similar to idid! Lifestyle Tracker

Logster's Lifestyle Tracker 1.3
Logster's Health-Activity-BehaviorTrackerprovides a simple way to log and track notable events real-time, and while on the go. Yes, you can monitorovertime the actual state of your life by recording allthosetransitory incidents that are by definition so fleeting thatit'simpossible later to recall their "whens and frequencies".This handy tool is not just for the obsessive-compulsivecrowd!It's also for those craving a wee bit more order andoversight intheir lives.The happenings you chose to monitor could be related toyourhealth, your day&night activities, your behavior, oryourgeneral observations about nature, civilization, andmankind.App setup is easy. Simply create a "tracker" for each ofthosehappenings you wish to monitor. Then, when the moment isrelevant,simply tap the screen to register a new occurrence of thattrackeditem. It's truly that effortless.As a few examples, tracker titles could be:* Asthma Attack Episodes* Argued with the Girlfriend* Alcohol Consumption Log* My Gym Workouts - Woohoo* Migraine/Headache Log* Another (Worthless) Office Meeting* Customer Count Entering the Store* My Smartphone Picture Log* My Coffee Guzzle Counter* The Books I Have Read* Insulin Administered Log* Forced to Clean the Dishes* Cigarette Counter[---use your rich imagination---]Each of the generated event records contains both anunalterabletransaction time-stamp, and a free-text area for inputof optionalcomments.Accumulated results can be sorted and viewed on the screen atanytime, or pasted as a report to the device's Clipboard where thedatacan then be picked up by another app, like e-mail, forfurtherdistribution and processing. For your possible convenience,one ofthe report's formats is Comma-Separated-Values (CSV).Note: One of your event reports could contain, forexample,results of a medical/health tracker...that had beene-mailed toyour desktop PC and printed out so that it became handyreferencematerial in the doctor's office.This app runs in both portrait and landscape mode. And thereareno app-defined restrictions to either the number of trackers orthenumber of events stored in the database. These records willremainin the system until you delete them. (Several functionsareprovided to facilitate database housecleaning, if or whenthatbecomes necessary.)The app has been (initially) designed for Androidsmartphones.But it will run equally well on Android tablets, thoughfail toexploit later improvements in your User Interfaceexperience.NOTE: This app uses the "menu" button...which is likelymissingon the newer models of tablets and smartphones! Check whichyourdevice's manufacturer (via a Google search) to find out howthisbutton is now simulated.
Track All The Things Free 1.3.2
This is the free version of Track AllTheThings; the simplest lifestyle and self-improvement tracker ontheapp market.The only difference between this one and the paid version isthatit has less activities and custom slots. If you enjoy it thisappand want to support me adding more functionality andactivities,please consider buying the premium version.Get involved and start keeping track of your lifestyletoday.Happy Tracking!