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No Gravity - Space Combat Adventure 2.0.1
realtech VR
Are you brave enough to play No Gravity? You’ll needsteadynervesand a strong heart to fly around dangerous obstacles,facehostileenvironments and use deadly weapons to accomplishyourmissions andprotect your people. Hurry, download thisAndroiddevices versionof the PSP favorite, before it’s too late. Inadistant future,spread across thousands of colonies, the empireisunder attackfrom a mysterious, unknown sickness that isaffectingpeople’sminds. So far, you’ve been able to remain healthybut youdon’tknow for how much longer. As one of the few survivorsofthisbewildering plague, it’s up to you to seek out anddestroytheenemy that unleashed this madness. If you don’t, thereremainsnohope for your planet or your people. Are you prepared totackle31missions and destroy the heinous foe? This is not a jobforwimps.No Gravity is fast-paced and full of action. You’ll needtodraw onyour deepest level of calm bravado to succeed inthesedangerousmissions. When you’re ready, choose your characterand oneof sixcustomizable ships. Each one is equipped with animpressivearrayof weapons, so you’ll have plenty of tools at handfor thejob.Whether you need lasers or ion blasters, everything istheretohelp you win the war against your hostile enemy. Once inyourship,you’ll fly through space, skimming over sixdifferentworlds,moving along underground craters and throughmassiveasteroidsfields. You need to keep your wits about you orit’s gameoverbefore you’ve accomplished your mission. You’re notaloneoutthere, though. Allied ships will accompany you throughthehostilespace stations, help you destroy enemy bases and clearminefields.As the mysteries of the surrounding space unfold,beprepared tounleash your firepower on anything that gets inyourway. You mustbe unstoppable in order to save your people. It’snotall hardwork. Along the way, you’ll have plenty ofentertainment.There aremassive explosions, an assortment of shipsand weapons,2difficulty modes and you can even take on yourmissions inthefirst or third person views. Did you do well onyourmission?Great, now you can reap the rewards of success. Goaheadand unlockyour Achievements section to grab your bonus newshippaint,artwork or something else that strikes your fancy. Havealook atsome of the features you get when you download NoGravity:•Incredible, fast-paced, non-stop action, • This istheAndroiddevices version of the PSP for Playstation favorite, •Fullframerate, • Massive explosions and damages, • Play in firstorthirdperson view • Select from 5 characters and 5 space ships,•Eachship available in 4 different colors, • Choose from6different,awesome weapons, • 31 mission levels to play, •2difficulty modesto test your skills, • Reward systemwithachievements to unlock •Ultra detailed rendering mode,includingbloom post process. •Multitouch or accelerometer control,•Featuring additionaloptimizations exclusively for Tegra 4/K1:Playit on NVIDIA SHIELD!Are you still here? Don't be wimp butasurvivor : Hurry up anddownload No Gravity now! Your peopleandyour destiny await you.Also available in Lite version onGooglePlay Store !