Top 8 Apps Similar to Kamus Unsur Kimia

Chemistry Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a greatpocketresourcefor Chemistry terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have topayanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic TextWatchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for thewordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark allyourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites listbyclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edityourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new termsinthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Chemistry Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internetconnectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or whennointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come withanuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate this application 5 stars if you findthisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Chemistry Dictionary Offline 1.1
Free Chemistry Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms
Chemical Dictionary Offline 1.1
Free Chemical Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms
Kamus Kimia 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamusKimiaakanselalu menemani anda untuk mengingat istilah-istilahKimiadikampus atau di sekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paketinternetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus iniuntukmenambahkoleksi istilah Kimia dalam aplikasi kamus Kimiaini.aplikasi kamus Kimia juga memudahkan anda melakukan shareketemanatau media sosial kata dan arti yang apocketbookChemistry Dictionary application will always accompanyyoutoremember the terms of Chemistry on campus or at school.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutofinternet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add acollectionofchemical terms in a dictionary application ofthischemical.Chemical Dictionary app also allows you to share withfriendsorsocial media words and meanings contained inthedictionary.
Materi Kimia SMA 1.0
AttenTS Apps
Application Materials Chemistry High School
Kimia Analitik 1.0
AttenTS Apps
Kimia analitik adalah cabang ilmu kimiayangberfokus pada analisis cuplikan material untukmengetahuikomposisi, struktur, dan fungsi kimiawinya. Secaratradisional,kimia analitik dibagi menjadi dua jenis, kualitatifdankuantitatif. Analisis kualitatif bertujuan untukmengetahuikeberadaan suatu unsur atau senyawa kimia, baik organikmaupuninorganik, sedangkan analisis kuantitatif bertujuanuntukmengetahui jumlah suatu unsur atau senyawa dalam suatucuplikan.Kimia analitik modern dikategorisasikan melalui duapendekatan,target dan metode. Berdasarkan targetnya, kimia analitikdapatdibagi menjadi kimia bioanalitik, analisis material,analisiskimia, analisis lingkungan, dan forensik. Berdasarkanmetodenya,kimia analitik dapat dibagi menjadi spektroskopi,spektrometrimassa, kromatografi dan elektroforesis, kristalografi,mikroskopi,dan elektrokimia.Analytical chemistry isabranch of chemistry that focuses on the analysis ofmaterialfootage to determine the composition, structure, andfunction ofthe chemical. Traditionally, analytical chemistry isdivided intotwo types, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitativeanalysis aimsto determine the existence of an element or chemicalcompound, bothorganic and inorganic, whereas quantitative analysisaimed todetermine the amount of an element or compound in atrailer.Modern analytical chemistry categorized through twoapproaches,targets and methods. Based on the target, analyticalchemistry canbe divided into bioanalytical chemistry, materialanalysis,chemical analysis, environmental analysis, and forensics.Based onthe method, can be divided into analytical chemistryspectroscopy,mass spectrometry, chromatography andelectrophoresis,crystallography, microscopy, andelectrochemical.
Chemistry Dictionary 10.0
It is most popular Chemistry dictionary over internet.
Kamus Apa Aja (Kamus Ilmiah) 1.0
Kamus Apa Aja berisikan Kamus Matematika,KamusFisika, Kamus Bahasa Arab, Kamus Hadits, Kamus Sahabat,BiografiSahabat, Kisah Sahabat, Kamus Akuntansi, Kamus Kesehatan,KamusObat, Kamus Sejarah, Kamus Geografi, Kamus Kimia, KamusBiologi,Binomial Nomenklatur, Tatanama Hewan, dsbKamus Apa Aja adalah aplikasi kamus sederhana yang kamikembangkanmenjadi kamus "APA AJA", karena mencakup berbagai istilahdariberbagai keilmuan yang kami rangkum dari berbagai sumberdiinternet dan buku BSE.Latar belakang dari pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah karenasayapribadi ketika mengajar, suka lupa dengan berbagai istilahtertentuterutama nama latin dari berbagai makhluk hidup, namabakteri,jamur, invertebrata, dan plantae dengan berbagai fungsinya.danistilah-istilah di berbagai keilmuan lainnya. sepertiIstilahBiologi, Fisika, Kimia, `Ulumul Quran, `Ulumul Hadits,Sejarah,Ekonomi, Geografi. dsb.Semoga Aplikasi ini bisa bermanfaat untuk saya khususnya,danorang-orang yang membutuhkan pada umumnya.note : Aplikasi hanya memiliki algortima pencarian yangsederhana,sehingga butuh waktu untuk men load keseluruhan databaseyangada.Salam silaturahim, Terimakasih atas downloadnyaWhat Ajadictionarycontains Dictionary of Mathematics, Physics Dictionary,DictionaryArabic, Hadith Dictionary, Dictionary Companion,CompanionsBiography, Story Companion, Accounting Dictionary,Dictionary ofHealth, Drug Dictionary, Dictionary of History,GeographyDictionary, Dictionary of Chemistry, Biology Dictionary,BinomialNomenclature, Animals nomenclature, etc.What dictionary Aja is a simple dictionary application thatwedeveloped into a dictionary "APA AJA", because it covers awiderange of various scientific terms that we summarized fromvarioussources on the internet and book BSE.Background of making this application is for me personallywhenteaching, like to forget with a variety of specificterms,especially the Latin name of the variety of living things,the nameof bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, and Plantae withvariousfunctions. and terms in various other scientific. Terms suchasBiology, Physics, Chemistry, `Ulumul Quran, Hadith`Ulumul,History, Economics, Geography. etc.Hopefully this app can be useful for me in particular, andthepeople who need in general.note: The application only has a simple search algorithm, soittakes time to download the entire database of existingload.Greetings of friendship, Thank you for download