Top 7 Apps Similar to Gloom TV Moçambique

PiriPiri Moz 2.0
A nova plataforma de mídia de Moçambique. contendo todo oconteúdoque os moçambicanos gostam.
Soico TV 1.1
A STV - SOICO Televisão transmite 24horasdeemissão, cobre as capitais provincias de Maputo,Gaza,Inhambane,Sofala, Manica, Tete, Zambézia, Nampula, CaboDelgado eNiassa.Criativa e inovadora, a STV age dentro dos padrõesdehonrabilidadee transparência, com uma programação de qualidade.Nocanal sãotransmitidos blocos noticiosos, debates decarácterpolítico,económico e social, programas educativos e aindaasmelhorestelenovelas.STV - SOICOTVbroadcasts24 hours of broadcasting, covering the provincescapitalof Maputo,Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala, Manica, Tete, Zambezia,Nampula,CaboDelgado and Niassa. Creative and innovative, STV actswithinthestandards of honrabilidade and transparency,withqualityprogramming. The channel is transmitted newsblocks,discussions ofpolitical, economic and social, educationalprogramsand even thebest soap operas.
TV Miramar 1.2
A Televisão Miramar, criada desde 1998,éumcanal de programação generalista com cobertura em todooMoçambiquevia satélite em sinal aberto e também através de canaisacabo.Opera 24h de programação diária, com umaprogramaçãogeneralista,para todos os perfis de telespectadores. Émembro doGrupo Recordde Televisão.É a televisão em sinal aberto mais assistida em Moçambiquesegundoosestudos de audiência fornecidos pelo Mercado.Entre os principais prémios conquistados pela Miramar sedestacamostítulos: CNN de Jornalismo Africano, Prémio NacionaldeJornalismo,Melhor Marca de Televisão de Moçambique,MelhorPrograma Musical deMoçambique, Superbrand Moçambique,entreoutros.TelevisionMiramar,established since 1998, is a general programmingchannelwithcoverage throughout Mozambique satellite open signalandalsothrough cable channels. 24 operates daily schedule, withageneralschedule for all viewers profiles. Record Group is amemberof theTV.It is the most watched television in open signalinMozambiqueaccording to audience studies provided bythemarket.Among the major awards won by Miramar stand outtitles:AfricanJournalism CNN, National Journalism Prize, BestBrandTelevisionMozambique, Best Musical Program Mozambique,MozambiqueSuperbrand,among others.
StarTimes ON-Live TV, Football 6.8
Video app for HD multilingual live TV and Football, TVshows,movies, dramas...
TV Sucesso 1.2
TV Sucesso is a new TV channelinMozambiquewith the fastest growing rate of audience. The channelisthe onlyTV station in Mozambique launched as a new mediachanneltargetingviewers on all platforms including 2nd screens andoveranyavailable network.
Indian Digital TV Channels 1.0
Free Yourself
India Digital TV Channels List is the bestapp,which has the list of channels of India Digital TV.Its very difficult to remember the channel number, don't worrywehave all the channels along with their number.We have India Digital TV's all categories* HD CHANNELS* ENGLISH MOVIES* HINDI MOVIES* HINDI NEWS* INFOTAINMENT /INFORMATION* HINDI Others* SPORTS* CARTOONS / KIDS* ENGLISH General* ENGLISH NEWS* MUSIC* DEVOTIONAL* LIFESTYLE & FASHION* SHOPPING* TAMIL* KANNADA* MARATHI* ODIA* MALAYALAM* BENGALI* TELUGU* GUJARATI* CHANNELS ON ACTVE* PROMO & TRIGGERS* PUNJABI* ACTVE SERVICES* OTHER REGIONAL* SHOWCASE* HELPIndian Digital TV is the leading DTH services in India, ithasall the Indian Channels at one place.Enjoy Indian Digital TV Channels. Happy TV watching fun!Enjoy watching your TV