Top 19 Apps Similar to TailorMate - App for Tailors

Tailored - Your reliable local tailor 21.9.1
Get Tailored
Get Tailored is the first online marketplace connectingTailors&Fashion designers to people who need bespoke tailoredoutfitsfromanywhere in the world. Using our mobile application,users canfindTRUSTED and RELIABLE tailors verified by other userslike themandorder tailor-made outfits from the comfort of theirhomes.
StockApp: M-POS|ORDER|SELL 427
StockApp Ltd
A Simple Cashflow Tool. Effortlessly Track Your Personal&Businesses Cashflow.
Stock and Inventory Management System 1.6
Magnetic Lab
Stock and Inventory Management System is an app that managesandtracks your product stock and control inventory. This appmanagesproduct by adding product details like name, product id, buyrate,and description about product. It also manages producttransactions– in (import) /out (export). It shows low stockproducts based onlow product limit set in settings. Low stockproduct list helps youto decide what to buy to control inventory.Stock and InventoryManagement System app features : - A free,simple, and compact appthat manages product stock and inventory. -Manages product detailsby add, update and delete product details. -Manages product importand export transactions easily. - Showssummary of import, exportand in hand stock of each product. - ShowsLow stock products listbased on setting low stock warning value. -Provides QR and barcode scanner for reading product code. - ShowsPie chart report ofproduct in (import), product out (export), andin hand stock helpsyou to analyze the stock easily. - ProvidesBackup and restorefeatures for stock data - Search and filterutilities are availablefor easily search products and filtertransactions. - Exportsproduct and transaction detail reports inExcel or PDF. Thesereports can be opened, shared and deleted.
eStock: Stock Manager, Invento 1.6
A simple utility that manages your product stock andinventoryeasily
Sewing Patterns 1.4.19
Krogholm IT
Sewing Patterns keeps your pattern library at your fingertips!
Invoice King 1.13.3
Invoice King creates professional looking invoices andestimates.Ifyou are a freelancer, small business owner, orcontractor, thisappcan help you a lot. You can email a PDF invoiceto yourcustomers,or share the invoice PDF to existing apps on yourphonelike WhatsApp or Skype. Invoice King is highly configurable.•Over a 100currencies are supported • Tax rates can be changedtoyour localtax • PDF invoice can be changed to yourdesiredlanguage • Yourcompany logo on the invoice Invoice King addsa lotof features. •Capture signatures directly from your device.Thesesignatures willbe included on the printed invoice. Askingyourcustomer to sign theinvoice provides an instant proof ofdeliveryor service done, andyou get paid faster. • Auto-calculateyoursales tax. Display salestax, VAT or GST (US, UK, AU sellers),orhowever you need to callit. Tax rates are configurable andit’slikely to support your localtax. • Track invoices andcustomerpayments. Know when a payment isdue, accept invoicepayments, andsee the customer’s total balance.See how much youearned overtime. See who owes you and by how much.This way you’realways ontop of things. • Manage your customers oEvery invoice yousend,the customer record is saved o Import acustomer from yourdevice’scontact list o Call or email customersdirectly from the app•Manage your items o Save time – create itemswhile you createtheinvoice o Save the item price and tax rate. •Customize thePDFinvoice. Change all the words shown on the PDFinvoice toyourlocal language. Add your company logo. • Export yourinvoicetoCSV. This gives you a way to format the CSV accordingtoyouraccounting software (for example, Quickbooks , etc)Listedbelow amore detailed list of features. • create, preview andsendPDFinvoices & estimates to your customers • add yourcompanylogoto your invoices • capture your customer’s signature andput ontheinvoice • app records customer payments (paid in fullorpartiallypaid) - and even shows customer balance • applylocaltaxes anddiscounts • edit invoice numbers to your own format•choose yourown currency and date format in the app • convertanestimate to aninvoice • manage your customer list - oraddcustomers directlyfrom phone contacts • maintain your catalogueofproducts /services • includes useful sales reports • invoicecomeswith atemplate that is easily customised (font size,pageorientation,rename labels, etc) • maintain a library ofreusablenotes (tolessen typing) • backup and restore to yourDropbox (usethis ifyou need to move data to another device) We areactivelydevelopingInvoice King. We value your feedback to make theapp evenbetter.If you have any questions or feature requests,please get intouchwith us at [email protected] are happytoassist you.
Buy Sell Inventory | Invoicing 0.0.28
Shyam Swami
Keep track your business, Stock, Purchase, Sell, Invoicing,Report,Expenses etc
Simple Stock Manager 4.4.7
Easily manage your product stock!
Biz365: Quick and Easy Online Store Creator 1.28
Create your mini e-commerce store within seconds &takeyourbusiness online with Biz365, Online Store Creator. Youdon’tneedto have knowledge of coding or need to hireanapplicationdeveloper to create an online store. All you need istodownloadBiz365 & start uploading your products &createyourcatalog. Biz365 is an online store builder whichprovidesanintegrated solution to create catalogs, online shops,&managepayments. Customize your online store & share thelinkonWhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Email, SMS, &more.Yourcustomers can directly open your online store linkorproductcatalog on their smartphones, order products &boostyouronline business. They can either make direct paymentsthroughourintegrated payment gateway system or can raiseproductinquiries.WHY CHOOSE BIZ365 TO MAKE YOUR ONLINE SHOP? Biz365offersfeaturesthat make it quick & easy to set up your WhatsAppStorein afew seconds. PROMINENT FEATURES 👉 Easy to set upyourowne-commerce website 👉 No Coding Knowledge Required.👉Unlimitedproduct uploading & editing 👉 Unlimitedcatalogcreation 👉Share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, &socialmedia 👉 Manageorders & payments (PayTM, RazorPay,Cashfree) 👉We charge 0%commissions on transactions 👉 Get analyticsreport ofyour onlinebusiness 👉 See how many customers have viewedyourcatalog 👉 Sharecatalogs as Professional PDFs 👉 Mobilefriendlystore links for allmobile types 👉 Map your own websitedomain toyour online store 👉Generate authentic bills or invoicesfor theorders (web login) 👉Easy import of data through excel sheets(weblogin) 👉 Add productvideo (web login) BIZ365 Web login ispresentfor advanced featuresfor our customers. Make your WhatsAppcatalogfor free. Upload yourproducts in bulk. Ab bharatbanegaAtmanirbhar. Create Your OwnOnline Store & Start SellingOnlinein seconds. Take YourBusiness Online with 100% Profit &0%Commission Fee. BIZ365,Online Store Creator provides servicestobusinesses who want tocreate their mini e-commerce store&reach a wider audience. Weserve a wide range of businesseslike: 👚Clothing stores 💎 Jewelrystores 💄 Fashion boutiques 🛒 Kirana&Grocery shops 🍐 Fruit& Vegetable stores 🍽️ Restaurants&Food outlets 🛌Furniture shops 📷 Electronic shops 🔨 Hardwareshops 💡HomeEntrepreneurs 🤩 BRAND NEW FEATURES ⭐ 📋 Share yourproducts:a.Create Magazine style flipbooks from catalogs &share b.Sharesingle & multiple products on WhatsApp withdetails&online store link 🎫 Order Status management: a. Manage&trackorders efficiently b. Notify customers with orderstatus,deliverytime & remarks c. Get customer feedback onsuccessfulorderdelivery 💹 Review Store Performance: a. Getinsightfulanalyticslike Store Visits, Orders, Customer Reviews,etc. b.Understandyour online store performance 💰 Accept OnlinePayments:a. Now linkyour Cashfree account to your store &accept directpayments. 📲Product Inventory & Variants: a. Manageinventory& seeyour stock decrease as customers place orders b.Addproductvariants for e.g. color, size, weight, &moreADVANCEDCONFIGURATION ⚙️ Add product variants ⚙️ Show the “OutofStock”label on products ⚙️ Show available product quantity ⚙️ShowCOD atcheckout ⚙️ Allow PDF download for your catalog⚙️Customizecheckout button as per your business ⚙️ Whitelabelyourbrand byremoving Biz365 branding from your online storeUPDATE:BIZ365 ISGOING GLOBAL ! 💌 For any queries/feedback, pleasemail [email protected] 📞 Call us on +91-8696015555 🌐 Visit ourwebsitetoknow more about our services: 👍Like usonFacebook: 👍 FollowusonInstagram:
Stock taking app - GoSure( In 1.2.44
Mobile stocktake app for complete inventory control. (formerlyknownas InStock)
Stock Count: Stock Take Opname 2.2
Stock Count (Inventory Scanner) helps you perform physicalinventorycounting
Sales Book 1.8.4
Sales Book
SalesBook is free Wapar/Vyapar/Business management software.It’sacomplete solution for small or medium business management.Itcanbe used for invoice, Billing ,inventory management aswellasaccounting app.This Bill Book allows you to handleyourcustomeraccounts, vendor accounts, stock ,cash in hand,multiplebankaccounts and many more. No matter what kind of businessyouarerunning you can customize SalesBook according to yourneeds.Youcan also use it for your daily expenses, andincomemanagement.Below are the key features. You can sell ,purchase,return andedit existing transactions. You can generatereports forDay ,Week, Month, Year or any custom date range. Youcangeneratedifferent reports like Sales, Purchase, Stock,ProfitLoss,Customer Ledger, Vendor Ledger, Investor Ledger,Expense,ExtraIncome, Cash In Hand History You can generate PDFs ofanyreport.By using this business management software you cancreatemultiplepayment options. Like Banks, Checks, Cash etc. Youcanalsotransfer payment from one account to another. You cansetmultipleproduct rates like retail sale rate, whole sale rate.Youcan makeRetail sale, Wholesale translation with one click. Youcanexportall your transactions in a .XLS sheet for furtheroperationsusingyour desktop system. You can print bills/invoicesusing awirelessthermal printer. You can send PDF bills via Whatsapp/emailetc. tocustomers or vendors. SalesBook helps you to manageUdharBook/LoanRecord You can generate Ledger of Customer, VendorandInvestor aswell. Profit Lose on Average purchase and totalpurchasecost bothare available. You have two types of Balancesheets forcompleteinsight of your business. Additional features.LocalDatabaseBackup and Restore. Cloud database Backup andRestore.Filters onTransaction. Barcode scanner. Auto backup to thecloud .Periodicbackup like on every activity, after every hour oreveryday.Manage multiple vendors (need to be enabled fromsettings.)Cashsettlement to and from Customer/Vendors. Send sms tocustomersonnew transactions.
Inventory Management App – Zoho Inventory 1.2.25
Inventory management plays a significant role indailybusinessactivities. However, doing it manually on aspreadsheet canconsumea lot of your time and delay your otheroperations. ZohoInventoryovercomes this problem by enabling smallbusinesses toeasily andeffectively manage their inventory andnon-inventoryitems fortheir shops and warehouses. Our app has theright mix offeaturesto manage your items, contacts, payments,vendors, andorders. ZohoInventory belongs to the family of Zohoapps, which aretrusted bymore than 50 million users globally. Youcan check outour Homepage to learn more about Zoho. Feel free totake a look atour listof features to see if our inventorymanagement app is rightforyou. Dashboard: Get an overview of totalsales, purchases,itemspacked, and low stock items. Item list: AddSKUs, group items,andcreate bundles easily. Barcode scanning: Useyour phone cameratocapture barcode information from items.Tracking: Monitoritemmovements and expiration dates with serial andbatchtracking.Customers: Maintain your customer information hereandkeep trackof their names, email IDs, addresses, andcontactinformation.Sales orders: Keep a record of all yoursalestransactions withtheir associated customer and item info inoneplace. Invoices:Convert sales orders to invoices, decidepaymentterms, and startaccepting payments. Vendors: Add your vendorandorganization nameto keep supplier details handy. Purchaseorders:Select the item,vendor, and purchase order number to save arecordof the purchase.Bills: Create bills to record thepaymentinformation for apurchase. Warehousing: Monitor stock levelsineach warehouse andtrack inter-warehouse movements.Packaging:Create package slipsthat you can attach to your boxes.Shipmentlabels: Create shippinglabels for USPS, UPS and FedEx.E-commerce:Manage your Shopify,Amazon, Etsy, and eBay shoplistings. More onZoho Inventory: Weburl: Helpdoclink: to help business owners make their inventorymanagementeasy andeffortless. If you have any questions orsuggestionsrelated to ourmobile or web app, then reach out [email protected]. You can also access theZohoInventoryweb app on your laptop and desktop. To get started,youcan sign upfor a 14-day free trial.
ClearBook - purchase and sales app | Khata Book 1.31
ClearBook (Ledger Account Book/ daily hisab kitab) - Runyourshopusing single App. It is a free accounting app you can useassalespurchase app for any kind of business. It is Tally formobile.WithClearbook app, you can * Record/entry sale * Recordudharbhaikhata book * Record/entry vendor purchase *Record/entrystaffsalary and ok credit * Record/entry expenses likerent,electricitybill etc. * Download and share detailedcash-flowreports *Download and share customer khatabook report *Share yourbusinessreports with your partners * Works withoutinternet * Worksasoffline khatabook and cashbook * Simple cashmanagement app*Manage Len Den / Credit Debit * Manage your businesscashbookClearBook app takes backup of your data to cloudautomatically,sothat even if you change your phone you don't loseyourbusinessdata. You can also attach photos to each transaction.Youcandownload monthly report about your business Any categoryofshopcan use: - Mobile Recharge and Electronics Shops -KiranaShop,General Store, Grocery Store, Provision Store - Bakery,coolbar ,Juice Shops - Pharmacy, vegetable shop - Textiles,Garments,tailorshop - chai shop, coffee shop 100% Safe and Secure -No onecanchange, edit or delete entries without your permission.
Stock and Inventory Online 1.0.12r4
Chester SW
Multi-user app for stock management and tracking salesandpurchases.Especially useful for small retailers or warehousesbutalso suitablefor wholesale business. You can controlmultiplestores and multipleemployees in a single application. Ouruniquetechnology allowsworking online or offline and syncing datawhen aconnection becomesavailable. Key features and capabilities:-Register Sales, Purchasesand Transfers between stores; -Defineaccess rights for your Users;- Import/Export data throughExcelfiles; - Track general Expenses:rent, salary, and others;-Minimum Stock Level alerts and Reorderreport; - Multipleimagesper item; - Use Barcodes - scan with yourCamera orexternalscanner; - Print to PDF: invoices, sales receipts,pricelists,catalogs, etc. There are more features to makeyourstockmanagement convenient and easy. Use the “QuestionorSuggestion”menu item in the application to send us a messageorsimply sendan e-mail to [email protected] if youneedany help.
SalesPlay POS - Point of Sale 107.0
SalesPlay POS
Easy to manage POS app for your restaurant, cafe, food truck,andbeauty salon
Asset Panda 6.6.2
Asset Panda
Asset Panda replaces spreadsheets for asset tracking.
Store Manager: sales record & inventory management 1.17.1
Are you looking for FREE sales, stock, and inventorymanagementappsfor small businesses? The store manager serves thepurpose ofordermanagement or sales tracker as well as stockmanagement. Youcancreate lists of products, orders, customers, andinvoices forfree.Additionally, a barcode scanner and low stockreminder willelevateyour experience one step ahead. The storemanager appprovides youthe convenient and compact solutions tomanage storeseffectivelywhich will save time and generates growthin business.Manage orderswith minimum effort while maximizingproductivity.Features: *Create unlimited orders, stocks, customers,andinvoices. * Managestocks and orders using a barcode scanner.*Manage multilevelcategorical products in stocks. * Nointernetconnection required. *Convenient customization settings.*Reminder for low stocks. *Import and export app data(settings,database, images). * Reviewdaily, weekly, monthly, oryearlyorders. * Pin Lock feature toprotect data. * Multiplecurrencysupport. * Customizable decimalformat for fractional part(0 to5). * Sales report generation. *And many more excitingfeaturesyou will discover on the go.In-depth Details: StockManagement:You can manage stocks inisolation or combined withordermanagement. Product listing iscustomizable from stocksettingswhere you can choose which item(images, description, buyingprice,selling price, etc.) should bevisible in the list item. Ifthemultilevel category is enabled fromsettings, then thecategoricallisting will be visible. You can setthe low stock limitandreminder for items that reach the limitaccording toyourpreference from stock settings. Furthermore, youcan createandsearch an item using the barcode scanner.Finally,producttransactions can be done from a different screen toadd orsubtracta specific quantity (whole number orfractional).CustomerManagement: You can create customers byproviding detailsor importcustomers from the contact list. Customeris displayedaccording totheir payment status (All, Paid or Due) andbookmarkedcustomer inthe marked screen. The number of totals, due,and paidorders aredisplayed in the listing. All of the ordersassociatedwith thespecific customer can be viewed and customizedfrom thecustomerscreen. The visibility of specific items on thelist can bechangedfrom customer settings. Order Management: You canmanageorderswith less effort by providing only your requiredinformation.Taxand discount can be used in multiple variations. Theproduct canbeimported in the order from stock by navigating throughthestocklist or using a barcode scanner. However, you cannotaddthequantity of a specific product greater than theavailablequantityin stock. On the other hand, a new product can becreatedonly forthis order without thinking of stock. Order listingisbased onall, due, paid, and marked. The default listing is basedona dailybasis; however, you can change this to weekly, monthly,andyearlyfrom order settings. When you delete an order or an itemintheorder, you will be asked to undo the changes of quantityinstock(If the item is imported from stock). You can savethissettingfrom order settings. Invoice Management: Invoice fromaspecificorder can be created from the order screen in thestoremanager.You can print, share, or save invoices according toyourneed. Thebusiness and payment information can be provided inglobalsettingsto make an impact on invoice generation. We areworkingvery hardto improve the features of the store manager thatmeet theneeds ofusers. Please let us know regarding anysuggestions,queries, orproblems you face while using the storemanager app. Oursupportteam is available to assist you. Do notforget to rate us ifyouenjoy this app.