Top 1 Games Similar to Word Hell

Scrabless is a puzzle game based on theknownword game principles.There are two game modes: single player and multiplayer.In the first mode, you can select one of three difficultyoptionswhere at hard - computer selects the best scoring words butalsopredicts our movements to make it difficult to scorepoints.Depending on the level we have available different numberofsuggestions offered by the computer. Words from the hints arenotscored however.Competition results can be uploaded to top score table whichisavailable in the game and on our website .The network version of the game allows two players to play ontwodevices. As long as they are both within the same WIFInetwork.The aim of the game is to draw letters and arranging them intowordson a special board with dimensions of 15x15 squares. Thewords arearranged in a crossword shaped manner . The first wordshould passthrough the field H8 (the center of the board ) . Eachnew word mustuse at least one letter that is already on the board, so the newlyplaced words either intersect with existing orextend them withanother letter.The player who cannot ( or chooses not to - for tactical reasons)lay out the correct word out of owned letters, either passes ,oreven exchanges letters . Arranged words are scored, the game iswonby whoever (all made movements ) scores more points thantheopponent.The game includes two languages and two dictionaries : EnglishandPolish.Game contains ads that may however be switched off. If you likethisgame you can buy version NoAds.We have made every effort to make the game as the most polishedandtested - but if you have suggestions or comments on the changes,please email [email protected] fun !