Top 21 Apps Similar to 福貓算命

姓名稱骨算命-生肖,姓名配對 6.71
算命大全 - 姓名 星座 財運 五行 秤骨 宮度 流年運程 2.2.3
WnW Studio
***預測結果僅供參考***[特色與功能]- 掌握未來財運趨勢 擬定最佳理財策略- 小心別觸犯理財大忌- 輕鬆掌握吉時與吉方- 了解姓名的意涵、五行與釋意- 徹底分析天格、人格、地格、外格與總格- 了解您的星座屬性與守護行星- 分析您的性格、愛情與事業表現- 掌握您的幸運數字、幸運色、幸運日- 多種查詢模式任您選擇 - 姓名算命、星座算命、財運預測、生肖五行算命、流年運程、生命數字、秤骨算命、宮度算命[注意事項]- 因為古字與現代字的差異,可能出現筆畫、英文的誤差,並非資料庫發生錯誤,請您放心算命!如有建議或指教歡迎來信也請您不吝給予評分衷心感謝您的使用歡迎大力分享本app
紫微大师-算命八字占卜领导品牌,紫薇斗数预测专家 8.5.0
Not everyone is lucky enough to meet Master Ziwei’s advice,everysecond is being blessed by a user... Are you the next luckyone?There are detailed explanations on love, marriage, career,work,making money, financial management, pregnancy, buying a house,andbuying a car!
紫微斗數-八字命盤分析 線上姓名算命 5.8.4
Enter the name and birth date, arrange fortune-telling toexplainthe development of the fortune in the passing years, thefortune ofthe fortune palace, the level of the fortune of thefortune and theemotional fortune, and the master's professionalguidance to changethe fortune!
中華算命 1.2.4
**大中華地區最專業的算命應用**在中華算命中,可以全方位分析您的性格,名字蘊含的天機,愛情,事業等等,讓你可以更好的掌握自己的人生,獲得更加完美的愛情姻緣。***生辰八字***采用大中華地區最傳統,最準備的八字排盤,根據您的姓名,出生日期,性別來做分析。詳細解密出你的生辰八字,愛情財運,命書詳解,運勢詳批。對自己的八字命理,愛情運勢,財富運勢有詳細了解。大中華地區算命應用首創命書詳解,對你的骨重,命書作最詳盡的分析。運勢詳批更是對你未來12年的每年大運進行詳細批述,讓你更加全面的掌控自己的未來運勢。***姓名解密***姓名,蘊涵了人的精、氣、神傳達著天地之玄機。姓名解密綜合了八字和姓名五格、三才配置、81數理來解析姓名。詳細解密你的三才五格,以及姓名對你基礎運,成功運,人際關系,性格等等的影響。***中華起名***中華起名通過人性別、姓氏、生辰八字、補救五行、數理搭配、五個的吉兇搭配和五行搭配等大中華地區傳統命理和知識來起名。獨創的基於中華命理的起名法,深入理解個性化需求;獨創的綜合五行、生肖、五格的取名法,完美滿足傳統取名的要求;更有時尚的詩詞文化典籍幫助你起名;以及全方位的美名解析,做最專業的起名應用!**大中華地區最專業的算命應用**** GreaterChina'smostprofessional fortune-telling application **In Chinese fortune-telling, you can analyze the full rangeofyourcharacter, contains the names secret, love, career, etc.,soyou canbetter control their own life, to obtain a moreperfectlovemarriage.*** *** BirthdatesGreater China using the most traditional character rowplatepreparedaccording to your name, date of birth, gender, dotheanalysis.Details decrypt your birthday horoscopes, love ofwealth,life booksexplain, in detail fortune batch. Theirhoroscopesnumerology, LOVE,wealth fortune detailed understanding.GreaterChina's firstapplication fortune telling books explain,your bonemass, orderedthe book for the most thorough analysis.Moredetailed batch offortune for you in the next 12 years, theannualGrand Canal batchdescribed in detail, make you morecomprehensivecontrol of yourfuture fortune.*** *** Name decryptionName, implies human essence, gas, God of heaven andearthconveymystery. Name decrypted combination of character andnamefivegrid, Sancai configuration, 81 to resolve themathematicalname.Detailed decrypting your Sancai five grid, and thename onyourbasic transportation, successfuloperation,relationships,character and so on.*** *** China namedChinese man named by gender, surname, date of birth,remedialfiveelements, mathematical mix of good and bad with fiveand thefiveelements with traditional numerology and knowledge totheGreaterChina region named. Chinese numerology based on theoriginalmethodof naming, in-depth understanding of individualneeds;integratedoriginal five elements, zodiac, named the fivegridmethod, perfectname to meet the traditional requirements;morecultural fashionpoetry books to help you named; and thewholeorientationreputation analysis, to do the mostprofessionalnamedapplication!** Greater China's most professionalfortune-tellingapplication**
取名解名-姓名算命 命名起名改名字大全 名字八字算命打分 生 5.4.6
[Name and Resolve] Two major functions: 1. According to thebaby’sbirth date and surname, match the baby with auspicious andwishfulnames; 2. According to the birth date provided by the user,theuser’s name will be scored and the user’s name will bechanged.Suggest!
G-Fortune Telling
Ancient Chinese Fortune Telling
最佳偏財運時機、流年運勢-算命 0.0.1
算命 2.0.6
三世書論命 1.21
Walter Choy
The III book on the life, fortune-telling
八字測算-事業 愛情 健康算命分析 2.0.1
四柱八字預測來源於實踐,服務於生活,實踐證實,人的命運是可知和可預測的,通過人的出生時間來預測人的一生之命運運動軌跡,為我們科學的揭示。“四柱八字”預測學是中華民族廣大人民千年以來對命運自然運動規律的總結和智慧的結晶,是中國命理學中最重大的發明,經歷了中國幾千年的驗證,和歷代無數預測學家不斷努力反復實踐考證之後,才得到的重要資料和寶貴經驗,也可說是中國幾千年來極重要的文明縮影.軟件特點:專業的:1.事業分析2.命造簡批3.日月時命理4.財運分析5.日干心性6.健康分析7.愛情分析8.性格分析【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] comes from practice and service in life,practiceconfirmed that the fate of people is known and predictable,by hisbirth time to predict the fate of a person's life trajectoryforour science reveals. "Character poster" predictions isthecrystallization of the wisdom of the summary and the Chinesenationsince the majority of the people on the fate of thenaturalmovement of the millennium, is the Chinese numerology is themostimportant invention of the Chinese thousands of yearsexperiencevalidation, and countless ancient scientists predictimportantinformation and valuable experience after repeatedpractice ofcontinuous efforts to research, only obtained, it can besaid thatChina thousands of years of a very important civilizationinminiature.Software features:Professional:1. cause analysis2. Mingzaojianpi3. When the moon and Spirituality4. Wealth analysis5. day dry Mind6. Health Analysis7. Analysis of Love8. Character Analysis[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyzefortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight intotheleg, to help you smoothly! :Https://[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus,we will do everything possible to improve!:[email protected]
論八字 C8W_20220904_2300
Character telling (Calc8Words), professional and efficient,theprogram is small. Can quickly exhaust various character posterofthe disk.
愛情配對-八字合婚,情侶生日配對 1.0.8
【功能特點】1.多個測算欄目[命格分析、夫妻命宮、夫妻幸福指數、成就與愛夫指數、責任感與生育指數、寵愛對方指數、婚後旺夫指數、靈機大師點評]八大模塊,讓妳對妳的愛人更了解2.多人同時配對功能,助妳的選擇更合適自己的那一位【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected]
算命師 2.1
**大中華地區專業的算命應用**在算命師中,可以全方位分析您的性格,名字蘊含的天機,愛情,事業等等,讓你可以更好的掌握自己的人生,獲得更加美好的愛情姻緣。***八字合婚***千裏姻緣一線牽,冥冥之中命運早已安排了你們相遇。你們之間緣分的多少,能否白頭到老,能否牽手共度人生。古老的八字合婚將給出準確的合婚預測以及詳細的分析建議,為你們今後的愛情之路做好準備。***生辰八字***采用大中華地區傳統,準確的八字排盤,根據您的姓名,出生日期,性別來做分析。詳細解密出你的生辰八字,愛情財運,命書詳解,運勢詳批。對自己的八字命理,愛情運勢,財富運勢有詳細了解。大中華地區算命應用首創命書詳解,對你的骨重,命書作詳盡的分析。運勢詳批更是對你未來12年的每年大運進行詳細批述,讓你更加全面的掌控自己的未來運勢。***姓名解密***姓名,蘊涵了人的精、氣、神傳達著天地之玄機。姓名解密綜合了八字和姓名五格、三才配置、81數理來解析姓名。詳細解密你的三才五格,以及姓名對你基礎運,成功運,人際關系,性格等等的影響。***中華起名***中華起名通過人性別、姓氏、生辰八字、補救五行、數理搭配、五個的吉兇搭配和五行搭配等大中華地區傳統命理和知識來起名。獨創的基於中華命理的起名法,深入理解個性化需求;獨創的綜合五行、生肖、五格的取名法,滿足傳統取名的要求;更有時尚的詩詞文化典籍幫助你起名;以及全方位的美名解析,做專業的起名應用!**大中華地區專業的算命應用****GreaterChinaprofessional fortune-telling application **In the fortune teller, you can analyze the full rangeofyourcharacter, contains the names secret, love, career, etc.,soyoucan better control their own life, to get abetterlovemarriage.*** *** Character divinationTrinidad accompany marriage, somewhere fate has longbeenarrangedfor you to meet. How many among you fate, can growold,could spendlife in hand. Ancient character divinationdivinationwill giveaccurate forecasts and detailed analysis ofproposalsready for theroad you love the future.*** *** BirthdatesGreater China using traditional and accurate characterrowplate,according to your name, date of birth, gender, dotheanalysis.Details decrypt your birthday horoscopes, love,wealth,life booksexplain, in detail fortune batch. Theirhoroscopesnumerology,love, fortune, wealth, fortune detailedunderstanding.GreaterChina's first application fortune tellingbooks explain,your bonemass, a detailed analysis of the book oflife. Longfortune isgranted to you in the next 12 years, the annualGrandCanal batchdetail above, make you more complete control ofyourfuturefortune.*** *** Name decryptionName, implies the human essence, gas, God convey themysteryofheaven and earth. Name decrypted combination of characterandnamefive grid, Sancai configuration, 81 to resolvethemathematicalname. Detailed decrypting your Sancai five grid,andthe name onyour basic transportation, successfuloperation,relationships,character and so on.*** *** China namedChinese man named by gender, surname, date of birth, toremedythefive elements, mathematical mix of good and bad with fiveandthefive elements with the traditional knowledge of numerologyandtheGreater China region to named. Chinese numerology basedontheoriginal method of naming, in-depth understandingofindividualneeds; integrated original five elements, zodiac,fivegrid namedlaw to meet the requirements of the traditionalname;more culturalfashion poetry books to help you named;andcomprehensivereputation analysis, to do professionalnamedapplication!** Greater China professional fortune-telling application **
算命王 2.3.3
称骨算命 1.0.1
文墨天機•紫微斗數(基礎版) 1.8.8
Professional Ziwei Dou counting plate program, supportsmultipleplate styles such as Fei Xing, Sanhe, Qintian Four Hua etc.
科技紫微網 - 愛情・星座・紫微運勢免費算
科技紫微網為全球最大命理網站,由紫微權威張盛舒老師創辦,提供星座、紫微斗數、農民曆、姓名學、日韓命理、塔羅、生肖、心測、解夢、文章等免費優質命理服務,深受850萬名會員肯定。期待幫助大家趨吉避凶、造命改運,迎向幸福美好人生!【APP特色】1.星座運勢:日/週/月運勢及2021年運勢分析 2.紫微運勢:會員登入免費觀看日/週/月運勢,及免費試算2021運勢3.農民曆:吉日吉時、神明生日立即查詢4.命理文章:紫微、星座、塔羅、生肖、愛情、流月運勢、財運開運文章免費閱讀5.心理測驗:愛情配對、職場人際、人格特質等500題以上的免費心測【2021星座運勢】會員立即看~六大運勢獨家詳解!【2021紫微流年運勢】網友狂推!批流年最佳首選,七大運勢給予詳細分析。若有任何使用問題或建議,歡迎來信至[email protected]讓我們服務有持續進步的機會,非常感謝!
Prime Fortune-Love Zodiac Luck 9.0.7
Prime Fortune is written by Gangnam's best fortune teller.
BaZi Astrology 1.1.2
This App provides you an easy way to explore BaZi and assists youtobetter understand yourself, your lover, friends, family or evenyourboss. BaZi is a Chinese study of a person’s fate or destinythat hasbeen around for more than a thousand year. Those who donotunderstand BaZi are either confused about it, or claim that itispure superstition. However, BaZi, similar to astrology, tellsoneabout his or her personality, way of thinking, and mostsuitableoccupations. However, BaZi also shows one’s destiny,currentsituation in life, and provides much more details about apersonthan Western astrology. To know a person’s EXTERNALpersonality,check out the 10 Heavenly Stems. To know a person’sINTERNALpersonality, check out the 12 Earthly Branches. To know aperson’sGENERAL characteristics and qualities, check out the 10Gods inBaZi. Note:BaZi’s Earthly Branches and Zodiac Animals isdifferent.
稱骨算命 1.2
本程式集合了袁天罡稱骨歌的解說供各位參考。This program combinestheYuan Tiangang song called bone commentary for yourreference.