Top 17 Apps Similar to CCC - Computer Course

Ghar Baithe Computer Sikhe 0.0.3
This app is meant to help itsreaderslearnthebasics of Windows application, the hardwarecomponents,andallbasic data about a computer.This app is for anyone interested in learningmoreabouttheircomputer and how it works.This app covers the latest trends in IT applications.The app explains all the new features and programsthathavedevelopedfor Windows .App Contents -1. Computer and its Parts2. History of Computers3. Uses of Computers4. Software and Hardware5. Keyboard Basics6. Introduction to Windows7. Top Twenty Learnin8. Many More Topic
computer fast technique hindi 0.0.3
Before you spend hundreds or even thousandsona new computer, you may find it only takes a few simple stepstomake your Windows or Mac computer run faster.Know cheap or free ways to make your old PC run fasterLearn various kinds of shortcut tricks and various tips toruncomputer fast.This app will provide you many information like how toremovevirus,or how to make PC run fast.
CCC Course on Computer Concept 1.2
CCC Course on Computers Concepts
Computer GK 1.1.2
Computer Awareness, Computer GK App with ShortComputerNotes,Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Old Exam Papers inEnglishandHindi for competitive examinations. For more informationvisitourwebsite: Thank You.
Computer Shortcut Keys 3.2
A simple app for browsing popular shortcut key combinationsandcomputer tricks.
Learn tallyERP9 in HINDI 0.1
This app is for- Learning TallyERP9 in Hindi - features of this course-4-5hrs on line training-Very high quality Videos & Audios-Hands on examples-12 lessons covers step by step explanation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tally ERP 9 in Hindi contents-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 introduction ---------------------------Introduction to tally erp 9,understand Gateway of tally,Create, Delete & Alter a companyChapter 2 Payroll -----------------------------------Creation of payroll, a pay head,Payroll voucher, reports, employee& employee group ,salary intopayroll statementChapter 3 Accounting information -----------Working with group & Predefinedgroup creation of Single & multiplegroup, Single and multiple ledgers,Deleting a ledger voucher typesChapter 4 Vouchers -----------------------------Accounting voucher, Working withdifferent accounting voucher,Contras, Payment, Receipt r,Jamal, Sales &, purchase voucherEntering details into purchasevoucher Cash & credit voucherChapter 5 vouchers & reports ------------------Accounting voucher, sales voucherPurchase voucher & purchaseinvoicing Multiple item sales toa single costumer & single supplier,Stock summery, Sales register,Stock item & Purchase registerreport,report Stock group summery,Stock movement report, Go downsreport, Stock category vise reportChapter 6- Inventory manufacturing --------Introduction to manufacturinginventory stock category &godowns option, stock group,stock go downs & stockcategory, creating &maintainunit of measure & stock item,Understanding raw materialsand finished goods,reate andmaintain Inventory vouchersChapter 7 stock transfer entry -------------Chapter 8 A/c & financial report -----------Generating profit & loss A/Cperiod wise report, generatingbalance sheet & trail balance,Generating & Maintaining inventory,Enabling account with inventoryoption,Understanding F11 featuresoption,enabling stock category &go downs option,creating stock group,stock go downs & unit of measureChapter 9 Taxes and other changes----------Introduction of taxes, Entering VATinformation info company alterationscreen Enabling VAT option infopurchase & sales A/C, creatingduties and taxes, VAT voucherentry, maintain sales entry,Enter VAT details info,Automated VAT calculationVAT reportingChapter 10 Maintaining service tax ----------Enabling service tax to F11 featuresEntering service tax detail info theparticular company,service taxaccount preparation Enabling servicetax option to existing ledger account,Voucher entry, item invoicesales & purchase entries relatedto service taxChapter 11 Security control ---------------Introduction to security controlAdministrative user levelTally Vault passwordDifferent security levelBackup and restoring dataImportance of the locationChapter 12- tally net -------------------------Understanding TALLY .netHow to use TALLY .netLogin & logout TALLY.netUsers of TALLY.netFeatures of
learn computer in 30 days 0.0.4
Learn Computer in 30 DaysAre you new to using computers? Do you wonder what people meanwhenthey say the cloud, Windows, ISP, or app?If you are new to the computer, don't worry,with this"LearnComputer in 30 days" app.When it comes to learning today's technology, our ComputerBasicstutorial app has all of the basic concepts covered.*****CATEGORY*****- Basic Computers- Hard-Ware- Short Keys- Email Basics- Internet Basics- Mac OS- Online Safety- Windows- Devices- Digital Skills- Photos and Graphics- Social Media- Using the Cloud- Office 2010- Office 2013
Hindi Vyakaran for RPSC, MPSC 11.0
Hindi Vyakaran is an Indian App in Hindi Language which isFocusedonPreparation of Exam Like RPSC (Patwari), MPSC, RRB,JaipurMetro. ItCovers whole information related to Hindi Grammarandcovers thefollowing Topics :-- 1. Sangya 2. Sarvanaam 3. Kriya4.Kaal 5.Kaarak 6. Visheshan 7. Varn 8. Ling 9. Muhavare 10.Vaachy11. Vachan12. Viram Chinh 13. Avyay 14. Vaaky 15. Sandhi16.Samaas 17. Upsarg18. Paryaayvaachi 19. Vaakyaansh ke liye ekshabd20. Vilom shabd 21.Hindi bhasha ka Itihaas
Pariksha 3.0
Pariksha is an Indian App in Hindi Language which isFocusedonPreparation of Exam Like IBPS (P.O., Clerk), SSC(CGL,MTS,Intermediate), SBI, LIC, NICL, RRB, Railway, RPSC(Patwari),JaipurMetro. It Covers whole information related to eachandeverySubjects and Topics Like 1) Indian History 2) WorldHistory3)Indian Geography 4) World Geography 5) IndianConstitution6)Science 7) Physics 8) Chemistry 9) Rajasthan 10)World GK11)Current GK etc. परीक्षा एक ऐसी एपलिकेशन है जो आपको हिंदीभाषामेंकिसी भी परीक्षा की तैयारी कराने के लिए तैयार की गयी है,इसकेमाध्यमसे आप आई.बी.पी.एस. (प्रोबेशनरी ऑफिसर, क्लर्क), एस. एस.सी.,एस. बी.आई., एल. आई. सी. , ऍन. आई. सी. एल., रेलवे., आर. आर. बी.,आर.पी.एस. सी. (पटवारी), जयपुर मेट्रो और भी बहुत सी परीक्षाओं कीतैयारीकरसकते है, इसके माध्यम से उपयोगकर्ता को निम्न विषयोसेसम्बंधितजानकारी प्रस्तुत की गयी है- 1) भारत का इतिहास (सिन्धुघाटीसभ्यत,वैदिक संस्कृति, प्राचीन सभ्यता एवं संस्कृति, वैदिकसभ्यताएवंसंस्कृति, भारतीय राष्ट्रीयआन्दोलन, किसान व मजदुरआन्दोलन,सामाजिक वधार्मिक आन्दोलन, भक्ति आन्दोलन, सूफी आन्दोलन, संगमकाल,गुप्तकाल,गुप्तोत्तर काल : पुष्यभूति वंश (हर्षवर्धन),मौर्यकाल,मौर्योत्तरकाल, विजयनगर साम्राज्य, सल्तनतकाल, पूर्वमध्यकालीन भारत(दक्षिणभारत), पूर्व मध्यकालीन भारत (उत्तर भारत),मध्यकालीन भारत,मराठासाम्राज्य, मुग़ल साम्राज्य, आधुनिक भारत काइतिहास भाग 1,आधुनिकभारत का इतिहास भाग 2, आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास भाग3 ) 2) विश्वकाइतिहास (पुनर्जागरण, अमेरिका का स्वतंत्रता संग्राम,फ्रांसकीराज्यक्रांति, इटली का एकीकरण, जर्मनी का एकीकरण, रूसकीक्रांति,औद्योगिक क्रांति, प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध, चीनी क्रांति,फासिस्टोंका उदय,जर्मनी में नाजीवाद, दूसरा विश्वयुद्ध, जापानीसाम्राज्यवाद )3) भारतका भूगोल 4) विश्व का भूगोल 5) भारत का संविधान(राजनैतिकशब्दावली,संविधान के सामान्य प्रशन उत्तर , राज्य गठन परआधारितप्रश्न उत्तर,नागरिकता, भारतीय संविधान की विशेषताएँ, मौलिककर्तव्य,भारतीयसंविधान की धारा, राज्य के नीति-निर्देशकतत्व,उपराष्ट्रपति,राज्यसभा , लोकसभा, भारतीय संविधान के संशोधन,प्रमुखसंवैधानिकअनुच्छेद, मौलिक अधिकार, भारतीय संविधान केस्रोत,राष्ट्रपति,प्रधानमंत्री और मंत्रिपरिषद, विभिन्न परीक्षाओ मेंपूछेगएप्रश्नोत्तर ) 6) भौतिक विज्ञान' 7) रसायन विज्ञान8)राजस्थान(राजस्थान सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर)9)बैंकिंग(विभिन्न परीक्षाओं में पुछे गए प्रश्न, परिवहनएवंदूरसंचार,महत्वपूर्ण वर्ष, बैंकिंग इतिहास, भारतीय वित्तव्यवस्था,आर्थिकनियोजन, बजट इतिहास, भारतीय कृषि व्यवस्था, उद्योग एवंव्यापार,पिछलेवर्षो में पूछे गए प्रशन उत्तर ) 10) अर्थव्यवस्था 11)नवीनतमसामान्यज्ञान (भारत, विश्व, आर्थिकी, नियुक्तियां, पुरस्कार)आदि12)राजस्थान प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था विशेषांक ( उच्चन्यायालय,लोकायुक्त,राज्य सुचना आयुक्त, राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग)13)भारत मेंसबसे बड़ा,ऊँचा और लंबा ( प्रमुख व्यक्तियों के उपनाम,देशो के उपनाम,वन्य जीवअभ्यारण्य, भारत के राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक, भारत केप्रमुख शिक्षणएवंप्रशिक्षण संस्थान, भारत के प्रमुख समाचार पत्र )
Computer Networking Concepts 1.8
One-stop application for everything under Computer Networking!!
Computer General knowledge 1.0
Computer General knowledge Basic in hindiforvarious compitative exams.Computer science quiz in can share any of the question along with answer bywhatsapp,facebook,twitter,messeging etc.more questions will be added in next upcoming updates.
Computer Hardware Dictionary 0.0.8
It include all the terms used in hardware and small definitionisalso mentioned
Diploma Computer Engineering 2.2
Diploma Computer Engineering app have latest & advancedvideosof computer parts and programming for learning course. thisAppincludes Job & Aprantis information for all sections, Inthisapp shortcut links are provided to all Top Sites. You can usethisApp as a Web browser.Features:-- download all educational apps-downloads educational games-have links to all top websites on net.-app provide special offers,-Website Designing Services,-Mobile Application Designing Service,-Job Services,-online/Offline net courses,-Computer/Mobile Accessories & books in Mens Shoppy.- educational videos for Engineering & ITI Students- educational videos for computer engineer- educational apps for diploma computer- fun educational videos for computer engineering- educational video and apps for engineers- educational ITI videos free- teacher apps- teacher videos- learning with fun- educational video for automobile engg- educational videos for polytechnic- learning videos for mechanical engineer- recognize education app- educational videos for diploma engineering- train memory- improve Knowladge.________________________________Educational videos are advanced videos explicitly designedwitheducational purposes, or which have incidental orsecondaryeducational value. All types of videos may be used inaneducational environment. Educational videos are videos thataredesigned to teach people about certain subjects, expandconcepts,reinforce development, understand an historical event orculture,or assist them in learning as they play._________________________________This educational app is developed by-ADHIRAJ MOBILE- Manoj DoleDownload more educational Apps -
Samvidhan Notes (Constitution) 16.0
Evolutiona2z Presents an another useful app to learnabouttheBhartiya Samvidhan. An app which is very helpfulfortheCompetitive Exams like IBPS, SSC, RPSC, MPPSC,UPPSC..UPSC,IAS,RAS, SCRA, RAILWAY, PATWARI, RRB, UDC, LDC and manymore. Thisapphas covered all aspects related to Indian Constitutionlikeitsdefinition, formation, implementation and How does itGovernthecountry and we also come to know about our fundamentalrightsandtheir limitations as well. In this app you willgetIndianConstitution in hindi (Detailed + Quick Short Notes+PreviousExamsQuestions) Related to Constitution. Must install andshare itwithyour friends too. Proudly says: "MADE IN INDIA"
Computer Software Dictionary 0.0.8
It contain all the words related to computer software withshortdefinition .
Computer knowledge and MCQ 33.0
Computer awareness fundamentals and multiple choice questions
Learn Computer Science 23.3.1
★ ★ ★ ★ ★Learn more than 300 subjects lifetime free.★ ★ ★ ★ ★