Top 3 Apps Similar to SummerCamp15

Franchise Expo
myQaa SAS
L’application Franchise Expo Paris vouspermetd’avoir sur votre mobile l’essentiel du salon. Retrouvez lalistedes exposants, leurs coordonnées, le programme desconférences, leplan du salon…Préparez votre visite en sélectionnant les exposants etlesconférences qui vous intéressent.Grâce à cette application suivez l’actualité du salonendirect.The applicationFranchiseExpo Paris allows you to have on your mobile most of theshow. Thelist of exhibitors, their contact information, theconferenceprogram, the floorplan ...Plan your visit by selecting exhibitors and conferencesthatinterest you.With this application follow news live show.
ECRD 2014 1.0
myQaa SAS
The 7th European Conference on RareDiseases& Orphan Products (ECRD) will be held on 8 – 10 May2014 inBerlin, Germany. This biennial forum, organised by theEuropeanOrganisation for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS) and co-organisedby DIAEurope, brings together rare disease patients, policymakers,health care professionals, industry, payers,regulators,researchers and academics. The Conference provides auniqueplatform for the exchange of state-of-the-art information andideasin the fight against rare diseases. ECRD coversresearch,development of new treatments, healthcare, socialcare,information, public health and support at European, nationalandregional levels.The ECRD2014Berlin App enables delegates to stay connectedbefore,during and after the Conference in an interactive way.TheECRD2014Berlin App allows delegates to:- Stay up-to-date with the latest news about ECRD 2014- Access the multi-track programme- Access the posters- Access the list of exhibitors- Access the glossary of acronyms- Network with other attendees through the “Who’s atECRD”function- Respond to the evaluation forms for each session- Access practical information and venue maps- Access speaker presentations to be made available aftertheconference
Salon Auto Toulouse 2015 1.0
myQaa SAS
Repérez vous sur le salon, trouvezvosexposants. Accédez à toutes les infos pratiques. Découvrezlestemps forts de cet événement ! Une application qui vous guideralejour de votre visite!Locate on the show,findyour exhibitors. Access all practical information. Discoverthehighlights of this event! An application that will guide you ontheday of your visit!