Top 11 Apps Similar to Study Pro Marketing

Marketing Course 80.0
Free marketing course, learn step by step marketing andmarketresearch.
Marketing avec digiSchool 2.0
*** Réalisée par des professionnels du marketing,l’applicationMarketing est un moyen simple et ludique d’apprendreet de réviserles notions marketing de base. **** Marketing est composée de :- + de 10 thématiques marketing (voir ci-dessous)- + de 100 Fiches de cours enrichies d’exemples et decaspratiques- + de 500 Quiz- Des mégas quiz d'entraînement qui choisissent les questionsdefaçon aléatoire- Des paliers de progression pour évaluer votre niveau* Les Thématiques abordées dans Marketing :- Les Fondements du marketing : le marché, la segmentation,lesforces concurrentielles- Etudes et recherches : études qualitatives, étudesquantitatives,le questionnaire, la veille- Le produit : gamme de produit, Cycle de vie du produit,lepositionnement, la marque, le concept de qualité- Le prix : mode fixation du prix, la stratégie de prix- La distribution : les formes de commerce, les circuitsdedistribution, les zones de chalandise, la force de vente- La communication : le plan de communication, la publicité,lapromotion des ventes, les relations presse, lacommunicationinterne- Le marketing stratégique : matrice BCG, lepositionnementconcurrentiel, les matrices d’évaluation del’activité.- Le marketing management : le trade marketing, lecategorymanagement, l’ECR- Le marketing international : Diagnostic export, stratégiedemarketing à l’international, la douane, le transportL’application sera constamment enrichie de nouveaux contenusFicheset Quiz pour coller aux nouvelles tendances du marketing etainsicouvrir l’ensemble des théories marketing enseignées.* A qui s’adresse cette application ?L'app Marketing a été réalisée pour s’adapter à tous les profils:lycéens curieux de découvrir le monde de l’entreprise,étudiantscherchant à tester et/ou approfondir leurs connaissances ,autodidactes souhaitant perfectionner leurs connaissance enmarketinget e-marketing.* Comment utiliser l’application ?Le téléchargement est gratuit, il vous suffit ensuite dedébloquerles thématiques souhaitées en répondant aux quiz.***Produced by marketing professionals, the marketing applicationis asimple and fun way to learn and revise the marketing basics.**** Marketing is comprised of:- More than 10 marketing themes (see below)- More than 100 Teaching and learning enriched with examplesandcase studies- + 500 Quiz- The drive mega quiz choosing questions randomly- Bearings progress to assess your level* The themes addressed in Marketing:- The Fundamentals of marketing: market segmentation,competitiveforces- Studies and research: qualitative research, quantitativeresearch,questionnaire, the day before- The product: product range, life cycle product,positioning,branding, the concept of quality- Price: user pricing, pricing strategy- Distribution: forms of commerce, distribution channels,catchmentareas, the sales force- Communication: the communication plan, advertising,salespromotion, media relations, internal communications- Strategic marketing: BCG matrix, competitive positioning,diesevaluation of the activity.- Marketing management: the trade marketing, categorymanagement,ECR- International marketing: Diagnosis export marketingstrategyinternationally, customs, transportThe application will be constantly enriched with new sheets andQuizcontent to stick to the new trends in marketing, thus coveringallmarketing theories taught.* Who is this application?The app Marketing was conducted to suit all profiles:curiousstudents to discover the world of business, students seekingtotest and / or improve their knowledge, self-taught wishingtoimprove their knowledge in marketing and e-marketing . * How to use the application?The download is free, then just unlock the themes desiredbyanswering the quiz.
Dictionnaire De Marketing 0.0.8
Include all terms of management to clear the concepts.
Mercadeo y Negocios 4.4.1
Los mejores Podcast de NegociosInformación Actualizada para Empresarios y EmprendedoresAudios de Marketing y Negocios en EspañolAlgunos Temas que manejamos:- Casos de Estudio- Estrategias de Negocio- Marketing Digital- Educación Financiera- Recomendaciones para su NegocioBestBusinessPodcastUpdated Information for Employers and EntrepreneursSounds of Marketing and Business in SpanishSome topics we handle:- Case Studies- Business Strategies- Digital Marketing- Financial literacy- Recommendations for Business
Marketing - Lernkarten 2.6.26
Die optimale VorbereitungfürPrüfungenfachspezifischer MarketingausbildungensowieMarketingstudiengänge– Mit der kostenlosen LernsoftwareBRAINYOOund demSchäffer-Poeschel Verlag keine Prüfung mehrverhauen!Die rund 400 digitalen Lernkarteikarten beinhaltenallewichtigenThemen rund um Marketing (Inhalt u. A):Strategie und ForschungProdukt- und PreispolitikMarketing Know-HowFunktionen für effektives Lernen – BRAINYOO App/Lernsoftware:Automatische Wissenswiederholung: AnpassunganpersönlichenRhythmus und Lernfortschrittunterschiedliche Lernmodi:-Prüfungs-, Langzeitgedächtnis-, Powermodus-Online-, Offline-, mobiler Lernmodus-Erstellung eigener Lernkarten und Eselsbrücken-Einsehen der Lernstatistik-Synchronisation mit PC/Mac, iPhone/Pad und Android-EndgerätenDer Gebrauch der kostenlosen undwissenschaftlicherprobtenLernsoftware / App BRAINYOO ist imKaufpreis derMarketingLernkarten inbegriffen. Für die Nutzung derdigitalenMarketingKarteikarten werden daher keine weiterenKostenerhoben.Wichtig: Dies ist eine kostenlose Demo-Version.DasvollständigeProdukt ist kostenpflichtig zu erwerben!The optimalpreparationforexaminations of specialist marketing education andmarketingprograms- with the free educational software BRAINYOO andPoeschelPublisherSpanking no examination!The approximately 400 digital learning flashcardscontainallimportant topics related to marketing (content uA.):Strategy and ResearchProduct and pricing policyMarketing Know-HowFunctions for effective learning - BRAINYOO App/learningsoftware:Automatic knowledge repetition: adaptation to personalrhythmandlearning progressdifferent learning modes:-Prüfungs-, Langzeitgedächtnis-, Power Mode-online-, Offline, mobile learning mode-Creation Own flashcards and mnemonics-Einsehen Of learning statisticsSynchronization with PC / Mac, iPhone / Pad and Android devicesThe use of free and scientifically proven learning software/appBRAINYOO is included in the purchase price oftheMarketingflashcards. therefore no additional costs are chargedforthe useof digital marketing flashcards.Important: This is a free demo version. The completeproductischargeable to purchase!
Online-Marketing-Pauker 2.0.0
Meet playing online marketing - with the free onlinemarketingPauker!
Marketing Management 1.1
S J Group
This app will help you out to learn andstudyMarketing Management on your mobile. You can even download andsavethe files in your mobile for the further study.This App Is Ad Supported.TAG:MBA,Study Materials,MBA Study Material,Marketing Studies
Marketing 1.0
EveryDay New Internet Marketing Secrets&New StrategiesFeatures:• Most Strong Tips to Start Make Money Online• Best Ways to Increase Blog Traffic• Simple Tips To Network Marketing Success• The Way to Be ProfessionEveryDay NewInternetMarketing Secrets & Strategies NewFeatures:• Most Strong Start Tips to Make Money Online• Best Ways to Increase Blog Traffic• Simple Tips To Network Marketing Success• The Way to Be Profession
Mentalidade Empreendedora 1.87
Nesse aplicativo do MentalidadeEmpreendedora,eu vou te ensinar como começar um Negócio comPropósito, com muitosconteúdos exclusivos de Marketing eEmpreendedorismo Digital,abordando assuntos como: Empreendedorismo,Minaste, CrescimentoAcelerado com Artigos, Vídeos, Podcast e MuitoConteúdo deValor!That theEntrepreneurialMindset application, I'll teach you how to start abusiness withpurpose, with many exclusive content Marketing andDigitalEntrepreneurship, addressing issues such as:Entrepreneurship,Minaste, Accelerated Growth with articles, videos,podcast and VeryContent Value!
Marketing Question Answers 1.1.03
450+ questions that teaches you about marketing Concepts.
Digital Marketing Tips-7boats 1.0
The apps 'Digital Marketing Tips-7boats' isaninitiative by Seven Boats Info-System Pvt. Ltd. - one oftheleading digital marketing agency in India, to help webmasters&business owners keep themselves updated with latestdigitalmarketing news & SEO tips & to implement the samefor theirdigital marketing campaigns to get better return. Getregulararticles, tips, news & updates directly from yourappsdashboard.Seven Boats Info-System is an Indian leadership award winner,ISO9001:2008 digital marketing company providing internetmarketingstrategy & implementation services for businesses.Servicesinclude expert consulting, web marketing, SEO &Socialmarketing, web design & development, conversionoptimization& content writing.