Top 15 Games Similar to 버스트마스터 for Kakao

4th Anniversary Major Update - Original Hero Return
시티앤파이터 for Kakao
■■■■■ 게임소개 ■■■■■던전을 뛰어넘는 도시의 액션쾌감!당신의 스트레스를 시원하게 날려줄 최강의 콤보액션을 경험하라!■ 4인의 캐릭터 마다 지닌 특수 스킬 들을 강화하고, 놀랍도록 짜릿한스킬 콤보 액션으로 적들을 한방에 쓸어보세요!■ 미나가 알려주는 퀘스트를 따라 다양한 미션을 클리어 해 나가면서나도 모르게 강해져 있는 내 캐릭터를 확인해 보세요!■ 실시간 파티를 구성해보세요클리어하기 어려운 던전을 만나면, 친구들과 최대 3인 파티를 구성해서 도전 할 수 있어요!파티를 구성하면 공격력 증가는 보너스!■ 실시간 결투장에서 다른 유저들과 누가 더 강한지 멋진 한 판을 겨뤄보세요!나보다 전투력이 높은 상대를 나만의 컨트롤로 제압하는 재미! 실시간 대전 한판!■ 최고의 손맛을 느낄 수 있는 다양한 게임모드레벨이 올라갈 수록 더욱 다양한 모드를 경험할 수 있어요!모험던전: 5개의 모험지역을 클리어하며 내 캐릭터를 성장시키자!이벤트던전: 경험치, 골드, 다이아 등 다양한 보상을 얻을 수 있어요!대전: 실시간 대전으로 최강자를 가리고, 등급 올려서 랭킹보상 받자!히든던전: 강력한 보스에 도전해보세요!길드전: 최강의 길드를 가려라! 16강에 들고 토너먼트 최강자전을 정복하세요!※ 네트워크 게임으로 WIFI, 3G 접속 상태에서 즐기실 수 있습니다.※ 유료 아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.■ 청약철회 및 환불에 대한 안내 ■- 유료로 구매한 재화는 구매일로부터 7일 이내에 넷마블 고객센터를 통해 청약철회 신청이 가능합니다. 단, 유료재화를통해구매한 아이템은 청약철회가 제한되니 자세한 사항은 서비스 이용약관을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다.[넷마블 모바일 서비스 이용약관]☞ 청약철회 기간이 지난 후 사용하지 않은 재화의 환불을 원하는 경우 넷마블 고객센터를 통해 환불 신청을 할 수있으며,회사는 환불 수수료 10%를 공제한 나머지 금액을 환급합니다.■ 청약철회에 따른 효과 ■- 청약철회의 의사표시가 있는 경우 회사는 3영업일 이내에 지급받은 대금을 환급하며, 환급을 지연한 때에는 그지연기간에대하여 관련 법령에서 정하는 지연 이자를 지급합니다.■ 미성년자의 결제에 대한 특칙 ■미성년자가 법정대리인의 동의 없이 유료 재화를 구매한 경우, 미성년자 또는 법정대리인은 취소권을 행사할수있습니다.단, 미성년자의 구매가 법정대리인으로부터 처분을 허락 받은 재산의 범위 내인 경우이거나 미성년자가 사술 등을사용하여성년자로 믿게 한 때에는 취소가 제한되며 구매자가 미성년자인지 여부는 구매가 진행된 단말기의 명의자를기준으로판단됩니다.■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■- 공급자 : 넷마블게임즈(주) 대표이사 권영식- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 800MHz, Ram 512MB----개발자 연락처 :02-1588-3995서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 300사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746통신판매업 번호 : 제 2014-서울구로-1028 호
초밥의달인 for Kakao 1.0.3
일반 캐주얼 게임으로는 너무 부족하다!추억의 타이쿤 게임이 다이나믹 액션게임으로 돌아왔다!전국민 액션 타이쿤 게임! 초밥의 달인!매우 신나는 카톡 타이쿤 액션 게임!쉬운컨트롤과 중독성 최고의 초밥만들기 게임을 지금 바로 즐겨보세요.◆ 정해진 시간 내에 초밥을 만들어 손님에게 서빙하자 ◆정해진 1분 동안 최대한 많은 손님에게 초밥을 만들어 손님에게 팔아보세요. 빨리 서빙을 안하면 손님이 화가나요!!손님이맛있는 초밥을 먹을 수 있도록 긴장하시고~ 고!! 고!!◆ 나만의 초밥 레스토랑을 전세계로 확장하자 ◆전세계 15개 국가에 나만의 초밥레스토랑을 만들자!초밥을 팔아 모은 돈으로 레스토랑을 사자!각 국가의 특징을 살린 초밥 레스토랑 디자인과 내부 인테리어를 마음껏 느껴보세요.각 국가 초밥 레스토랑의 숨겨진 능력치를 찾아 보세요!◆ 내가 원하는 초밥을 만들어 보자 ◆50 여가지의 먹음직스러운 초밥 재료 중, 제일 먹고싶은 6개의 초밥재료를 뽑아 고고! 물론 비싼 초밥재료를 뽑고,비싼초밥을 팔면 부~~자가 되겠죠!◆ 초밥의 달인이 되세요! ◆내가 초밥의 달인이다!!친구 초밥 레스토랑을 방문하여, 친구 레스토랑에서 더 많은 초밥을 팔아 보세요!! 초밥의 달인이 됩니다!나만의 레스토랑에 내가 아닌 친구가 초밥의 달인이 되면 화가나요!◆ 국가별 레스토랑 손님을 만나보세요 ◆15개의 국가별 초밥 레스토랑에는 서로 다른 손님 캐릭터가 등장해요! 지금 만나보세요.손님의 다양한 표정과 화려한 애니메이션을 경험하세요!!◆ 유쾌하고 화려한 사운드 효과 ◆신나고 유쾌한 사운드효과로 그날 스트레쓰~~ 확~ 날리세요!배고플땐 언제나 초밥의 달인!! 한판으로 식욕을 돋구자!밥 먹으러 고! 고!----개발자 연락처 :Inquiries: [email protected] lack ofcasualgames is too!This dynamic action games Tycoon Games of memories came back!National action tycoon game! Master of sushi!Tycoon katok very exciting action game!Easy controls and addictive game to make the best sushinowenjoy.◆ within a certain time to make sushi serving guests let ◆Fixed one minute to make as many sushi guests to sellyourcustomers. Guests are served a mature quickly and angry! Sothatguests can relax and eat your delicious sushi to high! He!◆ expand your own sushi restaurant to the World Let ◆15 countries around the world and let's make your ownsushirestaurant!Sushi restaurant to sell lion collecting money!Advantage of the characteristics of each country and thesushirestaurant interior design to fully feel.Stats for each country to find out the hidden sushi restaurant!Let ◆ ◆ I want to make sushi50 kinds of sushi ingredients like the appetizing, I want to eatthebest sushi ingredients to pull archaeological six! Unplugexpensivesushi ingredients, of course, expensive sushi ~ ~ selfdoegetjyosell parts!◆ Have a master of sushi! ◆I am the master of sushi!Sushi restaurant to visit a friend, a friend who sold moresushirestaurant open! The master of sushi!I am not a friend of your own sushi restaurant, the master oftheangry!◆ ◆ Regional Meet restaurants guests15 countries have a different guest star sushi restaurantcharacterappears it! Meet now.Guests experience the variety of facial expressions andcolorfulanimation!Cheerful and colorful sound effect ◆ ◆Exciting and entertaining sound effects confirm that seuteuresseu~~ ~ me down!Whenever hungry sushi master! Gujarat bout to appetizing!And eat rice! He!
Reventure Lite 1.9.7
An adventure with 100 different endings
Cartoon Defense 4 1.2.7
New Cartoon Defense, finally coming back. Now, it is time for ustoattack.
Dokuro 1.2.7
Sometimes boney, sometimes charming, meet Dokuro thebone-a-fidehero!
Larva Heroes: Lavengers 2.9.2
A geeky Larva Heroes Game will surprise at the world likeLarvaAnimation
Air Battle: World War 1.0.16
Have you been waiting for somethingdifferent3D action air battle of WW1?Now you can play "Air Battle: World War"Air Battle: World War allows you time travel running back over1century ago.You fight as a pilot from allied powers or central powersagainsteach camp in the first world war.Fighters* Basic airplane : Sopwith Camel* Sopwith Triplane* Spad S XIII* Bristol F.2* S.E. 5s* Fokker series* Albatros seriesAirships and balloons* Graf Zeppelin* Drachen* Type 800 hot-air-balloon* HMA 23Ground units* Tanks* Armored vehicles* Infantry* Trucks* Military train* Guard towersYou have over 50 missions.Game Features(1) 18 fighters based on real history(2) Many of enemy airships , hot-air-balloon andfighters,bombers(3) 40 normal missions and extra 14 custom missions(4) Various weather condition(5) Various terrain mapsEach mission has wide array of modes.Tracking, slaughtering, looting, defense and so on.You can eliminate dozen of enemy fighters and ground unitsusingonly one shot, Le Prieur rocket. (splash damage)You can buy new advanced fighter, rocket, extra gas, repairkitand divine protection a shield saving mission moneyNow hit the road!Into the fire of burning western front sky.Time to travel to 1 century ago to be a ace pilot of WW1airbattle.Glory of sky is waiting for you!Homepage: :
Cartoon Defense 5 1.2.15
An Unexpected Adventure
Sengoku Defence 1.5.4
We ranked first place in thedailypre-reservation top chart!【 New-style defense game 】織田信長(Oda Nobunaga) vs 卑弥呼(Himiko)!武田信玄(Takeda Shingen) vs 源義経(Minamoto no Yoshitune)!Busho(a military commander) will fight with several generals!!The new defense game based on the history of Japan,which the media is paying attention is now released!▼▽▼This games features▼▽▼---Many patterns of your own unit---Think and use these three kinds of soldiers,Otono, Busho and Hei the best way!*大殿(Otono: a lord)*You'll able to operate the movement and make him attack.Also, it's able to collect the items,which the enemies drops by using Otono,in order to take some advantage in the game.*武将(Busho: a military commander)*Powerful military commander of the Sengoku(WarringStates)period,which really existed in the past.Same Busho can't exist at the same time in the field.But different Busho can, so use the best Busho at thebestpoint.*兵(Hei: soldier)*Regular soldiers.Using the good quality of them will make you win the war.---Stages along the chronological table---The stage will start from 弥生時代(Yayoi period) andgoes、平安時代(Heianperiod)、鎌倉時代(Kamakura period)、室町時代(Muromachi period) and so on.The bosses will be 卑弥呼(Himiko)、源義経(Minamoto no Yoshitune)、弁慶(Benkei)、足利尊氏(Ashikaga Takauji) and other existent person.---Defense game which has a sense of speed---This game goes speedy so you're now stress free from theboring time like the other defense games!▼▽▼Recommended to▼▽▼・Who likes Japanese Sengoku period.・Who loves playing defense games.・Who likes playing simulation games.・Who respects Ninja or Samurai or something like that.・Who wants to study about the history of Japan.▼▽▼Sengoku Defense is introduced through many medias▼▽▼Our Sengoku Defense is now attracting nationwide attention!!▼▽▼Update schedule▼▽▼We're making more stages so, don't miss it!■Shibusan AppsShibusan is the appli service provided by transcosmos inc.We will continue releasing more fun apps.
Larva Heroes : Lavengers 2014 1.0.0
★ Paid benefits : No Ads games, no ads,1,000magic candy★This game's story is defending enemy coming fromblackgate.Red and yellow larva this game's main character had been livedinthe sewer of New York City. But suddenly they were angeraboutenemy's attack. The reason is that larva's favorite sausagehadbeen stolen to enemy finding new energy resource. You canselectred and yellow larva hero character and summon hero friends.Pleaseeat sausage falling to defend attack of enemy.A geeky Larva animation had surprised at the worldsince2013Larva animation came back as defense game Ambitious work asgamedevelopers of South Korea★Amazing Event★Clear Hell Dungeon, Yon can get Cash item($59.99)Magic Candy 2,625 + Cookie 1,200The game story based on ‘ Lavengers episode Season-21‘Now! Let’s guard New York City from enemy◆ You can choose the favorite hero character ◆1. Yellow 2. Red 3. Super Yellow 4. Wizard Brown 5. Black Night6.Rainbow Warrior◆ You can buy Hero Friends 10 character fighting withHero◆Yellow /Red,/ Super yellow / Mask red / Cyborg red /Steel red/Viking red / Ninja red /Kung-fu red / Zorro red,◆ Total 360 stage as Each difficulty > Wow! Great playtime!◆Game fun and tension is changed as Each difficultyBeginner should play Easy mode and Expert should try to playMastermode◆ How to play / Tip ◆Defense game's Movement and attack proceed from side to sideUnit and Skill can be used with slot touchProperly placing defensive unit and strategically fightwithoffensive unitThe location of battles is the most important◆ facebook / Gooleplay ◆If you suggest facebook friends invitation and game install,youshould get item and3 Hero character. Also, You can see leader-board andrankingselecting GoolePlay◆ Captain Jack : Pick the Fortune Cookie ◆If you clear each game stage mode. You can get a 'CaptainJack'coupon.You can get one of gold,item,magic candy through fortune cookie◆ Hero transformation system ◆You can transform hero character into mighty hero in gameplayanduse Mighty Hero’s skillIt makes the most important counterattack chance◆ Mission Exclusive Stage 3,6,9 ◆Each world have three mission stage.M1 : Guard pink! / M2 : Defend wave attack! / M3 : Unit war-------------------------------------------------------------------★ This game is free and contain in-app items ★
Super Penguins 2.4.0
★★★★★ Help the Penguins rescue theirfriendsfrom the evil octopus, while avoiding obstacles andeatingdelicious fish! in this new ★FREE!★ Android Hit Title!★ Fun and Colorful Graphics★ Simple touch & tilt controls - Everyone can play!★ Lots of fun Powerups - Become a giant mutant penguin or ridearocket!★ Unlock new penguins - Choose your favorite!★ Level up your powers - Become stronger and increaseyourscore!★ Social Features - share your hiscore photos on twitter&facebook!Join the Arctic Adventure, its ★FREE!★
Gun Striker Plus+ 1.0.7
★ Gun Striker Plus+ ★★ Event ★★[ New Members ]- Gift for $20 (Game Items)- Gift list★ Bullet : 50★ Badges : 100★ Silver Coin : 100,000- Period : until November 30, 2015[ All Members ]- Gift for $4 (Game Items)- Gift list★ <12:00> Bullet 10★ <17:00> Bullet 10, Silver Coin 2000★ <21:00> Bullet 10, Silver Coin 2000 / Badges : 10- Period : everydayThe advent of a new FPS Defense game that anyone canenjoy!Not just a mere solo shooting game, "GUN STRIKER" supportsreal-timematch-ups!★ Characteristics of GUN STRIKER ★1. Simple controls and visceral shooting action displayed infull3D!2. Have you tried shooting a bazooka, yet? 60 different typesoffirearms and characters are available!3. A unique FPS that increases the intensity of a defense gameandthe liveliness and visceral action of an FPS, all whilesimplifyingcontrols.4. Protect the base from attacks by overwhelming waves ofterrifyingenemy troops!5. By supporting the flags of 253 countries, engagementisincreased!6. Complete more than 100 achievements by competingwithfriends!7. Not just a simple shooting game! Visceral real-timebattlesagainst global players via a complete global network!8. Check your rank through real-time global rankings!Show your skills to your global friends!GUN STRIKER is not a difficult game.GUN STRIKE - FPS Download now!
Demonic Savior 1.1.3
Com2uS USA
Thrilling action, dauntless heroes,andstunning graphics, all wrapped up in a compellingmulti-scenariostoryline! The journey starts now in Demonic Savior!This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor extra items.Play in English, Korean, or Japanese!Thrilling Action and Stunning Graphics!- Utilize each character's unique fighting style to defeatyourenemies!- Lose yourself in the vivid graphics of this Hit &Rungame!A Compelling Multi-Scenario Storyline!- Follow the captivating story as it unfolds from the perspectiveof4 main characters!Over 300 grand quests!- Up to 60 main and sub-quests for every character, and over300quests for you to conquer!* Items can be purchased in this game. To avoid extraservicefees, some items may be purchased through asubscriptionservice.* For Com2uS Mobile Game Terms of Service, visit* For questions or customer support, please contact ourCustomerSupport by visiting
Dinosaur Slayer 1.3.10
D&D Dream
It is an action arcade game which has the fantastic hitting sense