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Voodoo 1.2
Welcome to the official mobile app forthe17thAnnual Voodoo Music + Arts Experience in New Orleans.Exploretheartist line-up, view maps and customize your personalschedulewiththis digital guide to Voodoo. Most of the functionallydoesnot needconnection to wireless or cellular networks, so gettheapp andprepare to Worship the Music!Features:Schedule: An interactive line-up, with a customschedulefeaturewhich allows users to sort the line-up by day,schedule andartistand to then create your own custom schedule.Travel: Information about New Orleanstransportation,musicvenues, hotels and more.Artist Info: Each schedule item includes artist bios,socialmedialinks, official websites and artist pictures.Interactive Map: Allows you to check the schedule by tappingonastage icon.News: A constant stream of official Voodoo news fromFacebookandTwitter.Event Info: Find all the answers you need about VoodooandNewOrleans. Beyond the traditional FAQ, there arespecialsectionsabout Credentials, Travel, Art Installations, MarketPlace,NO Foodand Amusements.Interactive: Post your Voodoo pictures and statusupdatesdirectlyfrom the app to your Facebook and Twitteraccounts!
Tu primer muñeco de vudú 5.0.0
Punto Molón
Conviértete en un auténtico maestro del vudú.El vudú es una religión que se originó a partir de lascreenciasque poseían los pueblos que fueron trasladados comoesclavos desdeel África Occidental, del contacto de estas creenciascon lareligión cristiana propia de los países a donde fuerontrasladados.Se trata de una variante teísta de un sistema animista,provisto deun fuerte componente mágico. Por su vinculación directacon lacosmología y los sistemas de creencias neolíticos, suestudioresulta de gran interés en el campo de la paleoantropología.Elvudú se encuentra entre las religiones más antiguas delmundo.El vudú ha sido un fuerte referente para la culturapopular,debido a la atribuida capacidad de los bokor para resucitara losmuertos y hacerlos trabajar en su provecho (zombis), así comola deprovocar la muerte a voluntad. De igual interés popularhanresultado otros elementos folclóricos como los muñecos de vudú,queson una especie de pequeños fetiches (que pretendenserrepresentaciones de personas) con forma humanoide fabricadoscondiversos materiales, los cuales se cree que están vinculadosalespíritu de una determinada persona; un ejemplo de ello esquepopularmente se dice de ellos que lo que se les haga le sucedeaquien el muñeco haya sido hecho para representar. Esfrecuenteencontrar referencias en la literatura o en el cine en elque estosfetiches se usan en rituales de magia negra, en los cualesseclavan agujas al muñeco en algún lugar del cuerpo o se leaplicaalgún tipo de martirio, y así la persona vinculada sufriráalgúnmal o una maldición; cabe señalar, sin embargo, que envarioscasos, se suele poner como factor de trascendencia endichosrituales el que su apariencia externa sea lo más parecidaposible ala de persona con quién se vinculan, lo que sugiere que,para losfines de manipular o torturar, necesitarían un vínculo másligadoal mundo terrenal que al espiritual. Existe una amplialiteratura yfilmografía al respecto, que frecuentemente tiende adeformar ydemonizar este conjunto de prácticas religiosas.Become a real masterofvoodoo.Voodoo is a religion that originated from the beliefs held bythepeople who were taken as slaves from West Africa, the contactofthese beliefs with Christianity own countries where they weretaken.It is a theistic variant animistic system, provided with astrongmagical. For his direct link with cosmology and theNeolithic beliefsystems, their study is of great interest in thefield ofpaleoanthropology. Voodoo is among the oldest religions intheworld.Voodoo has been a strong reference for popular culture, duetothe ability of Bokor attributed to resurrect the dead and makethemwork to their advantage (zombies), as well as to kill atwill.Equally popular interest have proved other folk elements suchasvoodoo dolls, which are a kind of small fetishes (who claim toberepresentations of people) with humanoid made of variousmaterials,which are believed to be linked to the spirit of aparticularperson; An example of this is popularly said of them thatwhat theydo happens to whom the doll has been made to represent.You willoften see references in literature or cinema in whichthesefetishes are used in black magic rituals in which the dollneedlesare stuck somewhere in the body or applied some kind ofmartyrdom,and thus the person linked suffer any evil or a curse; itshould benoted, however, that in several cases, we usually put as afactorof importance in such rituals which its external appearanceis asclose as possible to the person who linked, suggesting that,forthe purpose of manipulating or torture, need more linked totheunderworld that the spiritual bond. There is extensiveliteratureand filmography about that often tends to distort anddemonize thisset of religious practices.
TiVo Classic
TiVo, Inc.
[If you have TiVo® Series 4 or above,downloadthe new TiVo app from here]TiVo® DVR customers can get the TiVo experience in the palm oftheirhands with the FREE TiVo app. Turn your Android phone or7inchtablet into command central for your TiVo DVR. Now you canstreamlive TV and recordings to your Android device as well assearch,browse, discover and share without ever interrupting theshow you’rewatching. Quickly surface new content, view guides,schedule andmanage recordings, get recommendations, or dig deeperinto aparticular actor’s entire resume—all using intuitive,gesture-basedinteraction.Features (some features are only available to TiVo Roamio®andPremiere DVR customers):> Stream live TV and recordings over WiFi or yourcellularnetwork for on-the-go viewing> Browse the channel guide without interrupting the showyou’rewatching> View shows up to 14 days in advance> Schedule TV show/movie recordings and ongoing (SeasonPass®)recordings> Browse your recorded shows list and play a show fromtheApp> Find exactly what you want to watch- Search across TV, Netflix, & Amazon Instant Video—andseeintegrated results On Demand to find what you are lookingfor> Explore cast and crew while watching a show> Comment about what you’re watching on Facebook orTwitter> Use a TiVo remote control replica or ourintuitive,gesture-based remote control> Manage your ongoing (Season Pass®) recordings and yourTo-DoList- Delete and re-prioritize recordings for your favorite shows> Instantly schedule, search and browse for shows whileyou’reaway from homeHaving troubles finding or connecting to your TiVo DVR? Try oneormore of these steps:* Restart your network router by unplugging it, waiting 30seconds,and plugging it back in* Restart your TiVo DVR by following the instructions in theTiVomenus under Settings & Messages > Help > Restart orResetSystem > Restart the TiVo Box* Go to for moretroubleshootingtips
Best Horror Movies Dtbase FREE 1.1
BEFORE USING ALLOW FOR THE DATABASE TODOWNLOADTO YOUR PHONE.THE BEST HORROR MOVIES DATABASE APP IS THE DATABASE OF ALL THE"TOPRATED" HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME FOR HORROR MOVIE SUGGESTIONS!BUTTHAT'S NOT ALL! YOU ALSO GET THE CLASSICS HORROR LIBRARY,THELARGEST LIBRARY OF TOP RATED HORROR MOVIE CLASSICS YOU CAN WATCHONYOUR PHONE FREE!DISCLAIMER: ONLY LEGAL PUBLIC DOMAIN TOP RATED CLASSICHORRORMOVIES ARE AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON THIS APP.YOU GET TWO HORROR MOVIE LIBRARIES:* One is the database of all the top rated horror movies of alltimefor horror movie suggestions.* The other is the largest library of top rated and legalhorrormovies classics to watch on your phone.Both libraries are in alphabetical order, updated whenhorrormovies come out that meet our criteria, and are searchablebytitle, actor, director, writer, year, decade, or keywords suchassupernatural, haunted house, zombies, monster, slasher,gore,backwoods, survival or whatever you are in the mood for.The Best Horror Movies Database is a must have for thetruehorror fan. The Best Horror Movies Database App features over700+( and growing ) only "top rated" horror movies, cult horrormovies,and classic horror movies featuring great directors such asGeorgeRomero, Francis Ford Coppola, Alfred Hitchcock, RomanPolanski,Takashi Miike, Sam Raimi, Dario Argento, John Carpenterand others!The app is a great research tool! Search to find if yourfavoriteactor is in a horror movie, or how many films yourfavoritedirector has worked in.But that's not all! With The Best Horror Movies Database app,youalso get the largest library of "top-rated" horror movieclassicsfeaturing the greatest horror actors of all time such asVincentPrice, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Jr. and PeterCushing.These films you can watch right on your phone at FREE!For your convenience, the app also provides the Netflix,Amazonand Vudu links for premium feature movies you can watch onthoseaccounts.APP FEATURES* Browse the ever growing horror movie library* Beautiful and simple to user interface with customspookydesigns* Movie ratings right on the horror library for easyselection* Automatic updates of your horror library without anappupgrade* Research or search for horror movie suggestions bysearchingby:Film TitleDirectorActorYearWriterDecadeKeywordsOnce you tap on a film that interests you can:* Watch its full trailer or clip* See movie description, year, directors, actors, ratingsandmore!* Share movie titles with your friends on Twitter or Facebook* Watch the top rated and *LEGAL* classic horror movies fromtheCLASSICS library on your phone's built-in YouTube videoplayerFREE!* Similar movie suggestions for each horror film* Movie stills* DVD cover details* Links to your Netflix, Amazon, or Vudu accounts.OTHER USES:Have you been working long hours lately or are just out of theloop?With The Best Horror Movies Database app you will find thetop ratedhorror movie releases you've missed by searching by thecurrent yearor any previous years.With The Best Horror Movies Database App you can find thehorrormovie you are in the mood for with a quick search. Detailsearchinstructions and popular keywords can be found on the "Help"pageon the movie information pages.If you enjoyed the app, please leave a review. Otherwise,pleasecontact us with any issues about the app at:[email protected] you and Enjoy!!
Tu muñeco de vudú Hipster 2.0.0
Punto Molón
El vudú es una religión que se originó apartirde las creencias que poseían los pueblos que fuerontrasladados comoesclavos desde el África Occidental, del contactode estas creenciascon la religión cristiana propia de los países adonde fuerontrasladados. Se trata de una variante teísta de unsistema animista,provisto de un fuerte componente mágico. Por suvinculación directacon la cosmología y los sistemas de creenciasneolíticos, su estudioresulta de gran interés en el campo de lapaleoantropología. El vudúse encuentra entre las religiones másantiguas del mundo.Voodoo is a religionthatoriginated from the beliefs held by the people who were takenasslaves from West Africa, the contact of these beliefs with theveryChristian religion of the countries they were taken. It isatheistic variant animistic system, provided with a strongmagicalcomponent. For his direct link with cosmology and theNeolithicbelief systems, their study is of great interest in thefield ofpaleoanthropology. Voodoo is among the oldest religions intheworld.
On Demand Purchases
XFINITY On Demand™ customers can now watchTVshows and movies, purchased on their set-top boxes or online,withthe XFINITY On Demand Purchases app.REQUIREMENTS:• Wi-Fi Internet or cellular data connection for streaminganddownloading of video.• Android OS 4.0+• XFINITY TV or Comcast Digital Video service with access toXFINITYOn Demand™.• Comcast ID or email address and password.Streaming and downloading of video is notavailableinternationally.• Support URL:• Marketing URL:• Privacy Policy URL:• Keywords: Video, Streaming, XFINITY, TV, Movies, Downloads,OnDemand, Purchase