Top 21 Games Similar to Triathlon

Ironman Triathlon 1.0
Ironman Triathlon Is Your Best AndroidAppIfYou Want To Learn everything about Ironman Triathlon.what is ironman triathlon?The triathlon is an individual game andresistance,whichcomprises three disciplines: swimming, cycling andrunning. Itisportrayed by a standout amongst the most difficultgames thatexistin the scene of the present worldwide rivalryironmantriathlondistances. Competitors hone, keep up a genuinetrainingtimetableto have the capacity to adapt to requesting statesof thetests,both physical and mental.With this application you will enhance your execution inthegameof triathlon particular training for three gamesironmantriathlonrecord. You will discover training segments intheexercise center,the particular day for the game oftriathlon.ironman triathlontraining, Nutrition Recommendations andguidancefor legitimatearrangement of the race.You've invested the effort. You've put in thetraining.You'velogged the hours. Presently it's race time. Makecertain nottooverlook the indispensable things for hustling yourtriathlon.TheBuilding Iron Triathlon Checklist App is asimple,ironmantriathlonlengths free application that gives thislist in a simpleto handleconstantly convenient portableapplication.The Triathlon Checklist additionally gives an essentialraceweektraining plan to remind you to keep sharp while decreasing,soyourdiligent work can pay off.Download Ironman Triathlon App It's FREE!
Triathlon races-triathlon tris 5.0.0
This is an app that collects themostrelevantinternational triathlon races series e.g. IRONMAN,IRONMAN70.3,World Triathlon Series, Triathlon World Cup,5i50,Xterra,CAMTRI,Half, Sprint triathlon, Super Sprinttriathlon,Ironkids, Irongirls, multi sports festivals, someDuathlon, Paratriathlonbetween othersTriathlon finder events for triathletes around the worldwhenitcomes to finding triathlon races.We list the triathlon races for a particular location on amapsoyou can visually see where they are locatedWhether you are participant or spectator you willfindallimportant information about the largestinternationaltriathlonsevents in the world.Key functions:- International Events: IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3,WorldTriathlonSeries, Triathlon World Cup, 5i50, Xterra,CAMTRI,Half,Sprinttriathlon, Super Sprint triathlon, Ironkids, Irongirls,multisports festivals, some Duathlon, Para triathlon.Event information in a basic list- Location: We list the triathlon races for aparticularlocationon a map so you can visually see where theyarelocated.- Filter by country: you can filter the races bycountryorcontinent pressing on the map• Triathlon in North America (especially US triathlonsandMexicotriathlon)• Triathlon in South America(especially BrasiltriathlonsandArgentina triathlon)• Triathlon in Europe (especially UK , France, ItalyandSpaintriathlons)• Triathlon in Africa (especially South Africatriathlons,UgandaTriathlons, Mauritius Triathlons, Moroccotriathlons)• Triathlon in Asia and Middle East (specially JapanTriathlons,China Triathlons, HongKongTriathlons,SingaporeTriathlons,ThailandTriathlons,VietnamTriathlons,MalaysiaTriathlons,IndonesiaTriathlons)• Triathlon in Australasia or Oceania (specially AustraliaandNewZealand triathlon)- Marathon International races app: You have access tothisappfor Marathon, Ultramarathon, half marathon andInternationalEventinformation- Feedback section: We collect all the confirmed andmostrelevantinternational events. If you are especially interestedinone specialcountry please send us an email and we are goingtosearch triathlonevents especially for you in this country. Wearereally pleased toreceive any feedback about how to improve theappfor you.Something about triathlon:A triathlon is a multiple-stage competitioninvolvingthecompletion of three continuous andsequentialendurancedisciplines. While many variations of the sportexist,triathlon,in its most popular form, involves swimming,cycling, andrunningin immediate succession over various distances.Triathletescompetefor fastest overall course completion time,includingtimed"transitions" between the swim, cycle, and runcomponents.Triathlon races vary in distance. According totheInternationalTriathlon Union, and USA Triathlon, themaininternational racedistances are:Sprint Distance; 750-meter (0.47-mile)swim,20-kilometer(12-mile) bike, 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) runIntermediate (or standard) distance; commonly referred toasthe"Olympic distance": 1.5-kilometer (0.93-mile)swim,40-kilometer(25-mile) bike, 10-kilometer (6.2-mile) runLong Course; commonly referred to as 70.3 (totaldistanceinmiles, equivalent to 113.1 km) or the'half-Ironman';1.9-kilometer(1.2-mile) swim, 90-kilometer (56-mile)bike, and a21.1-kilometer(13.1-mile) run (half marathon)Ultra Distance; commonly referred to as 140.6 (totaldistanceinmiles, equivalent to 226.2 km) or the'Ironman';3.8-kilometer(2.4-mile) swim, 180.2-kilometer(112.0-mile) bike,and a42.2-kilometer (26.2-mile) run (fullmarathon)The most recognized branded Ultra Distance istheIronmantriathlon also known as "long distance”or FullHalf also known as "middle distance", "70.3"(totalmilestraveled), or "half-ironman".Olympics or standards also known as"internationaldistance","standard course", or "short course"
Triathlon 1.0.2
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Find all the info Triathlon: News, Videos, Tips, Workouts
トライアスロン公式アプリ 1.0.1
日本トライアスロン連合が提供する、トライアスロンを楽しむすべての人のためのアプリです。トライアスロン競技参加者や観戦者に役立つ情報を発信していきます。主要大会の概要や最新ランキングをはじめ、各大会関連情報など掲載しています。Japan TriathlonUniontoprovide, is the app for all those who enjoy thetriathlon.We will continue to disseminate information that willhelpintriathlon competition participants and spectators.Overview and started the latest rankings of the majortournament,ithas published such as each event-relatedinformation.
Swimming Tips 2.5
This app is a lists ofobservations and recommendations onhowswimmers can improve in their swimming and how parents cansupporttheir child’s involvement in the sport. The tips willassistswimmers of all ages to improve how they train and how theyswimeach of the four competitive strokes—freestyle,backstroke,breaststroke and butterfly. Junior and age groupswimmers will bethe ones who will benefit the most by reading andpracticing thesuggestions in these tips. The book begins by listing20 of themost important tips based on observations at trainingsessions. Byfollowing these tips, swimmers will be able todramatically improvetheir swimming and associated technique, skillsand drills.Swimmers who actively improve in these areas will alsoshow majorimprovements in their competition performance over time.Health andnutrition is an important part of every swimmers trainingandcompetition program. The tips in this app will assist swimmerstoperform at their best by eating well and staying hydrated.Parenteducation is very important in the sport of swimming and thenextsection provides tips for swimming parents on how they canbestsupport their child. The remaining chapters look closely ateach ofthe four competition strokes—freestyle, backstroke,breaststrokeand butterfly. The tips provided here will assist alljunior andage group swimmers to improve in training andcompetition. Pleasedo rate the application and leave your valuablecomments, we wouldbe happy to hear from you all to improve this.
Rallying 1.0
Rallying is a form of motorsportthattakesplace on public or private roads with modifiedproductionorspecially built road-legal cars.It is distinguished by running not on a circuit, but insteadinapoint-to-point format in which participants andtheirco-driversdrive between set control points (specialstages),leaving atregular intervals from one or more start points.Ralliesmay be wonby pure speed within the stages or alternativelybydriving to apredetermined ideal journey time within thestages.In the wake of the ever more advanced rally cars ofthe21stcentury is a trend towards historic rallying (also knownasclassicrallying), in which older cars compete underolderrules.This is a popular sport and even attracts somepreviousdriversback into the sport. Many who enter, however, havestartedtheircompetition careers in historic rallying.
Triathlete's Training Diary 2.0
Key Features:* Track your training progress* Add/Edit training sessions via dashboard interface* Graph training volume/distance over time* Widget - set a countdown timer for your next event.Viewyourweekly summary* Swipe through your weekly training entries* Export training data into CSV format* View Grand Totals from all of your training sessionsNotes:* You will need to familiarse yourself with the longclickwhenworking with the dashboard. This basically requires toPressandhold an area of the screen.* The app uses the calendar weeks from 1 through to 52percalendaryear.Keywords: [triathlon, triathlete, ironman,trilogger,endurancetriathletes log, tri, triathletes diary, olympicdistance, diary, triathlon diary, swim, bike,run]
Триатлон нормативы 1.0.3
Программа предоставляет удобный интерфейс для работы сединымвсероссийским классификатором норм выполнения спортивныхразрядов испортивных званий триатлетами. Если вы хотите знать скакимвременем вам нужно завершить соревнование, чтобыполучитьспортивный разряд или спортивное звание по триатлону этапрограммабудет вам весьма кстати. Справочник содержит нормативы вследующихвидах: - Триатлон-длинная дистанция. - Триатлон. -Триатлон -спринт. - Триатлон-зимний. - Триатлон-кросс. - Дуатлон.-Дуатлон-спринт. - Акватлон. В случае каких-либо изменений вЕВСКбудут выпущены обновления.
Triathlon Brasil 1.1
Aplicativo de fácil acesso aoslinksdasFederações Brasileiras de Triathlon, IRONMAN BRASILeIROMANOFFICIAL SITE.Application easyaccesstolinks Federations Brazilian Triathlon, IRONMAN BRAZILandIronmanOFFICIAL SITE.
Triathlon LUMINA 1.2
Triathlon LUMINAは、洗練されたヴィジュアルでトライアスロンのあるライフスタイルの遊び方を提案する月刊誌「トライアスロン・ルミナ」の電子版や、トライスロンをはじめとするライフスタイルスポーツ関連の情報を配信するアプリです。・Triathlon LUMINA電子版をダウンロードいただけます。・電子版では、記事検索やキーワード検索ができ、気に入った記事にブックマークを貼って、見たいときにすぐチェックできます。・今後は毎月2日発売の最新号をリリースしていくとともに、バックナンバー販売や、特集記事販売、トライアスロン関連カタログのダウンロードなども展開していく予定です。The TriathlonLUMINA,atriathlon in visual sophisticatedAnd electronic version monthly magazine to suggest howtoplaylifestyle "Triathlon Lumina"It is an application that delivers information oflifestylesports,including Toraisuron.· You can download the electronic version TriathlonLUMINA.• In the electronic version, you can keyword searchandarticlesearch, put a bookmark to the article you like,You can check immediately when you want to see.· We continue to release the latest issue of the releasethe2ndmonth, and back issues sell in the future,We plan to expand sales of feature articles, as well asdownloadsoftriathlon related catalog.
Hurling 1.0
Hurling (Irish: iománaíocht/iomáint)isanoutside group session of old Gaelic and Irishorigin,irishhurlingdirected by the Gaelic Athletic Association(GAA). Theamusementhas ancient starting points, and has beenplayed3,000years.hurling sport One of Ireland's local Gaelicdiversions,itimparts various elements to Gaelic football, forexample, the field and goals,hurling ball the quantityofplayers,and much phrasing. There is a comparative amusementforladies calledcamogie (camógaíocht). It imparts a typicalGaelicroot to the sportof shinty (camanachd),hurling equipmentwhich isplayed dominatinglyin Scotland.this application'll help you thoroughlyunderstandthisdiversion- the rules- Ball- Helmets- Technical fouls- the players- field...furthermore, even enhance your aptitudes and give youafewinformations that you well don't discoverinanotherapplicationDownload Hurling App It's FREE!
Hunting 1.0
Hunting is the practice of killingortrappingany animal, or pursuing or tracking it with the intentofdoing so.Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly donebyhumansfor food, recreation, to remove predators that aredangeroustohumans or domestic animals, or for trade.Lawful hunting is distinguished from poaching, whichistheillegal killing, trapping or capture of the huntedspecies.Thespecies that are hunted are referred to as game or preyandareusually mammals and birds.Hunting can also be a means of pest control.Huntingadvocatesstate that hunting can be a necessary component[1]ofmodernwildlife management, for example, to help maintainapopulation ofhealthy animals within an environment'secologicalcarryingcapacity when natural checks such as predatorsare absentor veryrare.However, hunting has also heavily contributed totheendangerment,extirpation and extinction of many animals.The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food offishiscalled fishing, which is not commonly categorised as aformofhunting. It is also not considered hunting topursueanimalswithout intent to kill them, as inwildlifephotography,birdwatching, or scientific research activitieswhichinvolvetranquilizing and/or tagging of animals or birds.Thepractice offoraging or gathering materials from plantsandmushrooms is alsoconsidered separate from hunting.Skillful tracking and acquisition of an elusive targethascausedthe word hunt to be used in the vernacular as a metaphor,asintreasure hunting, "bargain hunting", and even"huntingdowncorruption and waste".
Futsal 1.0
Futsal is played between two groupsoffiveplayers every, one of whom is the goalkeeper.futsalshoesUnlimitedsubstitutions are allowed. Not at all like somedifferenttypes ofindoor football, the amusement is played on a hardcourtsurfacedelimited by lines;futsal ball dividers or sheets arenotutilized.Futsal is additionally played with a littler ballwithlessricochet than a general football because of the surfaceofthefield.The surface, ball and principles make an accentuationonimpromptucreation, innovativeness, and system and in additionballcontrol andgoing in little spaces.futsal originates from Spanish fútbol sala or fútbol desalónandfrom Portuguese futebol de salão. The term isgenerallydecipheredas "indoor football" yet it's genuinetransliterationis"corridor/relax football". Amid the game's secondworld titlesheldin Madrid in 1985, the Spanish name fútbol sala wasutilized.Sincethen,futsal world cup every single other name havebeenformallyand universally changed to futsal.The naming was because of a debate between FIFUSA (theancestortothe AMF) and FIFA over the name of fútbol,city futsalFIFUSAhasenrolled the word fut-sal in 1985 (Madrid, Spain). Fromthatpointforward FIFA has likewise begun utilizing the termfutsal. Thenamehas been converted into Portuguese as futebol desalão, Spanishasfútbol sala, Italian as calcio a 5,portland futsaland Frenchasfootball de salle.Download Futsal App It's FREE!
Gliding 1.0
Gliding is a recreational movementandfocusedair wear in which pilots fly unpowered flying machineknownaslightweight planes or sailplanes utilizingnormallyhappeningstreams of rising air in the environment to stayairborne.The wordtaking off is additionally utilized for the game.Gliding as a game started in the 1920s.hang glidingInitiallythegoal was to expand the span of flights yet soonpilotsendeavoredcrosscountry flights far from the place ofdispatch.hand glidingImprovements in optimal design and inthecomprehension of climatephenomena have permitted moreprominentseparations at higher normalvelocities. Long separationsarecurrently flown utilizing any ofthe principle wellspringsofrising air: edge lift, thermals and leewaves.At the point when conditions are favourable,hangglidinglessonsexperienced pilots can now fly many kilometers beforecomingbackto their home runways; once in a while flights of morethan1,000kilometers (621 mi) are achieved,hang gliding near meNotwithstanding national laws controllingaviation,cliffglidingthe game in numerous nations is directedhowever nationalglidingaffiliations and afterward throughneighborhood glidingclubs. Asignificant part of the directionconcerns wellbeingandpreparing.Numerous clubs give preparing to new pilots. Theunderstudyflieswith a teacher in a two-situate lightweight planefitted withdoublecontrols. The teacher plays out the maindispatches andarrivals,ordinarily from the rearward sittingarrangement, yetgenerally theunderstudy deals with the controlsuntil theunderstudy is deemed tohave the ability and theairmanshipimportant to fly solo. Testsystems are likewise startingto beutilized as a part of preparing,particularly amidpoorclimate.Download Gliding App It's FREE!
Zorbing 1.0
Zorbing (globe-riding, sphereing, orbing)isthediversion or game of moving downhill inside a circle,aquazorbingfor the most part made of straightforward plastic.Zorbingis for themost part performed on a tender incline, yetshouldlikewise bepossible on a level surface, allowing moreridercontrol. Withoutslopes some administrators have builtinflatable,wooden, waterzorbing or metal inclines.Because of the light way of the spheres, Zorbing canlikewisebedone on water, gave the circle is swelled legitimatelyandfixedonce the rider is inside. "Water strolling" utilizingsuchsphereshas become prevalent in theme stops over the UK. Therearetwosorts of spheres, zorbing locations saddledandnon-bridled.Non-saddle spheres convey up to three riders, whilethebridlecircles are developed for one to two riders. Twofoldsaddlecircleshave diverse slant requirements, and should just beworkedinparticular locations. The more extended runs are roughlyalargeportion of a mile. The principal zorbing site was builtupinRotorua, New Zealand,Akers.The zorb is twofold segmented, zorbing near me withoneballinside the other with an air layer in the middle of(dissimilartothe water strolling ball, which is normally asolitarythin-walledball). This goes about as a safeguard for therider,damping knockswhile voyaging. Circles are lightweight andmade ofadaptableplastic, rather than the inflexible plastic, forinstance,of ahamster ball.Numerous circles have straps to hold the rider setup,whileothers leave the rider allowed to walk the sphere aroundorbehurled about uninhibitedly by the moving movement.Anordinarysphere is around 3 meters (10 ft) in diameter, withaninternalcircle size of around 2 meters (6 ft 7 in), leavinga50–60centimeter (20–24 in) air pad around the riders. Theplasticisroughly 0.8 millimeters (0.03 in) thick. The internalandexternalspheres are associated by numerous (frequently many)littlenylonstrings. Circles have maybe a couple burrowlikepassageways.Download Zorbing App It's FREE!
Boating 1.0
Boating is the relaxed movement ofgoingbypontoon, or the recreational utilization of awatercraftwhetherpowerboats, sailboats, or man-controlled vessels,(forexample,paddling and paddle vessels), concentrated on thetravelitself,and additionally wears exercises, for example,anglingorwaterskiing. It is a mainstream movement, and there areagreatmany boaters around the world.Recreational vessels (in some cases calleddelightcreate,particularly for less donning exercises) fall into afewgeneralclassifications, and extra subcategories.General classes incorporate dinghies (by and large under16feet(5 m) controlled by sail, little motors, ormusclepower),paddlesports pontoons (kayaks, paddling shells,kayaks),runabouts(15–25 feet (5–8 m) powerboats with eitherdetachable,sterndrive,or inboard motors), daysailers (14–25 feet(4–8 m)sailboats, everynow and again with a little assistantmotor),cruisers (25–65 feet(8–20 m) powerboats with lodges), andcruisingand dashingsailboats (25–65 feet (8–20 m) sailboats withhelpermotors).The National Marine Manufacturers Association,theassociationthat sets up a few of the measures that aregenerallyutilized as apart of the marine business in the UnitedStates,characterizes 32sorts of pontoons, exhibiting thedifferences ofwatercraft sortsand their specialization.Notwithstanding thosegauges all watercrafts utilize the samefundamental standards ofhydrodynamics.
Marathons 1.0
Marathons is Your Best Android App IfYouWantTo Learn Everything About Marathons.The marathon is a long-distance running event withanofficialdistance of 42.195 kilometres (26.219 miles, or 26miles385yards),[1] usually run as a road race. The event wasinstitutedincommemoration of the fabled run of the GreeksoldierPheidippides(more correctly, Philippides), a messenger fromtheBattle ofMarathon to Athens, who reported the victory.The marathon was one of the original modern Olympiceventsin1896, though the distance did not become standardizeduntil1921.More than 500 marathons are held throughout the worldeachyear,with the vast majority of competitors beingrecreationalathletesas larger marathons can have tens of thousandsofparticipants.The name Marathon[n 1] comes from the legend ofPhilippidesorPheidippides, the Greek messenger. The legend statesthat hewassent from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens toannouncethatthe Persians had been defeated in the Battle ofMarathon (inwhichhe had just fought), which took place in August orSeptember,490BC.It is said that he ran the entire distance withoutstoppingandburst into the assembly, exclaiming νενικήκαμεν(nenikekamen,"wehave won!"), before collapsing and dying.The account of the run from Marathon to Athens firstappearsinPlutarch's On the Glory of Athens in the 1st centuryAD,whichquotes from Heraclides Ponticus's lost work, givingtherunner'sname as either Thersipus of Erchius or Eucles.Lucian of Samosata (2nd century AD) also gives thestory,butnames the runner Philippides (not Pheidippides).There is debate about the historical accuracyofthislegend.[8][9] The Greek historian Herodotus, the mainsourceforthe Greco-Persian Wars, mentions Philippides as themessengerwhoran from Athens to Sparta asking for help, and then ranback,adistance of over 240 kilometres (150 mi) each way.In some Herodotus manuscripts, the name of therunnerbetweenAthens and Sparta is given as Philippides. Herodotusmakesnomention of a messenger sent from Marathon to Athens,andrelatesthat the main part of the Athenian army, having foughtandwon thegrueling battle, and fearing a naval raid by thePersianfleetagainst an undefended Athens, marched quickly back fromthebattleto Athens, arriving the same day.
Sailing 1.0
Sailing comprises wind propulsion of acraftbymeans of sails or other airfoils and steering it over water,iceorland, depending on the type of craft.A sailor manages the force of the wind on the sailsbyadjustingtheir angle with respect to the moving sailing craftandsometimesby adjusting the sail area. The force transmitted fromthesails isresisted by forces from the hull, keel, and rudder ofasailingcraft, by forces from skate runners for an iceboat, andbyforcesfrom wheels for a land sailing craft to allow steeringacourse ona point of sail with respect to the true wind.While there are still some places in the worldwheresail-poweredpassenger, fishing and trading vessels are used,thesecraft havebecome rarer as internal combustion engines havebecomeeconomicallyviable in even the poorest and most remoteareas.In most countries sailing is enjoyed as a recreationalactivityoras a sport. Recreational sailing or yachting can bedividedintoracing and cruising. Cruising can include extendedoffshoreandocean-crossing trips, coastal sailing within sight ofland,anddaysailing.Throughout history sailing has been instrumentalinthedevelopment of civilization, affording humanitygreatermobilitythan travel over land, whether for trade, transportorwarfare, andthe capacity for fishing. The earliestrepresentationof a shipunder sail appears on a painted disc foundin Kuwaitdating between5000 and 5500 BCE.Polynesian oceanfarers traveled vast distances of openoceaninoutrigger canoes using navigation methods such asstickcharts.Advances in sailing technology from the Middle AgesonwardenabledArab, Chinese, Indian and European explorers to makelongervoyagesinto regions with extreme weather andclimaticconditions.There were improvements in sails, masts andrigging;improvementsin marine navigation including the cross treeandcharts, of boththe sea and constellations, allowed morecertaintyin sea travel.From the 15th century onwards, Europeanships wentfurther north,stayed longer on the Grand Banks and in theGulf ofSt. Lawrence,and eventually began to explore the PacificNorthwestand theWestern Arctic.Sailing has contributed to many great explorationsintheworld.
Pilates 1.0
Pilates is a physical fitnesssystemdevelopedin the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates.Pilatescalled hismethod "Contrology." It is practiced worldwide,andespecially inwestern countries such as Canada, the UnitedStatesand the UnitedKingdom. As of 2005, there were 11 millionpeoplepracticing thediscipline regularly and 14,000 instructors intheUnited States.There is limited evidence to support the use ofPilatestoalleviate low back pain, improve strength, andpreventelderlypeople from falling. It has not been shown to beaneffectivetreatment for any medical condition.In his book Return to Life through Contrology,JosephPilatespresents his method as the art of controlledmovements,whichshould look and feel like a workout (not a therapy)whenproperlymanifested. If practiced with consistency,Pilates improves flexibility, builds strength anddevelopscontroland endurance in the entire body. It puts emphasisonalignment,breathing, developing a strong core, andimprovingcoordination andbalance.The core, consisting of the muscles of the abdomen, lowback,andhips, is often called the "powerhouse" and is thought to bethekeyto a person's stability.Pilates' system allows for different exercises to bemodifiedinrange of difficulty from beginner to advanced or toanyotherlevel, and also in terms of the instructorandpractitioner'sspecific goals and/or limitations. Intensity canbeincreased overtime as the body conditions and adapts totheexercises.
Pool Guide 1.0
Pool, likewise all the more formallyknownaspocket billiards (for the most part in North America)orpoolbilliards (generally in Europe and Australia), is thegroupofsignal games and recreations played on a pool tablehavingsixrepositories called pockets along the rails, into whichballsarestored as the primary objective of play. An out of datetermforpool is six-pocket.There are several pool amusements. A portion of the allthemoreoutstanding incorporate eight-ball (and thevariationrepudiate),nine-ball (with variations ten-ball andseven-ball),straight pool(14.1 ceaseless), one-pocket, and bankpool.There are additionally half breed amusementsconsolidatingpartsof both pool and carom billiards, for example,Americanfour-ballbilliards, cowpoke pool, and container pool.Pool is played on a six pocket table. Cutting edge pooltablesforthe most part range in size from 3.5 feet (1.07 m) by 7feet(2.13m), to 4.5 feet (1.37 m) by 9 feet (2.74 m).The balls range from 2.25 inches (57.15 mm) inmeasurementto2.375 inches (60.33 mm) in diameter.[5] Under theWPA/BCA(seeunderneath) hardware details, the weight might be from5.5 to 6oz.(156–170 g) with a distance across of 2.25 in. (57.15mm), giveortake 0.005 in. (0.127 mm).Modern coin-worked pool tables for the most part utilizeoneofthree techniques to recognize and give back the sign balltothefront of the table while the numbered balls come back to anoutofreach container until paid for once more: the prompt ballisbiggerand heavier than alternate balls, or denser and heavier,orhas anattractive center.Present day signal sticks are for the most part 58.5inches(148.6cm) long for pool while prompts before 1980 wereintendedforstraight pool and had a normal length of 57.5 inches(146.1cm). Byexamination, carom billiards prompts are for the mostpartshorterwith bigger tips, and snooker signs longer withlittlertips.Download Pool App It's FREE!
Polo 1.0
Polo (Persian: چوگان chogān) is ateamsportplayed on horseback. The objective is to score goalsagainstanopposing team. Players score by driving a small whiteplasticorwooden ball into the opposing team's goal usingalong-handledmallet.The traditional sport of polo is played on a grass field upto300by 160 yards (270 by 150 m). Each polo team consists offourridersand their mounts. Field polo is played with a solidplasticsphere(ball) which has replaced the wooden version of theball inmuch ofthe sport.In arena polo, only three players are required per teamandthegame usually involves more manoeuvreing and shorter playsatlowerspeeds due to space limitations of the arena. Arena poloisplayedwith a small air-filled ball, similar to asmallfootball.The modern game lasts roughly two hours and isdividedintoperiods called chukkas (occasionally rendered as"chukkers").Polois played professionally in 16 countries. It wasformerlyanOlympic sport.Polo originates from ancient Persia. Its inventionisdatedvariously from the 6th century BC to the 1stcenturyAD.[6][7]Persian Emperor Shapur II learnt to play polo whenhe wassevenyears old in 316 AD. The game was learnt bytheneighbouringByzantine Empire at an early date.A tzykanisterion (stadium for playing tzykanion,theByzantinename for polo) was built by emperor Theodosius II(r.408–450)inside the Great Palace of Constantinople. Emperor BasilI(r.867–886) excelled at it; Emperor Alexander (r. 912–913)diedfromexhaustion while playing and John I of Trebizond(r.1235–1238)died from a fatal injury during a game.[9] Naqsh-iJahanSquare inIsfahan is a polo field which was built by king AbbasI inthe 17thcentury.Qutubuddin Aibak, the Turkic slave from Central Asiawholaterbecame the Sultan of Delhi in Northern India, ruled asaSultan foronly four years, from 1206 to 1210, but diedaccidentallyin 1210.While he was playing a game of polo onhorseback (alsocalledchougan in Persia), his horse fell and Aibakwas impaled onthepommel of his saddle. He was buried near theAnarkali bazaarinLahore (in modern-day Pakistan).Aibak's son Aram died in 1211 CE, soShams-ud-dinIltutmish,another ex-slave of Turkic ancestry who wasmarried toAibak'sdaughter, succeeded him as Sultan of Delhi.After the Muslim conquests to the Ayyubid andMamelukedynastiesof Egypt and the Levant, whose elites favoured itaboveall othersports. Notable sultans such as Saladin and Baybarswereknown toplay it and encourage it in their court.Polo stickswerefeatureson the Mameluke precursor to modern day playingcards.