Top 22 Apps Similar to Cardio Drug Interaction Medication Guide 2.14.7
Look up drug information, identify pills and manageyourmedications.
Micromedex Drug Interactions 5.0.2
Provides access to the industry’s most trusted drugreferenceinformation.
Cardio-FR 2.2.3
Precious help for the diagnosis and treatment ofcardiologicalpathologies.
Cardio ER 1.3.4
Editora Manole
O App Cardio ER traz em versão digital os fluxogramas ecalculadorascontidos no livro Cardiologia de Emergência emFluxogramas,publicado pela Editora Manole.
Cardio ATM 1.4
Cardio ATM App is an easy to usemobileAppwhich will help the Doctors to be updated in thefieldofCardiology. This App will help them access thelatestmedicalinformation published in selected medicaljournals.Also features ECG Quiz, Conference Update, DrugInteractions,NewsFlash, Patient Education etc. Latest Cardioupdates now atyourfinger tips.
Clinical Pharmacology 2.5.4
Elsevier Inc
Clinical Pharmacology is the leading professional drugreferencesolution.
Drug Interactions (A-z) 1.0.1
The Zoo Vn Inc.
A-Z medical drug information-28,000+genericand trade name drugs.drug interactions, drugs, vitamins, dietary,supplements,medications, medicine, medicalHIGHLIGHTS:* Very easy to useLANGUAGES:EnglishDISCLAIMER:Every effort has been made to ensure that theinformationprovided by this application is accurate, up-to-date,and complete,but no guarantee is made to that effect. In addition,the druginformation contained herein may be time sensitive andshould notbe utilized as a reference resource. This applicationinformationdoes not endorse drugs, diagnose patients, or recommendtherapy.Drug formation is a reference resource designed assupplement to,and not a substitute for, the expertise, skill ,knowledge, andjudgement of healthcare practitioners in patientcare. The absenceof a warning for a given drug or drug combinationin no way shouldbe construed to indicate that the drug or any drugcombination issafe, effective, or appropriate for any given person.ThisApplication does not assume any responsibility for any aspectofhealthcare administration. The information contained herein isnotintended to cover all possible uses, directions,precautions,warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, oradverseeffects. If you have any questions about the drugs you aretaking,check with your doctor, surgeon, nurse, or pharmacist.Thisapplication does not provide medical advice, diagnosisortreatment. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professionalsuchas your physician, nurse, pharmacist or surgeon. They aretrainedto respond to any inquiries or conditions regarding yourhealth.Never delay or disreguard professional medical advice ortreatmentas a result of anything you read in thisapplication.Theinformation contained in this application is for thesole purposeof being informative. This information is not andshould not beused or relied upon as medical advice. Always seek theadvice ofyour physician, nurse Or other qualified health careprofessionalsbefore you undergo any treatment or for answers to anyquestionsyou may seek regarding a medical condition.Nothingcontained on/inor provided through this application is intended tobe or is to beused for medical diagnosis or treatment. Your use ofthisapplication is subject to certain terms and conditions.
Interacciones Farmacológicas 1.0.3
La APP sobre Interacciones Farmacológicaesunaherramienta que permite a los profesionales de Farmacia,alosMédicos y al conjunto de profesionales de las Ciencias delaSaludconocer que principios activos mantienen interaccionesconotrosprincipios activos, basándonos en los componentesmáshabitualesque componen los medicamentos de uso más continuoenlasprescripciones de toma de fármacos.La App permite la selección de un principioactivoparaposteriormente seleccionar uno o varios principiosactivosydeterminar sus posibles interacciones. En algunosfármacosseincluye hasta 8 interacciones.La Visualización de la información está basada en laopcióndeseleccionar una de las interacciones y visualizarlainformacióndetallada incluyendo la descripción y naturaleza delainteracción;medidas a tomar; referenciasbibliográficas;sustituciónrecomendada y relevancia clínica. Ademáslas búsquedasrealizadaspueden guardarse si se desea.MÁS DE 4.500 INTERACCIONES FARMACOLÓGICASMÁS DE 1.000 MEDICAMENTOS diferentes con alguna interacciónThe APPonDrugInteractions is a tool that allows practitionersofPharmacy,Doctors and the set of professionals HealthSciencesannounced thatremain active interactions with otheractiveingredients, based onthe most common components that make upthemore continuous druguse in making prescriptions drugs. App allows selection of an active ingredient tosubsequentlyselectone or more active substances and determinethepossibleinteractions. In some drugs it includes up to8interactions. The information display is based on the option of selectingoneofthe interactions and display the detailed informationincludingthedescription and nature of the interaction; measures tobetaken;references; Recommended replacement andclinicalrelevance.Furthermore searches performed can be storedifdesired. MORE THAN 4,500 DRUG INTERACTIONS OVER 1,000 different DRUGS with some interaction
Interacciones farmacológicas 2.3.1
Descripción Interacciones farmacológicas es una aplicaciónquepermite al profesional médico realizar una mejor prescripciónconel menor riesgo posible. PARA EL USO DE ESTA APLICACIÓNESIMPRESCINDIBLE DISPONER DEL ÁREA PROFESIONAL QUE LE ENTREGARÁSULABORATORIO DE REFERENCIA. Es la única aplicación quepermiteobtener toda la información sobre interacciones entremedicamentosde marca y principios activos, de modo que puedencruzarse entresí. Asimismo, también es posible consultar con quéprincipiosactivos interactúa cada fármaco por separado. Contienetodos losmedicamentos y principios activos, así como la informacióncompletaproporcionada en las fichas técnicas y los prospectos de laAgenciaEspañola de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios. Además, sidespuésde leer la descripción desea obtener más información sobreunmedicamento de marca, puede consultar su ficha técnica
Daily Cardio Workout
Daily Cardio Workout contains three 5 to10minute daily cardio routines for men and women that stepyouthrough some of the best cardio exercises you can do in thecomfortof your own home. These proven workouts, demonstrated byacertified personal trainer, will whip you into shape in notime.The routine's simple interface, complete with video andtimer,allows you to easily follow along and understandeachexercise.FEATURES:• Three different 5 to 10 minute cardio workouts• Great for both men and women• Video showing how to do each exercise• 28 exercises• Multiple custom routines• Random routines• Landscape mode• Ad-free• No internet required to do the workouts>>> Want more workouts? Check out the "DAILY WORKOUTS"fullversion app for multiple workouts including ab, arm, butt,cardio,leg and full-body routines. Daily Workouts now also hasPilates,stretch, kettlebell and ball workouts and more!
CEME Physical Examination 1.1
Sam Liyan
Clinical Examination Made Easy - Cardiology,isan app designed for medical students and healthcareprofessionals.The app is mainly aimed at examination technique andthe must haveclinical knowledge related to cardiovascular systemexamination.**FEATURES*------------*Examination Techniques*15 Clinical cases*Heart Sounds - Murmurs of common clinical conditionsThe ad free version will be available soon.The content will be constantly updated.
IBM Micromedex Drug Int. 4.1
With IBM Micromedex Drug Int., clinicians can check apatient’sentire medication list simultaneously for potentiallyharmfulinteractions and view severity ratings that rangefromcontraindicated to minor. This app provides insight into: • Whythedrugs in question interact. • How the results of thoseinteractionswill present in the patient. • Recommendations formonitoringpatient outcomes. IBM Micromedex Drug Int. is a reliableresourcefor on-the-go access to the industry’s most trustedclinicalreference information, providing users with more informedtreatmentdecisions at the point of care. An internet connection isnotrequired, allowing you to make decisions with confidenceatanytime, from anywhere. Not sure if your institution subscribestoIBM Micromedex via the internet? Check with your ChiefMedicalOfficer, Director of Pharmacy, Medical Librarian, or anyoneelse atyour facility responsible for clinical referenceinformation. Ifthe facility you work at subscribes to IBMMicromedex via theinternet, follow these instructions to obtain apassword: 1.Loginto IBM Micromedex through your subscribingfacility 2.Click on the“Download Center” link near the top of theapplication 3.Refer tothe detailed downloading instructions, whichinclude your passwordfor activating the application at no charge.If you cannot locatethe “Download Center” link please contactsupportat customers will continue to have access to the contentgoingforward.
Human Anatomy 1.8
The Human Anatomy application is a SIMPLE educationalquickreferenceapp that contains the information of sixteendifferentbiologicalsystems. List of Contents **************** 1.CardioVascular System2. Digestive system 3. Endocrine - CentralNervous4. Endocrine -Reproductive 5. Endocrine - Alimentary 6. TheEye 7.FemaleReproductive System 8. Lymphatic System 9. MaleReproductiveSystem10. Muscular System - Back 11. Muscular System -Front 12.NervousSystem 13. Respiratory System 14. Skeletal System- Back15. SkeletalSystem - Front 16. Urinary System Features******** -Illustration ofeach biological system that can be zoomedusingpinch touch. -Description of each element represented ineachbiological system. -Reference links to wiki for morethoroughdescriptions. How To**************** - To view aspecificbiological system one has toselect it from the main list.Thiswill open a new view with anillustration of the biologicalsystem.The user can zoom the image tosee details better by usingthepinch zoom. To view more informationabout a topic, just clickonthe item. If the user wants a moredetailed description there isa"More Information Wiki" button, whichis available behind themenubutton of the device. Note: Ad supportedapplication. For adfreeversion buy Human Anatomy Pro
Assist IE - Drug Interactions 1.0.42
Infomed Mobile Assist Ireland DrugInteractionChecker - Irish Drug / Medicines DatabaseNo subscriptions, or sign ups, just full access to all featureswithfree monthly database updates keeping you up to date with thelatestinteractions and warnings.Drug on Drug interaction & medicines warning tool forallmedical and healthcare professions.This is the Irish database - for the UK database please searchforInfomed Mobile Assist UK• Comprehensive Drug-Drug interaction warnings.• Prescribing Information-indications,contraindications,side-effects, dosage.• Crushing of medicines information– Can be crushed/DonotCrush.• Falls in the elderly warning-medicines risk information.• Medicine use review prompts.• Photosensitivity warnings and advice.• Pregnancy and Breastfeeding warning information.• Driving warning-effects of medicines.• Sport information-use of medicines.• Search complete database by brand name, generic nameortherapeutic category.• Medicines database information is updated every month.• App works offline, no need for internet connection exceptformonthly updates.All of our applications use our drug databases that arecompiled,verified and updated by one of our founders Peter Weedle(B.Pharm.,LL.M., Ph.D., MR.Pharm.S, MPSI. Adjunct Professor ofClinicalPharmacy, UCC.) These databases are currently used bythousands ofpharmacies and have been in use for over 20 years. Over100-millionprescriptions have been checked and verified for druginteractionsusing our databases. They are updated regularly by ourteam ofpharmacists to ensure that all newly introduced drugs areincludedas soon as possible.
Medical Drug Dictionary 1.4
Medical Drug Guide Dictionary with offline database
pharmacology 1.3
Pharmacology Application, a short handbook for quick revisiontosave time.
Cardio Spirograph 7.1
Поддержка русского языка. Application Cardio-Spirographwithbuilt-in mobile device accelerometer detects vibrations ofthehuman body, due to the work of the heart and respiration.Analyzesintervals of heart rate, respiratory phases and allows youtodefine: - heart rate, - Interval RR. The application calculatesthefollowing indicators of breathing: - respiratory rate, -deepbreathing, - regular breathing, - ratio phases of inhalationandexhalation - presence of respiratory pauses. Disclaimer.Theresults may be erroneous. The app uses an accelerometer sensorforheartbeat and breathing. The reliability of the results ofthestudy depends on many factors: • the specifications of thephone(accelerometer sensitivity, CPU power), • the site of thesensor(the abdomen at the abdominal type of breathing, more commonin menor chest thoracic type of breathing, often women). thethickness ofthe fat layer, the nature of breathing, etc. This Appdoes Notreplace medical examination.
Cardiology OSCE Cases 1.1
Clinical Apps
Cardiology OSCE Cases is yourindispensableguide to cardiology for clinical exams. Covering allof the casesyou’re likely to encounter in OSCEs, Cardiology OSCEcases isdesigned for physicians studying for postgraduate exams butis alsosuitable for medical students.It includes:- Detailed descriptions of physical signs, causes,investigationsand treatment of 16 cardiology conditions- Useful diagrams of where signs are found as wellascardiophonograms and examples of investigation findingsPlease note that Cardiology OSCE Cases is intended asaneducational guide only and is not for diagnostic use.
Pharmacotherapy Handbook 8 ed 1.5.1
This McGraw-Hill, PharmacotherapyHandbook,Eighth Edition is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries.It provides practitioners and students with thecriticalinformation necessary to support drug therapy decisionmaking formore than 140 diseases and disorders. Featuring aconvenientalphabetized presentation, this handy and concise guideutilizestables, texts, figures, and treatment algorithms to maketheinformation readily accessible and easily understood.The consistent chapter organization includes:• Disease state definition• Review of relevant pathophysiology• Clinical presentation• Diagnosis• Desired outcome• Treatment• MonitoringThe Treatment section usually includes nonpharmacologictherapy,drug selection guidelines, dosing recommendations, adverseeffects,pharmacokinetic considerations, and importantdruginteractions.Authors: Barbara Wells, Joseph DiPiro, TerrySchwinghammer,Cecily DiPiroPublisher: McGraw-Hill_____________________________________MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREEapplicationwithout edition upgrade. The apps enables you to makenotes,search, add bookmarks and review what you previouslybeenreading.MedHand delivers what you need, trusted knowledge at the pointofcare! Offering most trusted and well recognized medicalguidelinesprovided by excellent publishers like Oxford UniversityPress,McGraw-Hill, PDR Network LLC, Wiley and more.
Urología Práctica 3.1
Urología Práctica es un librodeconsultapensado para Urólogos, Médicos de AtenciónPrimaria,Médicos deUrgencias, Nefrólogos, Ginecólogos yespecialistas enMedicinaInterna que quieran actualizar susconocimientos sobre untemaconcreto mediante una lectura rápida.Además, su carácterprácticocon innumerables flow-charts y tablas defármacos de muyfácilvisualización, lo hace ideal para serconsultadorápidamenteincluso mientras se está viendo a un pacienteen laconsulta, enurgencias o al pie de la cama en pacientesingresados.Cada tablade fármacos incluye el principio activo, ladosis, laduración deltratamiento y el nombre comercial en España.Fuera deEspaña laspautas de tratamiento son igualmente válidas,pero puedenvariarlos nombres comerciales.Para Atención Primaria, Médicos deUrgencias,Nefrólogos,Ginecólogos y Medicina Interna resultaráespecialmenteútil elmanejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de lasurgenciasurológicas(cólico nefrítico, hematuria, priapismo, escrotoagudo,etc), lahiperplasia benigna de próstata, lasinfeccionesurinarias(cistitis, prostatitis, balanitis,orquiepididimitis,enfermedadesde transmisión sexual, pielonefritis,etc), laincontinenciaurinaria (de esfuerzo y de urgencia), pautasenandrología básica(infertilidad masculina, disfuncióneréctil,eyaculación precoz,etc), el atlas de imágenes delesionesurológicas cutáneas o elUrovademcum, por poneralgunosejemplos.Para Urólogos, destacamos el acceso rápido a laspautasdeactuación en urgencias (priapismo, sepsis, gangrenadeFournier,etc), litiasis, tratamientos de patologías pocohabituales(TBCurogenital, dermatosis peneanas, ereccionesnocturnasrecurrentes,ascitis quilosa postquirúrgica, etc), manejodelpaciente urológicoingresado (preparación intestinal,profilaxistromboembólica yantibiótica, alteracioneshidro-electrolíticas ymetabólicas,anticoagulación y antiagregación,etc), enfoquepráctico y concisode la patología oncológica, aspectoslegales enUrología, consultade cifras normales de laboratorio,etc.Dadas las posibles variaciones en las indicacionesdelosfármacos, información de las dosis,toxicidadrecientementedescrita, interacciones medicamentosas yotros asuntosdeimportancia, se recomienda al lectorcomprobardichasinformaciones. Pese a todos los esfuerzos realizadosenlaconsecución de un texto sin errores, los autoresdeclinancualquierresponsabilidad ante la inexactitud de cualquierade losdatospublicados.El libro está distribuido en secciones a las que seaccededesdeun índice en la página principal de la aplicación.Cadaseccióncontiene un listado de capítulos, que sepuedenabririndividualmente. Además existe un índice de palabrasclave,uníndice de capítulos y un índice de las abreviaturasutilizadasenel texto. Otras funcionalidades de la aplicaciónson:- Enlaces a sitios web de interés en Urología:vínculosacalendarios de eventos, revistasurológicas,nomogramasprostáticos, vesicales y renales, calculadoradetestosteronalibre, cuestionarios validados,consentimientosinformados,portales urológicos, y mucho más.- Atlas de lesiones dermatológicas genitales.- Urovademecum: acceso rápido a mecanismo deacción,efectossecundarios, posología y contraindicaciones delosfármacosutilizados en Urología.- Sitio para anotaciones: en cada capítulo hay una páginadenotaspara que añadas toda la información que desees.El equipo de Urología Práctica.UrologyPracticeareference book designed for Urologists, PrimaryCarePhysicians,Emergency Physicians, nephrologists, Gynecologistsandspecialistsin internal medicine who want to update theirknowledgeon aspecific topic through a quick reading is. Moreover,itspracticalnature with countless flow-charts and tables ofdrugseasyvisualization, makes it ideal to be consulted quicklyevenwhilewatching a patient in the office, in the emergency roomorbedsidein hospitalized patients. Each table of drugs includestheactiveingredient, dose, duration of treatment and the tradenameinSpain. Outside Spain treatment guidelines are equallyvalid,butmay vary trade names.For Primary Care, EmergencyPhysicians,nephrologists,Gynecologists and Internal Medicine resultthediagnosis andtherapeutic management of urologicalemergencies(renal colic,hematuria, priapism, acute scrotum, etc.),benignprostatichyperplasia, urinary tract infections (especiallyusefulcystitis,prostatitis, balanitis, orchitis, sexuallytransmitteddiseases,pyelonephritis, etc.), urinary incontinence(stress andurgency)guidelines in basic andrology (maleinfertility,erectiledysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc.), theatlasimagesurological cutaneous lesions or Urovademcum, togivesomeexamples.To Urologists, highlight the quick access to guidelinesforactionin emergencies (priapism, sepsis, Fournier'sgangrene,etc.), stonedisease, treatment of unusual diseases(TBCurogenital, peniledermatosis, recurrent nocturnalerections,chylous ascitespostsurgical, etc) , management ofurologic patientadmitted (bowelpreparation, thromboembolic andantibioticprophylaxis,hydro-electrolyte and metabolicdisorders,anticoagulation andantiplatelet therapy, etc.),practical approachand conciseoncological pathology, legal aspectsin Urology, seenormallaboratory values, etc.Given the potential variation in the indications ofdrugs,doseinformation, recently described toxicity, druginteractionsandother issues of importance, the reader is advised tocheckthisinformation. Despite all the efforts made in achievingatextwithout errors, the authors disclaim any responsibilityfortheinaccuracy of any of the published data.The book is divided into sections that can be accessedfromanindex on the main page of the application. Each sectioncontainsalist of chapters, which can be opened individually. Thereis alsoakeyword index, an index of chapters and an indexofabbreviationsused in the text. Other features of theapplicationare:- Links to web sites of interest in Urology: linkstoeventcalendars, urological magazines, nomograms prostate,bladderandkidney, calculator free testosterone,validatedquestionnaires,obtaining informed consent, urologicalportals, andmore.- Atlas of genital skin lesions.- Urovademecum: fast mechanism of action, side effects,dosageandcontraindications of drugs used in Urology access.- Site for annotations: in each chapter there is a notespageforyou to add all the information you want.Practice Urology team.
Adverse Drug Interactions Tool 6.0.0
Make clinically oriented prescribingdecisionsto ensure better patient safety. With over 3,000 brandnames withgeneric equivalents, this comprehensive resourcedescribes theinteraction itself and its probable mechanism.It allows you to list each of the drugs your patient istakingand then view the possible interactions on the screen as wellasview reference citations pertinent to the interaction.Publishedreferences, comments and recommendations for clinicalmanagementare also featured.// Key Features• View interactions between multiple drugs.• It allows you to list each of the drugs your patient is takingandthen view the accurate and reliable possible interactions atpointof care.• Allows you to access the information that you need inaprofessional and efficient manner.// Unique Features• Update Policy: Dynamic. This reference will receive one yearofsoftware and content updates, or until a new edition isreleased,whichever is sooner. Typically, the publisher releases anewedition of the reference when the content changessignificantly;there is no standard schedule for new editions. Afterthesubscription period, customers will have full use of theproduct,but will not receive any further updates. Customers withpreviouseditions will receive discounts on new editions byresponding tonew edition announcement emails.// Designed for OmnioThis app will install your new resource into the Omnioenvironment,which requires a separate download. Learn more bysearching for“Omnio” in Google Play.
DrugGuard - NDC FDA 1.0.1
LANGUAGES: English, ( German coming soon )Powerd by SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONALS.DrugGuard is your complete reference guide to theNationalDrugCode List, provided by the Food and DrugAdministration(FDA).Target users are Health Care Professionals,Nurses,Students,Pharmaceuticists, Veterinary Medicines andBiochemists.Grouped andindexed by Labelers, Generics,Proprietaries, PharmaClasses,Barcodes and much more, this powerfuland handy app willhelp YOUto facilitate your DAILY routines in anew way neverseenbefore!Manage your favorite drug list, Medical StockManagementandFast-Check for Interactions...- Fast, timesaving and easy-to-use- Powerful drug interactions checker with unlimitedamountofSubstances/Drugs- Includes up-to-date National Drug Codes (FDA) andcombinesthemwith DrugBank informations- Includes all used veterinary substances as well- allows OFFLINE usage ( also flightmodi )throughembeddeddatabase with auto-update functionalities to keepYoueverytime Upto Date- Search by Barcodes/Labels,Substances,Proprietaries,Pharmaclasses, Labelers, Packages andmanymore...- Toxicities, Enzymes, Targets, ATC Codes,Synonyms,Halflifes,Indications, Pharmacologies, Biotransformationsand muchmore- Medical Stock Manager: Send your Orders directlytoyourfavorite supplier- My Drugs: Favorite Substances for fast interactioncheckingandvast detail informations for daily use- Drug Interactions between multiple drugs: Checksforcommonactions related to Enzymes, Targets, CarriersandTransportersYour real powerful Drug Guard Interaction applicationCOMING SOON: SWISS MEDIC (Switzerland) , RED LIST (Germany)