Top 4 Apps Similar to Bestiary for Cube World

Pets of Cube World 1.1.2
Kevin Holland
Pets of Cube World is a handypocketreferencewith all information relating to tamable pets withinthe"CubeWorld" game world. Formerly known as "Cube World PocketPets".If you haven't tried the app before, it's now free andyoucanexperience the most feature rich and polished cube world petapponeither app store! (android / ios). Come see whatyou'vebeenmissing!--v1.1.2-Removed price for app, it's now free-Added banner ads--Minor Update (Android Only)-Adjusted settings to remove un-needed permissions-Adjusted settings to target tablets better--v1.1.1-Various code tweaks--v1.1.0-Tweaked the layout of pet details view a bit-Fixed the "fake scroll to the top" jankiness on a few views-Added warning when the app launches and is unable to connecttotheupdate server to see if there is a new version available-Implemented pet and petfood notes system-There is a new settings menu item on the main menu.Withasettings called "cloud sharing". This settings controlsifyour"new notes" are sent to the cloud for others to see. Youcantogglethis on and off at will. Example: Turn it on. add new notetoa pet(it's sent to cloud).... Turn the setting off, add new notetoapet (this time it will be a private local note only).Itonlyaffects new notes going forward, not previous notes.--v1.0.9-Fixed resize issue that occurred if you started the appinlandscapemode-Found another bug related to the update notifier (brokewithios7change) Update button should work again-Fixed issue with search box (not working in landscape mode)--v1.0.8-Tweaks to styling of sidebars-Fixed ugly update notifier that apparently went wonky withtheiOS7style update--v1.0.7-Fixed whitescreen after splashscreen bug-Updated to latest app framework Cordova 3.2.0-Updated to later Kendo Mobile UI-Adjustments to StatusBar code with new cordova / ios7--v1.0.6-Updated app to a more unified theme more in-line with theiOS7lookand feel.-Fixed minor bug with version displaying on search results view--v1.0.5-Fixed bug when linking from candy details to cat details-Removed debug alert code--v1.0.4-Added collections feature (have/want/havefood)--You can now flag any pet as have / want / have food--You can now browse all collections from the main menu--v1.0.3 Android-Updated app to support android--Fixed issue with update notification box linking toproperandroidmarketplace--Fixed 9-Patch splashscreen (I hope)--v1.0.3-New update notification box added that will appear thenexttimethere is a new app update--v1.0.2-Submit pet and Submit pet food feature added--v1.0.1-Convenient links to wiki pages from pet and fooddetailspages-Ability to report a pet sighting from pet detail page-Ability to report pet food "dropped by" from thefooddetailpage-DB Stats area--v1.0-Search for both pets and pet food-Browse pets with a variety of filters-Browse pet food with a variety of filters-Detail page for pets with image-Detail page for pet food with image## Known Bugs ##-Tablet support coming soon
Cube World Mcpe Guide Mod 1.0
Mcpe Lord
Cube World Mcpe Guide Mod addsaflawlesselement to world creation in Minecraft. Itbasicallyisolates awide range of biomes into skimming block planetsin thesky.Youbegin off in one of the 3D squares in lightofarbitrarydetermination as dependably with new universes. Themaincontrastis you're encased in glass watching out to thevariouscontiguoussmaller than usual solid shape universes.
Conways 3D Game of Life 1.2
Edgar Koller
Conways Game of Life in 2D nd 3D for the Torus-World andtheCube-world.
Crafting Guide: Minebuild 1.25
Klimenko DG
Craft everything you want to with ournewapp!This guide shows you what materials you need and how tocraftitemsand blocks using those materials in cube world. Guidesareincludedfor basic items, tools, weapons, armour, foodandmechanical.(Crafting Guide: Minebuild is not official app).