Top 18 Apps Similar to Hajj Guaidance

Hajj ka Tareeqa 1.0
This application contains the rituals ofHajjineasy Urdu language. Content is authentic fromthereliableresource.It helps the pilgrims on each and every step during theHajj.Itdescribes all the Mandatory Hajj prayers according toQuranandSunah. Compatible with all kind of mobile handsets.
HAJJ ki Aasaniyan (URDU) 1.0
HAJJ ki Aasaniyan is a great and easytounderstand book written by Mufti Mehmood Ashraf Usmani (DarululoomKarachi). Very knowledgeable book, must read it .-> Easy to navigate-> Easy to read using zoom-> Have Ads, but no annoying Ads
مناسك الحج والعمرة 2.1
Al-Reda Apps
Rituals & Activities of Hajj and Umrah. Contains Fatwa&Prayers. [Arabic Only]
Hajj Ka Tarika In Urdu 1
Book Shop
Hajj ka tareka aur Masail Aur Rahnumaijanneklie ye book parhye.Mina, Arafat aur Muzdalfa me Hajj k arkana aur kurbanikmasailjanne k lie ye book parhye
Panduan Haji Bergambar 5.0
Panduan Haji Bergambar Android & Hajj Map Guide
Hajj and Umrah (Audio) Mp3 1.1
Alhamdulillah, now complete the application Hajj and UmrahMP3(Audio) specially for all Muslims who will perform Hajj andUmrah.This application contains dua’s and lafadz that willfacilitatewhile performing Hajj and Umrah in the Holy Land using asmartphone.Features:- Loud and Clear Audio (HQ Audio)- Super Fast Download for Audio (1 time only)- Contain Duas relevant to Hajj and Umrah- Easy way to remember and recite the duas while performing HajjandUmrah.- Beautiful and Stylish Graphics- Internet required 1st time downloads Audio only- Small in size- Specially created for Smartphone and tablet- Remove Ads OptionOur Other AppsAl-Quran Kareem (with Melayu Translation)IQRA - Kaedah Belajar Al-QuranPanduan Sembahyang (Malay)Fadhilat Ramadhan (Malay)Doa-doa Pilihan (Malay)Panduan Haji dan Umrah (Malay)Ilmu dan Zikir (Malay)Ilmu dan Dzikir (Indonesian)Muntakhab Hadith (Shalat) IndoFadhilat Ramadhan (Indo)Note: This application is free with advertisement. JazakAllahKhai
Hajj Umrah Adkar (Malayalam) 1.1.4
Hajj & Umrah Adkar / Guide for Hajj&Umarahഹജ്ജിന്‍റെ ദിക്റുകള്‍أذكار الحج والعمرة
Ahkam-e-Hajj 2.0
Ahkam-e-Hajj is an application based onanIslamic Book written in Urdu Language.Topics in this Book:-Hajj Islam ka eham rukn hai-Hajj kis per farz hai-Hajj ki fazeelat-Masail-e-Hajj-Hajj aur Umrahetc.....This app will really helpful for you. Must have app for eachmuslimwho understand Urdu Language.You can navigate through this book.You can also share the specific portion from any page to anysocialnetwork or messaging apps using "Crop & Share" Feature oftheapplication.
Hajj Umrah Guide English 2.6
Complete Offline Hajj and Umrah Guide in English withSupplications(Audio+Text)
Hajj and Umrah Guide 1.1
App Developer Information :Akram Hossain[email protected] refers to a Muslim's pilgrimage to Mecca and is one ofthefive pillars of Islam.At least once in his or her lifetime, each Muslim is expectedtoundertake this pilgrimage the sacred city of Islam.This holy journey is called the hajj in Arabic.While a visit to Mecca is beneficial any time of the year,it must take place during the month of Dhu al-Hijja (the lastmonthof the Islamic year) to fulfill the requirements of thehajj.-Step by step guide about Hajj and umrah.-Simple image gallery.-Some Quran verse and there translation about Hajj.-Few Hadis about Hajj and umrah .-Important Du's for Hajj and umrahif you found any problem with the content. please contactwithus. we will glad to hear that insa-allah.
مناسك الحج - Hajj Rituals 1.1.1
برنامج مناسك الحج والعمرةيحتوي البرنامج على المزايا التالية:1- جميع مناسك وأحكام الحج من مصادر معتمدة لأهل السنةوالجماعة.ويعتمد البرنامج بشكل أساسي على كتاب الحج والعمرة الصادر عندارالإفتاء المصرية وكذلك موقع دليل الحاج والمعتمر وموقع إسلامويب.2- يتميز البرنامج بسهولة التصفح ووجود صور توضيحية معتوضيحالمخططات المنطقية للحاج المفرد والمتمتع والقارن كل علىحدة.3- ويحتوي البرنامج كذلك على أحكام زيارة المدينة المنورةوزيارةقبر الرسول.4- كما يضم البرنامج مواقيت الصلاة بقاعدة بيانات ضخمة تضم عددكبيرمن البلاد (من برنامج طمأنينة مفتوح المصدر)5- مع إمكانية تحويل الهاتف إلى ضع صمت بعد الأذان6- المعلومات الواردة في البرنامج من مصادر متعددة لأهلالسنةوالجماعة.. وموقع دار الإفتاء المصرية وكتاب الحج والعمرة الصادرعندار الإفتاء المصرية وموقع دليل الحاج والمعتمر.
Panduan Lengkap Haji dan Umrah 0.0.1
Sebuah Panduan Komprehensif tentang Panduan Tuntunan dan TataCara,Umrah adalah salah satu ibadah yang paling mulia.Mengetahui bagaimana tata cara manasik umroh yang baik danbenarsangat penting bagi kelancaran pelaksanaan penunaian ibadahumrohAComprehensive Guide on Free Guidance and Procedures, Umrah isoneof the most glorious worship.Knowing how the procedures for the Umrah rituals properly isveryimportant for the smooth implementation of the fulfillmentofpilgrimage
Panduan Haji dan Umrah 3.1
Hajj and Umrah Guide Arabic & Malay with flicks effect paper
Haji Pintar 3.1.0
Dalam rangka peningkatan pelayanankepadajamaah haji dalam melaksanakan ibadah hajiDengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi, KementerianAgamamengembangkan sebuah aplikasi yang dioperasikan menggunakanponselpintar atau smartphone dan diberi nama "HAJI PINTAR"Aplikasi ini berisi panduan dan informasi dalam melaksanakanibadahhaji di tanah suciSelain itu terdapat juga informasi pemondokan di madinah danmakkahserta lokasi tenda maktab.Informasi jadwal keberangkatan dan kepulanganInformasi bus shalawat selama di makkahInformasi pelayanan katering dan informasi lainnyaAplikasi dapat diunduh di google play dan atau di websiteresmiKementerian Agama RI www.kemenag.go.idAplikasi ini memiliki Feature:- Informasi Pemondokan- Informasi Transportasi- Informasi Katering- Penunjuk Jalan- Info Kesehatan- Info PPIUHaji Pintar 2.0- Tampilan Baru- Ukuran apk lebih kecil- Keluarga bisa memonitor posisi jamaah- Cek Porsi- Perbaharuan data jalan di belakang selama aplikasimasihaktif- Gallery gambar akomodasi- Paling utama adalah perbaharuan informasi yangpalingmutakhir- Informasi cuaca Makkah dan Madinah=Versi 2016 2.0 New UIPenambahan1. Cek porsi haji2. Terintegrasi dengan data siskohat3. Display picture akomodasi4. Dashboard maintenanca data5. Monitoring Posisi Jamaah haji6. SMS/WA Center7. Penambahan kondisi Cuaca Makkah dan MadinahPastikan Aplikasi Haji Pintar adalah yang paling terbaru.Terima Kasih BanyakInformasi Penting :Aplikasi Haji Pintar hanya support untuk Android 4.0 (IceCreamSandwich) ke atasCatatan :- Perubahan data halte (jika tidak melakukan update,kemungkinanterjadi duplikasi data halte)- Penambahan data jadwal pesawat untuk embarkasi Medan- Perubahan font menu lebih besar- Perbaikan error pada pencarian akomodasi / pemondokanberdasarkannomor kloter- Perbaikan error pada SMS Center- Perbaikan error pada PHBS- Penambahan fungsi menjalankan unduhan foto pada menuatasakomodasi- Penambahan informasi call center- Slide bisa di perbesar (zoom)- Perubahan stiker bis sholawat- Perubahan gambar katering- Perbaikan isu tidak bisa login- Perbaikan isu gambar akomodasi tidak muncul sama sekali- Penambahan informasi di halaman kesehatan daftar jamaahyangmeninggal- Perubahan lokasi server- Perbaikan info yang tracking jamaah- Perubahan lokasi penyimpanan gambar di smartphone (perbaikanisugambar kadang hilang)- Menyederhanakan masukan tanggal pada login, karenabeberapasmartphone atau tablet Android tidak muncul.- Perbaikan posisi pemondokkan di Madinah yang gagalterbaharuisecara online.- Penambahan tombol perbaharuan informasi, tetap harusterhubunginternet.- Kini perbaharuan otomatis dilakukan per 3 jam sekaliyangsebelumnya setiap 1 jam sekali.- Perbaikan di Galaxy S6 & S7 jika GPS dimatikan, saataplikasimeminta izin untuk mengaktifkan GPS, langsung crash.- Melengkapi informasi jamaah wafat.- Perbaikan aplikasi langsung keluar kalau jamaah login tapibelumlengkap datanya di server.- Perbaikan di peta, jika gambar Akomodasi belum lengkapterunduh,crash.- Perbaikan di beberapa smartphone Samsung keluar OutofMemory.- Perbaikan gallery, beberapa smartphone Samsung, crash.- Perbaikan foto tidak tampil di profile, padahalsudahdipasang.- Kini informasi nomor telp dan alamat dihilangkandariprofile.- Perbaikan jadwal penerbangan terkadang tidak terupdatedariserver.- Perbaikan beberapa smartphone dan tablet Samsung tidakbisamendapatkan permisi untuk mengakses GPS.Pengumuman :(Kini dashboard untuk Tracking (Front End) bisa digunakanuntukmaksimal 2 porsi, jika ada masukansilahkan kirim e-mail kepada kami, ada di bagian AboutHajiPintar)catatan :1. Saat melakukan pencarian akomodasi (rumah) pastikan men-tappadalist kloter yang muncul, informasi otomatis mengarah padanomorrumah yang berisi kloter tersebut.2. Jika gambar akomodasi tidak muncul sama sekali,silahkanuninstall (hapus) dulu hajipintar.In order toimproveservices to pilgrims in HajjBy utilizing information technology, Ministry of ReligiousAffairsto develop an application which is operated using a smartphone orsmartphone and named "HAJI SMART"This application contains guidance and information forconductingthe pilgrimage in the holy landIn addition there is also information lodgings in Medina andMeccaand tent locations maktab.Information schedule of departure and returnShalawat bus information during in MeccaCatering service information and other informationApplications can be downloaded on Google Play or on theofficialwebsite of the Ministry of ReligiousAffairswww.kemenag.go.idThis app has a feature:- Housing Information- Transport Information- Information Catering- Street sign- Health information- Info PPIUHaji Smart 2.0- New look- The size of the smaller apk- Families can monitor the position of the pilgrims- Check the servings- Updates the data path in the back during application isstillactive- Gallery image accomodation- Most important is that the most currentinformationperbaharuan- Weather information Makkah and Madinah=2016 Version 2.0 New UIincrease1. Check the portion of the Hajj2. Integrated with the data Siskohat3. Display picture accommodations4. Data Dashboard maintenanca5. Monitoring Position pilgrims6. SMS / WA Center7. The addition of weather conditions Makkah and MadinahEnsure Application Smart Hajj is the most recent.Thank you very muchImportant Information:Haji Application Smart only support for Android 4.0 (IceCreamSandwich) to the topNote:- Changes in the data stops (if it does not perform the update,thepossibility of data duplication stops)- Addition of air schedule data for embarkation Medan- Change the menu font larger- Improved error on a search for accommodation / boardingbasedfleet numbers- Improved error on the SMS Center- Improved error on PHBs- Added the function to run the download photos on the menuonaccommodation- Addition information call center- Slide can enlarge (zoom)- Changes in bus sticker sholawat- Changes catering image- Repair issue can not login- Improved image issues do not appear at all accommodation- Additional information on the health page list of pilgrimswhodied- Changes server location- Improved tracking info pilgrims- Change the image storage location on your smartphone(repairissues sometimes missing image)- Simplify enter the login date, as some smartphone orAndroidtablet does not appear.- Repair pemondokkan position in the medina who failed withrenewedonline.- Adding the update of the information, still must be connectedtothe internet.- Now perbaharuan automatically performed once per threehoursearlier every 1 hour.- Improvements in the Galaxy S6 and S7 if GPS is turned off,whenthe application asks permission to turn on the GPS,directcrash.- Completing information pilgrims died.- Repair applications straight out when worshipers logged butnotyet complete data on the server.- Improvements in the map, if the picture is not yetcompleteaccommodation downloads, crash.- Improvements in some Samsung smartphones out Out of Memory.- Repair gallery, some Samsung smartphones, crash.- Repair the photos do not appear in the profile, butalreadyinstalled.- Now the phone number and address information removed fromtheprofile.- Improved flight schedules sometimes are not updated ontheserver.- Fixed some Samsung smartphones and tablets could notgetpermission to access the GPS.Announcement:(Now dashboard for Tracking (Front End) can be used for a maximumoftwo portions, if any inputplease send an e-mail to us, in part About Haji Smart)note:1. When searching for accommodation (home) make sure to tap onthefleet list that appears, automated information leading to thehousenumber that contains the fleet.2. If the image does not appear at all accommodations,pleaseuninstall (remove) first hajipintar.
Hajj Guide with Places In Urdu 1
Book Shop
Mashoor Islami Mukamat makkah mukarma aurhajjkduran bht mufeed malomat k lie ye book dekhiye.
حج و عمرہ کی دعائیں 1.1
Supplications or Dua is an Important part of Hajj and Umrah.
Hajj & Umrah preparation 2019 6
The Hajj (pilgrimage) is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca,anda mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried outatleast once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims whoarephysically and financially capable of undertaking the journey,andcan support their family during their absence. It is one ofthefive pillars of Islam, alongside Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, andSawm.The gathering during Hajj is considered the largestannualgathering of people in the world The state of beingphysically andfinancially capable of performing the Hajj is calledistita'ah, anda Muslim who fulfills this condition is called amustati. The Hajjis a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslimpeople, andtheir submission to God (Allah). The word Hajj means "tointend ajourney", which connotes both the outward act of a journeyand theinward act of intentions
Manasik Haji dan Umrah 1.1.8
Rituals of Hajj and Umrah application, from preparationthroughimplementation procedures.