Top 21 Games Similar to Banyuwangi Soccer Star

Macan Kemayoran Soccer 1.2
Macan Kemayoran Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Jakarta yang bernama Persija. NamaBesarPersijasudah dikenal oleh seluruh masyarakatIndonesiatermasuksuporternya. The Jakmania adalah suporter fanatikPersijaJakarta.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Persija main, TheJakmaniaselalumendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintang di KlubBerjulukMacanKemayoran itu. Semoga kedepannya Persija Bisa MenjadiJuaradi LigaIndonesiaNah, untuk menghibur para Fans Persija kini adaGamenya.Pernahbermain Finger Football ? Ini adalah gamesepakbolasederhana.Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baik untuk anak kecil (kids )hingga orangdewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- Suara Suporter The Jakmania ( Yel Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Persija. Just ForFansandEntertainment.Macan Kemayoranisanickname of origin Football Club named Persija Jakarta.PersijaBignames already known by all Indonesian people,includingsupporters.The Jakmania are fanatical supporters ofPersijaJakarta.Persija Sekapbola every game play, The Jakmaniaalwayssupported.Lots of star players at the club NicknamedMacanKemayoran.Hopefully in the future Persija Can BecomeChampionsLeagueIndonesiaWell, to entertain the fans of Persija now thereGamenya.Neverplay Finger Football? This is a simple football game.Veryeasy toplay, good for small children (kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- Sound Supporters The Jakmania (Yel Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Persija. Just ForFansandEntertainment.
Maung Bandung Soccer 1.2
Maung Bandung Soccer adalahPersibFootballGames - Bobotoh - Viking : Permainan FingerFootball.PersibBandung adalah salah satu Kesebelasan yang terbaikdiIndonesia.Selalu ikut diberbagai kompetisi sepak bolaindonesiatermasukPiala Sudirman Cup, Piala Presiden, Liga SuperIndonesia,dansemoga bisa tampil di liga Champions Asia AFCPersib Bandung selalu dipenuhi para pendukung/supporternyaketika bertanding. Seperti Bobotoh dan Viking.Merekaselalumendampingi Maung Bandung ketika berlaga.Dalam Game "Maung Bandung Soccer" ini anda juga akandibuatbanggajika memainkannya. Ketika kamu bermain, suarasupporter punikutbergemuruh, seperti bermain dilapangansungguhan.Cara memainkan Game Persib Bandung ini sangatmudah,diperlukantaktik atau formasi yang Pas agar kamu bisamengalahkanTimLain.Fitur :- Mudah Dimainkan- Suara Supporter / Yel Yel Persib Maung Bandung- Banyak Pilihan Klub Sepakbola Tanah Air- Bisa Dimanian Dengan Teman Anda ( 2 Orang )- Bisa Sistem Turnamen- dllNote :The Game is Not Official, Just For The Entertainment ofChildrenandFans of Persib BandungPersib MaungBandungSocceris Football Games - Bobotoh - Viking: Finger FootballGame.PersibBandung is one of the best soccer team inIndonesia.Alwaysparticipate in various competitions includingfootballIndonesiaSudirman Cup Cup, President's Cup, the IndonesianSuperLeague, andhopefully we can perform in the AFC AsianChampionsLeaguePersib Bandung is always filled with supporters/supporternyawhen competing. As Bobotoh and Viking. Theyalwaysaccompany MaungBandung when competing.In the Game "Maung Bandung Soccer" you will also be madeproudtoplay it. When you play, the sound of supporters, toorumble,likeplaying a real field.How to play the game Persib Bandung is veryeasy,necessarytactics or formations so that you can beat PasOtherTeams.features:- Easy Plays- Sound Supporter / Yel Yel Persib Maung Bandung- Many options Football Club Tanah Air- Can Dimanian With Your Friends (2 People)- Can Tournament System- etcNote:The Game is Not Official, Just For The Entertainment ofChildrenandfans of Persib Bandung
Sleman Football Star 1.2.4
Super Elang Jawa Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Sleman yang bernama PSS Sleman. NamaBesarPSSSleman sudah dikenal oleh seluruh masyarakatIndonesiatermasuksuporternya. BCS - Brigata Curva Sud dan Slemaniaadalahsuporterfanatik PSS Sleman Sleman.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola PSS Sleman bermain, BCS-BrigataCurva Sud dan Slemania selalu mendukung. Klub yangbermarkasdiStadion Maguwoharjo Banyak sekali pemain bintang diKlubBerjulukSuper Elang Jawa itu. Semoga kedepannya PSS SlemanBisaMenjadiJuara di Liga Indonesia dan membawa nama baikindonesia dipentasdunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans PSS Sleman kini ada Gamenya(SlemanFootball Star ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ? Iniadalahgamesepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baik untukanakkecil( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER BCS - Brigata Curva Sud dan Slemania(Yel- Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of PSS Sleman. Just ForFansandEntertainment.Java SuperEaglesFootballClub is a nickname of origin named PSS Sleman Sleman.PSSSleman Bignames already known by all Indonesian people,includingsupporters.BCS - Brigata Curva Sud and Slemania is afanaticalsupporter PSSSleman.In each game Sekapbola PSS Sleman playing, BCS - BrigataCurvaSudand Slemania always supported. Based club MaguwoharjoStadiumLots ofstar players at the club Nicknamed Super EaglesJava.Hopefully inthe future PSS Sleman Can Become ChampionsLeagueIndonesia and bringthe good name of Indonesia on theworldstage.Well, to entertain the fans PSS Sleman now thereGamenya(SlemanFootball Star). Never play Finger Football? This isasimplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support BCS - Brigata Curva Sud and Slemania (Yel-Yel/ Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of PSS Sleman. Just ForFansandEntertainment.
Elang Andalas Football 1.1
Elang Andalas - Laskar Wong Kito-LaskarJakabaring Adalah Julukan dari Klub Sepakbola asalPalembangyangbernama Sriwijaya FC. Nama Besar Sriwijaya FC sudahdikenalolehseluruh masyarakat Indonesia termasuk suporternya.SriwijayaManiaadalah suporter fanatik Sriwijaya FC Palembang.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Sriwijaya FCbermain,SriwijayaMania selalu mendukung. Klub yang bermarkas diStadionGeloraSriwijaya ( jakabaring ) Banyak sekali pemain bintangdiKlubBerjuluk Elang Andalas - Laskar Wong Kito - LaskarJakabaringitu.Semoga kedepannya Sriwijaya FC Bisa Menjadi Juara diLigaIndonesiadan membawa nama baik indonesia di pentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Sriwijaya FC kini ada Gamenya(ElangAndalas Football ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalah gamesepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanak kecil (kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Sriwijaya Mania ( Yel - Yel / Mars)- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Sriwijaya FC. JustForFansand Entertainment.Profil Singkat :Tim costumed red patterned yellow songket has twogroupsofsupporters, S-Mania (Sriwijaya Mania) and SingaMania(SriwijayaPalembang mania) which later merged intoSumselmania(South Sumatramania). Sriwijaya FC are champions of LigaIndonesiaPremierAndalas eagle -LaskarWongKito - Jakabaring Warriors Football Club is a nicknameoforiginnamed FC Palembang. The name of the FC has been knownbyallIndonesian people, including supporters. Sriwijaya Maniaisafanatical supporter Sriwijaya FC Palembang.In each game Sekapbola FC play, Sriwijaya Maniaalwayssupported.Based club Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium (Jakabaring)Lots ofstarplayers at the club Nicknamed Eagle Andalas - LaskarWong Kito-Laskar Jakabaring it. Hopefully in the future FCCanBecomeChampions League Indonesia and bring the good nameofIndonesia onthe world stage.Well, to entertain the fans FC now there Gamenya(AndalasEagleFootball). Never play Finger Football? This is asimplefootballgame. Very easy to play, good for small children(kids)toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Sriwijaya Mania (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Sriwijaya FC. Just ForFansandEntertainment.Brief Profile:Tim costumed red patterned yellow songket has twogroupsofsupporters, S-Mania (Sriwijaya Mania) and SingaMania(SriwijayaPalembang mania) the which later merged intoSumselmania(SouthSumatra mania). Sriwijaya FC are champions ofLigaIndonesiaPremier
Kabau Sirah Soccer 1.2
Kabau Sirah Soccer Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Padang yang bernama Semen Padang FC.NamaBesarSemen Padang FC sudah dikenal oleh seluruhmasyarakatIndonesiatermasuk suporternya. Spartacks, The Kmers,Ultras WestSumatera,Ultras Semen Padang adalah suporter fanatikSemen PadangFC Padang.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Semen Padang FCmain,Spartacks,The Kmers, Ultras West Sumatera, Ultras SemenPadangselalumendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintang di KlubBerjulukKabauSirah itu. Semoga kedepannya Semen Padang FC BisaMenjadiJuara diLiga Indonesia dan membawa nama baik indonesiadipentasdunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Semen Padang FC kini adaGamenya(Kabau Sirah Soccer ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalahgame sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanakkecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Spartacks, The Kmers, UltrasWestSumatera,Ultras Semen Padang ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Semen Padang FC.JustForFans and Entertainment.Profil Singkat :Semen Padang Football Club is a football club owned byPTSemenPadang. This football club based in Indarung, Padang,WestSumatra,and plays its home games at Haji Agus Salim StadiumKabau SirahSoccerFootballClub is a nickname of origin named Semen PadangPadang FC.Big namesSemen Padang FC is already known by allIndonesianpeople, includingsupporters. Spartacks, The Kmers, WestSumatraUltras, Ultras SemenPadang is a fanatical supporter SemenPadangPadang FC.In each game Sekapbola Semen Padang FC play, Spartacks,TheKmers,West Sumatra Ultras, Ultras Semen Padang hasalwayssupported. Lotsof star players in the Sirah Kabau NicknamedClub.Hopefully in thefuture Semen Padang FC Can Become ChampionsLeagueIndonesia andbring the good name of Indonesia on theworldstage.Well, to entertain the fans Semen Padang FC nowthereGamenya(Kabau Sirah Soccer). Never play Finger Football? Thisis asimplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Spartacks, The Kmers, WestSumatraUltras,Ultras Semen Padang (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Semen Padang FC.JustForFans and Entertainment.Brief Profile:Semen Padang Football Club is a football club owned byPTSemenPadang. This football club based in Indarung, Padang,WestSumatra,and plays its home games at Haji Agus Salim Stadium
Mutiara Hitam Soccer 1.2
Mutiara Hitam Adalah Julukan dariKlubSepakbolaasal Jayapura yang bernama Persipura. NamaBesarPersipura sudahdikenal oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesiatermasuksuporternya.Persipuramania adalah suporter fanatikPersipuraJayapura.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Persipuramain,Persipuramaniaselalu mendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintangdiKlub BerjulukMutiara Hitam itu. Semoga kedepannya PersipuraBisaMenjadi Juaradi Liga IndonesiaNah, untuk menghibur para Fans Persipura kini adaGamenya.Pernahbermain Finger Football ? Ini adalah gamesepakbolasederhana.Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baik untuk anak kecil (kids )hingga orangdewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Persipuramania ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Persipura. JustForFansand Entertainment.Profil Sinngkat :Jayapura Indonesia Football Association is ANIndonesianfootballclub Yang headquartered in Jayapura, Papua. Untilnow thehighestachievement is Being four time champions in IndonesiaFrom2005 To2013Black Pearl isanicknameof origin Football Club named Persipura Jayapura.BignamePersipura already known by all Indonesianpeople,includingsupporters. Persipuramania is a fanaticalsupporterPersipuraJayapura.Sekapbola Persipura play every game,Persipuramaniaalwayssupported. Lots of star players in clubNicknamed the BlackPearl.Hopefully in the future Persipura CanBecome ChampionsLeagueIndonesiaWell, to entertain the fans Persipura now thereGamenya.Neverplay Finger Football? This is a simple football game.Veryeasy toplay, good for small children (kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Persipuramania (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of the Roma. Just ForFansandEntertainment.Sinngkat profile:Jayapura Indonesia Football Association is ANIndonesianfootballclub Yang headquartered in Jayapura, Papua. Untilnow thehighestachievement is Being a four-time champions inIndonesiaFrom 2005 To2013
Arema Soccer Games 1.2
Nama Permainan ini adalah "AremaSoccerGames"yaitu game sepakbola indonesia / Liga SuperIndonesiakhususnyaKesebelasan Arema Malang. Arema adalah salah satuklubbesar diIndonesia dan memiliki banyak sekali pendukund (AremaniadanAremanita ) - Arema Indonesia - Arema CronusGame ini sangat cocok untuk semua orang, mudahdimainkan.Jikakamu memainkan game ini, kamu akan merasakanpertandinganaremadilapangan hijau.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub Sepak Bola Indoonesia- Ada Suara Supporter ( Aremania & Aremanita )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Sistem Trunamen- dllJaya Terus Arema. Arema Juara dan Selamat MencobaThe name of thisgameis"Arema Soccer Games", namely football game Indonesia/IndonesiaSuper League Arema Malang in particular squad. Aremaisone of thebig clubs in Indonesia and has a lot ofpendukund(Aremania andAremanita) - Arema Indonesia - Arema CronusThis game is perfect for everyone, easy to play. If youplaythisgame, you will feel the match Arema green field.features:- Many options Football Club Indoonesia- No Sound Supporter (Aremania & Aremanita)- Can Play 2 People- Can System Trunamen- etcKeep Jaya Arema. Arema Champion and Good luck
Borneo Soccer Games 1.2
Borneo Soccer Games Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Samarinda yang bernama Pusamania BorneoFC.NamaBesar Pusamania Borneo FC sudah dikenal olehseluruhmasyarakatIndonesia termasuk suporternya. Pusamania adalahsuporterfanatikPusamania Borneo FC Samarinda.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Pusamania BorneoFCmain,Pusamania selalu mendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintangdiKlubBerjuluk Pesut Etam itu. Semoga kedepannya Pusamania BorneoFCBisaMenjadi Juara di Liga Indonesia dan membawa nama baikindonesiadipentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Pusamania Borneo FC kini adaGamenya(Borneo Soccer Games ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalahgame sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanakkecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Pusamania ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Pusamania BorneoFC.JustFor Fans and Entertainment.Profil Singkat :Pusamania Borneo F.C. Indonesia is a football club thatcomesfromSamarinda, East Kalimantan. The club played in thePremierLeagueIndonesia in 2014 after the club acquired PersebaSuperBangkalan onMarch 7, 2014Borneo SoccerGamesSoccerClub is a nickname of origin named PusamaniaBorneoSamarinda FC.Big Name Pusamania Borneo FC is already known byallIndonesianpeople, including supporters. Pusamania is afanaticalsupporterPusamania FC Borneo Samarinda.In each game Sekapbola Pusamania Borneo FC play,Pusamaniaalwayssupported. Lots of star players in club NicknamedtheEtamporpoises. Hopefully in the future Pusamania Borneo FCCanBecomeChampions League Indonesia and bring the good nameofIndonesia onthe world stage.Well, to entertain the fans Pusamania Borneo FC nowthereGamenya(Borneo Soccer Games). Never play Finger Football? Thisisa simplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Pusamania (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Pusamania BorneoFC.JustFor Fans and Entertainment.Brief Profile:Pusamania Borneo F.C. Indonesia is a football club thatcomesfromSamarinda, East Kalimantan. The club played in thePremierLeagueIndonesia in 2014 after the club acquired PersebaSuperBangkalan onMarch 7, 2014
Sape Kerrab Soccer 1.0
Sape Kerrab Adalah Julukan dariKlubSepakbolaasal Madura yang bernama Madura United FC. NamaBesarMadura UnitedFC sudah dikenal oleh seluruh masyarakatIndonesiatermasuksuporternya. Taretan Mania, K-Conk Mania, danPeccot Maniaadalahsuporter fanatik Madura United FC Madura.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Madura United FCbermain,TaretanMania, K-Conk Mania, dan Peccot Mania selalumendukung.Klub yangbermarkas di Stadion Gelora Bangkalan Banyaksekalipemain bintangdi Klub Berjuluk Sape Kerrab itu. SemogakedepannyaMadura United FCBisa Menjadi Juara di Liga Indonesia danmembawanama baik indonesiadi pentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Madura United FC kini adaGamenya(Sape Kerrab Soccer ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalahgame sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanakkecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Taretan Mania, K-Conk Mania,danPeccotMania ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Madura United FC.JustForFans and Entertainment.Profil Sinngkat :Madura United FC is an Indonesian football clubbasedinBangkalan, Madura. The club was formerly namedPersipasiBekasiwhich is the result of a merger of Persipasi PelitaBandungRayaBekasi with the Belaga in the Indonesian SuperLeague.OwnersPersipasi Bekasi, Ari D. Sutedi eventually sold theclubtoAchsanul Qosasi, and then transformed into Madura UnitedFCSape KerrabFootballClubis a nickname of Madurese named Madura United FC. BigNameMaduraUnited FC is already known by all Indonesianpeople,includingsupporters. Taretan Mania, K-Conk Mania, and PeccotManiais afanatical supporter Madura Madura United FC.In each game Sekapbola Madura United FC play,TaretanMania,K-Conk Mania, and Peccot Mania always supported. Theclub isbasedat the Stadium Bangkalan Many star players at theclubNicknamedthe Kerrab Sape. Hopefully in the future Madura UnitedFCCanBecome Champions League Indonesia and bring the goodnameofIndonesia on the world stage.Well, to entertain the fans Madura United FC nowthereGamenya(SAPE Kerrab Soccer). Never play Finger Football? Thisis asimplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND Taretan Mania fans support, K-Conk Mania, andPeccotMania(Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Madura United FC. JustForFansand Entertainment.Sinngkat profile:Madura United FC is an Indonesian football clubbasedinBangkalan, Madura. The club was formerly named PersipasiBekasithewhich is the result of a merger of Persipasi PelitaBandungRayaBekasi with the Belaga in the Indonesian SuperLeague.OwnersPersipasi Bekasi, Ari D. Sutedi Eventually sold theclubtoAchsanul Qosasi, and then transformed into Madura UnitedFC
Joko Samudro Soccer 1.2
Laskar Joko Samudro Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Gresik yang bernama Persegres GresikUnited.NamaBesar Persegres Gresik United sudah dikenal olehseluruhmasyarakatIndonesia termasuk suporternya. Ultras Gresikadalahsuporterfanatik Persegres Gresik United Gresik.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Persegres GresikUnitedmain,Ultras Gresik selalu mendukung. Banyak sekali pemainbintangdiKlub Berjuluk Laskar Joko Samudro itu. SemogakedepannyaPersegresGresik United Bisa Menjadi Juara di LigaIndonesia danmembawa namabaik indonesia di pentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Persegres Gresik UnitedkiniadaGamenya ( Joko Samudro Soccer ). Pernah bermain FingerFootball?Ini adalah game sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudahdimainkan,baikuntuk anak kecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Ultras Gresik ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Persegres GresikUnited.JustFor Fans and Entertainment.Laskar Joko Samudroisanickname of Football Clubs from Gresik namedPersegresGresikUnited. Big Name Persegres Gresik United are wellknown byallIndonesian people, including supporters. Ultras Gresikisafanatical supporter Persegres Gresik United Gresik.In each game Sekapbola Persegres Gresik Unitedplayed,UltrasGresik always supported. Lots of star players in theClubNicknamedLaskar Joko Samudro it. Hopefully in the futurePersegresGresikUnited Can Become Champions League Indonesia andbring thegoodname of Indonesia on the world stage.Well, to entertain the fans Persegres Gresik UnitednowthereGamenya (Joko Samudro Soccer). Never play FingerFootball?This isa simple football game. Very easy to play, good forsmallchildren(kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Ultras Gresik (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Persegres GresikUnited.JustFor Fans and Entertainment.
Ayam Kinantan Football 1.2.1
Ayam Kinantan Adalah Julukan dariKlubSepakbolaasal Medan yang bernama PSMS Medan. Nama Besar PSMSMedansudahdikenal oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesiatermasuksuporternya.Kampak Fans Club - PSMS FC adalah suporterfanatikPSMS Medan Medan.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola PSMS Medan bermain,KampakFansClub - PSMS FC selalu mendukung. Klub yang bermarkasdiStadionTeladan Medan Banyak sekali pemain bintang di KlubBerjulukAyamKinantan itu. Semoga kedepannya PSMS Medan Bisa MenjadiJuaradiLiga Indonesia dan membawa nama baik indonesiadipentasdunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans PSMS Medan kini ada Gamenya(AyamKinantan Football ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalahgame sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanakkecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Kampak Fans Club - PSMS FC ( Yel -Yel/Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of PSMS Medan. Just ForFansandEntertainment.Sejarah Singkat :The Football Association of Area Medan commonly abbreviatedORANPSMS Medan is Indonesia Which football club based inMedan,NorthSumatra. PSMS Medan When Singer to Play inPremierLeagueIndonesia.PSMS Medan founded ON April 21, 1950. However since 1930hasstoodMedansche club Voetbal Club (MSV) which is believedembryonicPSMS.Since PT WORKS COPYRIGHT known Medan Putra World ByBECAUSEDelinyatobacco plantation. Wonder no logo bahwasannya PSMSForm"leaf" and"Tobacco flowers Deli".PSMS Medan known WITH A typical type of rap-rap gamethatisfootball Its character hard, but insisted Fast AndStillPlayingClean uphold sportsmanship. Here's That oftendemonstratedby theteam nicknamed "Chicken Kinantan" is.ChickenKinantanisnickname of Football Clubs from Medan who called PSMSMedan.PSMSMedan Great Name is already known by allIndonesianpeople,including supporters. Kampak Fans Club - FC PSMSMedan isafanatical supporter PSMS Medan.In each game Sekapbola PSMS Medan played, ax Fans Club -FCPSMSalways supported. Club based in Medan Exemplary StadiumLotsofstar players at the club Nicknamed Chicken Kinantanit.Hopefullyin the future PSMS Medan Can Become ChampionsLeagueIndonesia andbring the good name of Indonesia on theworldstage.Well, to entertain the fans PSMS Medan now thereGamenya(ChickenKinantan Football). Never play Finger Football? Thisis asimplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Kampak Fans Club - FC PSMS (Yel -Yel/Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of PSMS Medan. Just ForFansandEntertainment.A brief History :The Football Association of Area Medan commonly abbreviatedORANPSMS Medan is Indonesia Which football club based inMedan,NorthSumatra. PSMS Medan When Singer to Play inPremierLeagueIndonesia.PSMS Medan founded ON April 21, 1950. However since 1930hasStoodMedansche club Voetbal Club (MSV) is BelievedembryonicPSMSroomates. COPYRIGHT WORKS known since PT Medan PutraWorldByBECAUSE Delinya tobacco plantation. Wonder no logobahwasannyaPSMSForm "leaf" and "Tobacco flowers Deli".PSMS Medan known WITH A typical type of rap-rap gamethatisfootball Its character hard, but INSISTED Fast AndStillPlayingClean uphold sportsmanship. Here's That Oftendemonstratedby theteam nicknamed "Chicken Kinantan" is.
Serdadu Tridatu Soccer 1.2
Serdadu Tridatu Soccer Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Gianyar Bali yang bernama Bali United FC.NamaBesarBali United FC sudah dikenal oleh seluruhmasyarakatIndonesiatermasuk suporternya. NORTHSIDEBOYS12 - SemetonDewata -BrigadeZupporter Bali (Brigaz Bali) adalah suporter fanatikBaliUnited FCGianyar Bali.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Bali UnitedFCmain,NORTHSIDEBOYS12 - Semeton Dewata - Brigade ZupporterBali(BrigazBali) selalu mendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintangdiKlubBerjuluk Serdadu Tridatu itu. Semoga kedepannya Bali UnitedFCBisaMenjadi Juara di Liga Indonesia dan membawa nama baikindonesiadipentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Bali United FC kini adaGamenya(Serdadu Tridatu Soccer ). Pernah bermain Finger Football?Iniadalah game sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan,baikuntukanak kecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER NORTHSIDEBOYS12 - Semeton Dewata-BrigadeZupporter Bali (Brigaz Bali) ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Bali United FC. JustForFansand Entertainment.Profil Singkat :Bali United F.C. is an Indonesian football club,basedStadionCaptain Wayan Dipta, Gianyar, Bali Province.SoldiertridatuSoccerFootball Club is a nickname of origin Gianyar BalicalledBaliUnited FC. Name of the Bali United FC is already knownbyallIndonesian people, including supporters. NORTHSIDEBOYS12-SemetonDewata - Bali Zupporter Brigade (Brigaz Bali) isafanaticalsupporter of Bali United FC Gianyar Bali.In each game Sekapbola Bali United FC play,NORTHSIDEBOYS12-Semeton Dewata - Brigade Zupporter Bali (BaliBrigaz)alwayssupported. Lots of star players in club Nicknamedthetridatusoldier. Hopefully in the future Bali United FCCanBecomeChampions League Indonesia and bring the good nameofIndonesia onthe world stage.Well, to entertain the fans Bali United FC nowthereGamenya(Soldier tridatu Soccer). Never play Finger Football?Thisis asimple football game. Very easy to play, good forsmallchildren(kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support NORTHSIDEBOYS12 - Semeton Dewata-BrigadeZupporter Bali (Bali Brigaz) (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Bali United FC. JustForFansand Entertainment.Brief Profile:Bali United F.C. is an Indonesian football club,basedStadionCaptain Wayan Dipta, Gianyar, Bali Province.
Beruang Madu Soccer 1.2
Beruang Madu Soccer Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Balikpapan yang bernama PersibaBalikpapan.NamaBesar Persiba Balikpapan sudah dikenal olehseluruhmasyarakatIndonesia termasuk suporternya. Balistik adalahsuporterfanatikPersiba Balikpapan Balikpapan.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Persiba Balikpapanmain,Balistikselalu mendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintang diKlubBerjulukBeruang Madu itu. Semoga kedepannya PersibaBalikpapanBisa MenjadiJuara di Liga Indonesia dan membawa namabaikindonesia di pentasdunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Persiba Balikpapan kini adaGamenya(Beruang Madu Soccer ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalahgame sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanakkecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Balistik ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Persiba Balikpapan.JustForFans and Entertainment.Honey BearSoccerFootballClub is a nickname of origin named PersibaBalikpapanBalikpapan.Big name Persiba Balikpapan already known byallIndonesian people,including supporters. Ballistic is afanaticalsupporter PersibaBalikpapan Balikpapan.Persiba Balikpapan Sekapbola every game play,Ballisticalwayssupported. Lots of star players in club Nicknamedthe HoneyBear.Hopefully in the future Persiba Balikpapan CanBecomeChampionsLeague Indonesia and bring the good name ofIndonesia onthe worldstage.Well, to entertain the fans Persiba Balikpapan nowthereGamenya(Sun Bear Soccer). Never play Finger Football? This isasimplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Ballistic (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Persiba Balikpapan.JustForFans and Entertainment.
Joko Tingkir Football 1.2
Joko Tingkir Football Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Lamongan yang bernama Persela Lamongan.NamaBesarPersela Lamongan sudah dikenal oleh seluruhmasyarakatIndonesiatermasuk suporternya. LA Mania adalah suporterfanatikPerselaLamongan Lamongan.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola Persela Lamongan main,LAManiaselalu mendukung. Banyak sekali pemain bintang diKlubBerjulukLaskar Joko Tingkir itu. Semoga kedepannya PerselaLamonganBisaMenjadi Juara di Liga Indonesia dan membawa nama baikindonesiadipentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Persela Lamongan kini adaGamenya(Joko Tingkir Football ). Pernah bermain Finger Football?Iniadalah game sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan,baikuntukanak kecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER LA Mania ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Persela Lamongan.JustForFans and Entertainment.Profil Singkat :The Football Association have nicknames Lamongan AndLaskarJokoTingkir Was A football club based in Indonesia WhichLamongan,EastJava.Joko TingkirFootballWasFootball Club Nickname of origin named PerselaLamonganLamongan.Big name Persela Lamongan already known by allIndonesianpeople,including supporters. LA Mania is a fanaticalsupporterPerselaLamongan Lamongan.In each game Sekapbola Persela Lamongan played, LAManiaalwayssupported. Lots of star players in the Club NicknamedLaskarJokoTingkir it. Hopefully in the future Persela LamonganCanBecomeChampions League Indonesia and bring the good nameofIndonesia onthe world stage.Well, to entertain the fans Persela Lamongan nowthereGamenya(Joko Tingkir Football). Never play Finger Football?This isasimple football game. Very easy to play, good forsmallchildren(kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support LA Mania (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Persela Lamongan.JustForFans and Entertainment.Brief Profile:The Football Association have nicknames Lamongan AndLaskarJokoTingkir Was A football club based in Indonesia WhichLamongan,EastJava.
Laskar Sakera Football 1.2.2
Ajag Bromo Laskar Sakera AdalahJulukandariKlub Sepakbola asal Pasuruan yang bernamaPersekabpasPasuruan.Nama Besar Persekabpas Pasuruan sudah dikenalolehseluruhmasyarakat Indonesia termasuk suporternya. LaskarSakeraatauSakeramania adalah suporter fanatik PersekabpasPasuruanPasuruan.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola PersekabpasPasuruanbermain,Laskar Sakera atau Sakeramania selalu mendukung.Klubyangbermarkas di Gelora Pogar Bangil Pasuruan Banyaksekalipemainbintang di Klub Berjuluk Ajag Bromo Laskar Sakeraitu.Semogakedepannya Persekabpas Pasuruan Bisa Menjadi JuaradiLigaIndonesia dan membawa nama baik indonesia dipentasdunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans Persekabpas Pasuruan kiniadaGamenya( Laskar Sakera Football ). Pernah bermain FingerFootball? Iniadalah game sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudahdimainkan, baikuntukanak kecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Laskar Sakera atau Sakeramania ( Yel-Yel/ Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of Persekabpas Pasuruan.JustForFans and Entertainment.Dhole BromoSakeraWarriorsFootball Club is a nickname of origin namedPersekabpasPasuruanPasuruan. Big Name Persekabpas Pasuruan alreadyknown byallIndonesian people, including supporters. WarriorsSakeraorSakeramania is a fanatical supporter PersekabpasPasuruanPasuruan.In each match played Sekapbola Persekabpas Pasuruan,LaskarSakeraor Sakeramania always supported. Based club GeloraPogarbangil Manystar players at the club Nicknamed Dhole BromoLaskarSakera it.Hopefully in the future Persekabpas Pasuruan CanBecomeChampionsLeague Indonesia and bring the good name ofIndonesia onthe worldstage.Well, to entertain the fans Persekabpas Pasuruan nowthereGamenya(Sakera Warriors Football). Never play FingerFootball?This is asimple football game. Very easy to play, goodfor smallchildren(kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND Warriors fans support Sakera or Sakeramania (Yel -Yel/Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of Persekabpas Pasuruan.JustForFans and Entertainment.
Barito Soccer Star 1.2
Laskar Antasari Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Banjarmasin yang bernama PS BaritoPutera.NamaBesar PS Barito Putera sudah dikenal olehseluruhmasyarakatIndonesia termasuk suporternya. Barito Mania (Bartman),BaritoPutera Fans Club, NFS adalah suporter fanatik PSBaritoPuteraBanjarmasin.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola PS Barito Putera main, BaritoMania(Bartman), Barito Putera Fans Club, NFS selalumendukung.Banyaksekali pemain bintang di Klub Berjuluk LaskarAntasari itu.Semogakedepannya PS Barito Putera Bisa Menjadi Juaradi LigaIndonesiadan membawa nama baik indonesia di pentasdunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans PS Barito Putera kini adaGamenya(Barito Soccer Star ). Pernah bermain Finger Football ?Iniadalahgame sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan, baikuntukanakkecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Barito Mania ( Bartman), BaritoPuteraFansClub, NFS ( Yel - Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of PS Barito Putera.JustForFans and Entertainment.Laskar Antasariisanickname of origin Banjarmasin Football Club namedPSBaritoPutera. The name of the PS Barito Putera already knownbyallIndonesian people, including supporters. BaritoMania(Bartman),Barito Putera Fans Club, NFS is a fanaticalsupporter PSBaritoPutera Banjarmasin.In each game Sekapbola PS Barito Putera play, BaritoMania(Bartman),Barito Putera Fans Club, NFS has always supported.Lotsof starplayers in club Nicknamed the Laskar Antasari.Hopefully inthefuture PS Barito Putera Can Become Champions LeagueIndonesiaandbring the good name of Indonesia on the worldstage.Well, to entertain the fans PS Barito Putera nowthereGamenya(Barito Soccer Star). Never play Finger Football? Thisis asimplefootball game. Very easy to play, good for smallchildren(kids) toadults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND fans support Barito Mania (Bartman), Barito PuteraFansClub,NFS (Yel - Yel / Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of PS Barito Putera. JustForFansand Entertainment.
Asykar Bertuah Football 1.2.2
‎Asykar Bertuah Adalah JulukandariKlubSepakbola asal Pekanbaru yang bernama PSPS Pekanbaru.NamaBesarPSPS Pekanbaru sudah dikenal oleh seluruhmasyarakatIndonesiatermasuk suporternya. Asykar Theking dan CurvaNord 1955adalahsuporter fanatik PSPS Pekanbaru Pekanbaru.Disetiap Pertandingan Sekapbola PSPS Pekanbarubermain,AsykarTheking dan Curva Nord 1955 selalu mendukung. Klubyangbermarkasdi Stadion Kaharuddin Nasution Banyak sekalipemainbintang di KlubBerjuluk ‎Asykar Bertuah itu. Semogakedepannya PSPSPekanbaru BisaMenjadi Juara di Liga Indonesia danmembawa nama baikindonesia dipentas dunia.Nah, untuk menghibur para Fans PSPS Pekanbaru kini adaGamenya(‎Asykar Bertuah Football ). Pernah bermain Finger Football?Iniadalah game sepakbola sederhana. Sangat Mudah dimainkan,baikuntukanak kecil ( kids ) hingga orang dewasa.Fitur :- Banyak Pilihan Klub- SUARA DUKUNGAN SUPORTER Asykar Theking dan Curva Nord 1955 (Yel-Yel / Mars )- Bisa Dimainkan 2 Orang- Bisa Turnamen- dllNote : This Game is Not an Official of PSPS Pekanbaru. JustForFansand Entertainment.Ashkar Sorcererisanickname of origin Football Club named PekanbaruPSPSPekanbaru.PSPS Pekanbaru Great Name is already known byallIndonesianpeople, including supporters. Ashkar theKing andCurvaNord 1955 isa fanatical supporter PSPS Pekanbaru Pekanbaru.In each game Sekapbola PSPS Pekanbaru played, AshkartheKingandCurva Nord 1955 has always supported. Based clubKaharuddinStadiumNasution Many star players at the club NicknamedtheSorcererAshkar. Hopefully in the future PSPS Pekanbaru CanBecomeChampionsLeague Indonesia and bring the good name ofIndonesia onthe worldstage.Well, to entertain the fans PSPS Pekanbaru nowthereGamenya(Ashkar Sorcerer Football). Never play Finger Football?Thisis asimple football game. Very easy to play, good forsmallchildren(kids) to adults.features:- Many Options Clubs- SOUND Ashkar fans support theKing and Curva Nord 1955 (Yel -Yel/Mars)- Can Play 2 People- Can Tournament- etcNote: This Game is Not an Official of PSPS Pekanbaru. JustForFansand Entertainment.
Mini Football Game 1.0
Are you crazy about football or soccergames?Then this mini pocket football game is ultimate fun for you.Mini soccer game is an electronic version of 1959 coinsbasedgame. The aim of the game is to score a goal with pennies. Itisalso known as tabletop football, table football, spoin,sportingcoins, button football, coin football, penny football orminifootball game.Did you played coins or soft bottle caps? We are sure youplayedit with your friend at school by drawing football field onclassicgame sheet and using soft bottle caps. Do you belief thatnow youcan also play that game? We bring it for you on yoursmartphone.This game reminds you those golden days.Gameplay:Mini Football Gameplay is easy to pick up and fun to play.Simplepull the player, set the direction and release to goal. Youcanchoose your favorite team, set the match duration and set theplayerformation. You need to play qualifying rounds to playinchampionship.Play with world leading teams, such as Argentina,Brazil,Germany, Belgium, Chile, Portugal, United Kingdom, USA,Spain,Italy, France etc…Features:Single PlayerTournamentSelect Teams, Formation & Match DurationInvite and Challenge Facebook FriendsPlay Qualifying RoundsPlay Group MatchesPlay Championship
Mini FootBall 2015 1.1
REALISTIC, IMMERSIVE & ADDICTIVE.MiniFootball 2015 offers the purest football fun with fastpacedgameplay, most realistic physics, astonishing atmosphere andtonsof replay value!
Mini football 1.0.4
We have all experienced infootball,whetherthey play in the yard with a ball with friends orwatchingthefootball finals at the Olympics in Rio. Now you cananddiscovernew mini football game in which the game tactics intheminifootball opens a different perspective and will helpyouunderstandall the intricacies of the process. To do this, youneedtodownload game mini football and enjoy your favoritegameofmillions of people from all corners of our vastplanet.Especiallymini football in 2016 attracted the attention ofthepublic evenmore, it is no wonder that a mini football season20162017 calledthe most interesting and unpredictable of all time.Andnow you andyour friends will be able to arrange achampionshiponmini-football in 2016 due to the application. Andthemini-footballtournament you will remember for a long time,thanksto theinteresting battles. Then you will say with pride, thatyouwent ona mini football tournament, which was the number ofgoalsscoredhugest and most beautiful will be remembered for a longtime.Sowhat you can call it even a mini football tournament inmemoryofsome famous figures or favorite players from the pastthewinner.Connoisseurs will enjoy very gates for mini football,whicharerepresented in the game, because they are designedaccording tothereal dimensions, and it is soccer Gates for minifootball arethehighlight of the game. Can not be said that the sizeof thegatefor a mini soccer 3 by 2 meters, so you can not worry, weknowtheright balance. Also, you might be interested in the rulesofminifootball, because that in the old school game where therulesarenot complied with in a mini football, however if you followalltherules of the game, then it will turn into a fairlymediocregame.Therefore, it was decided to reduce the rules ofminifootballsummary which conveys the essence of the game, thehighestscore isthe winner. You will need to split into a minifootballteam, andstart to compete in pairs. Moreover, mini footballsquadmay varyas you wish, you may even be completely female teamminifootball,or mixed, no matter what sex you are or whatyourexperience onthis football field are all equal. Just want tosay amini footballlive and breathe it every second, it's awonderfulsport, gave us ahuge number of memorable moments such asthe firstgoal in yourlife in the courtyard, to the winning goal inthe WorldCup. Justlive mini football city you will, mostimportantly, liveminifootball that's all you need. This is a greatopportunity tospenda little competition, a sort of mini footballamong yourfriendsand acquaintances. For entertainment, you will beable tohold amini football among veterans and give them a fewhours, andthe joyof the gay thing. What can we say about the minifootballamongschool, he performed like a real football field, andcan nowbeconducted in a mobile world, because for that youalreadyhaveeverything you need. And for the latter do not need aminifield,or even a mini football field, because you have to besuch afieldin your mobile device. After all, we all know thattheavailabilityof the mini football field is very low and rarelyplayfor fun, buthere you will not be restricted. The applicationhaseverything youneed, mini ball, gate, field and footballplayers.Although if youhave the opportunity, you can take a minisoccerball and runaround in the yard with friends, and then to playonthe phone withthem, when the ball for mini football is not sogoodbecause of thedark will be visible, or simply whilerelaxingbetween inning. Now,you just download the game of footballon yourmobile device andyour favorite game you will always be athand, themore thatfootball game download on android now easy andaffordablethan everbefore. But in this case, you can download afree game andenjoythe process of football games all day long withyour friends.Someelements remind you of beach
Mini Football: Super Powers 1.2.0
Mini Football : Super Powers offers anewminifootball experience.You can unlock new and unique superpowersanduse those powers against your opponents. Combinesuperpowersstrategically to challenge legendary opponents. ClimbSuperPowerTree step by step to beat the best and become best. Havefun...FEATURES- A great single player experience with 5 dificulty levelsand5different AI characters- "Pass The Phone" Multiplayer Option- Unique Super Powers- Many different formations and customizable formation option- Many opportunity to win Free Game Money