Top 19 Games Similar to TAXI ONLINE

Taxi Online 1.1-passenger
Made in Ukraine. Order Taxi with five clicks online. GoogleMapssupport. Specify own trip costs.
Saytaxi - Get a cab now 0.38.03-SUNDOG
Onde OU
With Saytaxi you can book a taxi from your smartphone in just afewseconds. The app uses GPS technology to directly connect youwith adriver within a range right when you need it. Saytaxi isdesignedto improve safety by allowing you to view driver's name andratingas well as the vehicle information before a ride. You canalso seeas the driver approaches in real time and rate him at theend ofthe ride. With this app, you can now book a taxi in Orlando,Tampa,Cocoa, Miami, Klang Valley (Malaysia), San Jose (CostaRica),Coimbatore (India). It is a global app that is workingon dispatch platform. You can book a taxi inanylocation where Onde platform is in operation. List of locationsiscoming soon. In Minsk service works with Taxi 107, Taxi 157.Andplanning to start working with Taxi Minsk, 7788, Taxi 7788,Taxi135, Taxi Stolica. In Malaysia service works with 세이택시, 쎄이택시.InCosta Rica service can be recognised as Diga taxi. Enjoy yourride!
GoStar 3.0
Go Star Merupakan AplikasiPemesananTaksiBerbasis Online dengan memberikan layanantransportasiuntukmasyarakat Palembang dan sekitarnya denganmengandalkanteknologiaplikasi dalam pemesanan kendaraan kebutuhandenganberbagai jenispilihan kendaraan serta fitur kendaraan yangakanmenjadi solusipemesanan transportasi. Cepat, Tepat danTertujumerupakan sebagianvisi, selain memberikan kecepatan dalampemesananjuga menujuketepatan dalam pemilihan kendaraan, dantertuju lokasiyang ditujumerupakan pelayanan penting. “ENJOY THETRUECOMFORT”.
Mytrans Taxi 1.2
Aplikasi Mytrans memberikankemudahandalamsetiap perjalanan anda, Masukan data perjalanan dananda akandapatkenyamanan layanan transportasi kami hanya dalambeberapakliksaja.Mytrans menyediakan beberapa pilihan sesuai kebutuhananda:Mytrans Motor : Solusi yang tepat bagi anda yanginginsampaiditujuan dengan cepat dan aman sertauntukpengirimanandokumen,parcel dan lainnya.Mytrans Car & Taxi : Pilihan yang mengutamakanpelayananyangnyaman dan cepat.Mytrans Rent a Car : Kebutuhan transport untuk acara special.Setiap biaya perjalanan akan diketahui di muka danandatinggalambil cara pembayaran yang diinginkan : tunai, kreditcardatau viapaypal account.Cara pengunaan Mytrans:1. Dapatkan aplikasi Mytrans secara gratis diPlayStorekemudianmendaftar dan akun anda akan lansung aktif..2. Pilihlah jenis layanan yang anda inginkan! Lokasikeberadaanandaakan lansung terdeteksi oleh aplikasiMytranssecaraotomatis,kemudian tentukan lokasi tujuan danpilihBook.3. Pengemudi akan mengkonfirmasi lokasi penjemputan, danandajugabisa melacak / track keberadaan dari pengemudi yangsedangmenujulokasi penjemputanUntuk info lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi :www.mytrans-indonesia.com convenience in every trip you, Inputdata andyour tripwill be the comfort of our transport services injust afew clicksaway.Mytrans provide several options according to your needs:Mytrans Motor: The perfect solution for those of you whowanttoarrived at the destination quickly and safely, andtopengirimanandocument, parcel and others.Mytrans Car & Taxi: Options that promotes convenientandquickservice.Mytrans Rent a Car: The Need transport for special events.Travel expenses will be known in advance and you justdownloadthedesired method of payment: cash, credit card orviapaypalaccount.How to use Mytrans:1. Get the app for free Mytrans in PlayStore then sign upandyouraccount will be directly active ..2. Choose the type of service you want! The location whereyouwillbe directly detected by Mytrans applicationautomatically,thenspecify the destination location and chooseBook.3. Drivers will confirm the pickup location, and you can alsotrace/track whereabouts of the driver who was headingthepickuplocationFor more info please visit:www.mytrans-indonesia.com
STaxi - Order Taxi Online
New online taxi service in Tbilisi! Be intrend- book taxi online!Staxi - fast and reliable taxi service in Georgia! Book a taxiinTbilisi. Airport Shuttle Service in Tbilisi, Kutaisi,Batumi.Why do customers love us:• taxi Tbilisi without calling to the dispatcher• determination of the place GPS position and substitutionthenearest address• 5% discount for registered users in Georgia taxi• momentary miscalculation taxi in Tbilisi• reliable reservation taxi in the city and to theairportTbilisi• sms-message contain information about ordering a taxi• preservation of popular addresses• staxi shows all the necessary information of car (modelandlicense plate number, phone the taxi driver)• You can order a taxi in Tbilisi, without specifying thefinalwaypoint.You can find our application in Georgia requests: taxi inGeorgia,Georgia taxis, taxis in Tbilisi, Taxi Tbilisi, Tbilisitaxi, ,transfer to Tbilisi airport, shuttle Tbilisi, airporttransfer,airport taxi Tbilisi, airport taxi, taxi to the airportinTbilisi.
City Taxi 15.0.0-202304142349
BIT Master
City Taxi - car order in 2 clicks
Order Uber Taxi Guide 1.0.0
Usedroid Apps
Anda belum pernah coba layanan UberTaxi?Sudah punya aplikasinya tapi, masihbingungcaramenggunakannya?Order Uber Taxi Guide ini akan membantu Andamenunjukkanbagaimanamendapatkan taksi, mobil pribadi langsung dariponsel Andadalamhitungan menit hanya dalam beberapa sentuhan.Layanan Uber Taxi menyediakan jasa transportasi yangmurahdanramah lebih dari 100 kota di 30 negara di dunia.Rasakanpengalamanberbeda dalam berkendara setiap hari denganlayanantransportasitaxi online. Anda bisa memesan taxi secaracepat. Pesantaksiseperti mengendarai kendaraan pribadi denganmenggunakanaplikasitersebut hanya dengan menentukkan titiklokasikeberangkatan.Order Uber Taxi ini pun merupakan cara terbaru danmodernuntukmendukung aktivitas perjalanan Anda denganmemanfaatkanteknologiterkini. Bahkan, sekarang ini sepertinya Andatidakmembutuhkanuang tunai sebagai ongkos taxi, melainkan Andabisamembayarnyamelalui Google Wallet, PayPal atau kartu kredit.Ini akan menjadi solusi praktis untukmendukungaktivitasperjalanan Anda, Bagaimana Anda tertarikuntukmencobanya?Dapatkan panduan cara order Uber Taxi, tarif,informasiterbaruhingga lowongan dll dengan install sekarangjuga!--------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This Order Uber Taxi Guide is Unofficial app.Thisappis not endorse and related to any brand. But, you can getsomanyadvantages from this app. Download now!You've nevertriedUberTaxi service?Already have the app but, still confused how to use it?Order Uber Taxi This guide will help you show how to getataxi,private car directly from your phone in a matter ofminutesjust afew touches.Uber Taxi Service provides transportation servicescheapandwelcoming more than 100 cities in 30 countries aroundtheworld.Experience the different in everyday drivingwithtaxitransportation services online. You can book ataxiquickly.Messages such as taxi driving private vehiclesusingtheapplication with just a point menentukkandeparturelocation.Uber Taxi Order this too is a recent and modern way tosupporttheactivities of your trip by utilizing the latesttechnology. Infact,now it looks like you do not need cash as taxifare, but youcan payvia Google Wallet, PayPal or credit card.It will be a practical solution to support the activitiesofyourtrip, How are you keen to try it?Get guidance on how to order Uber Taxi, tariffs, latestupdatetothe job, etc. to install right now!--------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This Order is Uber Taxi Unofficial Guide app.Thisappis not endorsed by and related to any brand. But, you cangetso manyadvantages from this app. Download now!
Cara Pesan GRABCAR 2016 1.0.0
Fast Guide
Naik GRABCAR lebih murah ketimbang taksi?yaitubenar, silakan baca panduannya dalam aplikasi ini.Panduan Cara Pesan Grabcar 2016 Terbaru, ini adalahsalahsatutransportasi online selain GoCar dari Gojek, Anda bisanaikmobilyang jauh lebih murah daripada naik taksi.Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam memesannya makasilakanbacasemua panduannya disini.Anda akan mendapatkan informasi bagaimanamendapatkandriverterdekat, lowongan, dan promo diskon jika ada.Download sekarang dan buktikan sendiri.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.Up GRABCAR cheaperthanataxi? yes it is true, please read the manual in thisapplication.Free How to Order Grabcar Recent 2016, this is one oftheonlinetransport apart from Gojek GoCar, you can take a car thatismuchcheaper than a taxi ride.If you are having difficulty in order then please readalltheguidelines here.You will get information on how to get theclosestdriver,vacancies, and promo discount if any.Download now and see for yourself.---------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This is just a guide app, andunofficialfromGrabcar.
PRO-JEK 1.2.1
PRO-JEK adalah aplikasi Tansportasi Online:Ojek Online, Taksi Online.Layanan Transportasi Online untuk masyarakat Indonesia,denganmenggunakan aplikasi android, seperti halnya Gojek, GrabdanUber.PRO-JEK menyediakan beberapa pilihan layanan sesuai kebutuhananda:Motor / Ojek, Sewa Mobil Pribadi, Taksi, Mobil Mewah/Luxury,danMobil Derek (Towing Car).Pemesanan ojek online melalui aplikasi mobile androidakanmemudahkan anda mencari ojek dengan radius yang telahditentukanoleh system, dihitung dari lokasi anda.Keunggulan PRO-JEK :1. Pilih layanan kendaraan yang diinginkan2. Anda dipersilakan memilih Gender Pengemudi sesuaiGenderanda3. Pilihan peta memudahkan mencari alamat tujuan4. Fitur Tunjuk Lokasi memungkinkan anda mencari lokasi yangtidaktercantum di peta, silakan geser peta untuk mendapatkan lokasiyangakurat5. Menghubungi pengemudi bisa menggunakan WhatsApp atauteleponlangsung6. Pendaftaran mudah, cukup isi Nama, Alamat email dan nomorhapeyang sedang digunakan, saat anda memesan perjalananpertamakali.7. Upload foto anda dalam profil PRO-JEK, langsungmenggunakankamera hape anda8. Fitur Inbox, membuat anda menjadi lebih dekat denganPRO-JEK.Dapatkan Berita terbaru dan juga tentunya Voucher DiskonPerjalananPRO-JEK9. Laporan perjalanan akan kami kirimkan langsung ke alamatemailanda.Untuk anda yang ingin menggunakan jasa transportasi yanglebihmudah, aman dan nyaman, maka gunakanlah Aplikasi PRO-JEK.Driverkami siap melayani perjalanan anda, mengantar anda ketempattujuan.tag: ojek online, projek, pro-jekKebijakan Privasi : Penggunaan : isatransportation application Online: Online Motorcycle taxi,TaxiOnline.Transport Services Online for the people of Indonesia, usingtheandroid application, as well as Gojek, Grab and Uber.PRO-JEK provide multiple service options to suit your needs: Motor/Motorcycle taxi, Hire Private Car, Taxi, Luxury Cars / LuxuryandTowing (Towing Car).Booking online motorcycle through the android mobileapplicationwill allow you to find a motorcycle taxi with a radiusdeterminedby the system, is calculated from your location.PRO-JEK advantages:1. Select the desired vehicle service2. You are welcome to choose the appropriate driver GenderGenderyou3. Map options facilitate the search for thedestinationaddress4. Show Location feature lets you find a location that is notlistedon the map, please drag the map to get an accuratelocation5. Call the driver can use WhatsApp or phone directly6. Registration is easy, just fill in name, email address andphonenumbers are being used, when you book the trip first.7. Upload your photos in a profile PRO-JEK, directly usingyourphone camera8. Features Inbox, makes you closer to PRO-JEK. Get the latestnewsand also of course Discount Travel Voucher PRO-JEK9. The trip report will be sent directly to youremailaddress.For those of you who want to use transportation servicesmoreeasily, safely and comfortably, then use Application PRO-JEK.Ourdrivers are ready to serve your trip, take you toyourdestination.tags: motorcycle online, projects, pro-jackPrivacy Policy: of Use:
Yandex Pro (Taximeter) 12.23
Unlike driver job in taxi. Become a Yandex Pro partner—getorders,start driving
Taximeter for all 3.14.0
Universal taximeter. We tried to take into account all thepossibletariffs.
Taximeter for earnings
The universal very flexible taxi meter for professionaltaxidrivers.
Gett Drivers 23.5.03
Earn more with Gett. It's easy to join and start takingjobsimmediately.
Приложение "Таксометр" для службы Плюс7.Для работы необходима регистрация - +7.495.7777.098 либоотправитьзаявку на taxi-yandex.ru7 причин от плюс 7 получать заказы через Таксометр Плюс 7:1) Высокий рейтинг службы Плюс 7 в ЯндексТакси (топ 3)2) Минимальная комиссия на заказы от 0 %3) Большое количество заказов4) Возможность снижения своей комиссии5) Заказы ЯндексТакси,обменника НАУТАКСИ,заказы Плюс 76) Новая программа для заказов7) Круглосуточная диспетчерская поддержкаС помощью этого приложения Вы сможете получать заказы ЯндексТакси,обменника Наутакси, системы и службы такси плюс7посредством программного комплекса Nowtaxi.Низкая комиссия за заказы и круглосуточная поддержкадиспетчеровслужбы помогут Вам работать лучше, больше ипродуктивнее.С помощью приложения таксометр плюс 7 Вам будет удобно получатьиисполнять заявки, поступающие в систему. В его основележитпрограмма “Шеф”,главным отличием которой является то, чтоонаадаптирована специально под службу Плюс 7.Основные возможности :-выполнять заказы Яндекс Такси- выполнять заказы, поступающие в систему НАУТАКСИ- возможность работы водителям "от борта" используя таксометр- отдельно настраивать робота автозятия заказа длякаждоготарифа- настраивать робота (Автоматическое взятие) длясрочныхзаказов- настраивать робота (Автоматическое взятие) дляпредварительныхзаказов- настраивать робота (Автоматическое взятие) для Заказа НаФинише(ЗНФ)- видеть всю историю выполненных заказов- видеть всю историю списаний и пополнений-просматривать свой рейтинг в Яндекс Такси- видеть свои условия работы- видеть карточку водителя с подробной информацией освоемавтомобиле и его опциях- производить расчет по таксометру НАУТАКСИ во время поездки- программа автоматически прокладывает маршрут до клиентавЯндекс.Навигаторе- возможность сохранять в программе несколько учетныхкарточекводителя- возможность создания собственного пароля для пользователя- прием оплаты пластиковыми картами (необходимо наличиеустройстваLifePay у водителя)"Taximeter"Applicationfor Service Plus 7.To work need to register - +7.495.7777.098 or sendataxi-yandex.ru7 reasons from plus 7 to receive orders through the taximeterPlus7:1) High service ratings plus 7 YandeksTaksi (Top 3)2) The minimum commission on orders from 0%3) A large number of orders4) The ability to reduce its commission5) Orders YandeksTaksi, NAUTAKSI exchanger orders Plus 76) A new program for orders7) Hour dispatch supportWith this application you will be able to receive orders YandexTaxiexchanger Nautaksi, system and taxi service, plus7through Nowtaxi software.Low for orders round the clock support servicedispatchersCommission will help you work better, longer andmoreproductive.With the application taximeter plus 7 You will convenientlyreceiveand execute requests received by the system. It is based ontheprogram "Chief", where the main difference is that it istailoredspecifically for the service plus 7.Key features:-vypolnyat orders Yandex Taxi- To carry out orders coming into the system NAUTAKSI- The possibility of the drivers "on board" using a taximeter- Individually configurable robot avtozyatiya order quantityforeach tariff- Adjust the robot (automatic capture) for urgent orders- Adjust the robot (automatic capture) for pre-order- Adjust the robot (automatic capture) for the Order at thefinish(ZNF)- See full history of completed orders- See the whole history of write-downs and completions-prosmatrivat its ranking in Yandex Taxi- See their working conditions- See the driver card with details about your car anditsoptions- Calculate on the taximeter NAUTAKSI during the trip- Automatically routes you to the client Yandeks.Navigatore- Ability to save multiple accounts in the program ofdrivercards- The ability to create your own password for the user- Acceptance of plastic cards payment (requires LifePaydevicedriver)
TA Driver ™ Taxi 2.23
The software for taxi drivers. Taxi service automation
Waptaxi Водитель 1.57
Application for drivers of taxi services that includesoftwareWaptaxi.
Таксометр Новая диспетчерская 1.0.19
Водительское приложение для Новой Диспетчерской версия 1.0