Top 17 Games Similar to 乱舞之刃: Blade Saga

仙魂online:全民PK 1.0.4
Wind Saga
Wind Saga brings you an epic 3D adventurein2016. Help Aden and his friends to explore the uncharted landwithyour fingers. Rescue allies from evil powers.==== FEATURE ====●Industry-leading 3D Performance redefines the endlessrunninggenre.●Over 100 creative and amusing stages. Explore all kindsofsceneries and pitfalls —volcano, caves, cliff, zip-line,evenspringpad!●131 pets with various power-ups are waiting for your order.●Collect over 15 allies in game. Arrange different skillsandbattle styles for them.●Co-op and compete with Facebook and WeChat friends.=================VOICE FROM OUR BETA PLAYERS:I've never met any running game like this. It's really fun.Keepup the good work.Awesome Game Play. It got very good graffic, and thegameexperience is awesome!!BOSS fight is EPIC!=================Be the first to know! Get inside game info on great deals, plusthelatest game updates, tips & more…LIKE US: US:
Wind-up Knight 2 1.8
Robot Invader
Super high-end platforming gameplay in a beautiful 3D world!
刀鋒無雙 - 萬人競技 1.7.0
《熔煉系統》 - 換取優異名將不再是黃粱一夢名將難求,武魂量多,素質又高,如此登峰造極之名將豈可輕易得手?除非該人為天生帝王相,世俗之物皆逃不過其掌中。恰巧,凡人有凡人的法子,再如何一將難求,面對熱血激昂,非你不可的決心,心房再高遲早也會為這份堅毅之情撼動。《裝備精煉》 - 裝備精煉大進擊!面對來勢洶洶各國精銳兵士名將,主公身上配戴裝備歷經歲月痕跡銷蝕,風華已散,該是煥然一新,重鑄精煉,再顯狂氣!《全新章節》- 第九章:華陀再世,祕傳金匱主角帶著呂玲綺逃離曹營,路遇追兵攔截,捨命相護,主角得知神醫華佗被曹操囚於城中,遂攜呂玲綺輾轉攻破城池,救出華佗為其醫治,玲綺似有好轉,誰料此人竟是假冒,雖表面將她醫好,實則使她失去了魂魄,主角攜玲綺逃出城外,路遇“已經死去”的郭嘉。為求起死回生之術,主角前往蜀地,尋找真正的神醫華佗!這路上一路凶險,主公們能否敵擋的了曹營的精兵?《酷炫萌寵》-端午節香萌上市新萌寵-粽寶粽葉香傳來,捆得緊,美味絕不輸人,口味多樣豐富的端午節代表食物:粽子,將化身Q萌寵物前來為主公遮風擋雨,衝鋒陷陣也在所不惜,持續釋放陣陣米香味,補足主公生命值也絕不打退堂鼓,堪稱第一首選吉祥物!《嶄新武將》 - 強力智將鳳雛「龐統」昔年鳳雛龐統雖不幸英年早逝,但其無雙智計引無數人唏噓歎惋。而今,鳳雛化身名將強勢助陣,以一柄巨扇操縱風火,遠可攻擊,近可驅敵,各位主扇和喜歡遠攻的主公趕緊將他收入麾下,加強自身戰力吧!
Infinity Blade 1.0
The GameYou possess the most powerful weapon of them all, the BladeofInfinity also known as the Infinity Blade. You must use itspowersto fend of the island from the endless barrage of zombiesattackingyou. They are out for blood and must be stopped. Using thesword,you must hack and slash your way through the enemies and finda wayto kill then all. Be careful, the zombies are very dangeroussoonly touch then with the Infinity Blade.The Controls* Drag on the left side of the screen to move around.* Tap quickly on the right side of the screen to swing the bladeatthe enemy zombies* Hold the right side to power up for a dash and then let gotoblast of and attack then at a high speedRemember to have fun and...Defend your honor, protect the island!
Implosion - Never Lose Hope 1.5.6
Bringing AAA console gaming experience to mobile devices.
全民快打-Rock K.O. 17.0.7
《全民快打》蕭敬騰巨星代言格鬥手遊。搖滾王子愛不釋手的手機遊戲!經典玩法痛快連擊、武打旋風徹底爆發!Rock' K.O!全民快打!
WeChat Dash
WeChat Dash is in the house!===============================Get ready for the new WeChat Dash! Log in now and get400diamonds!Super new characters are waiting for you!===============================WeChat Dash, a journey about love and friendship, is nowavailable!Dash and chase for happiness with your WeChat friends andFacebookfriends. Loads of new monsters are invading - join thebattlenow!Features:--PvP Mode: Challenge friends nearby or players on the other sideofthe globe.--Turbo Mode: Want a new challenge with new stages? We bet youcan'tstop!--You're not alone! Compete with your WeChat and Facebookfriendsnow.--Easy play: It's all about Slide and Jump--Helpful buddies: Blaze a trail on vehicles with yourtrustypets--Task heavy: Beat challenges and prove yourself--Win the Crown and show the world you're the boss! Get yourfriendsto join in!ADD YOUR FRIENDS ON WECHAT AND FACEBOOK TO THE ACTION NOW!!
Soul Guardians: Age of Midgard 1.3.6
Exquisite combination of Action RPGandCCG!A brilliant real-time skill attack that changes depending onthecard you have installed.Various monsters, charming characters, various maps2D side scroll action MORPG.Console game like control feeling and actions.- This is fun! -1. Explosive action core! Soul Arts!- Over 300 different Soul Arts cards with unique skillsandabilities!- When SoulArts is activated, up to 5 card characters areattackedwith gorgeous skills!- Soul Arts to demonstrate the effects of various monstersdependingon the characteristics!- Soul Arts card which becomes more various through strengtheningaswell as evolution!2. Exquisite combination of Action RPG and CCG!- A new hybrid game that combines Action RPG and CCG to makethegame feel fun and powerful.3. Various characters to give a variety of foster fun!- 20 kinds of characters with different attack motions and skillstoshow different personality!- Soul Arts Collection can transform into a character fullofpersonality!4. Dungeons and battlefields of explosive action!- Sometimes alone! Sometimes! A variety of dungeons that giveyoufun to defeat various monsters and bosses!- 1: 1 PVP system in real time!
馴龍寶貝 2.7.11
—遊戲介紹《馴龍寶貝》是8888Play首款3D飛龍空戰手遊大作,華麗畫面、炫酷飛龍、百變萌寵、史詩劇情、PK比拼、遠征挑戰,為您帶來全新飛行射擊遊戲體驗!—遊戲特點1. 騎龍射擊:首款3D飛龍空戰射擊手遊,開啟全民騎龍打飛機新時代!2. 酷炫彈幕:特色彈幕掃蕩群敵,給你帶來全新激爽感受!3. 特色飛龍:造型酷炫,技能各異,待你組建最強飛龍軍團!4. 飛龍成長:開啟飛龍進化之路,酷炫外形轉變,豪華彈幕進階,養成你的極品飛龍!5. 百變萌寵:強力萌寵助陣,可愛外表之下隱藏驚人實力,助你擊敗強敵!6. 強力boss:蝴蝶女王,邪惡法師等眾多強者,挑戰你的極限!—遊戲玩法飛龍系統:飛龍成長和好感度培養,和你的飛龍建立深厚感情!角色系統:選擇性格各異的龍騎士,構築最強戰力組合!寵物系統:Q萌寵物,小型BOSS的化身,助力戰鬥萌翻全場!裝備系統:特色神兵裝備系統,帶你戰力飛飛飛!闖關係統:魔幻史詩劇情加上百道關卡,等你細細體驗!試煉系統:開啟金礦和食物獵場,輕鬆獲取稀有資源!無盡系統:無盡闖關,挑戰極限,和好友大比拼!冒險系統:飛龍特色大冒險,體驗不一樣的冒險物語!遠征系統:極限遠征,高難度關卡等你來挑戰,贏取豐厚獎勵!
【史詩級手機遊戲!強勢歸來!】★☆★2016年最火紅3D動作遊戲★☆★- 精緻細膩場景,猶如身歷其境 -- 任務環環相扣,個個精采絕倫 -- 多人線上對打,不再孤單一人 -泰坦之戰採Unity3D引擎製作,打造最擬真的場景!------------------------------------------------------------特色系統:●血戰3V3》 多人線上PK,職業搭配互補,享受殺戮快感,爭取最高榮譽。●時空漩渦》 出產強大裝備與素材之地,是個可以讓玩家快速提升戰鬥力的副本。●翅膀系統》 酷炫拉風的翅膀,除了可以進行養殖增加自身屬性,還可以讓玩家在主城裡飛行。●精靈系統》 透過培養解鎖符文,獲得屬性加成與炫麗新技能。●女神保衛》 聯合隊友,抵擋怪物入侵,抵抗波數越多,獎勵就越豐厚!●魔龍逆襲》 參與擊殺魔龍,會根據玩家所貢獻的傷害值,轉化為相應的金幣獎勵。●飛龍大賽》 完成飛龍遠征可獲取大量金錢,也可攻擊其它玩家獲得金幣加成!------------------------------------------------------------希臘神話紀元、奇蹟磅礡降臨,王者回歸,由冥王哈帝斯掌管的時間裝置產生了扭曲,眾神之王者--宙斯命令女神雅典娜與戰神馬爾斯將時間裝置恢復原貌,但在這天地昏暗、魔物盡出的世界單憑兩人力量無法將裝置導正,需要王者們出動一起保衛奧林匹斯山 ,王者們快召集部隊,共同對抗邪惡魔物。粉絲專頁:官方網站:※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導15歲級:15歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
Heroes of Destiny: Fantasy RPG 2.4.4
Start a raid in this Action RPG and join intense battles forgloryand rewards!
Join the battle against the demon army in the sequel to the topARPGon mobile!
蒼翼默示錄:幻影降臨 1.8
世界首発!全民制霸!No.1日本の动作手游!《蒼翼默示錄:幻影降臨》下載ゲーム豪華の礼品無料放送【2016必玩手機遊戲】傳承經典,再創傳奇新頁…史上最華麗的殿堂級2D動作戰鬥手遊,重現《蒼翼默示錄》經典,無限招式連擊,徹底體驗遊戲的刺激爽感。日本一線聲優配音,最原汁原味的日系動作經典的戰鬥遊戲。操作簡單好上手,一指劃出各式絕招,爽快享受無限連續COMBO。最強的動作戰鬥手遊,等你一起來體驗!【遊戲特色】1.殿堂級動作戰鬥手遊,2D戰鬥極致體驗!史上最華麗的2D遊戲畫面,殿堂級戰鬥特效,徹底享受遊戲戰鬥快感。2.戰鬥極致體驗,無CD爽快無限連擊!技能全無CD時間,無限連擊、無限接技,極致的戰鬥體驗。3.操作簡單上手,一指殺遍無敵手!無繁瑣的按鈕指令,手指一劃就有絕招,上下左右隨意劃隨便點,就是連續技就是大絕招,操作超級簡單易上手。4.日本豪華一線聲優陣容,原音完整呈現!超豪華日本一線聲優配音,全部原汁原味的日文發音完整呈現,讓你更能真實的享受體驗遊戲故事劇情。5.日本知名遊戲動畫完整移植,徹底體驗龐大故事劇情!超完整龐大的故事劇情,徹底體驗蒼翼默示錄的時空背景,並享受故事中的一系列冒險旅程。6.HD超高畫質,最華麗的2D動作戰鬥遊戲!超高畫質呈現,完美享受華麗的戰鬥畫面和戰鬥特效,史上最華麗的2D動作戰鬥手遊,極致完美呈現。【故事背景】22世紀出現了來路不明的「黑獸」,「黑獸」的存在已威脅人類的生存,但人類卻對黑獸一點辦法也沒有,最終世界一半的人口皆死於「黑獸」。就在人類即將滅絕之時,出現了謎樣的白色武士以及他帶領的五位夥伴出面拯救人類,他們被稱為「六英雄」。他們以黑獸的組成物質「魔素」為媒介,創造了萬用的「術式」,並傳授給人類,人類最終在「六英雄」的帶領下成功的將「黑獸」給完全消滅。「黑獸」被消滅後在世界的大氣留下大量的「魔素」,許多生物都因接觸「魔素」過量而變異成凶暴的「魔獸」。人類為了免於「魔素」過量而帶來的危害,開始在世界各地建立「階層都市」以供人類居住。統治機構在各「階層都市」的最頂層設立支部來進行治安上的管理。時間流逝,統治機構最終成了獨裁統治全世界的最大組織。統治機構世界性的統治下,「術式」被普及化,人類進入了嶄新的歷史,統制機構獨裁統治世界經過數十年後,以「術式」為主體的世界,因為人與人間能力巨大的差距,影響至的貧富、階級等差別。世界各地開始有人對統治機構產生不滿,以主階層都市-「斑鳩」組織成「斑鳩聯邦」並發動反抗,開始了「第二次魔道大戰」(斑鳩內戰)。這是人類史上第一次以「術式」來互相攻擊而展開的戰爭,「斑鳩聯邦」因首領被殲滅而瓦解,「第二次魔導大戰」結束,而自這個戰役後,統治機構宣示會殲滅所有反抗者。斑鳩內戰平定幾年後,發生了一件驚人的事件,據傳,突然出現了一個男人,單槍匹馬打敗了擁有相當於一個小國軍隊戰鬥力的統制機構支部,「拉格納·查·布拉德艾奇」——這就是那名單身迎戰了統治這個世界的「力量」的男人的名字。【遊戲討論】粉絲專頁將不定時公佈遊戲好康活動,立即按讚加入!《蒼翼默示錄:幻影降臨》粉絲專頁:《蒼翼默示錄:幻影降臨》玩家社團:《蒼翼默示錄:幻影降臨》官網:《蒼翼默示錄:幻影降臨》巴哈:【客戶服務信箱】 [email protected]【疑難排解Q&A】※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
Stick Squad - Sniper Contracts 1.3.3
Brutal Studio
Stick Squad is a FREE stickman shootergamewith awesome sniping missions. The game features an appealingstoryline, with our two anti-heroes Damien Walker (RecruitTacticalSniper) & Ron Hawkins (Veteran assaultspecialist).Real fans of stick sniper games will love this freeshooting game.Sift through over 60 shooting objectives, in 20breath-takingmaps. After successfully completing your missions youwill berewarded with in-game cash money, which you can then use inthe gunshop. Upgrade your sniper rifle, assault rifle and handgunor buynew weapons altogether.Get ready for an action-packed stick figure game!REAL SNIPING MISSIONSTo get a clear vision of the game difficulty, missions will getmorechallenging, requiring weapon calibration to compensate forwind anddistance! Your Sniper skills will be put to test!AWESOME GRAPHICSThis first act of Stick Squad is set in beautiful Borneoandfeatures awesome graphics!EARN STARS & COMPLETE ACHIEVEMENTSEach mission offers 3 objectives and each objective has 3 levelsofdifficulty. Try to be the best stickman shooter and get 3 starsforeach difficulty in each objective. Then boast your dominanceonyour favorite social network!FUNNY & ADDICTING STORY LINEStick Squad will periodically launch new acts featuring ourtwoappealing anti-heroes; Ron & Walker. Two completelydifferentpersonalities, yet two of the best professionalassassinsaround.-----------------------------------------------------KEY FEATURES✔ Sift your targets in 20+ maps!✔ Realistic calibration of your sniper gun to compensate forwindand distance!✔ Upgrade key specs of your weapons!✔ Be precise in stressful hostage situations!✔ Intense assault missions!-----------------------------------------------------OPTIONAL FEATURES✔ Share completed achievements!✔ Rate our game!✔ Follow us on social networks!✔ Challenge yourself and gain coins in a shooting range!✔ Buy coin pack to upgrade or acquire weapons faster!✔ Remove ads for a small fee. (We know they're annoying buthey,they help pay the bills!)-----------------------------------------------------If you get stuck, check out our video walkthrough(SpoilerAlert) US:Official Stick Squad page: http://sticksquad.brutalstudio.netFacebook:
LEGO® Star Wars™: TCS
Experience the entire collection thatcombinesthe original LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and the sequelLEGOStar Wars II: The Original Trilogy for hours of epic StarWarscontent and fun gameplay all from your Android device! Beginyouradventure in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace andjourneythrough all six episodes in the whimsical style and humor ofLEGO.May the bricks be with you!This game is filled with content! You’ll need 1.44gb ofavailablespace on your device if you install over wifi, but only735mb ofspace if you download on your computer and then sync.As with many large app installations, we advise that yourestartyour device after installing as this will resolve somestabilityissues. Also make sure you have installed the mostrecentfirmware.This is a high memory usage app. If you have performance issues,tryclosing down background apps or restarting the device.LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga is optimized for thefollowingdevices: Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 2,GalaxyNote 10.1, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, HTC One, LG G Pad8.3,Xperia Z, and Xperia Tablet Z.FEATURES:36 STORY MODE LEVELS + BONUS CONTENTFrom the Trade Federation’s “negotiations” with Obi-Wan KenobiandQui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace to the space battle aboveEndorin Return of the Jedi, play the most memorable andexhilaratingscenes from your favorite episodes. Also unlock specialbonuscontent featuring Bounty Hunter missions, a special ChallengeMode,Arcade Levels, and more!OVER 120 CHARACTERSPlay as your favorite Jedi Knight or Sith Lord! There are over120playable characters to unlock, including Luke Skywalker,DarthVader, Han Solo, and Boba Fett.FORCE POWERSWhich side of the Force will you use? Both dark and lightsidecharacters have their own unique Force abilities. Will you useaForce Throw to defeat the Jedi or choose your Lightsaber andForcePush to take down the evil Empire?LEGO STYLE GAMEPLAYSmash objects into LEGO bricks and switch characters on the flyasyou play through different story levels. Create your own StarWarscharacter mash-ups like Han Windu and Lando Amidala!DYNAMIC CONTROL STYLESSwitch between “Classic” and “Touch Screen” controls to findtheplay-style that suits you best.