Top 5 Apps Similar to 锤子阅读

pure cnBeta阅读器 1.5.5
Pure cnbeta 1.5.5 更新1. 修复topten以及热门评论。2. 修复Android5.0下崩溃以及黑条的问题。3. 修复评论数目显示不对的问题。4. 修复支持/反对评论不起作用的问题。5. 增加评论逆序显示(设置中勾选 )。6. 热门评论修复。PS: 依然无法评论,我正在修复。。。公司事情比较多,本月要出一个产品的版本。。。。sorry。=============================NO ! Google play 强制要一张置顶大图,没时间PS了,先用我家猫图凑数。由于cnbeta又改版了,而且改动比较大,我改了一晚上,1.5.4先紧急修正了一些基本功能,大家先用.目前【下载】,【评论】,【topten】,【精彩评论】,【列表中显示图片】等功能还都不可用,已加入了检查更新的功能,会第一时间推送最新版的。换工作后比较忙,我正在努力修复中...新版本会增加两个权限 (友盟更新以及统计的SDK需要)READ_PHONE_STATE:获取用户设备的IMEI .ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:获取用户设备的MAC地址.我纠结了半天,最后为了统计以及自动更新,还是加上了。很多国内的朋友无法通过GooglePlay更新,国内的应用商店实在是很难上,个人也很难维护(N多应用商店要求身份证照片,要求有版权证明。我被小米商店拒绝了4次,魅族2次) 算了,不上了。希望能通过更新功能来解决国内上不了Google Play的朋友的更新问题。=============================================纯净,简洁的cnBeta阅读器.全新的pure cnbeta阅读器来了! (其实是被逼的, 死..)五色战队来了!已修正评论视频等诸多小问题, 以及白屏,刷新评论太慢,无法评论等大问题,感谢各位的热情捐赠,太感动了,本想将捐赠者的名字写在App里,但发现是实名,只能放弃。多谢各位的支持!1. 无广告: 由于admob的账户被google查封,所以移除了广告。2. 极少权限要求: pure cnbeta阅读器宛如其名一般,绝对纯净。3. 五色主题:提供红/蓝/绿/黄/紫 五色主题。4. 支持最新版的cnbeta, holo风格UI,简单,干净.5. 支持文章阅读,评论,收藏,评分,离线保存文章,cache控制,避免多余刷新浪费流量,左右滑动轻松切换上一篇/下一篇。6. 支持“精彩评论” 以及 topten. “精彩评论”乃cb的精髓.7. 支持评论的“阅读”,“引用”,“举报”, “支持”,“反对”,并能离线保存评论(cb删评论太快)。8. 离线阅读:即使断网情况下也可以阅读已下载过的文章和评论。9. 筛选阅读: 长按即可将感兴趣的文章添加到阅读表中,我自己一般都是先选出有趣的文章,然后一起阅读。9. 收藏分享: 多种方式分享新闻和评论。可以浏览收藏过以及发表过评论的文章。10. 网络数据的获取多采用压缩方式,并有cache控制,避免多余的刷新浪费流量。11. 支持下载新闻。12. 提供内置的字体。13. Android 4.4 支持全屏阅读(沉寝模式).14. 自动加载评论,拖拽,点击,双击都可浏览评论。15. 部分界面支持滑动退出。PS:由于增加了一个2M多的字体,所以安装包有点大.PS2:由于我只有一个4.4的手机,其他手机没怎么测,有问题请发mail。PS3 : 个人精力有限,cnbeta又频繁改动,希望大家能多多反馈!Pure cnbeta 1.5.5 update1. Repair topten and popular comment.2. Fix Android5.0 crash and the black bar problem.3. Repair comment number displayed wrong problem.4. Repair support / oppose the comment does not work problem.5. Add Comment reverse display (setting checked).6. Top Comments repair.PS: still can not comment, I'm being repaired. . . Companiesdomore,To the release this month of a product. . . . sorry.=============================NO! Google play forced to be a top big picture, no time PS,firstmake up with my cat FIG.Because cnbeta also revised, and it changes relatively large,Ichanged one night, 1.5.4 fixes a first emergencySome basic functions, we first use.Currently [download], [Comment], [topten], [wonderfulcomments],[list], and other display picturesFeatures are not available, has joined the check for updatesfeaturewill be the first time to push the latest version.After changing busy working, I'm trying to repair ...The new version will add two permissions (Friends of theUnionSDK updates and statistics required)READ_PHONE_STATE: Get IMEI user equipment.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: get the MAC address of the user ofthedevice.I tangled for a long time, and finally to statistics,andautomatic updates, or added. Many domesticFriends can not GooglePlay update, the domestic application storeisreallyOn hard, it is difficult to maintain personal (Nmultipleapplication stores require photo ID card, requestCopyright proof. I was turned down four times millet shop,Meizutwice) Well, not onA. I hope through the update function to solve the country notonGoogle Play friendsThe update in question.=============================================Pure, simple cnBeta reader.The new pure cnbeta reader here! (In fact, forced to die ..)Colored clan is coming!Etc., have corrected a lot of small problems commentary video,aswell as black and white, to refresh the comment is too slow, cannotcomment on other major issues,Thank you for the warm donations, so touched, wanted thedonor'sname written on the App Lane, but foundReal name, only to give up. Thank you for your support!1. No ads: Because admob google account was closed down,soremove the ad.2. The minimum permission requirements: pure cnbeta generalreaderlike its name, is absolutely pure.3. colored themes: providing red / blue / green / yellow /purplecolored theme.4. Support for the latest version of cnbeta, holo-style UI,simpleand clean.5. Support the article read, comments, favorites, ratings,offlinesaved article, cache control, to avoid unnecessary refreshwasteflow,An easy sliding around on the switch / Next.6. Support "wonderful comments" and topten. "Wonderful comment"isthe essence of cb.7. Support commented, "read", "reference", "report","support","no", and can be saved offline Comments (cb deletecomments tooquickly).8. offline reading: Even off the net in case you can readalreadydownloaded articles and reviews.9. Screening Reading: Articles Long press to be of interest toaddto the reading table,I am usually the first elected interesting article, and thenreadtogether.9. Favorite Share: Share news and reviews a variety of ways. Youcanbrowse through the collection of articles andreviewspublished.10. Get more use of network data compression, and cache control,toavoid unnecessary waste refresh traffic.11. Support Downloads News.12. To provide a built-in fonts.13. Android 4.4 supports full-screen reading (Shensleepmode).14. The automatic loading comment, drag, click, double-clickcanbrowse comment.15. The part of the interface supports slide exit.PS: With the addition of a 2M more fonts, so theinstallationpackage a little larger.PS2: Because I only have a 4.4 phone, the phone did not howothermeasure, there is a problem please send mail.PS3: Personal energy is limited, cnbeta also frequent changes,Ihope you will feedback!
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Baris Efe
Read any newspaper from the Hong Kong! National andregionalnewspapers!
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Kono Digital
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Reading movement - a collection Magazine Video7. personalized - like collection of articles, subscriptionsNewArrivals notice recently read magazines records◆ Chinese magazine[Business News]world - magazine, [world] date line selection, Vision Magazine -amonthly selection, Times Magazine - Newsletter edition,weeklyWang, Mirror Weekly - current events, new news, globalcentral,multi-dimensional TW, foresee magazine, economy one week(HongKong)Cheers happy staff selection, Money Money, Money Weekly,bi-weeklyWealth, Wealth News, financial news trends winner, toexploreinvestment weekly, a woman becomes rich, advertising Adm,projectmanager, capacity magazine, Dialogue Review[Science and Technology]National Geographic, BBC Knowledge Knowledge, PC home PC Home,StuffShita Fu Technology International Chinese version, digitalfrenzyDigiTrend, PCM Computer Plaza (Hong Kong), Android play Chi(HongKong), Android cheat Wang (Hong Kong), iPhoneS X AndroidphoneWeekly (Hong Kong), iPhone, iPad play Chi (Hong Kong), iPhonecheatWang (Hong Kong), Xtips (Hong Kong), PCStation computer oneweek(Hong Kong), A class selection (Hong Kong)[Women's fashion]ViVi Chinese Edition CD u international fashion selection, minaMinaInternational Chinese version of the fashion selection, withtheinternational fashion u Chinese version selection, BEAUTYbeautyblog, BEAUTY great beauty, VOGUE, the woman I am, ELLE her,ELLEACCESSORIES, ELLE WEDDING, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Chocjustgirls, love girls, Bella Lennon Lennon, InStyle fashionmusic,Jasmine hairstyle selection series, magazines fASHION QUEENfashionqueen, Wan Mei Chi, Dr. bEAUTY health beauty fashion MingChao, JET(in Hong Kong) , NM + New Monday (Hong Kong), More (HongKong),Plaza Magazine (US & International Edition)[Male fashion]GQ, men's uno Man Chi, a gentleman, COOL popular coolreported,men's uno HK (Hong Kong), Vision Man quality male help,JET (inHong Kong), NM + New Monday (Hong Kong), Ming Chao, PlazaMagazine(US & International Edition) , PLAZA UOMO USA[Food] tourismThe essence of the weekend specials Japan Walker, adults,HongkongWalker: in nearby Brigade (Hong Kong), Travel for Funinterest inJapan (Hong Kong), WASABIChic Eats, Taipei Walker, theme Walker, fried chickenWalker,TRAVELER Luxe Chi travelers, Lonely Planet Lonely Planet,[world]smile quarterly selection of new holidays (Hong Kong),azTraveltravel life, Yan travel Bon Voyage, traveling all over theworldtravel magazine, tour @ the world, good swim fun, food.Taiwan,delicious, fashion Man brigade ROAM, welcomed Taiwan, walkseries,or read Chinese tour, you travel with Taiwan,GOURMET(Sweden)[Lifestyle]After La Vie, Sense goodwill, the easy life to enjoy lifeChi,monthly tide character, a woman from work[Aesthetics] artsLa Vie, Unitas, cubs literary, MUZIK classical musicpublication,MNA Performance, WIJAZZ Jazz style of living blogABOOK MAGAZINE fashion avant-garde art video blog【home design】ELLE DECORATION, beautiful home, DECO home, CONDEcontemporarydesign, happy space, classic mansion, featuring design,elegance,Dream Life Dream Chi, iDSHOW good house show, specialstylehousing, home fashion House Style, crazy design Fun Design,PLAZAINTERIÖR (Sweden), PLAZA DECO (Sweden), ÄLSKADE HEM(Sweden)[Trend] issuesWaterloo hold newspaper, magazine agricultural training, LEZS[Interest] tasteGacha! 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