Top 5 Apps Similar to My PV : My PV for Your PV

SolarMeter solar panel planner
SolarMeter is Android solar energyanalyzertool that allows you to calculate, estimate and visualizesolarpower and energy output of a solar panel at specific locationusingyour phone or tablet. It can help to make solar cellpanelprofitable and cost efficient.You can't find a better source of energy then sunlight. Itispresented in unlimited amount all over the globe, it's free andithas no destructive impact on the environment.If you have ever thought of using this source, but have alwayshadsome doubts or questions as "Is my location gettingenoughsunlight?", "Do I have enough area on my roof to cover myannualenergy consumption?", "What side of my roof is moreenergyeffective?", "How much area do I need to cover my energyneeds?","How would my energy bill change after PV systeminstallation?",now you can answer all these question usingSolarMeter app forAndroid OS.Solar Meter helps you to check solar potential of your roof,howmuch solar power you are getting at your location throughouttheyear and help to estimate how much energy a photovoltaic systemisable to produce per month.SolarMeter has following features:- Real-time solar power calculation based on currentlocation,panel/device orientation and panel/device tilt**- Solar Power and Energy calculation for different period oftime:day, month, year- Ideal (calculated) and experimental statistical solardata(offline) available- Sensor based inputs for orientation and tilt- Automatic current location search using GPS and Network- Graph/Plot 2D data presentation- Solar panel efficiency control- Bill and Saving estimation based on user input (energy monthlyorannual consumption).- Roof tilt angle measurement- Roof area calculation based on Planimeter * or/andPartometer*apps measurements- Metric and Imperial units- Save, share screenshots and text reports feature with LONGTOUCHon results views.- available for Android phones and tabletsGo green!* Note: These apps need to be installed to be able to use themformeasurements.** Make sure your Time Zone settings are correct.
Certificazione Energetica 1.0.9
App per il calcolo della classeenergeticadegli edifici.Finalmente l'App giusta per tutte le tue esigenza,semplice,intuitiva e con risultati attendibili.Non è necessario essere degli esperti, chiunque puòutilizzarequesta applicazione, i dati da inserire sono chiari,proposti inautomatico a seconda dell'anno di costruzione della casae conspiegazioni immediate per la corretta compilazione.Pochi minuti ed ecco svelate le prestazioni energetiche di casatua(utile anche per chi deve vendere o affittare una casa) e dituttele persone che vuoi (puoi inserire sino a 10 edifici).Ideale per:- Conoscere la classe energetica di qualunque edificio ( Avere una previsione sui costi di riscaldamento e produzioneacquacalda annuali.- Capire quali interventi ( cappotto, pannelli solari,caldaiaa condensazione, ecc.) ti porteranno dei reali vantaggi interminidi risparmio, classe energetica ed economici, prima dieffettuarel'investimento.- Avere una stima immediata delle prestazionienergetichedell'edificio, prima di lavorarci in modo dettagliato(per itecnici del settore).- Condividere via mail tutti i risultati.(VERSIONE LANCIO: Applicazione in costante sviluppoemiglioramento, anche su indicazione degli utenti; Inviare maildisupporto per aiutarci a migliorarla e renderla semprepiùutile.)Per i tecnici del settore:Questa applicazione permette di calcolare gli Indici diPrestazioneenergetica degli Edifici residenziali (a breve anchedegli altriedifici), una Stima del fabbisogno energetico e relativaClasseEnergetica (rispetto alle tabelle nazionali e dellaRegioneLombardia).Vengono inoltre mostrati altri dati di calcolo, per esempio:- Indici EPgl, EPinv, EPacs, EPh, EPilim, EPhlim- Emissioni di CO2- Costo in Euro globali, per riscaldamento e per ACS- tabelle di riferimento normativo per il calcolo di EPlimite- tabelle di cambio classe energetica- rapporto S/V- superficie disperdente- volume lordo riscaldato- GradiGiorno e Zona climatica- superficie totale netta- rendimento medio globale degli impianti- dispersioni per trasmissione- produzione impianto fotovoltaico- produzione impianto solare termico- fabbisogno riscaldamento- fabbisogno acqua calda sanitaria- trasmittanza pareti e serramenti- trasmittanza isolamenti esterni- HTtotaleIl metodo proposto effettua una valutazione forfettariadeiparametri di calcolo in base alle informazioniinseritedall'utente.Al termine della procedura verrà fornita una stima in kWh/m2adelfabbisogno energetico dell'edificio, globale, per ilriscaldamentoe per l'acqua calda sanitaria.Il valore fornito non ha nessuna valenza legale, rivolgersi aduntecnico specializzato in classificazione energeticaperl'ottenimento dell'attestato di prestazione energeticaACE/[email protected] for calculatingtheenergy class of buildings.Finally the right App for all your needs, simple, intuitiveandreliable results.It is not necessary to be an expert, anyone can usethisapplication, the data to be entered are clear,proposedautomatically depending on the year of construction of thehouseand with immediate explanations for the correctcompilation.A few minutes here and revealed the energy performance of yourhome(also useful for those who need to sell or rent a house) andallthe people that you want (you can enter up to 10 buildings).Ideal for:- Knowing the energy class of any building (eg your home).- Having an estimate on the cost of heating and domestic hotwateryearly.- Understand what interventions (eg coat, solar panels,condensingboiler, etc.) Will bring real benefits in terms ofsavings, energyand economic class, before making theinvestment.- Having an immediate estimate of the energy performance ofthebuilding, before working in detail (for technicians).- Share via e-mail all the results.(VERSION LAUNCH: Application in constant developmentandimprovement, also on the recommendation of the users; Sendemailsupport to help us to improve it and make it more useful.)For technicians in the industry:This application allows you to calculate the Indices ofEnergyperformance of residential buildings (short of theotherbuildings), an estimate of the energy requirement and itsEnergyclass (compared to the national tables and theLombardyRegion).Are also shown other calculation data, for example:- Indexes EPgl, EPinv, EPacs, EPh, Epilim, EPhlim- CO2 emissions- Cost in Euro global, for heating and for ACS- Reference tables for the calculation of regulatory EPlimite- Tables exchange energy class- S / V- Surface dispersant- Gross heated volume- Degree days and Climate zone- Total net area- Total average efficiency of plants- Dispersions for transmission- Manufacture photovoltaic- Production solar thermal plant- Heating needs- Demand hot water- Transmittance walls and windows- Transmittance external insulation- HTtotaleThe proposed method makes a flat-rate calculationparametersbased on the information entered by the user.After the procedure will be provided an estimate in kWh / m2a ofthebuilding's energy needs, global, for heating and domestichotwater.The value provided has no legal value, contact a specialistinenergy classification for obtaining the certificate ofenergyperformance ACE / [email protected]
iSolergo 2.9.0
Design and economic analysis of a photovoltaic system
Solar PV Potential 1.0.1
Solar Potential gives data relatedtosolarphotovoltaic (PV) potential for entire India anditexclusivelygives data for Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh andTelangana.The data isconcisely displayed in form of monthly andyearly energygeneration(kWh/acre). Here, the locations with highand low solarenergygeneration potential in India have beenidentifiedthroughsystematic analysis by computing the solar energyparametersatevery grid point (0.1˚ × 0.1˚). The work has beenextendedwithmore detailed study for Gujarat,Andhra Pradesh and thenewlyformedTelangana states. The data points considered for thestatesare(0.1˚ × 0.1˚) having resulted in adding more numberoflocations.In Gujarat Energy Research and ManagementInstitute(GERMI),scientific research has been carried out togatherinformation onsolar energy potential prior to theinstallation ofsolarphotovoltaic power plant at some location inIndia. Soseveralcomputations and simulations were performed tofindenergygeneration of locations of India. So the data was decidedtobeused in the form of an application so that people canknowaboutthe scopes of solar photovoltaic installation.In this application, user can get information aboutSolarPVPotential for any location in India through Google Map.Whenuserwill tap on the location, details aboutlatitude,longitude,location name and energy potential will bedisplayed inthe outputwindow.For operating this application, internet connectionisessentialin the mobile phones as the application iscompletelyinterfacedwith Google Map.The data presented and displayed here for India,Gujarat,AndhraPradesh and Telangana are based on the modellingstudiesusingsatellite based data. More details can be found inthepublishedresearch paper (mentioned in the application). Authorsarenotresponsible for outside the published data.
Formula Calculator Equreka 1.0.44
Equreka Formula Calculator is an app toeaseand quicken everyday calculation by storing your frequentlyusedequation/formula into apps. If user want to performcalculation,the only things to do is open the formula and thenenter itsvariables. Then, Equreka will calculate the equation &show theresult.The strong point of this app was, all formulas are not hardcodedby developer. But freely customizable. It means, user couldcreate,store, search, manage, edit, and execute his own equation /formulaor current formulas already inserted on database.We understand that creating a formula could become acomplextask. So, we designed this app that to be as simple aspossible.That's why equation / Formula in Equreka are created inonestraightforward step by using "standard everyday" equationsyntax.Just write the equation/formula intuitively, and then theappsparser will automatically detect which one is variable andwhichone is not. Save it, and the formula are ready to be used.Currently, there are about 650+ formulas on database (andkeepcounting). Ranging from physics, math, finance, up tophotovoltaicinvestment calculator. This apps could be very usefulfor engineer,students, scientist, professional and everyone whoneed to performformula calculation frequently in their dailylife.Please note that this app is designed for phone with >512MBRAM. If your RAM is 512MB or less, it may crash upon loadingdue tonot enough RAM to load all of the formulasBuilt in Formula :- High School Physics Calculator- Newtonian Physics Calculator,- Law of Motion and Distance Calculator- Electrical Engineering Calculator- Electromagnetic Physics Calculator- Financial Calculator, Interest Formula Calculator- Bond & Stock Calculator- Geometry Calculator- Statistic Calculator- Probability Calculator- Unit Conversion Calculator- Health Calculator- Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Calculator- Information Technology Calculator- Fluid Physics Calculator- Wave Physics Calculator- Optic Physics Calculator- Particle Physics Calculator- Modern Physics Calculator- Life Hack CalculatorSummary of Equreka's Main Features- Equation Calculator : Create, store, and execute yourownequations / Formulas- Formula Database : Browse & execute more than 500+ BuiltinEquations / Formulas- Formula Search Engine : Powerful yet intuitive search engineforfiltering equations / FormulasCreating Equations / Formulas tips- Equreka support variables from a to z (26 variables) incasesensitive typography. Uppercase letter (A to Z) arenotsupported- Please use standardized Equation Naming Convention forequationname you may create. The standard equation name are likethis:"(topic specific) (end result) BY (variables) IN (dimension)".Forexample: "photovoltaic capacity factor by energy productionandpeak sun hour in metric"- use 'equation tag' to store any keyword that didn't fitinto'Equation Name'. For example equation common name like"NewtonThird Law" or "relativity", equation topic like "highschoolphysics", "thermodynamic" and etc- due to library bug, please avoid to use ( ) as bracket. Use []and { } instead. ( Bracket ( ) still will be calculatedcorrectlybut the equation may be displayed incorrectly in equationstringrenderer due to this bug)- always use asterix ( * ) as a multiplication operator ( x ).usingdot ( . ) or omitted it completely will result inuncontrolledmanner. Example: write 2*b instead of 2b to calculate2 multipliedwith bPro Version:- No Ads- UI Themes Selector- Duplicate Formula- Licensed for Commercial UseNotes:if you really want these pro version features, but you didn'thavemoney to buy it (maybe because you already struggle for dailylife,too poor to afford, have big debt to bear, or something likethat),don't worry. Just contact me. I'll give you code to unlockyourEqureka to become Equreka Pro. For Free.