Top 8 Apps Similar to Francese-Italiano Dizionario

Collins French Dictionary 1.0
Download this bestselling collaboration between UltralinguaandHarperCollins. Get instant offline access to world-classdictionarydata, with smart search, automatic verb conjugation, andnumbertranslation to help you find just the word you need. “TheUltimateDictionary” — Android Police “My favorite.” — New YorkTimes • Morethan 80,000 entries and 125,000 translations • Searchesas you type– no waiting for results • Smart search finds your wordeven whenyou enter a plural, a conjugated verb, or a misspelling •Examplephrases, idioms, slang, regional variations, and usageexamples •Complete conjugations for thousands of verbs • Nointernetconnection required Download now and see why the New YorkTimescalled Ultralingua the dictionary app “for seriouslanguagestudents and professionals.” We support our [email protected] for questions or comments.
Grammatica Italiana 2.0
OFFERTA LIMITATA!!!! per poche ore questa appèa soli 1,21€ (anziché 2,07€)Dagli elementi di base alla morfologia prendendoinconsiderazioni le parti che formano un periodo. Un’analisidellasintassi sia della proposizione sia del periodo. In appendiceletavole dei tempi e dei modi dei verbi della 1^, 2^ e3^coniugazione.Grammatica Italiana è un volume SuntiniSviluppato da X5GINDICEPARTE I- FONOLOGIAPARTE II - MORFOLOGIA- FORMA E FUNZIONE DELLE PAROLE- LE PARTI DEL DISCORSO- LE PARTI VARIABILI- L’ARTICOLO- IL SOSTANTIVO- L’AGGETTIVO- IL PRONOME- IL VERBO- LE CONIUGAZIONI- VERBI REGOLARI E IRREGOLARI- VERBI IMPERSONALI, SERVILI, DIFETTIVI- LE PARTI INVARIABILI- L’AVVERBIO- I GRADI DELL’AVVERBIO- LA POSIZIONE DELL’AVVERBIO- LA PREPOSIZIONE- LA CONGIUNZIONE- L’INTERIEZIONEPARTE III - SINTASSI- SINTASSI DELLA PROPOSIZIONE- IL SOGGETTO- IL PREDICATO- L’ATTRIBUTO- L’APPOSIZIONE- I COMPLEMENTI- I COMPLEMENTI DIRETTI- I PRINCIPALI COMPLEMENTI INDIRETTI- ALTRI COMPLEMENTI INDIRETTI- UNA PREPOSIZIONE TANTI COMPLEMENTI- SINTASSI DEL PERIODO- LA STRUTTURA DEL PERIODO- LA STRUTTURA DI UN PERIODO- LE PROPOSIZIONI PRINCIPALI INDIPENDENTI- LE PROPOSIZIONI INCIDENTALE- LE PROPOSIZIONI COORDINATE- LE PROPOSIZIONI SUBORDINATE- CLASSIFICAZIONE DELLE SUBORDINATE- LA CONCORDANZA DEI TEMPI- GLI INCISI- LA FRASE NOMINALE- DISCORSO DIRETTO E INDIRETTO- DAL DISCORSO DIRETTO AL DISCORSO INDIRETTOAPPENDICE- Verbi irregolari della 1^ coniugazione -are- Verbi irregolari della 2^ coniugazione -ére- Verbi irregolari della 2^ coniugazione -ére/ere- Verbi irregolari della 2^ coniugazione -ere- Verbi irregolari della 3^ coniugazioneLIMITED TIME OFFER!!!!for a few hours this app is only € 1.21 (instead of € 2.07)Since the basic elements of the morphology takingintoconsideration the parts forming a period. An analysis of thesyntaxof the proposition is both the period. In appendix tables oftimesand ways of the verbs of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugation.Italian grammar is a volume SuntiniDeveloped by X5GINDEX FINGERPART I- PHONOLOGYPART II - Morphology- FORM AND FUNCTION OF WORDS- PARTS OF SPEECH- PARTS VARIABLE- THE ARTICLE- THE NOUN- The ADJECTIVE- THE PRONOUN- THE WORD- LE CONJUGATION- Regular and irregular verbs- Impersonal verbs, servile, defective- PARTS invariable- The ADVERB- GRADES of the adverb- THE LOCATION of the adverb- THE PREPOSITION- THE CONNECTION- The interjectionPART III - SYNOPSIS- SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSITION- THE SUBJECT- THE PREDICATE- The ATTRIBUTE- The ENDORSEMENTS- COMPLEMENTS- COMPLEMENTS DIRECT- MAIN INDIRECT COMPLEMENTS- OTHER INDIRECT COMPLEMENTS- A PREPOSITION MANY COMPLEMENTS- SYNOPSIS OF THE PERIOD- STRUCTURE OF THE PERIOD- THE STRUCTURE OF A PERIOD- THE MAIN INDEPENDENT CLAUSES- THE PROPOSITIONS INCIDENTAL- THE PROPOSITIONS COORDINATES- THE ALTERNATIVE PROPOSITIONS- CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT- THE CONSISTENCY OF THE TIMES- THE HACKED- THE NOMINAL SENTENCE- ADDRESS INDIRECT- ADDRESS DIRECT INDIRECT SPEECHAPPENDIX- Irregular verbs of the 1st conjugation -are- Irregular verbs of the 2nd conjugation -ere- Irregular verbs of the 2nd conjugation -ere / ere- Irregular verbs of the 2nd conjugation -ere- Irregular verbs of the 3rd conjugation
il Boch – Dizionario francese 4.1.0
M.e.t.a. S.r.l.
Il Boch è un’app universale perAndroid.Riporta il testo integrale deldizionariofrancese-italiano/italiano-francese di Raoul Boch, sestaedizione acura di Carla Salvioni Boch, pubblicato da Zanichelliincollaborazione con Le Robert.L’app è ricercabile per lemma, per forme flesse francesi e atuttotesto.Se si dispone di un collegamento a Internet, è possibileascoltarela pronuncia di tutti i lemmi cliccando sull'icona a formadialtoparlante.• oltre 172 000 voci, 255 000 accezioni, 225 000 esempi• PRONUNCIA SONORA delle parole francesi e italiane• trascrizione fonetica e TABELLE DI FLESSIONE delleparolefrancesi• oltre 1000 falsi amici: per non confondere biscotte ebiscotto,incident e incidente• oltre 300 note d'uso: per evitare gli errori e risolvere idubbi,come voici e voilà, o l’uso di Madame, seul, assez• 7500 collocatori: le combinazioni linguistiche fondamentali,comeimpression agréable e colossalement riche• oltre 350 note di cultura francese, su istituzioni, personaggiedeventi storici• tavole di coniugazioni dei verbi• galleria con 32 tavole illustrate• il dizionario è aggiornato con le più importanti paroleeaccezioni nuove da appli a microfinance, da niqab a people.NON È RICHIESTO COLLEGAMENTO A INTERNET PER LA CONSULTAZIONEDELLEVOCI. SCARICABILE E CONSULTABILE OFF-LINEApplicazione e Motore di ricerca full text sviluppati da Meta Srl-www.gruppometa.itThe Boch is universalappfor Android. Returns the text of the French-Italian/Italian-French Raoul Boch, Sixth Edition by Carla SalvioniBoch,published by Zanichelli in collaboration with Le Robert.The app is searchable by lemma, inflected forms for the Frenchandthe whole text.If you have an Internet connection, you can hear thepronunciationof all entries by clicking on the icon shaped speaker.• over 172 000 entries, 255 000 meanings, 225 000 examples• PRONUNCIATION SONORA of French words and Italian• phonetic transcription and TABLES OF BENDING of Frenchwords• over 1000 false friends: not to confuse biscotte andBiscuit,incident and accident• more than 300 usage notes: to avoid mistakes and resolve doubtsasvoici and voila, or use of Madame, seul, assez• 7500 placers: language combinations fundamental, asimpressionsand agréable colossalement riche• more than 350 notes of French culture, of institutions,historicalcharacters and events• tables of verb conjugations• gallery with 32 illustrated plates• the dictionary is updated with the most important words andnewmeanings to be applied to microfinance, from niqab inpeople.INTERNET IS NOT REQUIRED FOR CONSULTATION OF ITEMS.DOWNLOADABLEINSPECTION AND OFF-LINEApplication and full text search engine developed by Meta
Technical Dictionary FR-IT 2.1.1
A great tool for translators and people working with FrenchandItalian.
Offline French Italian Dictionary 4.0.5
Dizionario Francese-Italiano offlineDictionnaireFrançais-Italien.Fonctione hors-ligne! * More than53.000 words *Bookmark yourfavorite translations for fast reference* Worksoffline! NoInternet connection needed, no extra files todownload!The besttranslator for your trips, your studies, or whenno dataconnectionis available. * Listen to the correctpronunciation inFrench andItalian using Android's built-inText-to-speechsynthesizer. *Share translations by SMS, email, etc.This versionis supported byads. If you like the application, pleaseconsiderupgrading to thead-free version to support the development.Thanks:) FAQ: Q: Howcan I share a translation? A: Just press 2-3secondsover thetranslation and you will be presented with a menuwithallavailable sharing options based on the apps installedinyourdevice (Email, SMS, etc) Q: How can I change the speedofthevoice? A: The speed of the speech is controlled by theTTSengineinstalled with Android. It can be set up by goingto:Settings--> Voice input & output settings --> Texttospeechsettings --> speech rate Q: How can I changethespeechlanguage? A: Just go to Menu --> Settings andselectthelanguage. Currently, 2 languages are available: * French*ItalianDISCLAIMER: The text-to-speech (TTS) technology maynotbeavailable in some devices. To check if your phone is ableofspeechsynthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input &output->Text-to-speech settings. If not installed, your devicemay askyouto install the TTS engine. An internet connection mayberequired.We recommend installing it before traveling asroamingdata tariffsmay be very expensive.
Italian Grammar Practice 1.0
We create this app to meet people’s needtostudy or revise Italian grammar from basic to advanced level inallfour skills: listening Italian, speaking Italian, writingItalianand reading Italian. Especially, we ensure that this app isalsouseful for who study another language beside mother tongue.Usefulness of the app:This app is edited to summarize Italian grammar in the shortestwayin order that users can understand and practise Italianeasily.Instead of having to bring a thick heavy Italian grammarbook witha lot of difficult knowledge, you only need 24 hours tolearn andpractise Italian simply.Target users:- Pupils, Students.- Oversea students- Teachers, lecturer.- Staff working for Italian’s companies.- Foreigners.- Interpreters.Content:- Sentence structures- Tenses- Kinds of verbs, nouns, adjectives, articles,prepositions,conjunctions, etc.- Conditional sentences- Comparison- Reported speech.How to share the app:You can share the app easily to your friends through:Facebook,Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Zalo, etc.References:In order to create this app, we collected information from a lotofsources such as:- Basic Italian grammar practice- Listening Italian books- Pronunciation books- Writing Italian books- Reading Italian books.We ensure that this app is very useful for you to takeItalianexams. Hope you to master Italian as soon as possible!I would like to hear your feedback about the app. Please rateourapp for support. Thank you very much!
Italian-Spanish Dictionary 11.0.505
Vox Italian<>Spanish dictionary with 45 000 definitions and60000 translations.