Top 16 Apps Similar to 5-Minute Sports Medicine

Internal Medicine CCS for the 1.3
Usatine Media
Intended for the education of healthcare professionals
Emergency Medicine Manual 2.3.1
Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine Manual, 7th EditionThe MOST CURRENT 7th Edition – now in full color!Written by clinicians engaged in the day-to-day practiceofemergency medicine, this handy manual is derived fromTintinalli’sEmergency Medicine, 7e, the field’s most trusted text.Composed ofbrief chapters focusing on clinical features, diagnosisanddifferential, and emergency management anddisposition,Tintinalli’sEmergency Medicine Manual is designed tohelp you provide skillfuland timely patient care.Packing a remarkable amount of information in acompactpresentation, this expanded and revised edition is enhancedby:• A full color design with an increased number of photos andlinedrawings• Numerous tables, making information easy to access• Completely revised and reorganized content to matchcurrentpractice• Expanded pediatrics section and new chapters on LowProbabilityACS, Thromboembolism, Occlusive Arterial Disease, NauseaandVomiting, Bowel Obstruction and Volvulus, Acute UrinaryRetention,Renal Emergencies in Children, Food and Water-BorneIllnesses, andHip and Knee PainWith its unmatched authority andeasy-to-useorganization,Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine Manualbelongs in thepocket of every clinician working in an acute caresetting.
Lanthier — Medicine 2013-17 2.0
Lanthier (Lan-tee-yé) is an applicationbasedon the sixth and most recent edition of the highlysuccessfulpocketbook by the same name. Completely re-imagined forAndroid,this app will allow any physician, resident or medicalstudent toaccess up-to-date medical information and guidelinesquickly andefficiently.-- Features --Concise: edited to be useful at the bedside.Fast: advanced search function, intuitive menus.Completely re-edited for mobile: allows for optimal use ofthelimited screen size.Direct link to the references on PubMed.-- Topics --CardiologyDermatology (new)EndocrinologyGastroenterologyGeneral Internal MedicineHematologyInfectious DiseasesNephrologyNeurologyOncologyPneumologyRheumatology-- About the Lead Authors --Dr Luc Lanthier practices General Internal Medicine attheSherbrooke University Hospital Center and is a ProfessorofMedicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences oftheUniversity of Sherbrooke. He is former chair of theFrenchExamination Board for Internal Medicine Exam at the RoyalCollegeof Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.Dr Donald Echenberg practices General Internal Medicine attheSherbrooke University Hospital Center and is an AssociateProfessorof Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciencesof theUniversity of Sherbrooke. He is past president of theCanadianSociety of Internal Medicine and is currently Governor oftheQuebec Chapter of the American College of Physicians.-- Disclaimer --This publication (application) is to be used as a guide only. Itisintended only for use by licensed medical practitioners andmedicalstudents. Every doctor (or prescriber) is responsible fortheiractions. This guide is not meant to replace clinicaljudgment.The authors of Lanthier - Practical Guide to InternalMedicinemake no claims of the accuracy of the information containedherein.The authors of this application and its content shall not beliablefor any injury and/or damage to persons or property arisingfromthe use of this application.It is the responsible of the licensed prescriber to verifytheindications, contraindications and dosage of the medication(andactions) they prescribe.
10 Second EM 1.0
10 Second EM (Emergency Medicine) is arapidclinical reference tool designed for emergency physicians,medicalresidents, healthcare students and professionals thatpractice,rotate through or are interested in emergency medicine. Itisdesigned to be a bedside tool with on-the-job applicability. Itmayalso be helpful to internal medicine and critical carephysicians.The application was originally made for the iPhone, butis nowavailable on the Android devices! Topics include thefollowing!Code timerAirway drugs calculatorACLS medicationsVentilator settingsHTN emergency medicationsACLS Hs and TsGCSPressor dosingAnaphylaxis treatmentsSedation drug calculatorCanadian Head CT RuleNew Orleans Head CT RuleNexus C-Spine RuleCanadian C-Spine RuleStatus epilepticus medicationsNIH Stroke ScaleIschemic stroke tPA inclusion criteriaIschemic stroke tPA contraindicationsIschemic stroke tPA administrationAnti-hypertensive meds in ischemic strokeStroke mimicsSan Francisco Syncope RuleSTEMI protocolsLytic contraindicationsSTEMI lytic dosingEssential EKG findingsDysrhythmia managementMAP calculatorWells DVTWells PEPERC rulesPneumonia – PORT/PSIPneumonia – CURB-65ARDSnet protocolsAsthma medicationsInfluenza therapyOttawa ankle/knee/foot rulesSIRS/sepsis sefinitionsSevere sepsisEarly goal directed therapyOB wheelMAPPediatric fluid calculatorCorrected Na (Glucose) calculatorParkland burn formulaCentor strep scoreTylenol/NAC dosingARDS P:F ratio calculatorPediatric IV fluid calculatorPediatric vital signs by agePediatric ETT size/depthAPGAR scoreFever guidelines by ageOtitis media antibiotic calculatorToxidromesSpecific drugs/exposures/antidotesICU Sedation Drip Dosing2010 ACLS Bradycardia Algorithm2010 ACLS PEA/Asystole GuidelinesPALS MedicationsPediatric GCS ScorePediatric Hyperkalemia MedicationsPediatric DKA Treatment CalculatorPediatric ETT Blade Size and Depth CalculatorPediatric Blood Product DosingPediatric Pain Medication Dosing CalculatorPediatric Bilirubin/Phototherapy CalculatorPediatric Intranasal Pain and Anxiolysis Medication DosingSalter Harris Classification IllustrationPediatric Elbow Ossification IllustrationWestley Croup Score and TreatmentKawasaki Disease Clinical FindingsPediatric Head CT Algorithm 2-10 Years OldShoulder Dystocia MnemonicPerimortem C-Section Rapid ReferenceDysfunctional Uterine Bleeding ReferenceTIMI NSTEMI/UA ToolSgarbossa Criteria – AMI in LBBBABCD2 TIA ScoreSpontaneous ICH Blood Pressure RecommendationsTooth Number IllustrationDermatome IllustrationHand Nerve Anatomy IllustrationABA Burn Center Transfer CriteriaNecrotizing Fasciitis Score (LRINEC criteria)CEWA (Alcohol Withdrawal) ScoreHunter Serotonin ToxicitySnake Bite Severity Score with Crofab indicationsThyroid Storm Score and TreatmentGoldman-Reilly Chest Pain RuleSpontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Rapid ReferenceAddison's Crisis Rapid ReferenceBohler's Angle IllustrationSynovial Fluid Analysis InformationThis application is not intended to be a completereferencesource. It is only a tool to assist in teaching studentsandresidents some main topics encountered in clinicalemergencymedicine.Please note that this program contains information onmedicationsand procedures that are used to treat critically illpatients. Anyuse in the clinical setting should be done in theimmediate presenceof a credentialed, experienced attendingphysician.
Anatomy 3D Atlas 5.0.0
Learn human anatomy interactively
Medical and Medicine 1.0
This is an app based on medical andmedicineinformation.Here you can find medical diagnostictestsinformation,generic wise medicine information and so on.
Pocketmednotes 2017
Incredibly detailed collection ofinformationfor doctors and medical students with over 1000 pages ofeasilyaccessible information on drugs, diseases and basic medicineand ata 10% of the price of equivalent textbooks such as OxfordHandbook.Collated with terms of etiology, clinicalpresentation,investigations and management. Contains over 100medical drugs anda huge database of medical knowledge. A referencein your pocket toimpress on ward rounds and in clinics and toprepare for exams atall stages. Clinical pearls are highlighted. Weare producing morecontent daily. Get it today
SugarStop Challenge - Overcome 2.1
The life changing 21, 30 and 60 day challenge that's Sweepingtheglobe!
SMARTfiches Urgences Med. Free 1.00
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1èreencyclopédiemédicale numérique destinée aux professionnels etétudiants desanté. Retrouvez l’intégralité de votre doctorat enmoins d’ 1minute ! Gardez dans votre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse [email protected] outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Urgences Médicales**Item 187/80 Anomalie de la vision d’apparition brutaleItem 304/100 DiplopieItem 344/101 VertigeItem 235/103 Épilepsie de l'enfant et de l'adulteItem 96/148 Méningites, méningoencéphalites chez l’adulteetl’enfantItem 80/149 Endocardite infectieuseItem 86/151 Infections broncho-pulmonaires communautairesdel’adulte et de l’enfantItem 93/157 Infections urinaires de l’enfant et del’adulte.LeucocyturieItem 302/172 Diarrhée aiguë infectieuseItem 182/182 Accidents des anticoagulantsItem 198/199 Dyspnée aiguë et chroniqueItem 312/202 Epanchement pleuralItem 135/224 (1/2) Thrombose veineuse profondeItem 135/224 (2/2) Embolie pulmonaireItem 197/228 Douleur thoracique aiguë et chronique.DissectionaortiqueItem 236/230 Fibrillation atrialeItem 274/233 Péricardite aiguëItem 325/235 PalpitationsItem 206/238 Hypoglycémie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 255/243 Insuffisance surrénale chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 310/255 Élévation de la créatininémieItem 319/266 HypercalcémieItem 290/269 Ulcère gastrique et duodénal. GastriteItem 345/271 VomissementsItem 143/293 Agranulocytose médicamenteuse : conduite à tenirItem 200/328 Etats de chocItem 230/331 Coma non traumatique chez l’adulte etchezl’enfantItem 214/332 Principales intoxications aiguësItem 211/333 Œdème de Quincke et anaphylaxieItem 132/334 (1/2) Angor d'effort stableItem 132/334 (2/2) Syndrome Coronarien Aigu (SCA)Item 133/335 Accidents vasculaires cérébrauxItem 209/337 Malaise, perte de connaissance chez l'adulteItem 216/342 Rétention aiguë d’urineItem 252/343 Insuffisance rénale aiguë - AnurieItem 204/345 Grosse jambe rouge aiguëItem 268/353 Pancréatite aiguëItem 193/354 Détresse respiratoire aiguë. Corps étranger desvoiesaériennes supérieuresItem /355 Insuffisance respiratoire aiguëAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultables SANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicineisthe first digital medical encyclopaedia aimed at professionalsandhealth students. Find all of your doctorate in less than 1minute!Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME'!Registration requires the activation of your account sent toyouby email. You have a problem? contact us at [email protected] to register from our website** The program in Medical Emergency SMARTfiches **Item 187/80 Anomaly sudden onset of visionItem 304/100 diplopiaItem 344/101 VertigoItem 235/103 Epilepsy in children and adultsItem 96/148 meningitis, meningoencephalitis in adultsandchildrenItem 80/149 infectious endocarditisItem 86/151 community bronchopulmonary infections in adultsandchildrenItem 93/157 Urinary tract infections in children andadults.LeukocyturiaItem 302/172 acute infectious diarrheaItem 182/182 thinners AccidentsAcute and chronic dyspnea 198/199 ItemItem 312/202 Pleural effusionItem 135/224 (1/2) Deep vein thrombosisItem 135/224 (2/2) Pulmonary embolismItem 197/228 acute and chronic chest pain. Aortic dissectionItem 236/230 Atrial fibrillationAcute Pericarditis 274/233 ItemItem 325/235 PalpitationsItem 206/238 Hypoglycaemia in adults and childrenItem 255/243 Adrenal insufficiency in adults and childrenItem 310/255 Elevation of serum creatinineItem 319/266 HypercalcemiaItem gastric and duodenal ulcer 290/269. GastritisItem 345/271 VomitingItem 143/293 drug Agranulocytosis: what to doItem 200/328 shock UnitedItem 230/331 non-traumatic coma in adults and in childrenItem 214/332 Main acute poisoningItem 211/333 Angioedema and anaphylaxisItem 132/334 (1/2) stable exercise anginaItem 132/334 (2/2) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)Item 133/335 StrokesItem 209/337 Malaise, unconsciousness in adultsItem 216/342 acute urinary retentionItem 252/343 Acute renal failure - AnuriaItem 204/345 Grosse acute red legAcute Pancreatitis 268/353 ItemItem 193/354 Acute respiratory distress. Foreign bodies of theupperairwayItem / 355 Acute respiratory failureAfter free registration, applications are available FREEinternetconnection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.Registration requires the activation of your account sent toyouby email. If you did not receive this activation email within24hours, consider looking in your spam folder before contactingus.If there is not, we will be happy to activate your account.- For doctors: find clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students brush up with the forms conforming to thenewECNI program.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefulforrevising and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly,85%of users use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a resultofthe new recommendations which are integrated during thefrequentupdates to the application.You enjoy the apps SMARTfiches medicine? Let us know by leavingagood appreciation and talk SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Occupational Medicine 1.1.7
Free questions to try before you buy!Occupational Medicine Multiple Choice QuestionReviewIncludes:- Multiple choice fact, scenario and case-based questions- Correct answers and explanations to help you quicklymastercontent- Take practice questions as many times as you wish- Score and transcripts with missed key words to help youevaluateareas that need further studyThe mission of StatPearls is to help you identify andcorrectknowledge deficits. We do this by providing highquality,peer-reviewed, educationally sound questions withexplanationswritten by leading educators.StatPearls Publishing, LLC
Dr. Najeeb Lectures 2.2
World's Most Popular Medical Lectures onBasicMedical Sciences! Over 100 hours of FREE Medical Lectures!► FREE version with over 100 hours of Medical Lectures.► PRO version with over 600+ hours of Medical Lectures.Pro Membership Features! Sign up now at► Basic Medical Sciences600+ hours of videos on Basic Medical Sciences with thousandsofhand drawn illustrations. Excellent for visual learners!► Clinical MedicineA new way to learn Medicine. Don't fall for review coursesbecauseyou can't review what you never knew!New Videos Every Week► New videos every week!We upload new videos every Week in full HD. Access to all newvideosis 100% FREE FOREVER!► Download option for videosYou can download our videos to watch them offline. Studyanytime,anywhere. Even without internet!► Designed For Visual LearnersLearn everything on a traditional whiteboard withhand-drawnillustrations. Our videos are interactive so you don'thave tospend hours memorizing!► Responsive DashboardEnjoy a fully responsive dashboard. Experience our gorgeoususerinterface seamlessly across all devices!Ridiculously Affordable► Ridiculously AffordableWe clear your concepts not your wallet. Seriously find us abetterdeal anywhere else on internet and we'll offer you ourservices forFREE!► Fanatic Customer SupportOur customer support is here to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 daysaweek, 365 days a year!Designed for Visual Learners. Ridiculously Affordable.Find us a better deal anywhere else on internetand we'll offer you our services for FREE!Learn more at http://www.DrNajeebLectures.comQuestions? Email us at [email protected]
Chronic Disease 0.0.3
This application provides you all kind of Chronic Disease,theircause,symptoms
Addiction Medicine Review Crs 1.0.0
*** FOR MEETING ATTENDEES ONLY ***The 2014 CSAM Addiction Medicine Review Crs mobileapplicationallows you to view abstracts, presentations, speakers,andexhibitors from the course. Users can take notes adjacentavailablepresentation slides and draw directly on slides inside theapp.Note-taking is also available in the exhibitor module.Additionally, users can share information with attendeesandcolleagues with in app messaging, tweeting and emailing.
Medscape Business of Medicine 1.0
Medscape Business of Medicine for Android is designed tohelpphysicians navigate the complex business, legal, andpracticechallenges they face every day. The free digitalsubscriptionincludes articles from a physician point of view andcovers topicssuch as:•How to improve the efficiency of your practice•How to avoid legal pitfalls and advice for dealing withmalpracticelawsuits•How to improve patient satisfaction and complianceAdditional focus areas include reimbursementstrategies,evaluating EHRs, navigating healthcare laws, makingend-of-lifecare decisions, and much more. Each month, the MedscapeBusiness ofMedicine app will cover the subjects important tophysicians,provide a clear-cut guide to managing businesschallenges, and helpdoctors be successful in their careers.The Medscape Business of Medicine app delivers a completetabletexperience including video interviews, interactive charts,andinformative quizzes.Download the Medscape Business of Medicine for Androidtoday!For more information and access to Medscape’s BusinessofMedicine articles and blogs online,
Incepta Medicine 1.0
Incepta Medicine App provides allinformationabout drugs from Incepta Pharmaceuticals with briefdescriptionabout uses, dosage, indications, side effects,precautions,precautions and storage of each drug.Features:1. Full Offline Browsing.2. Add Items to favorite list for easy access.3. Get Product updates by push notification.4. Categorized browsing by Trade name, Generic Name andTherapeuticgroups.5. Get news update from Incepta Pharmaceuticals.
Drugs Dictionary 1.1.01
Drugs Dictionary is a medical book that provides allinformationabout drugs