Top 19 Apps Similar to Pay Me Please: FREE

Pay-Me Bluetooth 2.4.4
Pay-Me — решение для малого и среднего бизнеса,позволяющееприниматьоплату картами Visa и MasterCard Этобеспроводнойтерминал оплаты(ридер), который подключается поBluetooth имобильное приложение дляAndroid. Теперь свозможностьюбесконтактной оплаты. ПреимуществаPay-Me: - Самыйбыстрый способначать принимать карты - Принимаешькарт больше -комиссия меньше -Безопасно - процессинг осуществляетАльфа-Банк -Без абонентскойплаты — нет расходов на содержаниетерминала -Отсутствие лимитовпо оборотам - Без бумаги и картриджа —чекформируется вэлектронном виде - Удобные отчеты и аналитика вЛичномкабинете -Компактный и легкий терминал, который подключаетсяпоBluetooth -Бесплатная доставка по России - Служба поддержки24/7При приемеоплаты картами выручка компании может увеличиться на20%и более!Уже более 10 000 компаний пользуются сервисомPay-Me.Какподключиться? 1. Обратиться в отделение для бизнесаАльфа-Банкав66 городах России, к одному из нашихпартнеровилизарегистрироваться на сайте 2.ПриобреститерминалPay-Me или заказать на сайте 3.Скачатьмобильноеприложение Pay-Me в Google Play
Og Money KW
One Global
Og Money is a new era of the mobileFinancialservices, its offering one stop shop for all your billpayments,top-up, charity, utilities, tuition (Schools &Universities) insmart, easy and ubiquitous payment experience. Inaddition, gamingvouchers, gift cards, international mobileoperators recharge formore than 50 countries worldwide.Additionally, Ooredoo Virtual services which enable you toenjoyactivation of new SIM card and buying your suitable planandshipping it to your home address.
eNet Pay 3.6.1
The First payment application in Kuwait that make it easyforusersto pay or top-up their mobile phones, payfinanceinstallments,renew internet subscription in an easy andsecure wayusing KNETand Credit Cards.
Mobile Pay
Mobile Pay enables you to accept cardpaymentswith your smartphone. It's fast, secure, and easy to use.Whetheryou sell at trade shows, stadiums or festivals, hostin-homeparties, or make deliveries, Mobile Pay makes it easy foryourcustomers to pay with a credit or signature debit card.START ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS TODAYSign up for a Bank of America Merchant Services account andstartselling today by visiting onyourcomputer or call 1-800-354-8985 to speak with arepresentative.Once approved, you can activate this mobile app andbeginaccepting payments right from your phone by key entering orbyswiping the card using the optional card reader.You can easily add sales tax and/or tips. When you’re done,yourcustomer signs right on the screen and you can email themtheirreceipt. Refunding your customer is straightforward too bysimplyselecting a given transaction from the in apptransactionhistory.CUSTOMER SERVICE/TECHNICAL SUPPORTBank of America Merchant Services provides live 24/7, UnitedStatesbased customer support. We're here to give you the supportyou needto be successful.Encryption AND SecurityThe Mobile Pay product provides peace of mind by complying withallindustry standard mandates. The optional card reader encryptsthecard data at the point of swipe.NOTE: For security reasons this application will not runon"rooted" devices.
PayMe 1.2
This is the only app on the play storeyou can request a payment from a friend or just a strangeryoumeeton the streetset your profile and request a payment by email sms... oradirectconnection via BluetoothCharge a credit card or Paypal from phone to phoneWith this app you can charge a client that has thisappviaPaypal.To charge a credit card you will need a pro Paypal account.The transaction is 100% secure.All we are doing is opening a Paypal transaction on theclientsidevia Bluetoothso after you are connected via Bluetooth to a device all youneedtodo is press PayMe and your client will get a Paypalactivitytocomplete the transaction
Pay-O-Matic Mobile 25
Kultera, Inc.
Pay-O-Matic Mobile is the quick and easywaytofind store locations and learn about the products andservicesweoffer. Find the nearest store, see store hours andgetdirectionsanytime and anywhere. On-touch calling enables youtoreach anystore or our 24-7 Customer Support Hotline. Best ofall,it’sfree!
Экономьте Ваше время вместе с Check-n-Pay–оплачивайте счета в один клик прямо с мобильного телефона!С помощью приложения Check-n-Pay Вы можете:* получать счета в прямо на смартфон* моментально оплачивать товары и услуги* просматривать статистику по счетам и историю операцийПриложение позволяет легко и быстро оплачиватьбанковскимикартами счета любых компаний, зарегистрированныхвCheck-n-Pay.Оплачивать товары и услуги с помощью Check-n-Payсовершеннобезопасно – все платежи защищены технологией 3D Secure,данныебанковской карты обрабатываются с учетом всех требованийстандартаPCI DSS.Save your timewithCheck-n-Pay - Pay your bills in one click directly from yourmobilephone!With the application Check-n-Pay you can:* Taking account directly on the smartphone* Instantly pay for goods and services* View statistics on accounts and transactions historyThe application allows you to quickly and easily pay for anybankcard account companies registered in Check-n-Pay.Pay for goods and services using Check-n-Pay is perfectly safe -allpayments are protected by 3D Secure, bank card details arehandledwith all the requirements of the standard PCI DSS.
Paytm Mall Store Manager 2.8.3
Note: If you are a shopkeeper/merchant and want to acceptPaytmatyour shop, please download the mainPaytmApp Manager App for Sellers: Selling on Paytm Mall istheeasiestway of starting a business online. Paytm Mall StoreManagerlet's youbecome a seller in just few handy steps withflexibilityof managingyour product listings from any corner of thecountryon-the-go.Seamlessly create your listings, sell yourproducts andbe notifiedabout new orders, returns raised, customerfeedback andmuch moreanytime & anywhere. Elevate to the nextlevel ofselling with ourApp that is effortlessly designed toenhance userexperience. What WeOffer? Sign-up: Not a seller yet?Give a kickto your businessthrough Paytm Mall Store Manager.Seamlesslysign-up using “CreateYour Store Now” option. With thishassle-freesign-up, you can startselling on Paytm Mall. Dashboard:Our SellerServices keeps youupdated of your orders and returnsevery second.You can have a quicksight of all existing & newordersprocessing, returns, productrating, payment details & soon: •View a speedy snapshot of yourbusiness on Paytm Mall StoreManager• View orders summary &orders status, analyze trends ofsalesand orders • View paymentsnapshot • View store/catalogsummary andtop selling products • Viewyour overall rating &customerreviews Order Management:Beep-beep! Get immediate alertson neworders & returns, easyoverview of all orders and muchmore onPaytm Mall Store Manager •Receive notifications for neworders andcancelled orders • Managecomplete order process, processyourorders in a single step using“Create Shipment/MarkShipped”option, manifest slip & packingslip sent to yourregisteredemail id automatically • Search for aspecific order byOrder,Item, Fulfillment, SKU, Manifest or ShipperID or the AWBnumberCatalog: Easily update your inventory, product’sprices&quantities, etc. to ensure that you never go out ofstock. •Viewexpected payout of a particular product • Manage thevisibilityofyour products listed on Paytm Mall • Update stock andpriceinreal-time • Search specific product by productname/ID,merchantSKU ID, item or order ID Payments: Paytm Mall StoreManageroffersa rapid payment detail of every transaction and sendsalertsof newpayment in real time. Easily view date-wise&order-wisepayment and search for payment for a particularorder id& itemid. Profile: Quickly view your Paytm Mall accountdetailson theapp Payout Calculator: Want to sell something new? Notsurehowmuch you will get after selling an item? Now,calculateapproximatepayout amount using payout calculator on PaytmMallShopkeeper App.
MRL Pay 1.0
MRL Pay Inc
MRL Pay is a mobile point ofsale(mPOS)solution which enables merchants to accept card presentandcardnot present payments on their mobile devices orcomputersanywhere,anytime.MRL Pay integrates with most major US Processorsandacceptscredit and debit cards from all major card networks
LIFE PAY 7.28.4
Приложение LIFE PAY - это рабочее место кассира иликурьера.Помогаетпредпринимателям соответствовать 54-ФЗ, вестискладскойучет,анализировать продажи, контролировать сотрудников.Подходитдляресторанно-гостиничного бизнеса, небольших имобильныхкофеен,розничных магазинов, доставки, интернет-магазинов.Данныепопродажам и транзакциям хранятся в облаке и доступны кпросмотруслюбого устройства в любой точке мира. LIFE PAYработаетсбольшинством фискальных регистраторов. Если вы ужеприобрелионлайнкассу, покупать оборудование дополнительно непридется.Простоустановите на ноутбук, планшет или мобильноеустройствоприложениеLIFE PAY. В приложении собрано все необходимоедля работыкассира иадминистратора: каталог, платежи, журналопераций, приемплатежей спомощью mPOS и POS терминалов. Работайте скаталогомснаименованиями и изображениями товаров,воспользовавшисьлегкимпоиском по штрих-коду. Вводите скидки вручном режиме,оформляйтевозвраты, принимайте любые виды платежейлюбыми способами- полнойи частичной оплатой наличными и банковскойкартой черезтерминалыLIFE PAY. Техническая поддержка доступна 24/7и ответитвам потелефону, почте или в мессенджере. Как начатьработу? 1. Вправомуглу экрана нажмите кнопку “Загрузить“; 2.Послеустановкиприложения на рабочий стол вашего смартфона илипланшета,нажмитена иконку LIFE PAY. 3. Авторизуйтесь. Введителогин, номервашегомобильного телефона. Пароль вы найдете в смссообщении,котороебыло отправлено при регистрации в личном кабинетепоадресу 4. Откройте личный кабинет,введителогин ипароль. Загрузите каталог, поставщиков и товары насклад.Добавьтеторговые точки и сотрудников. 5. Запуститеприложение. Всеготово кработе. Доступный функционал приложения LIFEPAY:регистрацияпродажи и печать фискального чека; отправка данных вОФД(форматФФД 1.0, 1.05, 1.1); оплата наличными; автоматическийрасчетсдачи;быстрый режим оплаты без сдачи; оплата по банковскойкартечерезтерминалы LIFE PAY; оплата по банковской картечерезотправкуплатежной ссылки на телефон клиенту; открытие,сохранение,закрытиеи удаление заказа; работа с денежным ящиком;работа ссканеромштрихкода: USB, Bluetooth; регистрация товара посвободнойцене;стандартные X и Z отчеты; онлайн/офлайн режим работы;работаспринтером чеков; печать пречека на ККТ,принтеречеков;корректировка позиции чека (количество, добавить,удалить);возврат/ аннулирование товаров по чеку продаж; выплата ивнесениеоднойсуммой. Возможности личного кабинета руководителяLIFEPAY:Аналитика. Простая и прозрачная статистика поколичествупродаж,выручке, среднему чеку, прибыли, сотрудникам.Свозможностьюэкспорта отчета в формате excel. Склад. Учет ивводданных товара всистему по накладной. Контроль,обновлениеформированиесебестоимости. Заведение и импортпрайс-листов отпоставщиков.Отчет по движениям товаров иавтоматическое списание сосклада припродаже, что позволит видетьреальное количество товарана вашемскладе. Продажи. Просмотр ианалитика журнала продаж ичеков сконтрольно-кассовой техники, учетпроведенных операцийпосотрудникам. Интеграции. Настройка интеграциис онлайнбухгалтериейМое Дело или Контур Эльба. Автоматическоепополнениебазы клиентовпри помощи amoCRM. Эквайринг. Подключитеформу оплатына вашемсайте. И принимайте платежи с 2-х точек продажна однойкассе.Личный кабинет руководителя: PAY-технологическая софтверная компания. Специализируемсянасозданиипонятных и удобных программных продуктов для малогоисреднегобизнеса. Сервис LIFE PAY идеально подойдетновомуилиразвивающемуся бизнесу: ресторану, кафе, бару;цветочномумагазину;продуктовому магазину; салону красоты,барбершопу;доставке икурьерским службам; магазинам одежды,канцелярии;онлайн-сервисам иинтернет-магазинам. Если у вас естьпредложения поулучшениюсервиса, присылайте их на адрес:[email protected]
X Pay Mobile Recharge App 2.1
To Update applicationClick on Setting ----> Click on Help ----> Click onUpdateApplicationEnter your download code, That's allDefault Download CodeDownload Code = PAYA beautiful yet powerful android application for one simrechargeservices. X Pay provide online recharge and sms basedrechargeservices based on selected mode. An e wallet based mobilerechargeapplication for easy recharge service.A lightening fast recharge speed for all prepaid mobilerecharge,DTH recharge or data card recharge in less than 10seconds to giveyou best experience in one sim recharge industry.We make sure thatyour money is safe with X Pay Cash, our virtualwallet. In the rarecase that an online recharge fails, we keeptrying on your behalf tomake sure the recharge is completed.How To Install X PayEnter Default Download Code - PAYCreate for joining for free and earn up to 2% straightcommissionon every prepaid recharge. For Any technical supportemail us [email protected]. Or join usat of AppEasy Recharge for all Prepaid Mobile RechargesAll DTH recharge facility for satellite TVAll Internet recharge including 2G and 3G data cardsPost Paid Recharge serviceUtility Bill PaymentsInsurance PaymentExciting discount coupons with each recharge
Credit Card Admin 1.0.1
Manages purchases and payments on your credit cards, allowstheappto show you how much your card has available and at whattimeyoupay or stop using your cards according to the preferencesofeach.Receive notifications telling you the payday of your cardssoyoudo not incur in arrears or paying high interest.Checkthepurchases you made with your cards and keep track ofyouraccountsin an easy and practical way. * The App does notrequest inanytime your personal data or your card. * We not requestyourcardnumber or PIN you only a descriptive name that youcanrecognizeeach card. * The App does not make charges to your cardorconnectto your bank, all information entered on the App isprovidedby theuser. * The App is completely FREE, we not demandpayments ofanykind. * Available in Spanish and English language. *Doesnotrequire internet to work. Data is stored on your device, wedonotsend your shopping data on any server or any other user.*Allinformation is stored in encrypted form on your device.
PayMe 2
Tired of not getting paid debts?Time left and do not remember who or how much money theyyoushouldWith PayMe You can keep track of who owes you money and how muchyoushould
Pay My Bill 2.0
Pay My Bill is an Android application,whichhelps the public (Mysore in Particular), to pay theirelectricitybills, water bills and MUDA Tax Payments online.Procedure :1. Once the user provides all the details on the mobile app, wethepeople from Define Developers, physically move to therespectivepayment stations and pay your bill on your behalf2. Once the payment is done, our Administration will mailtheuser with the photo of the receipt for the bill paid3. The user can get the original receipts through courieronprior request.
Payme – Expense Claim 1.8
Welcome to PAYME Expense Claim Application.Nowsubmit your expense claim on the go through our mobileapp.Please register to use the App to submit your weekly expenseclaimwhilst you are working on assignments. You can claim for arange ofitems. Just scroll down to select an expense, selectthevalue/units or add distance (mileage). The App willself-calculatethe amount due where appropriate. You can addexpenses as you ‘go’through the week and save them in ‘draft’ orcomplete a claim atthe end of week all at once.
First Data Mobile Pay Solution 3.2.0
Mobile Pay™Use your smartphone to easily accept credit and signaturedebitcard payments, anywhere you have wireless coverage. ThepowerfulMobile Pay app is easily downloadable to your Androiddevice,turning it into a mini credit card transaction terminalthatperforms as a traditional wireless terminal, but at alowercost.The Mobile Pay Advantage• Security – encrypts card data instantly upon swipe(verifiedcompliant with PCI DSS)• Sturdy card reader – Mobile Pay doesn’t swivel, so you cancounton reliable swipes• Support and service – 24/7 from leading payments expertsWhat You’ll Need• Merchant account (new or existing)• Smartphone with data (service) plan• Mobile Pay downloadable app• Mobile Pay card readerRooted/Jailbroken devices are not supported due tosecurityrisks.What’s New in Version 2.2• A faster, easier user interface• Intuitive transaction flow• View sales history and issue refunds from the same screen• New settings – automatically copy yourself on mailreceipts;configure tips and sales tax from your phone• Items Mode: Add items from an inventory to your transactionsandreceipts.• SMS Receipts: Enter mobile phone numbers to send receiptsviaSMS.• Transaction Description: Descriptions can be added totransactionsand receipts.• Cash Sales: Track and process cash transactions just likecreditcard sales.• Transaction Searching: Find transactions by filtering thedate,card number, or amount in the sales history.
ITBPS Inc Mobile Pay 1.4.2
The ITBPS Inc Smartphone Point of Sales(POS)turns NFC enabled Android Phone or Tablet into a POS device.ITBPSMobile Pay allows Shops to receive payments from customers whohaveITBPS Inc NFC Payment Cards.ITBPS Inc POS can also be used for Loyalty Schemes, inSchools,Universities and in much more places.ITBPS POS also allows 'PIN less' payments also. A maximumpaymentamount and maximum (total) daily amount for PIN lesspayments can bedefined by the administration. Within these limitsa user canperform payments just by holding the ITBPS Inc NFC cardnear thePOS.ITBPC Inc payment and online software supports a completeSMSpayment system. SMS notifications to the buyer on payments madeata ITBPS Inc POS devices.
Pay Leave 1.0
Pay Leave is a smart way for anyorganizationtomanage their employees absences. Pay Leave tracksannual leave,sickleave and other time off leaves in realtime.We will assist you to setup the leave management systemaccordingtoyour company leave policies.Pay Leave is a self-service system whereby, youremployeesapply their leave application, On-line using acomputer orsmartphone.Pay Leave will display the employee earned leave balanceandacceptthe application to process if it meets thecompanypolicies.The employee's leave application is sent immediatelytohissupervisor by email notification for approvalorrejection.Once the leave is approved by the employee's supervisor,theleaveapplication is update in real time to theemployee'sleavebalance.