Top 20 Apps Similar to Bolets «Mushrooms»

Mushroom - Mushtool
It's an application for all mushroom finders, from amateurstoprofessionals.
The Mushroom Book 1.9.7
Many mushroom species with brief descriptions & photos. Agreathelp to identify
Morchella Setas 1.2
Morchella es una aplicación quetienelafuncionalidad de indicar la probabilidad de encontrarsetasapartir de nuestra posición geográfica dentrodelterritorioCatalán.A partir de la localización de las zonas donde hallovido,asícomo de la temporalidad e intensidad de la lluvia,combinadoconlas superficies de bosque en el territorio Catalán, seobtienelaprobabilidad de crecimiento de setas.Morel isanapplicationthat has the functionality to indicate theprobabilityof findingmushrooms from our geographical positionwithin theCatalanterritory.From the location of the areas where it rained and thetimingandintensity of rainfall, combined with areas of forestinCatalonia,the probability of growth of mushrooms is obtained.
Mushrooming 5.4
Mauro Ciuchetti
An extraordinary database, revisedandexpanded, to help yourself in the recognition and in theresearchof good or poisonous mushrooms!The first application of its type published on GooglePlayStore.The species of mushrooms described are more than 270. Youcancompare similar species.This application allows you to see some edible otherpoisonousmushrooms and recognize the main characteristics.There are information such as: scientific name and common nameofspeces, family, edibility, cap, gills, stem, flesh, habitatandcomments.Store maps of your favorite mushroom picking locations usingGPSand help you to go back.A specific section is present also that affords to visualizethemap of own current position of the places of search ofthemushrooms, to save own coordinates and to add personalnotes.From the list of the saved points it is passed to the map oftheplace already visited directly and therefore also in varioustimesit can be returned in the same place, launching the Navigatorwitha click and be repeated positive collections.All the memorised places are visible also in a global map thathehelps in deciding where to go for new fruitful researches.You can quickly save Photos on your own Gallery.You can also access an educational section includes GlossaryandQuestionnaire.Make sure that this application does not collect anypersonaldata of its users.The required permissions for the GPS location, Internetaccess,acquisition and storage of photos are essential forthefunctioning.
MushtoolPro - Mushroom
Mushtool is an application for all the mushroom finders.
Micocyl 1.0
Micocyl app helps you know if you're collecting mushrooms initsmountains covered
Mushroom Identify - Automatic 2.82
Automatically identify species from photo, save where youfoundmushrooms
Boletaire 2.011
Kept complete application of geo database with mushrooms
My Nature GPS 1.50
Nature lovers: store your preferred GPS locations and return tothemeasily.
eBoletsLite - Bolets - Setas 1.0.37
eBolets, the first APPLICATIO of predictions per dispositusMOBILSmycological
MycoIdent lite 4.1.1
Yellow Birds
MycoIdent lite is a mushroom identifier andencyclopediaparticularly well suited to amateurs who wish toidentify fleshymushrooms with pores such as ceps and boletes,without any previousknowledge or equipment. It is also particularlyefficient for moreexperienced mycologists, thanks to its databasecontaining morethan 100 species of the most common ceps and boletes(900 of themost common species of fungi in the Premium version).All will beable to improve their expertise in a playful way, thanksto anidentification quiz with increasing difficulty. Done withbeinglost in a determination key because of a barely visiblecharacter!Thanks to its simple and easy to understand questions,you'llquickly get a list of the most relevant candidatescorresponding toyour unknown mushroom. Any doubt about the answerto give to one ofthe questions? a detailed help will guide youthrough with realexamples... You don't know what to answer at all?No problem, theengine will do without! It is even capable of takinginto accountpotential mistakes you could make on the most complexcriteria.Mycoident Lite is also an encyclopedia solely made outfrommaterial published by renowned experts of the field. Itprovidesits own original material such as a descriptions of allspecies ofthe database (together with published references used),and whenavailable, photographs of mushrooms identified by fieldexperts,which will help you confirm your identification. You caneven addyour own pictures or photographs and private notes, anddefine yourfavorite species. MycoIdent Lite provides additionally aGPS andcompass navigation capability, so that you can wander aboutin theforest without risking to get lost, while markinginterestingsites. All personal data (locations, notes,identifications,pictures...) are exclusively kept on the user'sdevice and are notcollected in any way. -- Features -- -Identification of over 100of the most frequent European ceps andboletes, and other fleshypored fungi. - Encyclopedia withdescriptive sheets for allspecies, with a summary of distinctivefeatures for most of them,with scientific names, classification,authorities, look-alikes,edibility, synonyms, common names, andreferences used. - 5 levelidentification quiz with field details -Zoom in of photographs -Keyword search in the database - Originalphotographs (more than800 photos embeded in the Premium version, ofwhich more than 600species). - Availability of downloadable higherresolution versionof any photograph of species, plus extraphotographs (3000+photographs available). - Possibility to addone's own photographs,favourites, notes, locations, etc. - GPS andcompass-basednavigation capability, with a management of points ofinterests andlinks to species - Specific information availableconcerning theforest of Rambouillet, France. - English and Frenchversions -Common names of mushrooms are also available in Italian,German andSpanish. All materials contained in this application areoriginal.-- Permissions-- Each permission may be changed intheapplication's options - internet access, exclusively fortheoptional download of free higher resolution photos -optionallocation detection through GPS or network-based location,to helpidentification or navigation
Mushroom Picking 1.1
Mushroom picking application is designedtosign navigation point in terrain.Starting our mushroom picking we can sign the starting pointofour trip and go to the forrest to mushroom picking. When wefindsome god places which are worth to save we can add this pointtopoin list in application. The saved point will be easy to findinfuture. Every navigation point consist of data likegeographicallongitude, latitude, altitude readed from GPS module inmobilephone and data like place name, place description, date ofsavingpoint.When we end mushroom picking and want to get back to ourstartingpoint (for example: to a parked car ) we must findstarting point onthe list and choose navigation to a point or showon Google maps. Ifwe choose the navigation to point, applicationdisplay the distanceto destination point.
Mr Gnome - Setas 1.5
MR GNOME es una novedosa aplicaciónparaAndroidcon la que podrás convertirte en un experto buscadordesetas.Tanto para principiantes como para avanzados en lamicología,MRGNOME ofrece la perfecta herramienta paracapturar,etiquetar,localizar y clasificar tus propiosejemplares.Te permitirá conocer mejor los ejemplares más comunesquehabitanen tu región, distinguir entre aquellos que soncomestiblesovenenosos, y conservar mejor tu entorno.En definitiva, adéntrate al apasionante mundo deestospequeñoshongos, conoce las diferentes variedades y llega a serunverdaderoMr Gnomo de tu región.MR GNOME ofrece las siguientes funciones:* Modo Captura: Captura y guarda una imagen a través de lacámaraconinformación del nombre, día, comentarios y posición GPS.Laimagenpodrá ser consultada en el modo Consulta.* Modo Detección: Clasifica la imagen capturada deformamanualcomparándola con la colección de la galería.* Modo Consulta: Consulta y modifica la información delasimágenesguardadas.* Modo Galería: Consulta la descripción de una colecciónde38variedades diferentes.* Modo Geoposición: Visualiza la posición del usuario ydelasdiferentes imágenes capturadas en un mapa. Graciasasulocalización, permite saber donde fueron encontradas y volveralamisma zona.MR GNOME isaninnovativeapplication for Android which allows you to becomeanexpert findermushrooms.For both beginners and advanced in mycology, MR GNOMEofferstheperfect tool to capture, tag, find and categorizeyourowncopies.You will better know the most common specimens thatinhabittheregion, distinguishing between those that are edibleorpoisonous,and conserve your environment.Ultimately, delve to the exciting world of theselittlefungiknown different varieties and becomes a true MrGnomeregion.   MR GNOME provides the following functions:* Capture mode: Capture and save an image throughthecamerainformation on the name, date, and GPS Reviews. The imagemaybeconsulted on the Query mode.* Detection Mode: Rank the captured image manually comparingittothe gallery collection.* Check Mode: View and modify information stored images.* Gallery Mode: Check the description of a collection of38differentvarieties.* Geoposition Mode: Displays the user's position andthedifferentimages captured on a map. Thanks to its location, letsyouknowwhere they were found and return to the same area.
MycoIdent 4.3.0
Yellow Birds
MycoIdent - a wild European mushroom identifier and encyclopedia
Parking Memory 1.2
ParkingMemory is the applicationyouwerelooking for if you are someone who does not rememberwhereyouparked the car.With it you can save the location of the car park at thetime,andthen remember to find the car without problems.In the outer parking lots, or anywhere that you parkoutdoors,youcan save the GPS coordinates where's your car, andthen to goto him.The application will open your Google Maps withthe routecreatedtowards your car.In indoor parking, you can save multiple datalikecolor,basement, letter or number square, which will makefindingyour caran easy task.Why ParkingMemory?1. ParkingMemory keep your current location, and thencalculatetheroute directly to your car.2. Was just being foolishly wandered looking for your car thatyoudonot remember where you parked.Download ParkingMemory and remember where you parked.
Where Is My Car (No GPS) 1.0
Park your car and take a photo using this App.After, when you need to find it, open the App and it willshowyouthe last place where you parked.Simple and useful.The App only shows the last photo taken, so you dont needtoopenthe gallery and search on your recent photos.It is also useful in places with bad GPS signal andothersimilarApps does not work, like underground parkings.
Colega donde esta mi coche? 1.3
Esta aplicación hace uso del GPS y de Google Maps parafacilitarencontrar tu coche cuando no recuerdas donde lo hasaparcado. Laapp sólo funcionará en lugares donde la señal GPSlleguecorrectamente, por lo que se recomienda usarla en elexterior. Elfuncionamiento es muy simple, cuando vayas a bajar delcoche y notengas claro si después vas acordarte de donde lodejaste, ejecutala app y captura tu posición junto al coche. Luegocuando quierasbuscarlo sólo tienes que pulsar el botón de buscar.
Donde Está Mi Coche!!! 1.05
DevSign App
No vuelvas a olvidar donde aparcasteelcoche.Pulsa el botón “Posicionar mi coche” y puedes irtetranquilo.Noimporta donde vayas, cuando quieras encontrarlo pulsaelbotón“Encuéntrame” y te dará la posición exacta dondelodejaste.Do not everforgetwhereyou parked the car. Click the "Place my car" and can goquiet.Nomatter where you go, when you want to find it click the"FindMe"and give you the exact position where you left off.
NaturaList 0.223
NaturaList allow you to quickly record all yournaturalisticobservations
Mushroom Sequencer 1.8
this plugin is used to sequentiallyapplymultiple mushroom plugin.this is a plugin for Simeji Mushroom API.supported launcher is:- Simeji- MushDoor- ATOK- POBox touch- iWnn SH Edition