Top 13 Games Similar to 誅仙傳(女神天痕 新章)

古劍奇緣-誅仙(超人氣中文單機RPG免費激活版) 1.0
►華語第一單機RPG經典手游►回饋玩家全部劇情免費激活手機遊戲年度鉅獻,給你從未有過的仙俠世界!及時動畫過場古韻濃郁,獨特升級方式前所未有,爽快元嬰修煉讓你一步登仙!漫漫仙路只求長生,與如花美眷合體雙修。《古劍奇緣-誅仙》,帶你感受征服寰宇的快意,塑造眾生頂禮膜拜的神話!《古劍奇緣-誅仙》是手機角色扮演RPG遊戲的奇蹟,是創造了無數個第1的手機遊戲,應廣大玩家強烈要求,特推出安卓免費激活版本獻給大家!聲明:我們開發的所有遊戲均無廣告、無病毒、無任何干擾遊戲的彈窗!注意:本遊戲僅支持中文!本遊戲對絕大多數手機都支持,但對較為特殊分辨率的少數手機,部分按鍵不支持會顯示不全!對與三星GalaxyS4手機尚未支持!請見諒,您有問題可以留言或者郵件反饋給我們。遊戲免費下載,部分特殊道具可能需要使用GoogleWallet購買,有明確提示,請放心玩遊戲。以下是本遊戲的玩家體會:==============================來自於知名網站專業遊戲玩家的親身體會,原創作品請勿轉載。【遊戲心得】麻雖小但五臟俱全,這話也可以形容遊戲。遊戲的主線內容還算不錯,有頭有尾。在遊戲的過程中,玩家可以根據自己的選擇而挑選自己喜歡的女主角。過程方面,不管是主線任務還是支線任務,都是一氣呵成。遊戲劇情方麵包括:愛 恨 情 仇再加上仙緣的蒐集可提升元嬰,還有獲得的丹藥能用於女主角提一些屬性。我覺得玩遊戲的時候,錢是一個重點,另外就是一些經驗的獲得。因為打的時候,會獲得一些材料,然後這些材料不只可以鍛造。可以去找有緣人去兌換仙緣,也可藏劍門等門派兌換升級的經驗。再說說鍛造方面,鍛造的方面我簡略的說一下。例如以布帽做子,經過鍛造可變成飛雲帽需精魄壹,飛雲帽子鍛造秘銀冠則需要精魄貳。劍的話就以青銅劍作為例,也是需要精魄壹,可連續鍛造兩次,然後就變成了精魄貳鍛造兩次,以此類推。其實如果老是鍛造不行話,在下方會有提示,所以說鍛造好的武器和多打怪是密不可分的。遊戲畫風基本屬於像素風格,懷舊的人會比較喜歡,但清晰度還是完全可以接受的,不錯。總之,這是一款絕對值得廣大RPG玩家去玩的遊戲,就像經典的仙劍奇俠傳等老牌遊戲!用心體會遊戲的精髓,經典的東西永遠流行,你一定不會後悔!===============玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]
【官方】古劍奇緣-誅仙(中文第一劇情單機RPG) 1.0
►當之無愧華語第1單機RPG►史詩級劇情保證讓你玩到爽2015開年巨獻,給你從未有過的仙俠世界!及時動畫過場古韻濃郁,獨特升級方式前所未有,爽快元嬰修煉讓你一步登仙!漫漫仙路只求長生,與如花美眷合體雙修。《古劍奇緣-誅仙》,帶你感受征服寰宇的快意,塑造衆生頂禮膜拜的神話!《古劍奇緣-誅仙》是手機角色扮演RPG遊戲的奇迹,是創造了無數個第1的手機遊戲,應廣大玩家強烈要求,特推出安卓免費激活版本獻給大家!聲明:我們開發的所有遊戲均無廣告、無病毒、無任何幹擾遊戲的彈窗!溫馨貼士:本遊戲僅支持中文!本遊戲對絕大多數手機都支持,但對較爲特殊分辨率的少數手機,部分按鍵不支持會顯示不全!請見諒,您有問題可以留言或者郵件反饋給我們。遊戲資費:遊戲免費下載,部分特殊道具可能需要使用Google Wallet購買,有明確提示,請放心玩遊戲。=====================玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]►Chinese deserved first single RPG► epic story guaranteed to make you playtocool2015 openyearJuxian, you never had to Xian Xia world! Timely animatedcutscenesrhyme rich, unique upgrade ever, let you stepstraightforward YuanYing practice immortal! Sin long way just tolongevity, and floweryMeijuan fit alike. "swords Romance - ZhuXian" , with thepleasure you feel conquer Universe, createcreatures worshipmyth!"swordsRomance- Zhu Xian" is a role-playing RPG games phone miracle wascreatednumerous first mobile game, the majority of players shouldbestrong demand, especially the introduction of Android versionfreeactivation dedicated to everyone!Disclaimer: We developed all the games no ads, novirus,no interference pop game!Warm Tips: This game only supports Chinese! This gameisfor the vast majority of mobile phones are supported, butmorespecial resolution of the few mobile phone, some keys arenotsupported will display incomplete! Please forgive me, you haveaproblem you can leave a message or e-mail backtous.Game charges: Free download games, some special propsmayneed to use Google Wallet to purchase, there is clearlyprompted,please rest assured to play thegame.=====================Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer-mail: [email protected]
仙劍五前傳 1.7.1
❀ Q萌畫風 刻劃仙五前主角與場景遊戲採用Unity3D引擎開發,高清畫質再加上強大骨骼動畫,讓原著角色在全Q萌外表下,也帶著豐富的肢體動作。原作中明州城、折劍山莊、樓蘭古城等場景,也將經典重現。❀ 姚仙監製 獨家首發隱藏劇情「仙劍之父」姚仙參與遊戲監製,把握每一個環節。更獨家加入單機未發佈的隱藏劇情。❀ 御用配音加盟 重現仙五前滿滿情懷遊戲特別邀請原作御用團隊為遊戲配音。動人的劇情,熟悉的對白,完美的聲線,讓玩家再次身臨其境,體驗銘心刻骨的愛情。❀ 3D即時戰鬥 華麗合擊系統《仙劍五前傳》採用3D即時操作,戰鬥過程中玩家可手動釋放絕招,亦可通過點擊操作,流暢跑位,並配合怪物技能預判、爽快觸發角色間的華麗合擊!
DemonSouls (Action RPG)
A stunning epic classic styled ARPG !
仙劍奇俠傳緣OL 1.1.1
li yaoxiang
【遊戲簡介】:《仙劍奇俠傳緣OL》 是壹款大型真人情侶雙修RPG手遊。最受玩家喜愛的情侶手遊,以純正修仙為題材,擁有仙緣親密、語音暢聊、心魔挑戰、跨服戰鬥、公會爭霸、PVP競技、百變時裝、無敵萌寵、酷炫坐騎等多種特色玩法!和專屬女神壹起雙修,結婚巡遊看遍人間美景!首款真人情侶雙修RPG手遊,全新演繹情侶互動即時戰鬥手遊新時代青春不散 仙俠到老 情侶手遊,純正修仙! 5國民摯愛仙劍手遊[Game Description]:"Paladin edge OL" One section is a large live-action RPGloversalike hand tour. A couple of the most popular players handtour topure Cultivation as a theme,Xian Yuan has an intimate, voice chat, demonschallenges,inter-service battle, Association Competition, PVPathletics,amazing fashion, invincible Meng Chong, cool horse, andothercharacteristics of play!One from the goddess and exclusive alike, all over the world toseethe beauty of marriage parade! The first live-action RPGloversalike hand tour, a new interpretation of the couplehandinteractive real-time combat tour new eraSan Xian Xia youth not to the old couple hand tour,pureCultivation! 5 National beloved Legend of hand travel
仙劍客棧 0.6
【遊戲簡介】最初感動在你左右!回味經典、正版授權,再一次逍遙一世!仙劍二十週年紀念作品『仙劍客棧』磅礡登場穿梭時空,歷代仙劍角色夢幻共演,共同開啟客棧仙俠情緣【遊戲特色】正版授權,經典再現。仙劍明星全登場!遊戲傳承《仙劍奇俠傳》系列,您所熟知的仙劍角色,將在時空錯亂的新仙劍世界中邂逅。豐富鮮明的角色性格,歷代角色之間相遇將會激盪出什麼的火花?全新編譯的精彩劇情,等待您來仙劍客棧細細品味。● 仙劍懷舊音樂經典呈現遊戲採用仙劍歷代經典遊戲配樂,讓你瞬間回到80年代,重溫首次遊玩仙劍帶來的感動。● 全劇情語音配音遊戲中不論是過場劇情、CG動畫,或是戰鬥招式,全程真人配音,讓您能夠更加融入仙劍的奇幻世界● 細緻刻劃,經典場景歷歷在目仙劍的經典場景,將以全新風格在遊戲重新演繹呈現!唯美的場景,細緻的作畫,再現仙靈島的清幽、將軍塚的陰森、鎖妖塔的莊嚴、蜀山的高峻...,精心刻劃的背景讓您感受到開發團隊的專注與用心。● 技能組合多元,酷炫戰鬥體驗遊戲擁有豐富、強大的技能體系,每個職業的技能均有自己鮮明的特色。擁有羈絆的角色共同上陣,將可發動華麗又強大的組合技霸氣逆轉戰局!● 特色職業搭配,挑戰仙劍經典BOSS長眠於將軍塚的鬼將軍、鎖妖塔的鎮獄明王、苗疆的拜月教主以及上古水魔獸,遊戲中將一一遭遇仙劍經典BOSS阻擋你的去路!你能成功通過艱鉅的挑戰嗎?※ 本程式要求android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW此權限,僅用於帳號中心及客服系統懸浮小視窗使用
新仙劍客棧-正版授權 0.3
【遊戲簡介】最初感動在你左右!回味經典、正版授權,再一次逍遙一世!仙劍二十週年紀念作品『新仙劍客棧-正版授權』磅礡登場穿梭時空,歷代仙劍角色夢幻共演,共同開啟客棧仙俠情緣【遊戲特色】正版授權,經典再現。仙劍明星全登場!遊戲傳承《仙劍奇俠傳》系列,您所熟知的仙劍角色,將在時空錯亂的新仙劍世界中邂逅。豐富鮮明的角色性格,歷代角色之間相遇將會激盪出什麼的火花?全新編譯的精彩劇情,等待您來仙劍客棧細細品味。● 仙劍懷舊音樂經典呈現遊戲採用仙劍歷代經典遊戲配樂,讓你瞬間回到80年代,重溫首次遊玩仙劍帶來的感動。● 全劇情語音配音遊戲中不論是過場劇情、CG動畫,或是戰鬥招式,全程真人配音,讓您能夠更加融入仙劍的奇幻世界● 細緻刻劃,經典場景歷歷在目仙劍的經典場景,將以全新風格在遊戲重新演繹呈現!唯美的場景,細緻的作畫,再現仙靈島的清幽、將軍塚的陰森、鎖妖塔的莊嚴、蜀山的高峻...,精心刻劃的背景讓您感受到開發團隊的專注與用心。● 技能組合多元,酷炫戰鬥體驗遊戲擁有豐富、強大的技能體系,每個職業的技能均有自己鮮明的特色。擁有羈絆的角色共同上陣,將可發動華麗又強大的組合技霸氣逆轉戰局!● 特色職業搭配,挑戰仙劍經典BOSS長眠於將軍塚的鬼將軍、鎖妖塔的鎮獄明王、苗疆的拜月教主以及上古水魔獸,遊戲中將一一遭遇仙劍經典BOSS阻擋你的去路!你能成功通過艱鉅的挑戰嗎?※ 本程式要求android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW此權限,僅用於帳號中心及客服系統懸浮小視窗使用
華語單機RPG遊戲盒(全免費+含攻略) 1.3
快來下載史上最強的華語單機RPG合集!只需一款應用即可免費獲取十多款超經典單機RPG!這裡的遊戲代表了早期華語單機RPG的巔峰水準!超強大的劇情、超感人的遊戲場景讓你願意用心體驗!這裡提供各個遊戲的攻略可以供您參考!祝您遊戲愉快!❤應用特色❤1、十多款經典單機,一網打盡2、免費攻略伴你游戲,簡單3、全免費下載,超小體積4、劇情全部免費玩,超爽5、安全無毒無廣告,放心❤注意事項❤據部分玩家反應,三星S4及部分2K超高分辨率手機不能較好的體驗遊戲,抱歉。其他手機一般均能暢玩本合集裡的所有遊戲!部分殺毒軟件由於惡意競爭等原因會對某些遊戲報錯,提示含有病毒等等之類的信息。我們在此聲明:本合集以及本公司所有遊戲均無任何病毒存在,我們本著做經典遊戲的原則去服務玩家,所有遊戲均安全無毒無廣告!這一點玩過我們遊戲的玩家都知道。本合集內所有遊戲均免費下載,不用任何付費就能將游戲玩通關。如果您想快速通過關可能需要購買遊戲裡的部分道具,請使用谷歌錢包支付,道具明碼標價且價格很低,感謝您對我們遊戲的支持,我們會開發更多的經典精品遊戲回饋大家。❤联系客服❤E-Mail:[email protected]
로드 오브 크리쳐스(Lord of Creatures ) 1.3854
9Splay Korea
◆ 최고의 모바일 arpg 콘텐츠화려한 그래픽과 코스튬!쉬운 조작과 강력한 타격감!◆ 독특한 영수 육성 시스템함께 성장하는 게임의 동반자!다양한 보스를 통해서 획득할 수 있는 영수들!내가 육성한 영수들의 강력한 스킬을 사용하자!◆ PK 경기장진정한 영웅을 가리는 치열한 경쟁!당신의 강함을 증명할 수 있는 pvp전투!◆ 짜릿한 보스전유니크한 보스들과 화끈한 전투!친구와 함께 거대한 보스를 처치하자◆ Lord of Creatures 공식카페:◆ leading mobilecontentarpgColorful graphics and costumes!Easy operation and powerful hitting sense!◆ develop a unique alphanumeric systemCompanion to grow with the game!The receipt that can be acquired through a variety of bosses!Let me use the powerful skills of the foster receipts!◆ PK ArenaCompetition obscuring the true hero!pvp combat to prove your strength!◆ exhilarating boss battlesUnique boss battles and hot!Let's kill huge bosses with friends◆ Lord of Creatures official cafe:
Zexia Another Story 1.0.4
This game is a prequel story ofZexiaFantasyAdventures 3D. This intense action RPG takes plotonMaylenejourney, mother of Zexia.Help Maylene unravel the mystery of the Axis Gate, andsaveherchildren Zexia from the World Eater. Test yourskillsagainstdangerous monsters and journey on a perilous questinto amysticalhigh fantasy world in the epic, popular action RPG onyourmobiledevice!FEATURES- Superb anime 3D Graphics featured withexcitingARPGgameplay!!!- Fighting your way through an Axis story.- SLASH hundreds of enemies in war with JRPG battle style.- Use infinite combo with help from your ally and destroyalltheenemies!- Recruit friends to fight at your side with Mana.- Deep cinematic storytelling with a dramatic roleplayinggameaction!- Classic strategy and tactics element will make younostalgiaaboutyour past time.- With 2D anime illustration in visual novel dialog mode.- Unravel the mystery of the land and recruit knight to fightatyourside.
League of Defenders 1.5.1
【Info】is a 3D Fantasy ARPG with cute cartoon characters. Based onawestern fantasy story, it tells about how Defenders protectBrightMainland against the evil. Developed by the world’s topstudio andteam, its fancy graphics quality give players alarge-scale PC gameexperience and immerse them into a realbattle.Exquisite game scenes, flexible role movement, accuratescenecontrol, real-time fighting experience! What’s more, you canenjoyvarious gameplays, such as real-time Top Duel withcross-serverplayers, freely team up in Team Instance and soon.【Features】-The Cutest 3D Fantasy MMORPG Masterpiece-Highest Graphics Quality Adopting Top Technology!-Create Your Own Pet Squad in Combination with ThousandsofPets!-Come And Fight in Knight War Anytime If You Dare!-Free Battles without Limitation Enable Realizing YourTactics-Dress Yourself Up as You Wish,a 3D cute fantasy MMORPG with highly Degree of Freedom iscoming!You can never miss this ARPG Masterpiece of Year 2016!【Gameplay】●Free PVP Gameplays: Innovative World Boss, massiveClanWar/Cross-server War/Arena… All of them can satisfy your needsforFree PK!●Initiative Knight System: All-server players can join KnightWartogether to win Feats and exchange for Rare Rides;●First-ever Pet Expedition System: Pets become more powerfulafterupgrade. Send them on Expedition to bring you rarerewards;●Fabulous PVE Gameplay: Adopting classic ARPG instance system,thisgame provides all the gears you need in Instances aspassingrewards. Invite your friends to adventure this fantasy worldwithyou!【Support】For more events, please go toFacebookfanpage: more information, please go to theofficialwebsite: more services, please go to CSmailbox:[email protected]
Dream Warrior 4.8
Dream Warrior takes fighting as itskeyfeature. 360 degree free fighting, say goodbye to the fixstandingwith fake moves style. What’s more, with extremely coolcomboattack, exquisite graphics, amazing characters, the gameentertainsall gamers with brand new visual effect of fightingexperience justthe same as action movie. More gameplays in gamewelcome youjoining into the game for witnessing the era of ARPG2.0.Physical Screen-Shaking Effect, Strong Sense of BeatDream Warrior is designed with the independent R&Dlatestengine. Environment halo, exquisite graphics with particleeffects,unique visual effect, perfectly reproduced legendaryorientalcharm, exciting fighting, cool skills, all-round andlock-freefighting system, floating combo attack, subduing skill,swift dodgeand some other powerful physical effects, specialphysical screenshaking effect which brings everyone shocking senseof beat allthese can be found in the great mobile game, DreamWarrior.Special Fighting Wings System, Brand New Mode for FightingDream Warrior refuses to be ordinary. Gamers can acquire theitemsfor activating fighting wings during the battle. By activatingiton the interface of characters, you are able to show adifferentlook to others. Characters can be added with buff byactivating thefighting wings as well. With the activated wings, youcan bedifferent among others while you are in the fight.Cute Pet Upgraded, Causing Huge DamageIn Dream Warrior, the pet not only has a good-lookingphysicalappearance, but also makes contribution in the battle foritsowner. Besides, as the fighting system fully upgraded, pet canjointhe battle with three active skills, and all the acquiredskillswill add buff to the pet itself. In the instance or fightingevent,the skill of the pet can be released in sequence, everyskillreleased once, the damage will be huge enough to beatyourenemy.Innovative Factions Spectator Mode, Battle Live BroadcastingIn Dream Warrior, the faction system not only providesspectatormode, but also the battle live broadcasting. Every roundin thefight, the player who is standby for the battle is able toenterinto the battle for watching only by clicking on the battlelivebroadcasting page. The battle information for each roundisbroadcasted on the broadcasting system, and everyone can chatwitheach other via the convenient chat room there.Dream Warrior with multiple upgraded gameplays, brand newamazingspecial effects, you can’t miss it!
Warriors of Glory 4.9
PRODUCT OVERVIEWWarriors of Glory is an exciting ARPG with stunning 3D gamegraphicsand RTS gameplay. The once prosperous and peaceful Kingdomis undersiege from an undead army hell bent on the destruction ofall humanlife! Work with the Royal Legionaries and War Dogs andlay waste toall Skeletons, Demons, and Trolls who dare stand inyour path!Restore peace and prosperity, Glory shall be yours!KEY FEATURES• THREE PLAYABLE CHARACTERSPlay as 3 unique warriors each leading to different densitypathsand skill trees.Barbarians - Pummel your opponents into submission withyourfists.Assassins - Strike from the shadows and unleash lightningfastcombination attacks.Mages - Summon the power of the elements and blastyourenemies.• REAL-TIME 2V2 ARENA COMBATStep into the epic 2v2 Arena with your friends, battle head toheador duel other players for the chance to win amazing prizes!Chooseyour Ally and form the ultimate team to increase yourcomprehensivebatter power.• JOIN A GUILD AND HUNT WORLD BOSSESGather your friends and join a Guild to build alliances withotherHeroes. Battle as a team, make tactical decisions anddefeatpowerful bosses!• STUNNING 3D GRAPHICSImmerse yourself in an amazing world rendered in cutting-edge3Dgraphics containing incredible visual experiences you’ve cometoexpect from PCs and Consoles!• SIMPLE AND INTUITIVE TOUCH CONTROLSAttack, Parry, Block, Strike and Combo! Experience theiconiceasy-to-use control system and unleash your heroes’ uniqueskillswith the simple swipe of a finger! Feel the excitement offastpaced battles!Connect with Warriors of Glory!Facebook: