Top 7 Apps Similar to Цитаты великих людей

Великие Цитаты и Афоризмы 1.2
Collection of the greatest speech is constantly updated andmoderndesign.
Famous quotes in Russian 2728
Agaco Soft
We have chosen the best quotes offamousandgreat authors in Russian, to share in your status.Downloadthefree app with the most beautiful phrases that arerelevanttoeveryone. The best quotes and aphorisms for thought orjust totellabout your feelings are in this application.This application can be used to meditate and sothatpeopleappreciate everything they possess and everything theycareabout,because it contains many phrases for reflectionandthoughts,quotes and sayings, quotes about life, reflectionsandbeautifulphrases, witty phrases, known statements and alsothephilosophicaland witty proverbs or thoughts of great menlikeGandhi, the DalaiLama, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, BobMarley,Confucius, Lao Tzu,Bruce Lee, Steve Jobs and many otherauthors.Your loved one, truelove, friends and family will thank youforwhat you have sharedwith them such pictures.Images and pictures of famous phrases in Russian - isacollectionof carefully selected quotations. In this app youwillfind the wordsof philosophers, writers, thinkers, and othergreatminds, whosebrilliant words inspired many people. Quotes,sayings,proverbs,aphorisms and other well-known phrase inRussian.Free and sends these phrases to think and ponder themessagetofriends. Share these phrases and sayings of famousauthorsinRussian. A lot of ways for you to share the bestquotesforfree.Pictures with phrases of famous people andinterestingphraseabout life, to think about the good and positive,praiseandmotivate anyone. Phrases to think about the meaning oflife,tothink and reflect on life.Fast and easy to use application to use whenever itisneeded.Flipping phrase finger, you can share a picture, addapicture tofavorites and enjoy your favorite phrase when youwant,and choosethe most appropriate message for any moment, or saveitin thegallery of your phone when you press on the functiontokeep.LEGAL NOTE: All images have been specially developedforthisapplication and are copyrighted. Some were used imagesfromthepublic domain on the Internet, as they are notdefinedcharactersor other information indicating the existenceofcopyrighted totheir use. Others have been developed bythecompany.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of anyimagescontainedin the annex, may accredit their developer by e-mailandwe arecommitted to remove the image immediately aftercheckingtheproperty, if necessary.
Лучшие цитаты 1.3
Excellent and as simple, easy and fast collection of quotationsandaphorisms.
Famous Thoughts & Quotes 1.0
Malonda Apps
A quick and easy to use application andalwaysthere when needed. Scroll the phrases with your finger, youcanshare the picture, save it to favorites and enjoy yourfavoritequotes anytime you want, also choose the most appropriatemessagesfor each moment of your life or you can save it in theimagegallery of your phone if you click save button.Choose the language you want for thousands of famous quoteswithpretty pictures about love, to flirt, to compliment and wishgoodmorning or good night or say "I love you".• Spanish famous quotes• English famous quotes• German famous quotes• French famous quotes• Portuguese famous quotes• Russian famous quotesPictures with interesting quotes of famous authors and sayingsaboutlife in order to think positively and encourage and motivateanyone.Phrases to reflect on and think about ideas and thoughtsaboutlife.We've selected the best phrases in English of well-knownwritersso you can use them as your status. Download this free appwith themost beautiful and inspiring quotes that everybody loves.In thisapp you'll find the best phrases to reflect or to simplyexpressyour feelings.This application can be used to meditate andappreciateeverything you have and everything that a man caresabout, becauseit contains many phrases for consideration andthoughts, quotes andsayings, quotes about life, reflections andbeautiful phrases,witty statements, well-known statements and alsophilosophical andwitty proverbs or thoughts of great men likeGandhi, Dalai Lama,Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Bob Marley,Confucius, Lao Tzu, BruceLee, Steve Jobs and many other authors.Your loved one, friends andfamily will thank you for sharing suchpictures with them.Images and pictures with famous quotes is a collection ofcarefullychosen quotes. In this app you'll find proverbs byphilosophers,writers, thinkers and other great minds whose wisewords haveinspired many people. Quotes, sayings, proverbs andotherwell-known phrases for free and.Download it for free and send these sayings to think over asafriendship message.LEGAL NOTE: All The images in this application wereexpresslymade for it and all rights are reserved. For backgroundimages, weused images of public domain from the internet, sincethey are notidentified by symbols or other information indicatingthe existenceof exploitation rights reserved.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of anyimagescontained therein, may credit it via email to the developerand wecommit to immediately withdrawal the image after verificationofthe ownership if necessary.
Красивые цитаты и фразы 1.0.5
Красивые цитаты, фразы и статусы прожизнь,успех,целеустремленность, отношения - подходят на всеслучаижизни.Великие слова знаменитых людей. Необычные мыслиимудрыевысказывания. Цитаты и фразы на фото (сочетаниеихкомбинируетсяслучайным образом). Текст можно выделить ископировать(например,чтобы установить цитату на статус Вконтактеили в другойсоц.сети).Теперь можно еще и делать скриншоты (нажав накнопку сизображенемфотоаппарата внизу). Внимание, картинкасохранятся вкорневуюпапку, найти его можно через Проводник, а нечерез Галерею.Затооттуда можно перенести или скопировать в любоеудобное место.:)Дорогие друзья! Вышла в свет новая, полнаяверсияприложения:"Красивые цитаты ифразы2":Большецитати фотографий, изменено меню, одна из главных новыхфишек -там высможете написать любой свой текст и сохранить фото сним ксебе нателефон/планшет. Наши цитаты и статусы скартинкамиподдержат вас втрудный период жизни и помогут иначевзглянуть нату или инуюситуацию. Приложение дорабатывается идополняется,новые интересныемысли, высказывания и цитатыпостояннодобавляются. В приложениииспользовались фотографииавтора, а такжефотографии из бесплатныхфотостоков.
Beautiful Love Quotes 1.0
Angaga Soft
Download for free the best words andphrasesabout love to share with everyone. Send them to the peoplewho youwant to tell how much you appreciate and care for them.Surpriseyour partner or your loved ones with those beautifulphrases withcute pictures or messages about love.Discover the most beautiful thoughts about love, pick-uplines,love expressions and sayings to say "I love you" to yourloved orbeloved one, a compliment to say to your boyfriend orgirlfriend,to make fall for you that girl or guy that you like orhave a crushon and surprise or make him or her laugh; quotes towish sweetdreams and good night or good morning or phrases just toconfessthe way you feel and also have a little laugh. Images andpicsabout love with phrases, thoughts about love andlovemessages.Features:• The most special and romantic quotes in the world said byfamousauthors are in this application.• If you want to surprise your partner send him one of thesephrasesabout love.• You will also find in this collection of quotes the mostoriginaland romantic words for winning or attracting, complimentingandmake fall in love.Choose the language you want for thousands of love quoteswithpretty pictures about love, to flirt, to compliment and wishgoodmorning or good night or say "I love you".• Spanish love quotes• English love quotes• German love quotes• French love quotes• Portuguese love quotes• Russian love quotesA quick and easy to use application and always there whenneeded.Scroll the phrases with your finger, you can share thepicture,save it to favorites and enjoy your favorite quotes anytimeyouwant, also choose the most appropriate messages for each momentofyour life or you can save it in the image gallery of your phoneifyou click save button.Pictures with interesting love quotes and sayings about lifeinorder to think positively and encourage and motivateanyone.Phrases to reflect on and think about ideas and thoughtsaboutlife.LEGAL NOTE: All The images in this application were expresslymadefor it and all rights are reserved. For background images, weusedimages of public domain from the internet, since they arenotidentified by symbols or other information indicating theexistenceof exploitation rights reserved.Any natural or legal person who is the owner of anyimagescontained therein, may credit it via email to the developerand wecommit to immediately withdrawal the image after verificationofthe ownership if necessary.
5 умных мыслей 1.10
Zubr Mobile
Цитаты великих людей. Умные фразы.Мывдохновляем людей стать хозяевами собственной судьбы и даём имкэтому возможности. Высказывания. Афоризмы. Умные мысли.Мудрыемысли. Известные цитаты.Подборка цитат и афоризмов, по основным вопросамчеловеческогобытия - о смысле жизни, одиночестве и любви, свободеипредопределенности, жизни и смерти...Цитаты на любые темы из книг, фильмов, песен, великих людей.Всецитаты от любимых авторов и на любую тему. Вдохновлять людейстатьхозяевами собственной судьбы и давать им к этомувозможности.Цитаты и высказывания великих людей о жизни. Пока мыоткладываемжизнь, она проходит.Великие цитаты о любви. Цитаты Свободы. Цитаты Саус Парка.Лучшиестатусы, цитаты и афоризмы. Цитаты и афоризмы обо всем насвете.Глубокие и проникновенные цитаты. Ремарки великих людей.Крылатыевыражения. Глубокие и проникновенные цитаты. Лучшиецитаты.Короткие цитаты. Цитаты на каждый день. Мысли Ремарка.Цитатыизвестных людей.Сборник лучших статусов, афоризмов и цитат. Каждый найдетдлясебя интересные цитаты и статусы на каждый день. Каждый деньновыецитаты.Цитаты, цитаты о жизни, смешные цитаты, цитаты и мысли,цитатыпро мысли, афоризмы, цитаты и афоризмы, умные афоризмы,афоризмывеликих, известные афоризмы, фразы и афоризмы, цитаты олюбви,мудрые мысли о любви, мысли о любви, мудрые мысли о жизни илюбви,лучшие фразы о любви, мудрые мысли, мудрые цитаты, мудрыеафоризмы,мудрые цитаты великих людей, великие цитаты о жизни,цитаты великихлюдей, умные слова, умные слова о любви, самые умныеслова, словаумных людей, умные фразы, умные слова и фразы, умныефразы вкартинках, умные фразы о любви, красивые цитаты, красивыецитаты ожизни, красивые мысли о жизни, красивые и умные цитаты,mudriemisli, umnie misli, umnie frazi, aforizmi i citati,umniyeslova.Оценивай и делись цитатами с друзьями через социальныесетиFacebook, Вконтакте, а так же другие установленныеприложения.Quotes of greatmen.Clever phrases. We inspire people to become masters of theirowndestiny and give them this opportunity. Statements.Aphorisms.Smart thinking. Words of wisdom. Famous quotes.A selection of quotations and aphorisms on the basic questionsofhuman existence - the meaning of life, loneliness and love,freedomand determinism, of life and death ...Quotes on any topic from books, movies, songs, great people.Allquotes from favorite authors, and on any topic. To inspirepeopleto become masters of their own destiny and to give themthisopportunity.Quotes and sayings of great people about life. As long as weputlife, it passes.Great quotes about love. Liberty Quotes. Quotes South Park.Beststatuses, quotes and aphorisms. Citations and aphorismsabouteverything. Deep and heartfelt quotes. Remarks greats. Idioms.Deepand heartfelt quotes. The best quotes. Short quotes. Quotesforevery day. Thoughts Remarque. Quotes of famous people.Collection of the best statuses, aphorisms andquotations.Everyone will find something interesting quotes andstatus forevery day. Every day a new quote.Quotes, quotes about life, funny quotes, quotes, thoughts,quotesabout thoughts, aphorisms, quotes and sayings, smartsayings,aphorisms of the great, famous sayings, phrases, sayings,quotesabout love, wise thoughts of Love, thoughts of love, wisdomthoughtsabout life and love, the best phrases of love, wisethoughts, wisequotes, wise sayings, wise quotes of great people,great quotesabout life quotes of great people, wise words, wisewords of love,the most intelligent words, words smart people,clever phrases,buzzwords and phrases, clever phrases in pictures,clever phrasesabout love, beautiful quote, beautiful quotes aboutlife, beautifulthoughts about life, beautiful and smart quotes,mudrie misli, umniemisli, umnie frazi, aforizmi i citati, umniyeslova.Assesses and share quotations with friends via socialnetworksFacebook, Vkontakte, as well as other installedapplications.