Top 19 Games Similar to 天命小女仙

仙國志-3D MMORPG 1.6.0
※說明*台港澳首款重金鍛造的正3D仙俠大型MMORPG手遊!*華麗的技能特效和千人同場PK!*360°全視覺無死角的3D新奇場景帶你體驗最真實3D遊戲的仙界生活!===遊戲說明===★首款正3D手機遊戲,360°視野無死角★巴哈姆特最受玩家期待年度多人在線手遊巨作★首日上線即突破十萬人次下載曆史記錄★首款在紐約時代廣場揚威海外的S級對戰遊戲★絕對爽快的無上限技能打擊,讓你的手停不下來啊啊啊啊啊....===遊戲特色玩法===※仙國寶貝— 海量正妹真人驗證,真實“交”友你懂的!※四大職業— 深度體驗遠攻、近身肉搏、暗殺、治療的魅力!※國戰系統— 三國分天下,國王一聲令下,千人同時攻城血拼!※跨服血戰— 伺服器的權力巔峰-“天下皇帝”劍指他服,服與服的抗爭!※鬥神戰場— 千人混戰,強者生出之地,血洗鬥神場浴血而生!※副本挑戰— 多人組隊征服BOSS,有T有奶有輸出!※絢麗裝備— 大型強化系統,令裝備光環盡顯!※巨型坐騎— 絢目多樣的坐騎,不僅外觀霸氣十足,更是跑圖利器!※巔峰畫質— 360°自由全景視角,全3D場景設計,角色精緻模型!===遊戲背景===自商湯傳至紂王。紂王受九尾妖狐附體的妲己所迷惑,殘暴無道,武王率眾伐之。紂王自焚于鹿台,妲己亦被斬首而死。然妲己九尾妖狐精魄未滅,乃采日精月華,吸天地之靈氣,又歸於通天教主門下再修得千年真身。而後攜五火七禽扇、金霞帽、傾世元纕,領諸多妖怪仙人作亂人間。靈鷲山元覺洞燃燈道人賜李靖八寶玲瓏塔一尊,下界除妖。軒轅墳前,托塔天王與九尾妖狐大戰三日,尤未分勝負。後祭起八寶玲瓏塔,金光白日之下,妖狐被壓於塔下不得動彈,其餘妖仙鬼怪俱散去,一時清平盛世,再無風浪。百年之後,塔內生變,妖氣繞塔三匝,聚而不散。猶是千年妖狐吹散芥子乾坤,令塔內道法黯滅,混沌之力驟而潰散。寶塔之內七件舉世法寶,三足金烏、瑰仙劍、驚神戟、乾坤尺、天羅傘、淨世拂塵和戰天刺俱為妖狐所得。燃燈道人料得天界有此一遭,遂命金甲力士將八寶玲瓏塔沉入大澤。不料澤有龍潭,實生龍蛇,九尾妖狐以攝魂之術控制龍之九子,螭吻,使其纏繞塔身,欲將寶塔崩裂。神功妙濟真君路過此地,恰見澤海之水翻江倒海,定有蹊蹺,遂遁入海底一窺究竟。乃見妖氣彌漫,蛟龍繞塔,便知所以。遂取出斬妖劍,插入龍嘴,定住其身,使之動彈不得。然寶塔受損,已現裂痕,經妖狐法力催動,竟碎成三塊散落大澤海底。九尾妖狐破塔而出,一時天地色變,電閃雷鳴,風雨驟生。百里之內化為焦土,千里之外水漫眾生,人間界再遭滅頂之災。===聯繫我們===※如您在遊戲內遇到任何問題,我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!☆在線客服☆客服信箱:[email protected]※若想第一時間獲悉仙國志最新動態與優惠活動請關注我們遊戲官網!☆巴哈討論區:☆8888play粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及性、暴力及戀愛交友注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用※ Description* Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao are forgingthefirst heavily Xian Xia 3D MMORPG large hand travel!* gorgeous skill effects and thousands ofpeoplein the same field PK!* 360 ° full visual novelty no dead 3D scenestakeyou to experience the most realistic 3D game Once uponalife!GameDescription === ===★positive first 3D mobile games, 360 ° field of visionwithoutdead★ Bahamut most players look forward to the annual multiplayeronlinetravel giant hand★ line on the first day that exceeded one hundred thousandpeoplehave downloaded History★ first won in overseas S-Class war games in New York'sTimesSquare★ absolutely refreshing skills unlimited strike, get your handscannot stop ah ah ah ah ah ....Thegamefeatures gameplay === ===※ baby fairy country- Massive working girl live verification, real "pay" Friendsyouknow!※ four major professional- Depth of experience far attack, close combat,assassination,treatment charm!※ national warfare systems- Three sub-world, the king gave the order, while thousands ofsiegeshopping!※ inter-service bloody- Peak power servers - the "world Emperor" to prove safety ofhisclothes, clothes and clothing struggle!※ The God of the battlefield- Thousands melee, strong birth place, God of War gamesbloodbathbloody and raw!※ copy of the challenge- Multiplayer team conquered BOSS, there are T milk output!※ gorgeous equipment- Large strengthen the system, so that the equipmentaurafilling!※ giant horse- Xuanmu variety of mounts, not only look arrogant, it is runcharttool!※ pinnacle of quality- 360 ° panoramic perspective of freedom, full 3D scenedesign,exquisiterolemodel!======GamebackgroundSinceShang Zhou spread. Zhou possessed by nine fox Dajiconfused,cruelty is no way, Wu mobilize cutting it. Zhouself-immolation inLutai, Daji was also beheaded and died.However, nine fox Daji fine soul is not destroyed, is takenNisseiYuet Wah, suck Aura, and then repair the door wasattributedTongtianjiaozhu Millennium Mami. Then carry five fireseven birdsfan, Jinxia cap, dumping the World Yuan Xiang, leadingmanymonsters immortal human rebellion.Vulture Peak Yuan Jue Li Jing-dong Enlightening TaoistEightlinglongta give a lower bound Chuyao.Regulus grave, Towering King fox with nine three-daybattle,especially not a close call. After Eight brings linglongta,underthe golden day, the fox can not be pressed to move the tower,andthe rest dispersed all immortal demon ghosts, sometimesQingpingprosperity, no storms.After a century, the tower has changed, Yaoqi Sanza aroundthetower, and leave together. Utah Millennium fox blownmustarduniverse, so dark tower off Road Act, the power of arrestandcollapsing chaos. Within seven pagoda world of magic, threegoldblack, Rose Sword, halberd scared of God, ruler of heavenandearth, day Lo umbrella, net World War days whisk and staballproceeds for the fox.Enlightening Taoist material was heaven there was this one, SuiMingKap linglongta Eight wrestlers will sink Osawa. UnexpectedlyChakLongtan, seedling snakes, nine fox control with surgeryDevil's NineDragon, Chiwen to winding tower, wishing pagoda crack.Ji Chun Kwanwonderful magic passing through here, just to seeSawaumi waterbadly, given there is something wrong, then fled to aglimpse ofwhat the seabed. See Yaoqi is filled, dragon around thetower, soglance. Then remove Zhanyao Jian, insert dragon mouth,horde theirbody, so that it could not move. However pagodadamaged, has nowcrack, pushed by fox magic, actually broken intothree large Sawaumistrewn bottom.Nine fox tower broke out, and sometimes the mere mention ofheavenand earth, lightning, wind and rain suddenly born. Scorchedwithina hundred miles, thousands of miles away water diffusebeings, thehuman world sufferedanotherdisaster.======Contact Us※ If you encounter any problems in the game,weare happy for you to solve any problems encountered in thegame,please do not hesitate to contact us!☆ Online Customer Service:☆ Customer Service: [email protected]※ For the first time informed of thelatestdevelopments and Zhi Xian promotions Follow us on game'sofficialwebsite!☆ Baja Forum: http: // bsn = 26461?☆ 8888play fans group: game should be classified in accordance with the legalnormsROC 12 years coaching levelThe game plot involving sex, violence and love datingNote the use of time, avoid indulging in gamesThis game is part of the content or services to be subjecttoadditionalfees
劍緣仙靈 1.02.00
《劍緣仙靈》是一款以中國神話為背景的角色扮演類仙俠修真遊戲。《劍緣仙靈》融入了更多風趣的元素:依據中國古代神話的人物設置、路途豐富妖怪的體現,詼諧的動作和對話,以及打敗妖怪所需豐富多樣的智謀和戰略,定能帶給您淋漓盡致的仙俠體驗。===遊戲特色===★絕美東方聖境,精緻水墨畫面,將你帶入如夢如幻的神魔仙境!★玩法經典!戰鬥爽快,終極鬥法,讓你欲罷不能!★鬥法臺!1V1鬥法模式,即時應變,見招拆招,瞬息萬變才能立於不敗!★玄都爭霸,亂世梟雄,眾仙攻城奪寶,當為此城之主,號令天下!★渡神劫,瑤池溫泉,絕殺陣,煉獄魔,百變玩法,暢爽神魔世界!====【聯繫我們】====※【FACEBOOK粉絲團】:※客服信箱:[email protected]※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色着裝暴露。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔12級:12歲以上使用。
仙府傳奇 成就你的仙俠傳奇 12.0.3
【遊戲介紹】《仙府傳奇》 2015封神題材MMORPG掌上遊戲。極致精美的仙幻世界,華麗奪目的技能特效、精彩紛呈的故事情節、痛快淋漓的戰鬥畫面,帶你領略一場真神之力的震撼!遊戲中構思巧妙、平衡獨立的特色系統,伴你體驗一場“以一己之力,抵抗三界之亂”的激爽仙府之旅。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>【寵物系統】高富帥看這裡!你們大顯身手的機會來了,身為高富帥的主人,手中的寵物一定也不會是屌絲寵。趕快亮出你們的真本事,培養稀有名寵!【放縱戰鬥 三段式PK系統】和平模式:殺戮非我所願,但正義在我一邊!戰鬥模式:放縱殺意,一戰到底!“你情我願”的戰鬥即刻開啟!屠殺模式:戰鬥無需理由!不問理由不問身世,也許這才是戰鬥的本源?三段式PK系統,你更鍾情於哪一段?更多精彩內容,快和眾仙一起體驗《仙府傳奇》吧【聯繫我們】粉絲團將不定時公佈遊戲攻略和好康活動~馬上就到粉絲團按讚吧!!官方粉絲團:【溫馨提示】※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供虛擬遊戲幣購買等付費服務.請注意遊戲時間,防止沉迷。Game description"Immortals Legend" theme MMORPG Gods 2015 handheld games.Ultimate beautiful fairy magic world, gorgeous eye-catchingspecialeffects skills, brilliant story, stirring battle screen,bring youa taste of the power of God in a shock! Game ingeniousbalanceindependent characteristics of the system, with yourexperience a"single-handedly resist the chaos the Three Realms"Zest immortalstrip.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[Pet System]Rich handsome look here! Your chance to show their talents, andasrich handsome owner, in the hands of pet certainly will not betheCock wire pet. Quickly showed your true ability to cultivaterarename pet!Three-indulgence battle PK [System]Peace Mode: killing my wish, but just on my side!Battle Mode: indulgence kill, a war in the end, "I wish youlove,"the battle instantly open!!Massacre mode: fighting without reason do not ask no questionsaskedpersonal life, perhaps this is the origin of thebattle!?Three-PK system, you are more in love which section?More exciting content, fast and immortal experiencethe"immortals Legend" itContact usFans will not regularly publish Raiders game and goodiesactivities- fans immediately went to press like it !!Official fan group:※ hierarchical management approach according to game software,thissoftware, supplemented by 12: people over the age of 12 mayonlyuse.※ This game is free to use, and the other provides a virtualgamecurrency to buy the game and other paid services. Please notethatthe game time, to prevent addicted.
仙俠奇緣:仙魔大戰一觸即發! 1.1.3
「仙俠奇緣」六界內的派系鬥爭,仙魔大戰一觸即發!擁有八大特色,多元玩法,還有熱鬧的幫派系統,可以種菜偷菜,還可以跨服聊天!每天都有樂趣~*【8大特色】*一、輕鬆一指戰鬥系統:回合制戰鬥,自由搭配陣行,一指戰鬥,輕鬆不費力二、多樣寵物坐騎系統:寵物進化成長,百變造型寵物陪伴遊仙界!拉風酷炫的坐騎等你來收集!三、獨特神器收集系統:收集神器,屬性再增強,一起斬妖除魔,拯救六界!四、比拚戰鬥系統:三大門派比拚戰鬥,誰與爭鋒!競技場、幫會戰、劫標團…等享受戰鬥廝殺快感!挑戰百關通天塔,成為最強關主!五、豐富多元玩法,超過22種趣味遊戲小系統等你來發掘!六、不用再等待打字時間,語音系統輕鬆即時交談!七、跨服任務、跨服戰場,不只要在伺服器稱王,更要稱霸所有伺服器!八、結婚+師徒系統:與伴侶~師徒攜手闖蕩江湖不孤單===========================================================官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
Seven Knights 7.6.00
Experience a visually-striking RPG like you’ve never seen before!
Immortal King: Ultimate MMORPG 11.0.0
MMORPG terpopuler se-Asia Tenggara,penuhdengan sistem PvP spesial! Teknologi HD dengan grafik danmapindah, berbagai fitur in-game yang menarik seperti BloodSoul,Taman, Mount, Dungeon, Guild dan berbagai fitur lainnya..Versi terbaru 8.0《Immortal King》“Titan Dragon”! Limit level90dengan sistem tantangan terbaru, set Equipment Emas Lv85meningkatkan Power secara drastis! Berbagai class yangberbedaserta map luas penuh tantangan yang dapat dieksplorasi. Tim CS Immortal King dapat dihubungi melalui [email protected] Rating「Pocket Gamer」Graphic Performance SSS+Motion Control SSS+Game Features SSS+ Fitur Game★ Teknologi Grafik 3D Istimewa★ Koneksi iOS + Android★ Kubu Fire Nation dan Glory Alliance dengan 4 Class berbeda.★ Peningkatan / Transfer Class sesuai pilihan, total300Skill.★ Total 57 Map PvP★ Blood Soul, Taman, Arena, Mount, Guild, Dungeon danPerangNegara.★ Server resmi Indonesia, 100% gratis. ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────「Immortal King」memiliki grafis istimewa dan berbeda dengan Minigamebiasa.Pastikan kapasitas Rom mencukupi serta memenuhi syaratminimumspesifikasi.─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Sistem AndroidOS: Android2.3 ke atasResolution: 480*800, 480*854, 640*960CPU: 1G ke atasROM: 512M ke atasRAM: 512M ke atasPastikan memory mencukupi.PS: Jika mengalami kegagalan download atau lag walaupuntelahmemenuhi spesifikasi, silahkan hubungi tim Admin ImmortalKing.Terima kasih.★ Game Hp Dengan Teknologi Real HD・Grafik indah dan istimewa, kelas AAA・Tingkat kualitas dengan optimalisasi tinggi・Grafik 3D, dengan mode Power-Saving ★ Tipe Permainan Action RPG・Grafik Action RPG asal Korea・Fitur transfer Class, Hidden Boss dan alur cerita menarik・Fitur Taman menyediakan berbagai keuntungan ★ Fitur PvP dan PvE Terbaru・Transfer Class, Skill, Group Party, Arena dan banyak lagi・Fitur Blood Soul yang unik, menyerap Skill lawan・Background sound yang cocok untuk area pertempuran ★ Sistem Interaksi Antar Pemain・Menantang Hidden Boss bersama pemain server lain・Menggunakan fitur taman untuk menjahili teman, dan berbagaifiturlainnya・Bermacam fitur untuk berinteraksi antar pemain atau teman ★ Game Online Gameplay Terbaru・Seluruh sistem game diproses secara fairplay dan imbang・Ratusan kostumisasi untuk memperkuat karakter secara bebas・Fitur Bot (Battle Otomatis) untuk pertarungan denganwaktupanjangTim CS: [email protected]: popular MMORPGinSoutheast Asia, is filled with special PvP system! HDtechnologywith beautiful graphics and maps, a variety of in-gamefeaturesexciting like Blood Soul, Park, Mount, Dungeon, guild andvariousother features ..The latest version 8.0 "Immortal King" "Titan Dragon"!Limitlevel 90 with the latest challenge system, set Equipment GoldLv 85Power drastically improve! A variety of different classes aswellas extensive binder full of challenges that can beexplored.Immortal King CS team can be contacted via [email protected] 「Pocket Gamer」Graphic Performance SSS +Motion Control SSS +Game Features SSS +Game Features★ 3D Graphics Technology Specialties★ connected iOS + Android★ Kubu Fire Nation and Glory Alliance with 4 different Class.★ Improved / Transfer Class corresponding options, a total of300Skill.★ Total 57 Map PvP★ Blood Soul, Parks, Arena, Mount, Guild, Dungeon and the StateofWar.★ official Server Indonesia, 100% free.───────────────────────────────────────────────────────「Immortal King」 has a special and different graphics with Miniusualgame.Make sure Rom sufficient capacity and meet the minimumrequirementsspecification.───────────────────────────────────────────────────────Android systemOS: Android2.3 to topResolution: 480 * 800, 480 * 854, 640 * 960CPU: 1G to topROM: 512M to topRAM: 512M to topEnsure that sufficient memory.PS: If a failure downloads or lag even after fulfillingthespecifications, please contact the Admin Team Immortal King.Thankyou.★ Game Hp With Real HD Technology· Graphs beautiful and special, Class AAA· The level of quality with high optimization· 3D Graphics, with Power-Saving mode★ playstyle Action RPG· Korean Graph Action RPG· Feature Class transfer, Hidden Boss andinterestingstoryline· Features Park provides a variety of advantagesFeatures ★ PvP and PvE Newest· Transfer Class, Skill, Group Party, Arena and more· Blood Soul features a unique, absorbing Skill opponent· Background sound suitable for battlefield★ System Interaction Between Players· Challenging Hidden Boss alongside other server players· Using features in the park to bully friends, and variousotherfeatures· Various features for interaction between players or a friend★ Game Online Gameplay Latest· The whole system processed fairplay game and a draw· Hundreds of customization to strengthen the characterfreely· Feature Bot (Battle Automatic) to fight a long timeTeam CS: [email protected]:
Goat Simulator MMO Simulator 2.0.4
Coffee Stain Studios brings next-gen Goat MMO simulation tomobiledevices
横扫寰宇秉生死、怒斩乾坤杀仇人,让你踏在敌人的尸首上向天下怒吼:“就凭你能奈我何?有话等你死了再说吧!”仙域争霸2,再续经典,让你一路PK到底!他不死,你就不要睡了!==游戏背景==光明之后必有暗流涌动。接连两次惨遭大败的魔教中人暗中蛰伏,等待时机一雪前耻。魔教一败涂地。魔尊欲复原元灵却终被封印。…………如今魔教逐渐恢复,笼罩了整片魔境二十四年的封印已经濒临崩溃,原本富丽丰饶之地,也随着魔教复苏,彻底沦为荒陲绝境。魔教徒众欲撕碎封印屠戮仙域,正道弟子则死守险关血染碧宵。一切故事还没完,带上你仇人的头颅,让这片土地充满血腥味吧!==游戏特色==★这里没有安全区,小心你脚下的头颅!在万人世界里,随心所欲地让你PK,24小时杀个不停!听说杀人可以转运!践踏别人的灵魂去征服这块土地,成为最强王者吧!★打BOSS还能掉装?!BOSS你来揍,装备归你所有!只要你能干掉BOSS,大量装备就是你的!就怕你干不掉!★兄弟结拜,带上你的帮会一起杀!帮会战!联盟战!武道会!各种帮派约战等你来!只要够兄弟,就能上场杀个片甲不留!★对了!还可以结婚转生!动动手指,美妻到手!让你可以实现荣誉美女双丰收!★坐骑宠物统统都可以拥有!最萌宠物、酷炫坐骑,你的伙伴由你决定!实力魅力双丰收,从此王者不寂寞!客服邮箱:[email protected] Universal Lawoflife and death, anger cut heaven and earth to kill the enemy,soyou tread on enemy corpses roar to the world: "? Naiwo alone,youcan have if you die, then we'll talk!"Sin domain StarCraft 2, adjourned classic, so you all the way PKinthe end! He die, you do not sleep!== Background == GameAfter the light must be simmering. Evil Man brutally defeatedtwosuccessive secretly dormant, waiting for the opportunitybeforeshameful.Evil failure. To recover Mozun spiritual element buteventuallyseal.............Evil is now gradually restored, enveloped the whole pieceMagicLand, twenty-four years of the seal on the verge of collapse,theoriginal richly fertile land, along with the recovery ofEvil,completely reduced to barren frontier impasse. Evil followerswantshredded seal killing cents domain disciples the right way tohangon insurance clearance bloody Bi Xiao.All the story is not finished, bring your enemy's head, so thatthispiece of land full of the smell of blood it!== Game Features ==★ There is no safe area, be careful of your feet head!People in the world, want to let you PK, 24 Xiaoshi kill non-stop!Iheard that murder can be transported! Trample on someone else'ssoulto conquer the land, it has become the most powerfulking!★ playing BOSS can swap device? !BOSS beat you come armed with all yours! If you can kill BOSS, alotof equipment is yours! Afraid you can not afford to dry!★ sworn brothers, bring your gang to kill together!Gang warfare! Coalition warfare! Budokai! Various ganggatherswaiting for you! Brothers long enough, you can play tokillPianjiabuliu!★ Yes! You can also get married reincarnation!Fingertips, American wife hand! So that you can honor the beautyofthe double harvest!★ mounts all pets can have!Most Meng pet, cool horse, your partner is up to you!Strength charm double harvest, from the king not lonely!Facebook: Service Email: [email protected]
仙變2-大聖娶親 1.1.3
Moofun Game
Dark Sword 2.3.6
Side scrolling Hack ’N’ Slash RPG Unique dark silhouette action!
The Forest of Doom
Tin Man Games
Nostalgia overload! Fighting Fantasy returns with IanLivingstone'sclassic, The Forest of Doom.Take part in one of the classic gamebook experiencesthatintroduced a whole generation to fantasy role-playinggames!Computer gaming was in its infancy and it was the early daysoftabletop RPGs when The Forest of Doom exploded into bookshopsinthe early 80s, proudly displaying Iain McCaig's iconic cover.You can relive the adventures in Darkwood Forest on yourAndroidphone or tablet, lovingly updated for digital devices.Presented infull colour with realistic physics-based dice rollingfor battles,auto-mapping, an auto-updated adventure sheet and statkeeping.** REVIEWS **“It’s the kind of experience that reminds one whatfuninteractive fiction can be, as well as making the promise ofnewFighting Fantasy titles from Tin Man Games soon, all themoreexciting.” - 148 APPS - 4.5/5 - EDITOR'S CHOICE!“Given that Tin Man Games’s previous two efforts werequitesimilar in tone, the change of scenery in The Forest of Doomisvery welcome indeed. It’s also encouraging to see thedeveloperadding content to its already-robust Gamebook engine – younow havean auto-map, which records your progress and makes yourchoicesthat little bit easier.” - POCKET GAMER - 9/10 - GOLDAWARD!“This is a beautiful, wonderful adaptation of the classicbook.It has every bell and whistle you could ask for in terms ofmakingthe experience of playing Forest of Doom as enjoyable aspossible.If you’re here looking for the book on your device, looknofurther. This is what you want. If you’re a fan of game booksbutdon’t know this one at all, I give it a hearty recommendation.Thisis one of the classics of the genre and it has been given theusualroyal treatment from the developer.” - TOUCH ARCADE - 4/5** FEATURES **• Make the gamebook as easy or hard as you like and even turnona special cheat mode to read it old-school!• Atmospheric new visuals which can be turned off to makethegamebook look like it came off the printing press in the80s!• NEW Auto-mapping! Never get lost in Darkwood Forest.• Iain McCaig's famous cover animated and brought to life.• Malcolm Barter's classic illustrations colorised for theapp,making full use of the high-resolution retina displays.• Fantastic new cover artwork to unlock!• Achievements to find throughout the gamebook.The Forest of Doom has been brought to Android using TinManGames’ critically acclaimed Gamebook AdventuresEnginefeaturing:• Read the book horizontally or vertically on your tablet.• An automated Adventure Sheet to keep track of statsandinventory.• Realistic physics based dice rolling. Shake your device!• Artwork gallery. Find an illustration in the gamebook and beableto access it full-screen forever.• Bookmarking system which saves your position in the gamebook,muchlike putting your fingers between the pages to rememberyourprevious page when reading the paperback!• Specially composed soundtrack and sound effects.Writer, Ian Livingstone, was one of the co-founders ofGamesWorkshop and has continued to have a distinguished career inbothtabletop gaming and video games. He is currently the LifePresidentof Eidos, recently overseeing the release of the latestTomb Raidergame.Cover artist, Iain McCaig, has an extensive print andfilmportfolio, and is probably best known for designing PadméAmidalaand Darth Maul for The Phantom Menace!Tin Man Games have signed a licensing deal to releasetheFighting Fantasy series on Android, so expect to see more ofyourfavourite adventure gamebooks appearing soon!Coming Soon... The Warlock of Firetop Mountain,DeathtrapDungeon, City of Thieves, Citadel of Chaos, AppointmentwithF.E.A.R. and more!
Ravensword: Shadowlands 3d RPG 21
Ravensword is a massive 3d Action RPG for Mobile Devices
仙醉江湖夢 1.2.17
2016最美麗的修仙手遊!華麗的戰鬥畫面、強勁的招式神技,萌翻天的寵物助手、壯闊的仙萌對戰、簡易上手的指間操作,讓你暢遊前所未有的修仙世界!官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]====遊戲簡介====在《仙醉江湖夢》中,你可以選擇三種職業來開啟你的修仙路。不論是近戰的仙劍、遠程的神弓、奇幻的術法,各能獨霸一方,不怕天生不如人。★★精美華麗修仙畫面★★★★大型多人線上手遊★★★★即時線上戰鬥系統★★【天地靈氣元神灌頂 千錘百鍊凡人仙體】經典人物元神系統,讓你體驗到由凡人之體逐步成為無上仙體的快感。【神器裝備自己做 一把仙劍橫掃江湖】對古早遊戲的繁雜裝備說再見,一起來體驗獨創的裝備成長系統,讓你一裝穿到底,就連炫猛的神器也能自己做!【百變時裝 穿出你最獨特的仙俠造型】擺脫一成不變的NPC造型,由你主宰自己的角色穿搭,不論是清新脫俗風、成熟魅艷風、可愛俏皮風,各種百變風格,由您自己決定。【神獸坐騎 帶你穿梭三界遨遊邊際】跨上你最拉風的坐騎!牠不僅是你最不可多得的得力助手,還能陪著你一起修仙成長,快點來培養,將你的坐騎變成獨霸天地的法拉利!【萌寵一把罩 戰鬥你也需要牠】修仙之路困難重重,可愛的仙寵是你最不可多得重要夥伴。有的可愛俏皮、有的威風凜凜,越強力的仙寵往往還具備威猛的絕技,比起頂級仙法更令人心醉喔。【修身養性 仙園系統給你一方清境】獨特的仙園洞府,讓你可以在渾沌紅塵中體驗最純粹的寧靜。輕輕種下每一顆植物,不僅每時每刻都能提供給你各種好處,還可以在仙園進行物品煉化,讓你輕鬆當農夫也能強大。【仙家百爭 快入仙盟一起奪勝】害怕一人修仙寂寞難耐嗎?快來加入仙盟,與志同道合的夥伴一起闖蕩、一起修行、一起踏遍這個令神仙也醉臥的世界。【掃蕩三界 穿越天上天下各方難關】各具特色的副本,不論是天雷大作的渡劫、危機重重的鎮妖塔、威力足以橫掃千軍的魔尊守護等......都等您來揭開它們的神秘面紗。【精彩活動 豐厚獎勵拿不完】各種豐厚的線上獎勵、成長禮包、休閒娛樂的夢幻沙灘、較勁PK的封神榜,各種精彩機制讓你心動沉醉!
FINAL FANTASY III (3D REMAKE) - now on Android!
GA4: Revenant Rising 2.6.11
Tin Man Games
Gamebook Adventures returns for itsfourthouting in the critically acclaimed series of newlyimaginedinteractive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader,control thedirection of the story! Along with a realisticdice-based battlesystem to fight creatures, a great story andbeautiful artwork,Revenant Rising will give you many hours ofgamebook adventuring!Please note that you do not need to haveplayed any of the previousgamebooks in order to play this."The mighty city of Falavia, the military backbone ofOrlandes,is under attack from an army lead by a man claiming to bea God.How did this come to pass you ask yourself? You're sure itallstarted as some innocent adventure in search of treasurebutsomehow it turned into a nightmare. Also, why are people staringatyou strangely? It’s not as if you look like you've recentlybeenbrought back from the dead or something. Oh yes, that's right.Youremember now... "‎"Arguably the best of the Gamebook Adventure series releasedsofar by Tin Man Games, Revenant Rising combines polishedgameplaymechanics with an original storyline, flinging you betweentheworld of the living and the dead and back again." - TouchMyApps"My favourite examples so far though are Gamebook Adventures,aseries of lovingly crafted and extremely well-writteninteractivefantasy novels. It's surprisingly engrossing stuff,theeconomically written narrative packing in masses of detail,whilerattling out a pacy, involving story." - The Guardian"The true gem, and the reason these are next iterationchooseyour own adventure books, is the dice component in theoverallstory." - 148Apps

What is a Gamebook Adventure?Gamebook Adventures is brought together through the effortsofpassionate and avid gamebook enthusiasts. If you are familiarwiththe Fighting Fantasy, Sorcery, Lone Wolf or Grail Quest seriesthenGamebook Adventures will really appeal to you. Our aim is togivethose nostalgic readers of old something new and fresh, andbring anew exciting experience to those unfamiliar with gamebooks.If youenjoy fantasy RPGs or adventure games then this is foryou!At their core, all of our gamebooks are compellingadventurestories where you get to choose how the adventure unfolds.Everysection of the narrative concludes with choices that you havetomake. The choices you make will alter the story, taking youdownnew paths and giving you new choices.Occasionally you will be presented with a situation that needstobe resolved withsome dice rolling. The gamebook engine lets you throw 3Dphysicsbased dice that roll and bounce as if you were tossing themon atabletop. Roll the dice to resolve combat by pitting yourcharacteragainst a myriad of enemies. Roll the dice to see if youwere ableto leap the gaping chasm, or pick the shopkeep’s pockets.Roll thedice to see if you won a bet, or caught the plague!Did you take a wrong turn? Or make some bad dice rolls?Thenhopefully you put in a bookmark so that you can go back andtryagain!---If you want to keep up to date with the latest Gamebook news:Follow us on twitter: us on Facebook: the blog: the newsletter!:
RPG Symphony of Eternity 1.2.0
A fantasy RPG full of monsters, legendary weapons and drama!
RPG Destiny Fantasia - KEMCO 1.1.5g
An extensive RPG with hours of gameplay! Save the Earth fromitsend!
GA 1: An Assassin in Orlandes
Tin Man Games
An interactive fantasy adventure! It'saGamebook Adventure!

First in the series of critically acclaimed interactivefantasygamebooks in which you, the reader, control the direction ofthestory! Along with a realistic dice-based battle system tofightcreatures, a great story and beautiful artwork, An AssassininOrlandes will give you many hours of gamebook adventuring!

"Set within Orlandes City, nobles are beingsystematicallymurdered by a ruthless assassin no-one seems able tocatch. Findingyourself thrust in the middle of a large conspiracy,you must makedecisions that may put yourself and one other mostprecious to youin great danger. Can you locate the Assassin inOrlandes before itis too late?"“Tin Man Games has done an admirable job of recreatingtheexperience in an electronic format. The story is top notch,theinterface works quite well, and the music really gets you intotheatmosphere of Orlandes. This is definitely a title worth takingalook at, especially if you’re familiar with the print versionofthis type of book.” – iPhone Life

What is a Gamebook Adventure?Gamebook Adventures is brought together through the effortsofpassionate and avid gamebook enthusiasts. If you are familiarwiththe classic choose your own path style printed gamebooksthenGamebook Adventures will really appeal to you. Our aim is togivethose nostalgic readers of old something new and fresh, andbring anew exciting experience to those unfamiliar with gamebooks.If youenjoy fantasy RPGs or adventure games then this is foryou!At their core, all of our gamebooks are compellingadventurestories where you get to choose how the adventure unfolds.Everysection of the narrative concludes with choices that you havetomake. The choices you make will alter the story, taking youdownnew paths and giving you new choices.Occasionally you will be presented with a situation that needstobe resolved with some dice rolling. The gamebook engine letsyouthrow 3D physics based dice that roll and bounce as if youweretossing them on a tabletop. Roll the dice to resolve combatbypitting your character against a myriad of enemies. Roll thediceto see if you were able to leap the gaping chasm, or picktheshopkeep’s pockets. Roll the dice to see if you won a bet,orcaught the plague!Did you take a wrong turn? Or make some bad dice rolls?Thenhopefully you put in a bookmark so that you can go back andtryagain!-----If you want to keep up to date with the latestGamebooknews:Follow us on twitter: us on Facebook: the blog:
Deadly Dungeons
Navigate dungeons and fight your way through hordes of creaturesinthis RPG