Top 23 Games Similar to 仙逾ol 掌上仙女

仙俠奇緣:仙魔大戰一觸即發! 1.1.3
「仙俠奇緣」六界內的派系鬥爭,仙魔大戰一觸即發!擁有八大特色,多元玩法,還有熱鬧的幫派系統,可以種菜偷菜,還可以跨服聊天!每天都有樂趣~*【8大特色】*一、輕鬆一指戰鬥系統:回合制戰鬥,自由搭配陣行,一指戰鬥,輕鬆不費力二、多樣寵物坐騎系統:寵物進化成長,百變造型寵物陪伴遊仙界!拉風酷炫的坐騎等你來收集!三、獨特神器收集系統:收集神器,屬性再增強,一起斬妖除魔,拯救六界!四、比拚戰鬥系統:三大門派比拚戰鬥,誰與爭鋒!競技場、幫會戰、劫標團…等享受戰鬥廝殺快感!挑戰百關通天塔,成為最強關主!五、豐富多元玩法,超過22種趣味遊戲小系統等你來發掘!六、不用再等待打字時間,語音系統輕鬆即時交談!七、跨服任務、跨服戰場,不只要在伺服器稱王,更要稱霸所有伺服器!八、結婚+師徒系統:與伴侶~師徒攜手闖蕩江湖不孤單===========================================================官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
仙府傳奇 成就你的仙俠傳奇 12.0.3
【遊戲介紹】《仙府傳奇》 2015封神題材MMORPG掌上遊戲。極致精美的仙幻世界,華麗奪目的技能特效、精彩紛呈的故事情節、痛快淋漓的戰鬥畫面,帶你領略一場真神之力的震撼!遊戲中構思巧妙、平衡獨立的特色系統,伴你體驗一場“以一己之力,抵抗三界之亂”的激爽仙府之旅。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>【寵物系統】高富帥看這裡!你們大顯身手的機會來了,身為高富帥的主人,手中的寵物一定也不會是屌絲寵。趕快亮出你們的真本事,培養稀有名寵!【放縱戰鬥 三段式PK系統】和平模式:殺戮非我所願,但正義在我一邊!戰鬥模式:放縱殺意,一戰到底!“你情我願”的戰鬥即刻開啟!屠殺模式:戰鬥無需理由!不問理由不問身世,也許這才是戰鬥的本源?三段式PK系統,你更鍾情於哪一段?更多精彩內容,快和眾仙一起體驗《仙府傳奇》吧【聯繫我們】粉絲團將不定時公佈遊戲攻略和好康活動~馬上就到粉絲團按讚吧!!官方粉絲團:【溫馨提示】※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供虛擬遊戲幣購買等付費服務.請注意遊戲時間,防止沉迷。Game description"Immortals Legend" theme MMORPG Gods 2015 handheld games.Ultimate beautiful fairy magic world, gorgeous eye-catchingspecialeffects skills, brilliant story, stirring battle screen,bring youa taste of the power of God in a shock! Game ingeniousbalanceindependent characteristics of the system, with yourexperience a"single-handedly resist the chaos the Three Realms"Zest immortalstrip.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[Pet System]Rich handsome look here! Your chance to show their talents, andasrich handsome owner, in the hands of pet certainly will not betheCock wire pet. Quickly showed your true ability to cultivaterarename pet!Three-indulgence battle PK [System]Peace Mode: killing my wish, but just on my side!Battle Mode: indulgence kill, a war in the end, "I wish youlove,"the battle instantly open!!Massacre mode: fighting without reason do not ask no questionsaskedpersonal life, perhaps this is the origin of thebattle!?Three-PK system, you are more in love which section?More exciting content, fast and immortal experiencethe"immortals Legend" itContact usFans will not regularly publish Raiders game and goodiesactivities- fans immediately went to press like it !!Official fan group:※ hierarchical management approach according to game software,thissoftware, supplemented by 12: people over the age of 12 mayonlyuse.※ This game is free to use, and the other provides a virtualgamecurrency to buy the game and other paid services. Please notethatthe game time, to prevent addicted.
劍緣仙靈 1.02.00
《劍緣仙靈》是一款以中國神話為背景的角色扮演類仙俠修真遊戲。《劍緣仙靈》融入了更多風趣的元素:依據中國古代神話的人物設置、路途豐富妖怪的體現,詼諧的動作和對話,以及打敗妖怪所需豐富多樣的智謀和戰略,定能帶給您淋漓盡致的仙俠體驗。===遊戲特色===★絕美東方聖境,精緻水墨畫面,將你帶入如夢如幻的神魔仙境!★玩法經典!戰鬥爽快,終極鬥法,讓你欲罷不能!★鬥法臺!1V1鬥法模式,即時應變,見招拆招,瞬息萬變才能立於不敗!★玄都爭霸,亂世梟雄,眾仙攻城奪寶,當為此城之主,號令天下!★渡神劫,瑤池溫泉,絕殺陣,煉獄魔,百變玩法,暢爽神魔世界!====【聯繫我們】====※【FACEBOOK粉絲團】:※客服信箱:[email protected]※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色着裝暴露。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔12級:12歲以上使用。
Play the first DRAGON QUEST in the Zenethian series &experiencethe epic story!
仙變2-大聖娶親 1.1.3
Moofun Game
空降小萌仙 1.1.5
《空降小萌仙》是一款3D题材玄幻ARPG游戏,玩家可選擇剑尊、妖狐、魔影三大职业其中之一,戰鬥過程帶著法寶和寵物砍殺。加上緊緊相扣的劇情把遊戲的世界觀刷新一個高度,已經不是普通的劇情套路,讓你一邊玩一遍看小說的超爽感覺。===特色玩法===★法寶系統法寶可以搭配靈寶使用,可以大幅提升玩家的攻擊力,有越多的法寶搭配在戰鬥中就能擁有越好的五行能力,獨特的法寶搭配在戰鬥中更是能夠略勝一籌。★靈寶系統靈寶是玩家的寵物,不僅能攜帶跟隨,更能在和玩家一起戰鬥通關,每個靈寶都自帶不同技能和不同的屬性,面對不同類型的BOSS如果打不過不妨換一個靈寶試試。★法陣系統靈寶可以搭配四個法寶,不同的五行屬性搭配可以開啟不一樣的法陣效果,不一樣的法陣效果可以提升玩家某個屬性,可以專門針對BOSS的弱點進行攻擊,輕鬆獲得勝利。★三大職業劍尊、魔影、妖狐三大職業選擇,可神勇近戰,高防禦抵抗BOSS,也可以高攻突襲強攻,遠程控制,選擇一種職業定位,把斬殺呈現在臉前,絢麗耀眼。★鮮花名榜在遊戲中可以互相贈送鮮花,每一周都可以統計排名獲得獎勵,快來為你心儀的好友贈送美麗的鮮花吧。還可以再遊戲中發放靈石紅包,在宗派快來廣發紅包獲得人氣吧。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色穿著輕微暴露。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「輔12級」,即十二歲以上之人始得使用。"Airborne meng Sin" isa3Dfantasy theme ARPG game, players can choose sword respect,fox,oneof three professional specter wherein the process offightingwithmagic and pets stabbed. Coupled with tightlyinterlockingplotworldview refresh the game a high degree, thestory is nottheordinary routine, let you play again while readinganovelultra-cool feeling.=== === Characteristics of play★ magic systemYou can use magic with Lingbao, can greatly enhancetheplayer'sattack power, there is more magic in the battle withthefiveelements will be able to have a better ability tomatchuniquemagic in combat is able to slightly better.★ Lingbao systemLingbao player's pet, not only to carry to follow, moreandplayersin fighting with clearance, each Lingbao comeswithdifferentskills and different attributes, face different typesofBOSS beatmight change if a test Lingbao test.★ circle systemLingbao magic can be used with four different five elementscanbeopened with the circle effect is not the same, not thesamecircleof players can enhance the effect of a property,youcanspecifically attack BOSS weakness, easy win.★ three professionalSword respect, specter, fox three career choices, you canbravethemelee, high defense to resist BOSS, can also behighattacksurprise storm, remote control, choose aprofessionalorientation,showing the beheaded in front of face,brilliantshine.★ flowers name listIn the game can give each other flowers every week, youcanberewarded statistical ranking, Come Get beautiful flowersforyourfavorite friends now. You can also re-issuance of thegamebeganwith a red envelope, red envelopes in sectarianComewidepopularity it obtained.※ This game is free to use in-game part ofthepropscharges.※ game content involving minor violence, part of the roleofwearingslight exposure.※ This software game software under ROChierarchicalmanagementapproach categorized as "auxiliary 12", thatis, peopleover theage of twelve may only use.
萌仙訣 全民選美時代 1.1.1
Ztla Game
《萌仙訣》酷炫的百變造型、火爆的大型國戰、刺激的PK戰場、高品質的變聲語聊等。遊戲內能看到顛覆傳統概念角色,相信必將會給你無與倫比的指尖體驗。近百種變化的造型任您挑選,玩遊戲,也能風格百變;大型幫戰系統,讓你手機上也能體驗到PC端那種酣暢的戰鬥快感;團戰、國戰系統,我們的城池,就要靠大家一起團結才能攻下來。===特色玩法===★語音交流真人實時語音聊天,丟棄鍵盤,丟棄打字時間,交流無障礙,一邊聊天一遍打遊戲,樂趣多多,萌系MM跟你聊不停。★貼心萌寵可愛百變萌寵一路副本伴你走,一起幹架,一起發呆,一起看風景,最忠實的仙旅夥伴。★炫酷技能畫面特效,刻畫了一個讓人熱血噴張的仙俠世界。超爽全技能攻擊,超強套裝搭配,帶來前所未有的自由體驗!★多職業選擇力士,驅魔,刺客,三種職業任你挑選,人,魔,妖,三種陣營隨你加入,選擇一種職業讓你熱血到底。★精彩任務日常、經驗、精英、金錢、神魄等個性探秘任務的存在,不僅讓你玩的爽,更是充滿了刺激的挑戰和溫馨的交互過程。更多資訊更多精彩活動可以關注我們Facebook粉絲頁得知哦,好禮免費等你來拿哦!粉絲團貼心提示===※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色穿著輕微暴露。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「輔12級」,即十二歲以上之人始得使用。"Meng Sin tactic"coolamazing shape, popular large national war, exciting PKbattlefield,high-quality sound language chat and other variants. Tosee thegame to subvert the traditional concept of the role, Ibelieve willgive you unmatched fingertip experience. Hundreds ofvariations ofthe shape of your choice, play games, but also styleVariety;large-scale gang warfare systems, so you can experience onthephone to the PC side of the battle that earned pleasure;teambattles, the country warfare systems, our city, it is uptoeveryone to unite in order to capture.=== === Characteristics of play★ voice communicationLive real-time voice chat, discard keyboard, discard typingtime,communication accessibility, play games and talk again, a lotoffun, Meng Department of MM chat with you constantly.★ intimate Meng ChongVariety Meng cute pet to go all the way with you a copy, alongwithdry rack, trance together, look at the scenery, the mostloyalpartner fairy trip.★ cool SkillsScreen effects, depicts a people's blood spray Zhang Xian Xiaworld.Super cool all the skills attack, super suit with,bringunprecedented freedom experience!★ more career choicesLux, exorcism, assassin, you pick any three occupations,people,demons, demon three camp as you join, choose a career in theendlet your blood.★ wonderful taskDaily, there are personality Quest mission experience, elite,money,God soul, not only allows you to play cool, but alsochallenging andstimulating intimate interaction.More info More exciting activities Follow us Facebook FanPagethat oh, waiting for you to come and collect free giftsOh!Fans: === Tips※ This game is free to use in-game part of the props charges.※ game content involving minor violence, part of the role ofwearingslight exposure.※ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach categorized as "auxiliary 12", that is, peopleover theage of twelve may only use.
仙國志-3D MMORPG 1.6.0
※說明*台港澳首款重金鍛造的正3D仙俠大型MMORPG手遊!*華麗的技能特效和千人同場PK!*360°全視覺無死角的3D新奇場景帶你體驗最真實3D遊戲的仙界生活!===遊戲說明===★首款正3D手機遊戲,360°視野無死角★巴哈姆特最受玩家期待年度多人在線手遊巨作★首日上線即突破十萬人次下載曆史記錄★首款在紐約時代廣場揚威海外的S級對戰遊戲★絕對爽快的無上限技能打擊,讓你的手停不下來啊啊啊啊啊....===遊戲特色玩法===※仙國寶貝— 海量正妹真人驗證,真實“交”友你懂的!※四大職業— 深度體驗遠攻、近身肉搏、暗殺、治療的魅力!※國戰系統— 三國分天下,國王一聲令下,千人同時攻城血拼!※跨服血戰— 伺服器的權力巔峰-“天下皇帝”劍指他服,服與服的抗爭!※鬥神戰場— 千人混戰,強者生出之地,血洗鬥神場浴血而生!※副本挑戰— 多人組隊征服BOSS,有T有奶有輸出!※絢麗裝備— 大型強化系統,令裝備光環盡顯!※巨型坐騎— 絢目多樣的坐騎,不僅外觀霸氣十足,更是跑圖利器!※巔峰畫質— 360°自由全景視角,全3D場景設計,角色精緻模型!===遊戲背景===自商湯傳至紂王。紂王受九尾妖狐附體的妲己所迷惑,殘暴無道,武王率眾伐之。紂王自焚于鹿台,妲己亦被斬首而死。然妲己九尾妖狐精魄未滅,乃采日精月華,吸天地之靈氣,又歸於通天教主門下再修得千年真身。而後攜五火七禽扇、金霞帽、傾世元纕,領諸多妖怪仙人作亂人間。靈鷲山元覺洞燃燈道人賜李靖八寶玲瓏塔一尊,下界除妖。軒轅墳前,托塔天王與九尾妖狐大戰三日,尤未分勝負。後祭起八寶玲瓏塔,金光白日之下,妖狐被壓於塔下不得動彈,其餘妖仙鬼怪俱散去,一時清平盛世,再無風浪。百年之後,塔內生變,妖氣繞塔三匝,聚而不散。猶是千年妖狐吹散芥子乾坤,令塔內道法黯滅,混沌之力驟而潰散。寶塔之內七件舉世法寶,三足金烏、瑰仙劍、驚神戟、乾坤尺、天羅傘、淨世拂塵和戰天刺俱為妖狐所得。燃燈道人料得天界有此一遭,遂命金甲力士將八寶玲瓏塔沉入大澤。不料澤有龍潭,實生龍蛇,九尾妖狐以攝魂之術控制龍之九子,螭吻,使其纏繞塔身,欲將寶塔崩裂。神功妙濟真君路過此地,恰見澤海之水翻江倒海,定有蹊蹺,遂遁入海底一窺究竟。乃見妖氣彌漫,蛟龍繞塔,便知所以。遂取出斬妖劍,插入龍嘴,定住其身,使之動彈不得。然寶塔受損,已現裂痕,經妖狐法力催動,竟碎成三塊散落大澤海底。九尾妖狐破塔而出,一時天地色變,電閃雷鳴,風雨驟生。百里之內化為焦土,千里之外水漫眾生,人間界再遭滅頂之災。===聯繫我們===※如您在遊戲內遇到任何問題,我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請及時與我們聯繫!☆在線客服☆客服信箱:[email protected]※若想第一時間獲悉仙國志最新動態與優惠活動請關注我們遊戲官網!☆巴哈討論區:☆8888play粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及性、暴力及戀愛交友注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用※ Description* Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao are forgingthefirst heavily Xian Xia 3D MMORPG large hand travel!* gorgeous skill effects and thousands ofpeoplein the same field PK!* 360 ° full visual novelty no dead 3D scenestakeyou to experience the most realistic 3D game Once uponalife!GameDescription === ===★positive first 3D mobile games, 360 ° field of visionwithoutdead★ Bahamut most players look forward to the annual multiplayeronlinetravel giant hand★ line on the first day that exceeded one hundred thousandpeoplehave downloaded History★ first won in overseas S-Class war games in New York'sTimesSquare★ absolutely refreshing skills unlimited strike, get your handscannot stop ah ah ah ah ah ....Thegamefeatures gameplay === ===※ baby fairy country- Massive working girl live verification, real "pay" Friendsyouknow!※ four major professional- Depth of experience far attack, close combat,assassination,treatment charm!※ national warfare systems- Three sub-world, the king gave the order, while thousands ofsiegeshopping!※ inter-service bloody- Peak power servers - the "world Emperor" to prove safety ofhisclothes, clothes and clothing struggle!※ The God of the battlefield- Thousands melee, strong birth place, God of War gamesbloodbathbloody and raw!※ copy of the challenge- Multiplayer team conquered BOSS, there are T milk output!※ gorgeous equipment- Large strengthen the system, so that the equipmentaurafilling!※ giant horse- Xuanmu variety of mounts, not only look arrogant, it is runcharttool!※ pinnacle of quality- 360 ° panoramic perspective of freedom, full 3D scenedesign,exquisiterolemodel!======GamebackgroundSinceShang Zhou spread. Zhou possessed by nine fox Dajiconfused,cruelty is no way, Wu mobilize cutting it. Zhouself-immolation inLutai, Daji was also beheaded and died.However, nine fox Daji fine soul is not destroyed, is takenNisseiYuet Wah, suck Aura, and then repair the door wasattributedTongtianjiaozhu Millennium Mami. Then carry five fireseven birdsfan, Jinxia cap, dumping the World Yuan Xiang, leadingmanymonsters immortal human rebellion.Vulture Peak Yuan Jue Li Jing-dong Enlightening TaoistEightlinglongta give a lower bound Chuyao.Regulus grave, Towering King fox with nine three-daybattle,especially not a close call. After Eight brings linglongta,underthe golden day, the fox can not be pressed to move the tower,andthe rest dispersed all immortal demon ghosts, sometimesQingpingprosperity, no storms.After a century, the tower has changed, Yaoqi Sanza aroundthetower, and leave together. Utah Millennium fox blownmustarduniverse, so dark tower off Road Act, the power of arrestandcollapsing chaos. Within seven pagoda world of magic, threegoldblack, Rose Sword, halberd scared of God, ruler of heavenandearth, day Lo umbrella, net World War days whisk and staballproceeds for the fox.Enlightening Taoist material was heaven there was this one, SuiMingKap linglongta Eight wrestlers will sink Osawa. UnexpectedlyChakLongtan, seedling snakes, nine fox control with surgeryDevil's NineDragon, Chiwen to winding tower, wishing pagoda crack.Ji Chun Kwanwonderful magic passing through here, just to seeSawaumi waterbadly, given there is something wrong, then fled to aglimpse ofwhat the seabed. See Yaoqi is filled, dragon around thetower, soglance. Then remove Zhanyao Jian, insert dragon mouth,horde theirbody, so that it could not move. However pagodadamaged, has nowcrack, pushed by fox magic, actually broken intothree large Sawaumistrewn bottom.Nine fox tower broke out, and sometimes the mere mention ofheavenand earth, lightning, wind and rain suddenly born. Scorchedwithina hundred miles, thousands of miles away water diffusebeings, thehuman world sufferedanotherdisaster.======Contact Us※ If you encounter any problems in the game,weare happy for you to solve any problems encountered in thegame,please do not hesitate to contact us!☆ Online Customer Service:☆ Customer Service: [email protected]※ For the first time informed of thelatestdevelopments and Zhi Xian promotions Follow us on game'sofficialwebsite!☆ Baja Forum: http: // bsn = 26461?☆ 8888play fans group: game should be classified in accordance with the legalnormsROC 12 years coaching levelThe game plot involving sex, violence and love datingNote the use of time, avoid indulging in gamesThis game is part of the content or services to be subjecttoadditionalfees
修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔天龙者,梦幻西游剑缘仙魂 4.1.00
【2016最受期待魔幻ARPG手游《修罗召唤》!】【端游移植,打造电影级画面!】【实时在线PK!千人城战让你战个痛快!】2015超暗黑巨作《修罗召唤》手游,火热上线!经典的RPG+ACT结合操作模式,Unity3D引擎打造极致视觉享受,视效盛宴等你来体验!首次进入游戏会有奖励更新,请耐心等候资源更新完成《修罗召唤》是一款3D动作ARPG欧美暗黑风格手游,由Unity3D引擎打造。多线英雄角色培养、丰富人物养成、绚酷的技能表现、特色的地下城战斗带来无比的感染力与代入感,多角色战斗中灵活的切换与搭配为你展现其创新的玩法、丰富的游戏系统给你带来无与伦比的游戏体验!客服反馈:[email protected]【小贴士】若您进入游戏时出现当机或无法更新等异常状况,请您检查设备的剩余存储空间是否大于300M。若依然无法解决,请您通过以下方式联系客服。神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘,大话西游,唐僧悟空三打白骨===游戏说明===※三大英雄 - 重启颠覆想象的暗黑神魔录!※自由战斗 - 最爽快的全方位无锁定攻击!※丰富关卡 - 斗天庭、战阎王,神鬼妖魔皆杀!※万人攻城 - 团队竞技合作,突出战略攻击部署!※无限Combo - 超华丽技能,尽享秒杀快感!※绚丽神武 - 尽斩上古妖魔,决战苍穹!修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。三打白骨一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!===特色玩法介绍===※美宠神兽亲密相伴!随主人一起冒险,悉心培养,还能增加各种属性。※妖塔凶险异常,每一层都有不同特点的敌人,考验角色实力,奖励丰富!※经脉洞府、野外夺宝、斗神殿等PVP玩法,用你悉心培养的角色碾碎对手,称霸神榜吧!※丰富的动态任务,每天都有新乐子!世界BOSS、节日活动等特色玩法,彻底告别枯燥重复。神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘※攻城战、帮派大战引发团队PK对战狂潮!用优秀策略与默契配合击退敌人吧!神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空三打白骨“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!===鬼武英雄推荐===※鬼姬——黑暗中的美艳杀手:鬼姬善用长鞭,手起鞭落处见血封喉,是战场上可怕的死神。斩将杀敌,千里不留行,精通各种毒术,召唤毒蛇攻击敌人,女神天痕可怕的绝望之拥技能将给予对手致命一击。修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空三打白骨“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※战神——近战远攻兼备标志性的长刀,刀刀见血。女神天痕强大生存能力,同时掌握锋利长刀和帅气飞刀两种武技,擅长用杀戮的快感阐释完美暴力美学。极致的连击、帅气的残影剑法,这些只有战神才能掌控的住。神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘,女神天痕大话西游,唐僧悟空修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空“大闹天宫”、“决战凌霄”、“锁妖塔”、“伏魔录”、“点将台”至尊宝、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、猪八戒、太白金星等诸天神魔仙道,独创的养成进阶系统,打造史上最强英雄阵容。月光宝盒,如意金箍棒、捆仙绳、芭蕉扇、紫金葫芦等各种绝世法宝,助你统率三界,横扫神魔。一万年太久只争朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人间仙境,携手同行!快来一起和至尊宝穿越时空,拯救紫霞仙子!※牛魔——威武难撼的猛将牛魔血厚防高,单体攻击强劲,拥有令人生畏的力量。每一次挥舞手中的杀戮拳套都是在施展死亡之舞。淋漓尽致的展现出其可怕的攻击力和破坏能力!神魔仙灵终极之战,战天龙将女神刀剑缘大话西游,唐僧悟空修罗召唤-大圣归来伏魔者,梦幻西游战天龙将刀剑缘仙魂大话西游,唐僧悟空客服反馈:[email protected]
LINE 仙書紀 1.1.5
首款國產與LINEGAME跨界合作!小說等級原創劇情,穿梭朝代征戰四方!奇幻傳說由你開創!原創故事穿梭中國歷史、神話,由封神到秦朝、三國到西遊記,隨著白翌與他的夥伴們,穿梭時空經歷多重滋味的書中世界。●時空萌將,穿梭朝代征戰四方小說等級原創劇情,主角隨著伏令使給予的任務穿梭在各個朝代中,隨著劇情逐漸加入夥伴至團隊中,夥伴各自精采故事,與主線劇情環環相扣,隨著章節的推展將會慢慢揭開巨大的陰謀!●陣法通神!四方聖獸終極殺陣強大的陣法提高戰鬥效率,透過研發出更強大的新法陣讓上場的夥伴的戰力提升,並且更加具有戰略性與變化性!還有可能透過密研閣發現傳說中的絕世法陣,獲得更強大的特殊效果大幅提高戰鬥勝利的機率!●裝備鑄造!火神祝融神造神兵利器裝備強化至頂級後,可以透過火神祝融的協助,神造武器獲得更強力的屬性,隨著神造階段的提升,將產生不同的視覺效果,充分感受角色的成長變化。●浩劫再啟,異界元魔毀滅降臨隱藏在時空縫隙中的元魔,隨時會出現在眾伏們的面前,進行天命關卡時會不定時遇到元魔來襲,而每次擊倒之後,下一次元魔將會提昇強度。玩家可以選擇獨挑大樑,或是與朋友合力誅滅,甚至召援全伺服玩家一起挑戰。●史詩鉅作,著名人物齊聚登場不再只是三國,不再只是西遊,還有更多知名歷史人物角色。喚出這些古魂們封印成魂卡,並組合各魂卡之間的連攜招式,與夥伴一同戰鬥!還能透過鬥魂將這些魂卡的能力提昇,甚至覺醒成終極最強狀態,華麗登場!●武英群雄,直衝九霄凌雲之巔想挑戰其他玩家的強度,武英殿是大展身手的對決場!裝上你最強大的武器防具,組合你最有利的魂卡連攜,擊敗眾多玩家,衝破九霄,榮登無極寶座!加入官方粉絲團隨時關注最新訊息!《LINE仙書紀》粉絲團: domesticandcross-border cooperation LINE GAME! Fiction grade originalstory,four expeditions shuttle dynasty! Fantasy Legend to you tocreate!Shuttle original story of Chinese history, mythology, theGods tothe Qin Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms to the West, with thewhite Yiand his partners, through multiple space shuttle taste bookworld.● temporal Meng will shuttle dynasty campaign QuartetFiction grade original story, the protagonist with theunderlyingorder to make the task of giving the shuttle in variousdynasties,as the story gradually added partner to the team, theirpartnerswonderful story, with the main plot chain, will takeforward withchapters slowly uncover a huge conspiracy!● matrix method speaks! Quartet sacred TaxiPowerful matrix method to improve combat efficiency,throughresearch and development a more powerful fighting force ofthe newlaw allows the array of partners to enhance play and morestrategicand variability! There might find the legendarymasterpiece circlethrough dense research tower, get more powerfulspecial effectsgreatly increase the chances of victory inbattle!● equipment casting! Vulcan Vulcan God made magic weaponEquipment to strengthen to the top, you can help by VulcanVulcan,God made a more powerful weapon property, with the upgradingof Godmade stage, will produce different visual effects, tofullyexperience the growing role of change.● catastrophe again Kai, Yuan magic outsidercomingdestructionWill meet from time to time in the time and space to hide cracksinthe element of magic, at any time in front of thecongregationvolts who performed magic destiny checkpoint Wonstruck, and aftereach knockdown, the next element of magic willenhance thestrength. Players can choose to play the leading role,togetherZhumie or with friends, and even summon assistance servoplayers tochallenge together.● epic, famous people gathered on stageNo longer just the three countries, not just West, there aremorewell-known historical characters. They evoke the soul oftheseancient seal into the soul card, and a combination withportablemoves, soul and partners in fighting between the cardstogether!But also by the fighting spirit will enhance thesecapabilitiessoul cards, even the strongest state into the ultimateawakening,gorgeous debut!● Wuying pack, straight Jiuxiao Lingyun summitWant to challenge other players strength, Wu Ying is to showitsmettle duel field! Loaded on your most powerful weapons andarmor,your most favorable combination of soul cards even carry,beat manyplayers, breaking the Miracle, topped the thronePromise!Join the official fan group concerned about thelatestinformation at any time!"LINE cents Shoki" Fans:
萌仙訣 全民選美 1.1.1
Ztla Game
《萌仙訣》酷炫的百變造型、火爆的大型國戰、刺激的PK戰場、高品質的變聲語聊等。遊戲內能看到顛覆傳統概念角色,相信必將會給你無與倫比的指尖體驗。近百種變化的造型任您挑選,玩遊戲,也能風格百變;大型幫戰系統,讓你手機上也能體驗到PC端那種酣暢的戰鬥快感;團戰、國戰系統,我們的城池,就要靠大家一起團結才能攻下來。===特色玩法===★語音交流真人實時語音聊天,丟棄鍵盤,丟棄打字時間,交流無障礙,一邊聊天一遍打遊戲,樂趣多多,萌系MM跟你聊不停。★貼心萌寵可愛百變萌寵一路副本伴你走,一起幹架,一起發呆,一起看風景,最忠實的仙旅夥伴。★炫酷技能畫面特效,刻畫了一個讓人熱血噴張的仙俠世界。超爽全技能攻擊,超強套裝搭配,帶來前所未有的自由體驗!★多職業選擇力士,驅魔,刺客,三種職業任你挑選,人,魔,妖,三種陣營隨你加入,選擇一種職業讓你熱血到底。★精彩任務日常、經驗、精英、金錢、神魄等個性探秘任務的存在,不僅讓你玩的爽,更是充滿了刺激的挑戰和溫馨的交互過程。更多資訊更多精彩活動可以關注我們Facebook粉絲頁得知哦,好禮免費等你來拿哦!粉絲團貼心提示===※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色穿著輕微暴露。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「輔12級」,即十二歲以上之人始得使用。"Meng Sin tactic"coolamazing shape, popular large national war, exciting PKbattlefield,high-quality sound language chat and other variants. Tosee thegame to subvert the traditional concept of the role, Ibelieve willgive you unmatched fingertip experience. Hundreds ofvariations ofthe shape of your choice, play games, but also styleVariety;large-scale gang warfare systems, so you can experience onthephone to the PC side of the battle that earned pleasure;teambattles, the country warfare systems, our city, it is uptoeveryone to unite in order to capture.=== === Characteristics of play★ voice communicationLive real-time voice chat, discard keyboard, discard typingtime,communication accessibility, play games and talk again, a lotoffun, Meng Department of MM chat with you constantly.★ intimate Meng ChongVariety Meng cute pet to go all the way with you a copy, alongwithdry rack, trance together, look at the scenery, the mostloyalpartner fairy trip.★ cool SkillsScreen effects, depicts a people's blood spray Zhang Xian Xiaworld.Super cool all the skills attack, super suit with,bringunprecedented freedom experience!★ more career choicesLux, exorcism, assassin, you pick any three occupations,people,demons, demon three camp as you join, choose a career in theendlet your blood.★ wonderful taskDaily, there are personality Quest mission experience, elite,money,God soul, not only allows you to play cool, but alsochallenging andstimulating intimate interaction.More info More exciting activities Follow us Facebook FanPagethat oh, waiting for you to come and collect free giftsOh!Fans: === Tips※ This game is free to use in-game part of the props charges.※ game content involving minor violence, part of the role ofwearingslight exposure.※ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach categorized as "auxiliary 12", that is, peopleover theage of twelve may only use.
降魔伏龍「仙俠道行動版」 1.1
******遊戲特色*******一節一故事,劇情更緊湊*劇情架空在陰影突然侵襲中州世界。俠客們紛紛降世共同對抗陰影巨龍,戰況異常慘烈。最終巨龍被滅,但俠客們都被擊落到各處,玩家化身主角開始尋找拯救中州世界的方法,找回失散的夥伴們,並對陰影展開調查。*劇情鏡頭模擬特效,表現更細膩*遊戲採用了劇情鏡頭模擬技術,能針對特定的過場劇情裡,將視覺鏡頭放大或縮小,做局部特寫,進而表達更細膩的劇情動作。*召喚神龍,炫酷放大招*2.5D戰鬥場景,斜45°C上帝視角,召喚神龍,全屏放大招!*新派回合制,戰鬥策略多*遊戲採用半即時制地圖探索,回合制戰鬥的模式,玩家可以同時上陣5位夥伴,配合輔助的魂侍、寵物、劍心系統,大大豐富了遊戲的戰鬥玩法。讓策略戰鬥更加有趣。The game features************* A one story, the plot is more compact *Overhead in the shadow of a sudden invasion plot Zhongzhouworld.Knight who have come to earth to fight against the shadow ofthedragon, fighting is fierce. Ultimate dragon destroyed, buttheknight who all shot fell around, start looking to saveavatarprotagonist method Plains world and find partners separated,andthe shadow investigation.* Drama lens simulation effects, performance is moredelicate*The game uses the story lens simulation technology totargetspecific transitions in the story, the visual lens zoom in orout,do partial close-up, and then the expression of a moredelicateaction drama.* Summon Dragon, a cool trick to enlarge *2.5D battle scenes, oblique viewing angle 45 ° C God, callDragon,full-screen zoom trick!* New style turn-based, multi-fighting strategies *Games semi-real-time system maps to explore, turn-based battlemode,players can battle five partners, with the aid of the soulofpaternity, pets, Kenshin system, greatly enriched the gameoffighting games are played. Let strategy battlemoreinteresting.
Fate/Grand Order 2.76.1
Aniplex Inc.
Fate's new RPG finally appears! You can enjoy authentic RPG evenona smartphone. A story that you can enjoy overwhelming volumesofover 5 million characters!
Grand Sphere
Play Android's #1 Top Free RPG Adventure Today! ◇◆ Anall-newFANTASYRPG experience! ◆◇ Explore the wonders of "Astrum" ―aworld filledwith mysteryandmagic!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Riskitall to return what is lost! You are a Grand Sphere, onewhopossessesan immense power only granted to few. Commandyourknights to protectAstrum and rescue Princess Stella of theTellanEmpire. Youradventure as a GrandSphere begins NOW! □■Exciting newSPHERE BATTLESystem! ■□ -Command Spheres to launchdevastatingattacks! -Unleashlethal Skills to pulverize foes!-Create theultimate party with over150 Units to choose from! □■REAL-TIMEbattle with up to 4 players!■□ -Gather your friends totake downtough Bounty Bosses! -Sharemessages during battles torally yourallies! -Connect Sphere Chainsto unleash Sphere Surges!□■POWERFUL storyline! ■□ -YOU are the heroof Astrum! -Enjoyanemotional adventure you'll never forget! □■DRAMATIC voiceacting!■□ -Characters come to life through famousJapanese voiceactors!■Princess Stella - CV: Asami Seto ■Eioh theServant - CV:RumiOkubo ■Comette the Automaton - CV: Aya Suzaki■LuhmertheStrategist - CV:ToshihikoSeki-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------【Price】Free-to-play(in-game purchases available)
ZENONIA S: Rifts In Time 3.5.1
The world’s most popular mobile RPG,ZENONIA®,is now online! !Travel across nine treacherous realms to uncover the mysterybehindthe portal.Assist the Celestial Kingdom and expose the horrifying truth.Chat and play with your friends in real-time! Join a co-opraidparty and fend off vicious monsters in Raid mode. EnterPVPmatchups to destroy your competition.[Real-time Action]Battle monsters, make friends, and punish challengers all fromyourmobile device.Explore the world of ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time across theninerealms.Test your survival skills in the Monster Wave mode.[Classes]Choose from your favorite ZENONIA® characters.Slasher/ Ranger/ Fighter / Magician / AssassinAwaken your hero and break the limit.[Customize]Customize you character with over 300 different piecesofequipment.Increase the effectiveness of your weapons, armor, andaccessoriesthrough various enhancementsPut your skills to the test in ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time.Becomelegendary!* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
Seven Knights 7.6.00
Experience a visually-striking RPG like you’ve never seen before!
DeNA Corp.
RPG with heroes from across the history of FINAL FANTASY!Defendyour legacy!
Tap Titans 4.1.6
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Epic Knights
Long awaited Epic Knights is finally hereonGoogle Play! Help Hercules complete his 12 Labors andrestoreorder. Join today in an action-packed adventure to explorethemythological world of ancient Greece.Storyline:In a burst of anger and jealousy, Hera has cursed Hercules.YOU,a promising warrior, are handpicked by the Goddess ofwisdom,Athena to save Hercules. Monster Boars, Stone Giants, GreekPhalanxand hundreds of villains secretly supported by Hera arewaiting toundermine you. The very fate of Hercules rests on yourshoulders.Will you successfully break the curse and bring Herculesback toMount Olympus?Become a Knight in the true sense of the Greek meaning“Hippeus”:a prestigious Royal Guard of Honor, as you defeatmystical creaturesand help Hercules save ancient Greece!Features:• Awaken Your Knights - Unlock and train yourchiefcommander and five knights, each with their unique powerelements –ice, fire, thunder, lighting and earth.• Forge & Fuse - Forge items with the help ofthesmithing God Hephaestus. Use Fusion Stones to transform themintodevastating weapons and unleash brutal damage.• Fight with Brains and Brawn - Be vigilant againstthehordes of enemies on your way to help Hercules. Strategicallycrushenemies with your powerful elemental abilities. Assembleanindestructible team that suits your battle style.• Conquer Epic Bosses - Face off against brand new,scaryEpic Bosses in limited-time quests. The more times youobliteratethe enemies, the rarer materials you are rewarded tolevel up yourweapons.• Lead the Guilds – Join in on guild missions withplayersworldwide. Team up with guild members to defeat powerfulenemiestogether.• Dominate the Arena - Fast track your way up totheleaderboards and define yourself with glorious gold &silvermedallions.• Highly-Polished Graphics - Witness the dazzlingdisplayof authentic Ancient Greek Wars – and more![Note]A stable network connection is required to play.Join our Facebook community and visit our forums to expandyouradventures even further!• Official game website:• Official Facebook page:• Official game forums:
Dungeons of Evilibrium RPG 3.1.7
NEW EVENT – TEMPORARY HARDSHIPS!Download #1 BEST FREE RPG and see why THOUSANDS of people enjoythisgame all over the world! ( of Evilibrium is a card battle RPG withtacticalelements of TCG strategies and the dungeon crawlingexploration ofa board game. Collect and evolve character cards,build and enhanceyour army deck, beat other players and seizedungeons’ treasures!The whole world’s fate depends upon yourchoices and skills!==FEATURES==• FREE TO PLAY dungeon crawler RPG & CCG inonegame• BATTLE in dynamic fights with a tactical phase• COLLECT & CONTROL creatures and demons ofsixelements• CUSTOMIZE your army deck to gain a strategic edge• JOURNEY through over 100 replayable adventures• MASTER Arenas and ASCEND PvP Leaderboards• OBTAIN rare artifacts and EVOLVE your heroes• GET new characters and dungeons in free updates==UNIQUE MECHANICS==• Each Rare (R) or higher rarity card has unique skill! Nomorerecycled abilities!• Level your cards in battles and improve their statswithMarks• Stunning hi-res parallax graphics for your viewing pleasure• Evolve your cards with Artifacts, and not through fusion• Enhance cards’ abilities with any leftover Artifacts• Discover the power of Totems!Dungeons of Evilibrium provides broad opportunitiesforcollecting and tactical planning of a party as well asherodevelopment. You are invited to take part in an epiccampaignexploring dangerous dungeons, collecting creature cards,gatheringartifacts, and fighting in dynamic battles.Build and enhance your deck, explore mysterious dungeons,earnpowerful treasures, fight the demons of darkness, competewithother adventurers; and always remember – in order to defeattheforces of Evil you have to play by their rules!=================================Dear players! In case you have encountered any problems,pleasecontact us at [email protected]. Thisisthe only way for us to respond to your problem and solve it!Wereally want you to enjoy our game!
仙灵OL 0.10.160714
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古劍奇緣-誅仙(華語第一經典仙俠單機手遊) 1.0.3
☞中文排名第1的手機RPG遊戲安卓版!☞全平台八千萬下載,五千萬玩家玩通關!《古劍奇緣-誅仙》是手機角色扮演RPG遊戲的奇迹,是創造了無數個第1的手機遊戲,應廣大玩家強烈要求,特推出安卓版本獻給大家!2014年度巨獻,給你從未有過的仙俠世界!及時動畫過場古韻濃郁,獨特升級方式前所未有,爽快元嬰修煉讓你步登仙!漫漫仙路只求長生,與如花美眷合體雙修。感受征服寰宇的快意,塑造衆生頂禮膜拜神話!聲明:我們開發的所有遊戲均無廣告、無病毒、無任何幹擾遊戲的彈窗!注意:本遊戲僅支持中文!本遊戲對絕大多數手機都支持,但對較爲特殊分辨率的少數手機,部分按鍵不支持會顯示不全!請見諒,您有問題可以留言或者郵件反饋給我們。遊戲免費下載,部分特殊道具可能需要使用GoogleWallet購買,有明確提示,請放心玩遊戲。以下提供本遊戲相關攻略:==============================【攻略介紹】本攻略包含主線攻略流程、人打出的結局介紹、支線任務介紹及觸發、遊戲心得+鍛造心得。【遊戲心得】麻雖小但五髒俱全,這話也可以形容遊戲。遊戲的主線內容還算不錯,有頭有尾。在遊戲的過程中,玩家可以根據自己的選擇而挑選自己喜歡的女主角。過程方面,不管是主線任務還是支線任務,都是一氣呵成。遊戲劇情方面包括:愛 恨 情 仇再加上仙緣的搜集可提升元嬰,還有獲得的丹藥能用于女主角提一些屬性。我覺得玩遊戲的時候,錢是一個重點,另外就是一些經驗的獲得。因爲打的時候,會獲得一些材料,然後這些材料不只可以鍛造。可以去找有緣人去兌換仙緣,也可藏劍門等門派兌換升級的經驗。再說說鍛造方面,鍛造的方面我簡略的說一下。例如以布帽做子,經過鍛造可變成飛雲帽需精魄壹,飛雲帽子鍛造秘銀冠則需要精魄貳。劍的話就以青銅劍作爲例,也是需要精魄壹,可連續鍛造兩次,然後就變成了精魄貳鍛造兩次,以此類推。其實如果老是鍛造不行話,在下方會有提示,所以說鍛造好的武器和多打怪是密不可分的。遊戲畫風基本屬于像素風格,懷舊的人會比較喜歡。【詳細劇情攻略】白發女子將魔門封印,並將襁中的嬰兒交給小女孩。小女孩來到靈山逍遙門,將嬰兒放在門口。之後逍遙掌門出現,並將嬰兒收做自己的關門子。16年後……這天方輕雲和師妹林雨詩來到後山,也就是逍遙門的禁地。方輕雲答應給師妹找寶物,于是毫不豫的進去了。而在洞外的林雨詩等來了古絕軒,兩人貌似在策劃著什麽……此時,身處禁地之中的方輕雲來到禁地深處,打兩個聖獸,並看到禁地裏面有兩個被封印的女孩。之後禁地出現異狀,聖獸將方輕雲帶出。沒想到大師兄古絕軒卻早就暗藏機,將方輕雲包圍。方輕雲見師妹和師兄一起算計他,于是魔化,變成了怪物。古絕軒讓衆弟子圍剿方輕雲。魔化的方輕雲被困在這裏。每天方輕雲面對的都是同門師兄弟們的嘲諷,只有師妹總是來看他。一天,幾個師兄弟正要欺負方輕雲,而封印突然失效,方雲一路殺到大門口,看到了師妹,卻終是下不去手,于是暈倒,恢複成原來的樣子。師妹爲了讓大師兄古絕軒放棄追殺方輕雲,答應了大師兄求婚。被師妹救出去的方輕雲再次被幾個逍遙門弟子發現,正欲殺掉方輕雲時,卻出現兩名女子。方輕雲醒來後,看清來人。原來紅衣少女黃芸,另外一個叫墨心。黃芸將魔眼貪狼放出,看著貪狼選擇了方輕雲。原來兩個女孩都是侍劍族的人。于是爲了將劍複活,三人前往紫枯村。不過這路上遇到不少逍遙弟子,一一打敗即可。三人來到紫枯村外,再次看到窮奇。打敗窮奇武俠Q傳即可通過。三人來到紫枯村,前往紫枯渡口。找到了船夫,告知要棲星湖,但是在此之前要打敗船夫。來到湖心小島,三人正在開心的聊天,此時出現蛟精,並將其打敗。但是不要殺死,否則支線任務是做不了得,也打不出完結局。然後靠著鲛精來到棲星湖,並看到幾個大漢來這裏胡鬧。白伶出現。看著白伶戲耍大漢,大漢正准備收拾白伶,方輕雲出手。將大漢打敗後,就要找白詢問讓劍複活的事情。後來得知如果要讓劍複活,必須前往楓山的月洞。于是三人先去棲星湖裏面搜羅一下。然後坐船回到紫枯渡口,在紫枯村,再次看到修真者。敗了修真者,方輕雲從白伶那裏得知,自己的母親就是魔門中人。于是衆人前往楓山,並要從怪物身上打出4顆定聆珠。衆人來到楓山山道,將定聆珠放在劍上。打敗封印裏的妖獸,前往楓山山頂,並且看到了楓山神。跟楓山神打好招呼後,就進入月洞(如果完成了之前鲛精的任務,在和楓山神對話,即可觸發支線任務,再對話一次即可挑戰楓山),來到月洞深處,將魑魅子打敗。爲了獲得力量,方輕雲只能自己與魑魅鬥法。另外3女被召回洞外,等七天七夜,獲得力量的方輕雲出來了。然後就是白伶將貪狼時空獵人複活。然衆人下山,在楓山山道,往右走。來到了楓山山谷。會有對話,選擇表示憤怒。並保證不會讓其他人受傷。來到楓山山腳,因爲詢問一些事情,白伶對方輕雲的好感上升。這時候逍遙門弟再度出現,墨心爲了保護方輕雲受到了重擊。于是衆人修整一番後前往靈山。來到靈山,白伶希望拉近與方輕雲的關系,我選從善如流。來到逍遙門,過關斬將。沒選擇殺掉逍遙門的弟子,從古絕軒那裏得知大掌門出事的消息。打敗了一波又一波的逍遙門弟子,方輕雲正欲殺掉侮辱自己娘親的古月軒,師妹林雨詩出現忙阻止。生氣的方輕雲帶著衆女離開,在門口被青城、蜀山、藏劍等掌門攔住,與三掌門動手,必輸。此時青雲再度魔化,白伶出手,將方輕雲帶走;而黃芸與墨心擋住掌門。醒來後的方輕雲就在棲星湖白伶的房間內,並看到躺在一旁的白,選擇給她披上薄毯。白伶醒來後,衆人則一同前往蒼皇聖域找仙帝。來到聖域,就看一名男子被賭場老板欺負,方輕雲等人上前幫忙,打跑了賭場老板等人,與男子相識。男子相約方輕雲等人前往北的家裏。衆人來到北面,原來這男子就是仙帝。從仙帝那裏得知,要想進入伏羲洞,必須先弄到阡陌林裏的破軍刀。來到阡陌林,破軍刀的封印已經解除,只能靠方輕雲自己收複。爲了收複破軍刀,白伶次暈倒。待修正一番後,衆人前往伏羲洞。來到伏羲洞深處,打敗妖怪,卻發現妖怪竟然是逍遙掌門。因邪氣侵入的太久,逍遙掌門已經恢複不了了。于是方輕雲沒有辦法,只能將如同父親一樣的掌門殺死。之就去仙帝那裏問個清楚,從蒼皇聖域的仙帝那裏偶然得知,仙帝想收方輕雲爲徒弟,並且也得知掌門變成妖怪和古絕軒轅劍有關。憤怒的方輕雲直接前往靈山逍遙門。來到逍遙門,就看到這裏屍橫遍野,原來古月軒渡劫失敗,成了怪物。打敗魔化的古月軒,正欲給他最後一擊的時候師妹出現。沒想到,爲了請求方輕雲的諒解,師妹自殺,許多遊戲有類似情節新絕代雙驕和仙劍奇俠傳以及幻想三國志古劍奇譚。與白伶交談,選擇第一個,和白伶會有更深的進展。再次回到逍遙門,就是剛才打古絕軒的地方,會看到樹,然後方輕雲會想起了兒時的回憶……曾經和大師兄,小師妹的約定,三個人一起行俠仗義。然後就是在逍遙門四周圍逛逛。之後就前往仙帝的住處。在仙帝的住處卻找不到仙帝,而黃芸在此時不小心觸動了密道的開關,于衆人深入密道。進入暗道深處,再次看到魔化的古絕軒。打敗古絕軒後,三人進入仙帝密室,方輕雲看到密室裏挂著母親的畫像,並且法相了仙帝的手卷,得知這一切的一切都是仙帝搞的鬼。此時仙帝出現,與之PK,必輸。在仙劍奇俠傳仙帝准備殺方輕雲的時候,魔化的古絕軒出現,擋住了仙帝。方輕雲等人則是趁亂逃走。沒想到來到聖域門口,再度被仙帝等人堵截,交戰,必輸。此時,方輕雲再度魔化。白伶施法,終于帶領衆人逃離仙帝的圍困。此時在棲星,白伶爲了救治方輕雲耗盡心力。方輕雲恨透了仙帝,于是從白伶口中得知,白伶正是魔門聖女。而方輕雲則成爲了魔門新門主。于是衆人前往隱月鎮,解開魔門的封印。來到隱月鎮,要把貪狼和破軍合二爲一。之後獲得破軍貪狼。魔的封印也解開。于是衆人前往聖域殺仙帝。在仙帝住處的門口,黃芸獨自留下攔住士兵。前往仙帝殿的時候,看到早已魔化的古絕軒。打敗古絕軒後,還有一絲清醒的古絕軒希望方輕雲給他最後一擊,而方輕雲也想到了小時候師兄鼓勵自己的憶。打敗古絕軒後,來到仙帝密室。與仙帝開展最後的戰役。……結局列表:1任務沒有完成。選擇不殺厲蒼淩。墨心消失,化作一枚青玉。之後白伶又暈倒,此時二人回到了棲星湖,然後精力已經殆盡的白伶靠在方輕雲的懷裏,慢慢死。2任務沒有完成。選擇殺厲蒼淩。師傅的恨,母親的恨,都已近完成。墨心消失,化作一枚青玉。方輕雲准備帶白伶離開,白伶卻說方輕雲還有帝位。並從白伶那裏得知,母親就是爲了厲蒼淩才封印魔門的。之後魔門之亂已聖女的死而告終,方雲則是成爲了仙帝王。也就是說全都死了,就剩下了方輕雲一個人。3支線任務完成、找神秘人換取晶元、有境返。向仙帝詢問時空之神,並告知仙帝,方輕雲有3次穿越的機會。第一次穿越,回到方輕雲7歲那年;第二回,穿越到方輕雲出生那年;並知方輕雲並沒有殺死逍遙掌門,而是將其封印,而師兄古絕軒的魔化,也可以解決。方輕雲叫仙帝爲父親,並不想恨他。于是帶著墨心和白伶離開,來到湖心島找鲛精,將鲛精變成人形,與楓山神團聚。在前往逍遙門,讓古絕軒和林雨詩複活。最後則是方雲娘親的複活。最後就是方輕雲、白伶、墨心、黃芸一起生活在棲星湖~從此過著幸福的生活。(這就是所謂的完美結局)玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]
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