Top 12 Apps Similar to Visita Córdoba

Córdoba Guide 1.0
Córdoba City Guide searches andnavigatesnearby businesses around your location.This app finds restaurants, Banks, ATMs, Bus stops,Hospitalsetcnear your current location.*Auto detect user location by GPS.*Now works even without GPS , by detecting themobiletowerlocation.*30 categories which covers almost all businesses.*Address, Phone, Website option for each businesses.*One touch directions for each item though google maps.If your need is to find local business , you are at therightplace.Córdoba city guide is one of the best localbusinessdirectoryavailable in play store .
Cordoba Travel Guide (Spain) 2017.101
This travel guide brings to you alltheinformation you may need during your stay in Córdoba, the cityofthe old Madinat al-Zahra, the ancient Mosque-Cathedral, thebullfighter Manolete, or Seneca, Maimonides and many others whohavemade Cordoba a cultural reference in the world.The audio guide is available in 3 languages (5 languages soon),isfully compatible with smartphones and tablets and also has:✔ Tickets for Mezquita (mosque) + guided tour.✔ Information about hotels in CórdobaBook hotel with the comparison module. Simply, get the best priceofany hotel in the city of Cordoba, guaranteed! ... online,quicklyand safely.✔ Information about restaurants in the CityThe best restaurants and "tapas" bars with addresses, locationonmap ...✔ MonumentsThe history and details of the most important places of thecitywith photos, information, location on map ...✔ EventsCheck the best dates to come to town, festivals, places to goandall the information. Now you'll always know when "Patiosfestival",the "Cruces", the "fair" ... takes place.✔ NewsWhat happens and when it happens in the city. All events,concerts,theater, cinema ...✔ Time table, phone numbers and addressesA complete schedule in your cell phone at hand with all phonesyoumay need: tourism, roads, emergency ...✔ Interactive MapLocation of monuments, hotels, restaurants ... Signaling how togetfrom place to place by car, on foot ... Take advantage of yourGPSat Cordoba with the guide!✔ Special discounts in a thousand establishments andserviceproviders to enjoy an unforgettable weekend in Cordobawithoutgetting out of your budget.✔ TipsA long list of tips that grows daily with everything you needtokeep in mind during your travels.✔ Recommended routesSure you'll appreciate this information ... know what to see onthefirst day in the morning, or the second one at night ... Madewiththe help of hundreds of visitors.✔ Request budgets for your weekend.Request prices for your getaway with Hamman baths or flamencoshow,or cultural visits with children ... anything you need.✔ Chat CordobaInteract in real time with other visitors in the city. Sharetips,special information about restaurants, sights ...✔ AdvertisementsThis guide goes a step further and offers services not onlyfortourists, it also offers the perfect place for anybody topublishany small ad.✔ Request special budgets.Yes, it is even possible to request gardeners,electricians,construction companies ... You can save a lot of mony,tryit!Soon you will also enjoy games, contests and more.Download the guide now and keep in touch with Córdoba.Your City Guide, CORDOBAhttp://[email protected]
tutto CORDOBA 1.11.2
Are you an active and curious citizen or traveller?. Themostcomprehensive and practical guide of Cordoba and province inyourpocket which helps you plan and have the perfect day. Availableinmany languages. Using the phone’s GPS, we will guide you by footorcar to discover Córdoba and make the most of your stay ordailylife. Share the information with your friends on socialnetworksand other digital media. It contains ten broad sections:Cultureand tourism, Cuisine and Gastronomy, Accommodation,Shopping,Leisure and entertainment, as well as an excellent guideservice,useful information and one especially for students. Withtheability to locate the content of these sections on a map, thiswillhelp you navigate Córdoda and province easily You willvisualizethree rotating images of retail or company establishments.Find outall about a company with a detailed description: address,phone,website, opening hours, specials etc. Take advantage oftheiroffers and promotions in the Promobrochure section of ourapp.Decide where to go with the most updated cultural informationaboutmonuments, squares, gardens, museums... Explore oldhistoricquarters, pick the best restaurants and places to stay andsavemoney by knowing their promotions. You haven’t made your mindyet?With Tutto Cordoba app guide you can easily search what youwant:Leisure and entertainment, Family Plans, Where to shop,Movies,Night walks... Find professional services, phone numbers andusefulinformation that would make this app your best friend. KEYREASONSwhy thousands of travellers and citizens will love this app:It isfor Free…Do I need to say more? Download the app now and findouthow much you love it. WE ARE PEONEERS, sector leadership app.FirstCórdoba city and province application. Suitable for allaudiences:guide for both tourists and local citizens.Comprehensive: containsgreat deals of great interest to the user.Dynamic: constantlyupdated in content, information and promotions.Notoriety: Aconstant and attractive marketing strategy to reach thepublic andcreate downloads. Coverage: Thanks to the app design forthe twomarket-leading operating systems (Android and IOS) we covermorethan 80 per cent of Smartphones users. Awards: Attractivecontestsand monthly raffles so users have an incentive and rewardfor theirloyalty. Thanks to our marketing campaigns and largenumber ofdownloads you will get: - Increase your brand awareness.-Attracting and lead your business to users and potentialcustomers.- Spread your services and products. - Introduce yourpromotionsand offers. - Make profitable your investment Andtherefore:GENERATE BUSINESS AND INCREASE PROFITS
Be Your Guide - Córdoba 1.20
- Enjoy the full GUIDE OF CORDOBA forFREE.Hereyou will find updates on MUSEUMS ANDMONUMENTS,ACCOMMODATION,NIGHTLIFE, GUIDELINES AND LEISURE,RESTAURANTS,SHOPPINGinformation. Discover the MOST COMPLETEINFORMATION,photos,contact ... over 100 POINTS OF INTEREST!- Ability to download it in OFFLINE MODE: Nointernetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you canorientwithinthe city. Using GETTING option, you can always findtheplace you arelooking for, monuments, restaurants andmagicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experienceonmajorsocial networks!- Be Your Guide Córdoba is available in 6LANGUAGES,Spanish,Italian, French, German and Japanese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BEYOURGUIDECORDOBA!- We will welcome your [email protected] use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramaticallydecrease battery life
Cordoba Easy Travel 1.2
Juan Ruano
Cordoba Easy Travel, you will find alltheupdated information and tips on sights and other servicesinCordoba (Spain). That is an app made by a local developer.The app have a simple interface:-Transport section : Info about fast train,bus,taxi, hire carandparkings- Hotel section: Restaurants / Campings- Sights section / Shops/ Luggage storage- Info section / Youtube / MapThe app use internet, there are free wi-fi hotspot around ofthesights.I hope you have a good experience with the app. Have fun¡
vtp cordoba mosque1000 1.5.1
Walk through the mosque of Cordoba inthetenthcentury, just before the enlargement of Almanzor.You can browse the virtual place from yourcomputerat but using yourcompassenabledAndroid device, virtimeplace will drive thevirtualcameraautomatically, providing a sense of augmentedreality.Moreover if you also are in Cordoba near to the real mosque,andGPSis active, virtimeplace will capture your location in themodelandshows you a real window into the past of thismonument.You can also navigate using joystics like a video gameortouchpadnavigation as standard modes.VIRTIMEPLACE is conceived to promote the knowledge ofourculturalheritage, so remember, if possible, don't stayvirtual,visit thereal places and enjoy the mixture.Use with at least 512 Mb of RAM, but also 1GHz isrecommendedforbetter performance.User guide: video available in Spanish, for now
Cordoba a la carta 1.0.0
TicSmart SL
Córdoba a la Carta es la primera PlataformadeReserva desde la que Vd. mismo podrá programar su viaje porlosmaravillosos destinos que ofrece la Provincia de Córdoba.Todos los Productos Turísticos se encuentran a su disposiciónparacombinarlos en un paquete dinámico que se construye confacilidad yrecibiendo la confirmación online con total garantía enla reservay en la atención que recibirá a su llegada a Córdoba.Visite los Patios de Córdoba, la Provincia de Córdoba,LaMequita, La Catedral, Medina Azahara, Los Baños Arabes, Rutasporla Sierra del Valle de los Pedroches, La Sub-beticaCórdobesa,Lucena, Priego de Córdoba, Zuheros, etc etc. Susrestaurantes,tabernas y bares haga su viaje a su gusto aconsejadocon expertosdel turismo, todo en su smarphone.Cordoba a la Carta & TICSMARTCordoba to the Charteristhe first platform from which you reserve it can schedule yourtripfor the wonderful destinations offering the ProvinceofCordoba.All Tourist Products are available to combine them into adynamicpackage that is built with ease and getting onlineconfirmationwith full warranty on the reservation and in the careyou willreceive upon arrival in Cordoba.Visit the Patios de Córdoba, Córdoba Province, La Mequita,LaCatedral, Medina Azahara, Los Baños Arabes, Routes in theSierraValley Pedroches The Sub-betica Córdobesa, Lucena, PriegodeCórdoba, Zuheros, etc etc . Its restaurants, taverns and barsmakethe trip to your liking tourism experts advised all inyoursmarphone.Letter to Cordoba & TICSMART
Gamiya Two
Carlos Paz Mobile 28.1.3
Business and Travel Guide Villa Carlos Pazinthe Valley of Punilla, Cordoba, Argentina, all the informationofthe shows and theaters, cabins, hotels,accommodations,restaurants, pubs, bar in this town ... Know theLake San Roque andall nautical activities.Rent a Car, Sushi, Wine Coolers, taxis, limos and veterinaryorshops for your petReal estate, and all shops in Bialet Masse, Estancia Vieja,SantaCruz del Lago, Empalme and Tanti, Spa Cabalango andParqueSiquiman.Discount Coupons
Ermitas de Córdoba 1.2.1
Aplicación oficial de la Asociación deAmigosde las Ermitas de Córdoba. Con ella podrás conocer desdetusmartphone toda la información relativa a las Ermitas, desdesusorígenes hasta su localización GPS. Conoce en profundidadlahistoria de este emblema de Córdoba.Formal implementationofthe Association of Friends of the Hermits of Córdoba. With ityoucan learn from your smartphone all information concerningthehermitages, from its origins to its GPS location. Learn aboutthehistory of this emblem of Córdoba.
Jose Egea
Descubre Cabra la Cordobesa:Con “Guíapp Cabra” podrás disponer de todalainformaciónnecesaria para moverte en el centro geográficodeAndalucía. Estaes una completa guía informativa en la queencontrarrespuesta acualquier necesidad en múltiples ámbitos. Idealparadescubrir losencantos turísticos de la bella localidadegabrense,conocer deprimera mano sus principales actividadesculturales ylúdicas.Accede fácilmente a la práctica guía que reúnetodos losserviciosprofesionales y comerciales disponibles. Así comotambiéndisponerde la información local más actual.Una excelente herramienta enfocada tanto parasuspropioshabitantes, como para quienes la visitan.Ponemos a tu disposición:- El inmenso Patrimonio Cultural de Cabra:Museos,monumentos,parajes, etc…- Actividades de ocio y comercio.- Selección de restaurantes, alojamientos ydemásserviciosprofesionales.- Localización de tu aparcamiento.- Actualidad informativa.- Teléfonos de interés.Gracias a Guíapp Cabra, descubrirás de manera sencillaycómodatodo lo que este sensacional municipio te ofrece.Discover Goat Cordovan:With "Guíapp Goat" you will have all the informationneededtomove in the geographical center of Andalusia. This isacompleteinformative guide that answers to every need in manyareas.Idealfor discovering the tourist attractions of thebeautifulegabrensetown, know first hand its main cultural andleisureactivities.easy access to the practical guide that meetsallprofessional andbusiness services available. And also have themostcurrent localinformation.An excellent tool focused for both its own people andforthosewho visit.We offer you:- The immense cultural heritage of Cabra:museums,monuments,sites, etc ...- Leisure and trade.- Selection of restaurants, hotels andotherprofessionalservices.- Location of your parking.- Information News.- Phone numbers of interest.Thanks to Guíapp Cabra, you will find easily andconvenientlyallthat this stunning city has to offer.
VTP2 Roman Cordoba 2.0.2
If you've tried VirTimePlace, you knowourVirtual Window to walk through the history, but VirTimePlace 2goesfurther. You can fly, yes fly, why not? With VirTimePlaceyoutravel to the past, but you use today technology and everythingispossible.This trip you will meet the Roman Cordoba hidden in ourstreets:Temples, Forum, Palace of Maximian, Amphitheatre,Theatre,mausoleums, the ancient bridge recently renovated ... Anduntil2015 at half price.Keep in mind that research has not ended and, in some cases,ourrecreation is supported just by a weak hypothesis, but you canhavenow a complete view of the Roman city, which will change intimewith new discoveries and corrections.As always, we are open to your comments and suggestions in ordertoenrich this product to make it more attractive your visit toourcity, or simply allow you to know about it from anywhere intheworld.About price. We try to maintain free this universal heritagebecauseit provides added value to the touristic destination, butfor now,we have not gotten support enough in Cordoba and we mustinvolveusers for the project to be alive.Also, remember that you can test our technology using otherappsthat we distribute freely and walk over the Roman recreation atourwebsite this app only if you want to enjoy it on your mobileandpromote their development.Promotional video available in Spanish, for now