Top 2 Apps Similar to The Sickrew

Yet Another PlayStation Network Application
PS Plus Notificator 0.9.4
----- QUICK DESCRIPTION -----Check what's new on PlayStation Plus as soon as possible.YourAndroid device receives a new notification, your app shows thenewgames announced.----- DETAILED DESCRIPTION -----Do you know the amazing PlayStation Plus service? Itprovidesspecial discounts, beta access … but best of all itprovides theIGC (Instant Game Collection) a bunch of games for freeeverymonth.This app allows you to view some info about the games thatareavailable on the IGC at the moment. And, what is betterthanknowing what is available at the moment? Maybe knowing whatiscoming next month? So be it. We track PlayStation sources togiveyou new information in the app as soon as possible. YourAndroiddevice receives a new notification, your app shows newgamesannounced.----- DEVELOPER NOTES -----We consider that the app is functional, yet we are onlybeginning.We have more ideas and features in mind but limitedresources andtime to do it, please understand (Iwata says). We’lltry to addmore languages, promise.If you have any questions or feature suggestions, or would liketoreport a bug, please contact us here: [email protected] wearealways glad to receive every kind of feedback.Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Sony / PlayStation and allitstrademarks. I just want to make a cool app that people wouldfinduseful.