Top 8 Apps Similar to Buku Mewarnai untuk Anak

Marbel Mewarnai Hewan Udara
Educa Studio
Mewarnai adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkanbagianak-anak. Dengan mewarnai, mereka bisa menuangkanberagamkreatifitas mereka.MARBEL MEWARNAI HEWAN UDARA adalah sebuah aplikasi pembelajaranyangsangat bagus untuk anak - anak usia Paud sampai Tk. MARBELMEWARNAIHEWAN UDARA merupakan salah satu seri dari aplikasi MARBELMEWARNAIdirancang khusus untuk membantu anak-anak dalam belajarmewarnaihewan-hewan udara yang lucu.Melalui Marbel Mewarnai Hewan Udara, anak-anak tidak hanyabelajarmewarnai saja. Mereka juga bisa belajar mengenalbermacam-macamwarna serta mengenal berbagai hewan yang hidup diudara.Aplikasi ini sangat bagus untuk meningkatkan kreativitasanak-anak.Dampingilah anak-anak anda dalam belajar dan pastikanmerekamenjadi lebih kreatif.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadisatusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi denganGambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainanedukasi yang disediakan.POINT KHUSUS--------------------------------------------------- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori- Mewarnai hewan laut kategori- Mewarnai mode brush- Mewarnai mode blokAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif.TENTANG MARBEL--------------------------------------------------Marbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d8tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancarayang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantuanak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka,buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyaklainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasiyang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan mengujikemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat,ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyaklainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik,musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anakyang belum lancar membaca.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :[email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)Coloring is a funactivityfor kids. By coloring, they can pour their diversecreativity.ANIMAL DYEING Marbel AIR is a very good learning app for children-early childhood age children up to Tk. ANIMAL DYEING Marbel AIRisone of a series of Marbel DYEING application designedspecificallyto assist children in learning coloring animals cuteair.Through Air Animal Coloring Marbel, children not only learn todyealone. They can also learn about a variety of colors as wellasrecognize the various animals that live in the air.This application is great for improving children's creativity.Standyour children in learning and make sure they becomemorecreative.Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into onethatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The materialwillbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image +SoundNarrative + animations to attract children's interest inlearning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educationalgamesprovided.SPECIAL POINT--------------------------------------------------- Coloring marine animals category- Coloring marine animals category- Coloring marine animals category- Coloring marine animals category- Coloring brush mode- Coloring mode blockThese applications can be classified into children's learningapps,educational apps, educational games, book learning,interactivelearning.ABOUT Marbel--------------------------------------------------Marbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s /d8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things inafun way. There are learning materials that will help childrentolearn about something for example only letters, numbers,fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and manymore.The most interesting of the marble is: a fun educationalgame.There is a wide variety of games that will test their skills.Thegame consist of: a fast right, dexterity, memory, ingenuity,brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interesting imagesandanimations, original music, and narrative useful guide forchildrenwho are not yet fluent reading.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:[email protected] information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there'snoharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not only havefunin the play, but also useful knowledge. Learn while playing ..??Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children to learn, alongMarbelcourse .. :)
Coret 2: Belajar Mewarnai Anak 1.3
RC Multimedia
Setelah Coret : Belajar Menggambar, kali inikamimempersembahkansebuah aplikasi lanjutan dari Coret, yakni Coret2 :BelajarMewarnai. Aplikasi ini tidak berbeda jauh dari Coret1,hanya sajapada kali ini bukan untuk coret-coret saja melainkananakanda akanbelajar mewarnai gambar-gambar yang ada. Mudah,melatihanak andauntuk berimajinasi, belajar warna, danmeningkatkankreatifitas.Ayo tunggu apa lagi, download sekarang!
Belajar Mewarnai Gambar 8
Blacx Knights
Sekarang jaman semakin canggih danuntukmendidik anak pun semakin mudah. dengan aplikasi belajarmewarnaigambar anak akan lebih mudah dalam belajar menggambar danbelajarmewarnai kapan pun dan dimanapun tanpa peralatan yang repotdibawa.dalam aplikasi ini anak akan dipandu mewarnai binatang,mewarnaibenda, mewarnai hewan ataupun tumbuhan bahkan mewarnaikendaraan,dalam menu pun disediakan peralatan warna yang variatifdan adapensil ajaib, cukup menggunakan nya untuk mewarnai makangambarpunakan berwarna dengan baik dan rapih, cocok sebagai contohdayavisualisasi anakNow the eraofincreasingly sophisticated and to educate children evenmoreeasier. with children coloring pictures learning applicationswillbe easier to learn drawing and coloring learn anytime andanywherewithout the hassle of equipment carried. in thisapplication thechild will be guided coloring animals, coloringobjects, dyeingplant or animal even coloring vehicle, the menu isalso providedequipment colors varied and there is a pencil magic,just using herto dye eat gambarpun turns nicely and neatly,suitable as anexample power visualization child
Alphabets & Numbers Tracing 2.31
Tchoko Apps
• Alphabets & numbers writing app isavirtual teacher to practice alphabets and numbers tracing.• Provides kids friendly writing environment to startpracticingwriting starting with drawing lines• Provides step by step alphabets & numbers writing• This application includes three fun, educational activitiesfortoddlers and kids! Whether your kid is in kindergarten, or goingtoattend preschool, this is a great, free learning app foryourchildren.• Let your kids doodle their fingers away and show theirartisticskills. Choose from a variety of crayons to color; eraseand startover again.• Let your kids learn a bit. We've made it easy for your kidstofamiliarize themselves with the ABC's (English alphabet)andnumbers by tracing the dots• This is a toddler and preschool kids All in One edutainmentappget ready for kindergarten.• Handwriting teaching - Lines, alphabets, numbers, drawing.Veryuseful for kindergarten or Pre-K• Math Balloon game - Teaches Counting, Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication & Division with fun & practicalway bypopping balloons• Phonics, Pronunciations, Sight Words & Spelling game• Preschool All-In-One learning games for kids AbbyBasicSkills• Preschool All-In-One learning games: Letters, Counting,Puzzles,Sizes, shadows, Matching, Colors, Shapes, Differences,Patterns andmore -- you are on the right address!• educational Areas Covered• Coloring book Tap & color is an interactive coloringbookdesigned for toddlers, preschoolers, and young children,includingthose with special needs and autism.• Trace and Color letters, numbers and pictures.• Fun finger painting activities.• Wide selection of Colors and brush sizes.• All Alphabets includes letters A to Z (& a to z) andisfully-featured.• Practice writing abc and 123• Your kids will have fun for hours finger painting, coloringanddrawing there favorite pictures.• A very fun way for toddler to learn English alphabets.• All alphabets include letters A to Z and arefully-featured.• Human pronunciations of all alphabets• Preschool aged children learn the alphabet letter names andletterrecognition, and will practice finding letters incontext.• alphabet abc to help your kids learn• deutsch alphabet to help your kids learn,• english alphabet to help your kids learn,• kids Preschool puzzles lite,• Coloring Book Fun• Alphabets, Counting and Colors• ABC for Kids All Alphabet• Alphabets & Numbers Tracing• Toddler Learning Alphabets• Preschool Alphabet• Alphabet Balloon• endless alphabet• german alphabet and numbers• phonetic alphabet• alphabet song• the alphabet song• download germany alphabet• Preschool learning Fun• 1st Grade learning• 2nd Grade learning• abby's Basic Skills application is a new application developedbya team of educational experts from 22learn designed to bestprepareyour children for success in kindergarten curriculum. Itssimplechild-friendly interface offers children an engaging way tomasteressential preschool skills in the total of 12 (!)• sight words reading learning games for Kids - overabundanceofwords! Features over 300 sight words from the popular dolchwordlist!• sight words reading learning games for Kids by abby Monkey ®-great learning reading games for Preschool, Kindergarten,1stGrade• learn to read Elementary sight words in 6 engaging superduperEDUCATIONAL games!• abby Monkey sight words learn to Read adventure with StarFallword Aliens for School reading Success is a new educationalreadingAPPLICATION by 22learn. The app is designed to help childrenlearnand practice reading the most common sight words.• sight words are words in English language that do not haveasimple one-to-one correspondence between sounds andwrittenletters, and therefore have to be learned “by sight.”• Preschool All-In-One learning games for kids abby Basic Skills-Parents’ Choice Award winner!
Marbel Mewarnai : Transportasi 5.0.1
Educa Studio
There are more than 20 images Transportation available
Belajar Menulis dan Mewarnai 0.0.1
Dengan mewarnai sebuah gambar, anakakandilatih daya kreatifitasnya. Anak dapat belajar untukmenentukanwarna yang cocok dan menggambarkan perasaannya lewatwarna.Kelebihan Aplikasi ini adalah, anak tidak saja diajakuntukmengenal warna tetapi juga mengenal tulisan, sehingga anakmampumengenal huruf dan menuliskannya.Selain itu anak juga diajak untuk belajar menyanyi, danmengenalnada.Game ini memang ditujukan untuk anak-anak, tetapi orang tuayangmemiliki anak juga tidak ada salahnya mengenal aplikasiini.By coloring a picture,thechild will be trained power of creativity. Kids can learntodetermine the suitable color and describe feelings throughcolors.The advantages of this application is, children are invitedtoget to know not only the color but also familiar with writing,sothat children are able to recognize letters and writethemdown.In addition, children are also invited to learn to sing, andknowthe tone.This game is intended for children, but parents who havechildrenalso would not hurt to know this app.
Buku Belajar Mewarnai 1.0
Buku Belajar Mewarnai - aplikasi yangdapatmembantu anak-anak untuk belajar mewarnai gambar. setiap anak-anak pasti sangat senang menggambar apalagi mewarnai. Kegiataninibisa membantu mengasah otak kanan mereka sehinggameningkatkankreatifitas anak. Lewat Buku Belajar Mewarnai,anak-anak akandiajak untuk mewarnai beraneka ragam gambar. Merekadapat mewarnaigambar buah, sayuran, makanan, alat transportasi,mainan dan masihbanyak lainnya.Fitur--------------------------------------------------- Mewarnai berbagai macam gambar kartun- Mewarnai berbagai macam transportasi- Mewarnai berbagai macam hewan- Mewarnai berbagai macam buah- Mewarnai berbagai macam sayur- Mewarnai berbagai macam angka- Mewarnai berbagai macam gambar lainnya- Gambar bisa disimpan.Aplikasi ini tergolong ke dalam aplikasi belajar anak,aplikasipendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar, belajarinteraktif,Permainan Puzzle, Permainan anak, Buku gambar, bukumewarnai,belajar mewarnai.Learning Coloring book-an application that can help children to learn coloring.everychild - the child must have been very happy to draw muchlesscoloring. This activity can help hone their right brainthusimproving children's creativity. Learning Through ColoringBook,children will be invited to dye variegated picture. They cancolorthe pictures of fruit, vegetables, food, transportation, toysandmany more.Features--------------------------------------------------- Coloring assorted cartoon- Coloring various kinds of transport- Coloring variety of animals- Coloring assorted fruit- Coloring assorted vegetables- Coloring assorted figures- Coloring assorted other images- Images can be stored.This application is classified into children'slearningapplications, educational applications, educational games,booklearning, interactive learning, Puzzle games, kids games,picturebooks, coloring books, learn coloring.
Marbel Mewarnai : Dinosaurus 5.0.1
Educa Studio
Children like coloring, coloring learn more than 30 imagesDinosaurs