Top 20 Games Similar to 信長的霸業-戰國之道全新登場

戰國修羅SOUL-仁王篇 1.5.1
◎日本原廠打造 - 大阪之陣400周年紀念作品!你將帶領織田信長、豐臣秀吉、武田信玄和德川家康等戰國名將穿越時空征戰天下!進入遊戲即可獲得金色英雄部隊"戰國GACKT"!!◎《戰國修羅SOUL》以日本歷史上動亂的戰國時代為背景,是一款強調策略性的3D即時戰鬥RPG遊戲。實地考察,原汁原味還原400年前日本戰國時代城市地圖,著名原畫師精心設計的百位戰國武將都將逐一在遊戲中展現其名將風采。更有GACKT、大塚明夫、梶裕貴、堀江由衣、戶松遙、立花慎之介、中尾隆聖等豪華聲優陣容加盟。戰國修羅SOUL五大特色◆萬人國戰 誰將成為戰國霸主◆槍、騎、弓三大日本經典兵種環環相克,7*11大戰場兵力佈陣,最多10w兵同屏血戰,根據兵種特性運籌帷幄,勝負只在刹那之間!◆名將養成 超200枚全新武將復活重生!◆日本知名畫師繪製,梶裕貴、堀江由衣、戶松遙等豪華聲優陣容加盟。真田信村、織田信長、伊達政宗等超過200位武將在遊戲中出現!更有武將羈絆和兵裝養成系統,讓玩家隨心選擇心愛的武將。◆每週國戰 7*24四方爭霸不打烊◆玩家每週可以加入東海、近畿等日本四大地方勢力,佔領城池最多勢力即可稱霸日本,獲取豐富戰勳獎勵。◆劇情風貌 200%完美還原◆戰國史實+本格假想劇本,讓玩家穿越時空,體驗最波瀾壯闊的戰爭時代。同時遊戲還實地考察日本戰國建築風貌,力求完美還原當時的風土人情。◆超強BGM 日本名家作曲◆音樂方面由知名藝人GACKT、淺倉大介製作。現代BASARA曲風重新演繹自由豪放的戰國激情!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------聯繫我們,快來加入SOUL軍團:官方line:Soul_Official官方Facebook粉絲團:◎ Japanese manufacturertobuild - Osaka 400 anniversary of the array works!You will lead Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and TokugawaIeyasu,Takeda Shingen Warring States and other world famousexpeditionthrough time and space!You can get into the game gold hero forces "Warring StatesGACKT"!!◎ "Warring States Shura SOUL" in a troubled history of JapanWarringStates era as the background, is a strategic emphasis on3Dreal-time combat RPG.Field trips, to restore the original 400 years ago, Japan'sWarringStates era map of the city, a famous artist designed theoriginalone hundred Warring States generals will show its name oneby onestyle in the game.More GACKT, Otsuka Akio, Yūki Kaji, Horie Yui, HarukaTomatsu,Shinnosuke Tachibana, Ryūsei Nakao and other luxury seiyuulineupto join.SOUL five characteristics of the Warring States Shura◆ people who will become the country's war Warring Stateshegemony◆Gun, riding, bow ring three classic Japanese arms of grams, 7 *11big lineup battlefield troops, soldiers with the screen up to10wbloody battle, strategizing arms according to thecharacteristics,the outcome only between the moment!◆ develop a super star 200 new generals resurrection reborn!◆Well-known Japanese artist rendering, Yūki Kaji, joined HorieYui,Haruka Tomatsu and other luxury seiyuu lineup. Sanadalettervillage, Oda Nobunaga, Date Masamune, etc. more than 200generalsin the game! More generals custodialTrip and military equipment to develop a system that allowsplayersto chose freely beloved generals.◆ Battle weekly States 7 * 24 square hegemony is not closing◆Players can join the East China Sea a week, four otherJapaneseKinki local forces, the occupation forces can dominate thecity upto Japan, get rich reward Hoon war.◆ 200% perfect style plot to restore ◆+ Warring States historical facts of this imaginary scriptgrid,allowing the player through time and space to experience themostmagnificent war era. While the game also visited Japan'sWarringStates architectural style, and strive to perfect thereduction ofcustoms at that time.◆ ◆ super BGM Japan famous composerMusic produced by well-known artists GACKT, Daisuke Asakura.BASARAgenre of modern re-interpretation of the Warring Statesfree,uninhibited passion!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact us, come join SOUL Legion:The official line: Soul_OfficialThe official Facebook fan group:
戰國傳說 1.0.6
Youbi Game
《戰國傳說》超極致SLG策略遊戲激萌戰姬華麗來襲,帶你重溫歷史名戰!指尖策略樂趣無窮,COMBO華麗連招讓你無限施放!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆【名將組合,強強聯合】百位戰國猛將成就收集【極致策略,活動豐富】九宮格派兵佈陣歷史在你的指尖上演【跨服副本,狹路相逢】呼朋引伴多人組隊跨服爽翻天【華麗戰鬥,超萌戰姬】精緻美女戰姬等你招募助你戰國制霸"WarringStatesLegends"super extreme SLG strategy gameMeng Ji war shock struck gorgeous with you relivethehistoricbattle!Policy fingertip fun, COMBO gorgeous even move youmakeunlimitedcast!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆[Name combination, combination]One hundred Warring States Reggie collect achievements[Ultimate strategy, enrichment activities]Squared lineup troops staged history at your fingertips[Inter-service copy of the territories]Their friends more than inter-service team cool earthshaking[Gorgeous battle, battle Super Meng Ji]Exquisite beauty Ji battle waiting for you to helpyourecruitSengoku Takeover
戰國之王-全民爭霸 1.6
★纵横大陆争霸天下,开国建业做《战国之王》!★最好玩的手机策略游戏汹涌来袭,带你穿越乱世与群雄争霸!新手专享礼包,摇钱树免费摇到宝,每日登录游戏更有宝箱好礼相赠(进入日常任务即可领取)!★★★游戏简介★★★:《战国之王》集模拟建设和战争策略玩法为一体,游戏拥有精美的画面、简单的操作、丰富的策略玩法、磅礴壮观的国战、盟战!游戏背景发生在平行时空的战国,诸侯林立,战乱不休,玩家穿越时空成为一城之主,经营城池,招兵买马,指挥千军万马参与波澜起伏的王国争霸!游戏多种PVP和PVE的玩法带给你开国建业、百万大军攻城掠地、一统天下的淋漓尽致的强烈快感!★★★游戏特色★★★:1、城池内政建设由你作主,野地山寨N多NPC等你去虐!2、排兵布阵,征战沙场,挑战各路群雄,攻城灭国!3、猛将附体,属性加强、科技加成,指挥千军万马一路锋芒无以抵挡!4、详细的战斗报告和战斗录像回放,助你在战斗中成长!★★★游戏玩法★★★:* 模拟经营:升级建筑,提升资源产量,利用完善的生产系统建设你的领地;* 集市玩法:玩家之间自由交易,实现资源交互,让效益最大化* 战争策略:训练强大军队,进攻野地NPC和其他玩家,掠夺资源,扩张领土;* 联盟争霸:加入诸侯联盟,集列强之力,剑指皇都,割据天下;关键词:战国、三国、战国争霸、战争策略、策略游戏、千军万马、模拟建设、战国之王、角色扮演
滾開吧!雜魚們! 1.8
Samurai Siege: Alliance Wars
SAMURAI SIEGE is a highly addictivecombatStrategy adventure with over 3 million playersworldwide.Lead an army of Samurai, Ninjas, and fantastic monsters of theEastto glory! Build your village into a mighty stronghold!Raisepowerful armies! Fight against other players!Please note that Samurai Siege is free to play. Some in-gameitemscan be purchased with real money. You can turn off thepaymentfeature by disabling in-app purchases in yourdevice'ssettings.Samurai Siege is a fun multiplayer combat strategy game. Defendyourvillage against hordes of enemy ninjas, samurai, andcreatures!Explore a mystical world as you battle through lushforests, snowymountains, and deserts. Fight other players fromaround the world tocapture loot and steal rare items. Or joinforces with other playersto create the most powerful Alliance!Wage war with other alliancesand compete to dominate therealm.FEATURES* Epic real-time strategy combat* Build your humble village into a mighty stronghold* Recruit an army of Samurai, Ninjas, Battering Rams, andEasternMonsters* Clash and Battle with other players online* Rid the world of evil as you travel across a vast world map* Fight in multiple environments: from lush valleys torockymountains* Create Alliances or Clans with other players* Alliance Wars! Declare war on rival Alliances and competeforvaluable rewardsPlease Note:* A network connection is required to play.* Some Samsung S3 devices may not be compatible with thelatestversion of the game. We are currently looking into this issueandworking on a fix for a future update.Terms of
戰国霸业 经典国战手游精英封测 1.0
正統戰國策略手遊——《戰國無雙》來襲!玩家盡情扮演戰國霸主,統率群雄、拓展勢力、幻化騎寵、鍛造神兵…精妙佈陣技巧,熱血微操激戰!國戰、跨服戰、BOSS戰,一個都不會少!來吧,過關斬將,攻城掠地,圓你一個稱霸戰國的夢!★★★ 爭霸戰國 · 謀定天下 ★★★戰國情,英雄夢,真實還原,血戰沙場... 網羅戰國名將,白起、荊軻隨你調遣。坐擁絕色後宮,西施、羋月任你勾搭。★★★ 策略佈陣 · 微操血戰 ★★★排兵佈陣,攻防有術,有勇有謀方能百戰不殆!掌中微操,指尖大招,沖陣破敵一氣呵成!★★★ 主公絕技 · 克敵制勝 ★★★霸氣主公技能,關鍵時刻制敵!一鍵釋放,極致開戰,千軍萬馬又能奈我何?★★★ 騎寵助戰 · 秒殺全屏 ★★★青龍、白虎、朱雀、玄武… 收服稀世騎寵,組建將寵大軍,瘋狂獸性盡情撕扯敵軍吧!★★★ 專屬神兵 · 瘋狂加成 ★★★各式神兵,各有功用,暴擊、吸血、命中、治療、防禦、抗暴…… 佩戴神兵,如虎添翼!
百將魂 1.7
這一次打的不只是魏蜀吳,更是整個歷史,春秋戰國、楚漢、三國、隋唐等歷史名將究竟誰才能名留千古!打造全新歷史策略手遊,調兵遣將,棋盤式策略,眾多特色,讓你【玩到忘記時間】★上古迷陣:隨機觸發迷陣事件,你夠膽玩嗎?★點將式單挑戰:讓你不只比戰力,更要比策略,挑戰以一擋百,萬夫莫敵的快感★傳奇兵種對決:虎豹騎,青洲兵,陷陣營,白馬義從,長水胡騎,墨者,匈奴 才誰是最強兵種★全服國戰地圖:赤壁之戰,血戰荊州城,巨鹿之戰,垓下戰役,讓你體驗經典戰事,戰火圍城★名將組合向性:重現經典人物傳記,打破組合框架,中國最強戰神齊聚一堂,誰才是真正的強者★經典系統回歸:吃包子,鮮花,轉盤,野球拳,眾多經典玩法強勢回歸,讓你抱著美人歸》》》聯絡我們《《《FB粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]酒吧官網:
戦国の雄2通常版 1.5.2N
戦国村を作ろう!目指せ戦国武将と天下統一 バトルで城下町育成 10.0.2
Recstu Inc.
8th anniversary blockbuster app! "Inakari VillageNurturingSimulation App" set in the Warring States period, which isbased ona group of males! !! App Store App Overall No. 1 Netofficial appderived from surname
戦国合戦譚 ― 激戦!小牧・長久手 ― 1.2
合戦に主眼を置いた戦国時代ストラテジー/ウォーゲーム。小牧・長久手戦域において、羽柴秀吉もしくは徳川家康の陣営を率いて勝利を目指します。戦術画面では、武将に指示を出しておくだけで半自動リアルタイムで進行(WEGO)。多数のユニットが入り乱れて戦います。作戦画面では、作戦を立てて各部隊を移動させ、敵城を攻略します。補給線の概念あり。チュートリアルシナリオを2本用意しました。それ以外のシナリオでは両軍どちらでも選択可能。対戦プレイ(非ネットワーク対戦)も可能。Warring Statesperiodstrategy / war game that focuses on battle.Komaki-Nagakute in theater, we aim to win led a camp ofTokugawaIeyasu or Hideyoshi Hashiba.In the tactics screen, and just to issues an instruction tothemilitary commander in the semi-automatic real-timeprogression(WEGO).I will fight a large number of units in disarray.The strategy screen, move the troops each to make a strategytocapture the Teki-jo.There is the concept of the supply line.I've prepared two tutorial scenario.Choice of any two armies both in the scenario of the other.(Non-network competition) is also possible match play.
Efun-邪王傳 3.91
Inch Games
Xiewang Biography
率土之濱 1.1.670
『無盡列土,掠地築城吞天下』三國大世界,無界大地圖,百萬格土地資源爭奪!200萬格世界土地,千國萬城逐鹿中原。真策略玩法,戰爭全面擬真,玩家間即時對決,勝者為王,這個世界由你作主!『霸王再現,無雙英雄奪山河』上百名三國歷史名將,聽你號令!上百位名將、戰法,萬種搭配組合;國家陣營、稱號羈絆、兵種搭配相輔相成;武將謀士、部隊兵種相互克制。沒有最強的軍隊,只有更深謀遠慮的統帥!『上兵伐謀:運籌帷幄洞先機』謀權奪位,何須陷衝鋒陷陣?讓你在家也能決戰千里!世界土地資源有限,發展之路染血山河!內修身:軍政科技,外治國:策略進攻,真人對手!鬥智、鬥勇!成就霸業!『結義聯盟:合縱連橫馳沙場』結黨同盟,爾虞我詐,這就是戰爭!”盟友間互信任、共患難!遠交近攻、策略聯盟,互助合作、利益交換,擴展同盟勢力,覬覦吞噬天下!暗渡陳倉、無中生有、聲東擊西、圍點打援、誘敵投誠,古今戰法,如今再現!是IQ與EQ的考驗。【遊戲特色】● 搶土地:百萬格土地,無邊界地圖,爭奪豐沛的資源寶地,壯大國力。● 真戰略:戰火綿延,烽火燎原,上百座城池,兵家必爭之地!盟戰、城戰、州戰、國戰,各大歷史戰役,完美重現、真實體驗。● 大武將:百位三國歷史名將任君差遣,戰場無父子,兵不論雄雌,巾幗不讓鬚眉,精兵悍將,助你收復天下。● 神戰法:百種戰法,萬種變化,武將、戰法自由搭配,可變化出最具個人特色的武將策略,是場智力與謀略的考驗。●硬勢力:在家靠父母,率土靠盟友!佔領野外領地、攻略據點城池,都能獲得土地資源來擴展個人勢力,土地資源有限,對敵人仁慈就是對自己殘忍,開疆闢土朝稱王之路邁進。● 建城池:增強主城建設,對內強化城池防禦,對外增強部隊攻擊,進而拓展野地要塞、分城,讓勢力遍及三國、九州,誰與爭鋒。●勤內政:稅收可增加銅錢收入,交易可在市場轉換資源,堅守可以加鞏固城池防禦,遷城可將主城轉移至其他分城,流浪可以重新選擇出生地,高效掌控內政是安身立命謀求發展的根本。●友同盟:號召天下有志之士結黨同盟,『有福同享』:可得到同盟資源加成,借助同盟兄弟領地增加征戰距離,『有難同當』:同盟兄弟被進攻、淪陷時,必當出手相救與盟友同進退,共大業。●話演武:演武場是驗證自己實力的重要場所,機會不是給準備好的你,而是你準備好了才有機會!在此能讓你的武將與三國歷史名將一較高下,配出你最強陣容,並獲得豐富的資源獎勵。官網:粉絲團:
真三國大戰-一番武將跨服大戰 5.9.0
Taiwan Limited! "True Three Wars" official visit in Taiwan! True3Daction version of "Three Kingdoms の war"!
DomiNations Asia
NEXON Company
Grow a flourishing civilization andjourneythrough all of human history as the leader of amightyNation!- BUILD a unique village of your own design.- LEAD loyal citizens from the dawn of antiquity to themodernera.- BATTLE cooperatively and competitively with players withplayersfrom across the world.- RAID competing Nations for all their good loot!FROM THE STONE AGE TO THE SPACE AGEIn DomiNations, lead a village of early hunters and gatherersontheir conquest through the ages from the dawn of civilizationtothe modern era. It’s up to you to design a small town and growitinto a thriving metropolis. Build historic Wonders of theWorld,including famous landmarks like the Pyramids of Egypt and theRomanColosseum. Tackle historic battle campaigns to collectimportantresources and upgrade your city as you advancethroughhistory!CHOOSE YOUR NATION AND LEAD AN ARMYTake charge of one of 8 fearsome Nations on its journeythroughtime. Choose from the Romans, British, Chinese, French,Germans,Japanese, Koreans and Greeks. Each Nation has a specialstrengthempowering you to build unique units who fight to advanceyourcity, like longbowmen, vandals, and the mighty samurai!DISCOVER NEW TECHNOLOGIESResearch new materials, invent advanced weaponry, and developtradeto grow a bustling economy. Through scientificdiscovery,strengthen your troops with better equipment, upgradeyourbuildings and town center with modern materials, and bolsteryourdefenses as you grow stronger. Legendary game designerBrianReynolds brings history to life in every era as keyadvancementsfrom each period in history will help you progress yourepiccivilization!FORM AN ALLIANCE AND WAGE WORLD WARPut your powerful Nation to the ultimate test in PvP combat andraidyour enemies’ cities for huge bunches of loot! Fight forcrucialresources, untold wealth, and total domination. Team upwith otherskilled rulers and forge an unstoppable Alliance.Unleash the fullforce of your armies to outwit and outlast youropponents in50-on-50 Alliance warfare to conquer the globe inWorld War. Triumphand take home the spoils of war!Privacy Policy: of Service:[DomiNations requires OS 4.0.4, CPU dual-core and RAM 2GB orhigherspecification for smooth play. Some devices under thespecificationof those might encounter some crash.][Google Permission Request]This game might request on those permissions listed in heretoaccess following features for stable gameplay experience.- Accessing photos, media, and files: Necessary fordownloadingadditional data and attaching in-game screenshot forCSThe access to these features will only be used for downloadandgameplay purposes.These are the necessary permissions that we need in order toprovideproper game installation/performance to our users. Pleasenote thatwe do NOT collect any personal information.If you have any questions, please contact us at ourCustomerSupport.Thank you.
Infinite Borders 6.1.708188
NetEase Games
Define your war-style in Infinite Borders! Join now and conquerall!
戦国クイズ 〜天下統一!戦国武将の城・国盗りゲーム〜 9.0.2
Recstu Inc.
7th anniversary blockbuster app! - Unify the world! Sengokuwarlordcountry stealing game ~ "Sengoku quiz" Can you answer thesamuraidiagnostic quiz from the Sengoku to the Edo period, developthecountry, and become the champion of the Sengoku!
君臨天下-動靜再臨 1.7.5
King over the world Global real-time strategy, siege the cityandland without borders! The world, war in my hands!
掌西游 2.3.9
乱世揸fit人 0.7
失控的历史,跨时代的乱战!神级SLG手游《乱世揸Fit人》2016带你穿梭时空,做大佬!!登录7天就送橙色武将:张辽吕布做你马仔!新玩家首周即可获得30000元宝超强福利,轻松揸Fit上位。=========================================*征战失控历史,乱世由我话事!跨越春秋战国、三国、隋唐!*还原乱战场面,内政外交,商品交易,统领三军鲸吞天下!*300多位历史顶级神级免费招募,穿越时空成为你麾下武将!*38种强悍兵种,100+随机副本,超2000中战斗阵型,城战、野战、竞技场、远征西域,决战八荒,巩固自己的地盘,掠夺更多的领土,做真正的揸Fit人!*乱世一向我大晒,我玩晒!劈友最高境界!---揸Fit上位之路:【收小弟为你而战 壮大你的军团】跨越春秋,楚汉、三国、隋唐五千年历史,项羽、刘邦、诸葛亮、吕布、李世民、武媚娘……绝世英雄全部做你马仔!带兵、选兵配将,自由养成!不是好汉不聚头,不是猛龙不过江!【大阵仗 30V30跨时代国战】首创30V30战场,60只部队同屏大战;300多种战斗阵型,兵将自由搭配,合体作战解放双手,单手操控百万大军!【田忌赛马 点将PK 】革新点将PK玩法,出战有策略,多种作战模式,单挑、群殴,见招拆招,用战术压制对手!!【国与国的PK 龙争虎斗】楚、汉、隋、唐、晋、魏、蜀、吴八大属国阵营登场,城战、抢矿、支援盟国、守卫国都、强悍BOSS,万人同屏对战,唔打唔舒服!!龙争虎斗,谁是最后赢家!【统领劲抽兵团】真实还原古代冷兵器战场,骑兵冲锋、步兵近身搏杀、弓箭手远程击杀;多兵种协作,统帅三军,冲锋陷阵。打造超强悍专属军团,38种劲抽兵种,武将兵仔联合作战,一起打江山!【玩转朝政、美人】统领三军增加战力,内政巩固你的统治,外交强大你的王国,谋略手段,助你一统江山;全新红颜收集玩法,模拟真人社交,貂蝉、西施、武媚娘万千绝色美女任你选;个性化养成,亲密互动,你系揸Fit,想点玩就点玩!官网链接:粉丝页:客服邮箱: [email protected] history,cross-agespared! Level SLG hand of God Tour "troubled times ZhaFit people"2016 space shuttle to take you, do big brother! !Log seven days send orange generals: Zhang Liao Bu doyoucowboys!New players can get the first week 30000 ingotsuperbenefits, relaxed Zha Fit host.=========================================* History campaign out of control, I was troubled by thewordsmatter! Across the Spring and Autumn, Three Kingdoms, SuiandTang!* Restore spared from war scenes, domestic and foreignaffairs,commodity trading, command the armed forces swallowedworld!* More than 300 top-level of God free recruitment history,throughtime and space to become your arm generals!* 38 kinds of powerful arms, 100 + random copy, Super 2000battleformation, urban warfare, field, arena, Westernexpedition,glorious battle to consolidate their own sites, plundermoreterritory, to do the real Zha Fit people!* I have always troubled big sun, I play the sun! Friends ofthehighest realm split!--- Zha Fit upper road:[Radio brother fight for you to grow your Legion]Across age, Chu, three, five thousand years of history of theSuiand Tang, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Zhuge Liang, Lu Bu, Li Shimin, WuMeiNiang ...... peerless hero to do all you cowboys! Troops,soldierswith the election, the Liberal develop! Not a hero notgather head,but not the Raptors river![big parade 30V30 National War Era]First 30V30 battlefield, 60 troops with the screen war; 300 kindsofbattle formation, soldiers with freedom, fighting fit handsfree,one-handed manipulation million troops![Tian Ji's horse point PK]PK innovative point play, play strategically, a variety ofcombatmode, singled, gang fights, adopted piecemeal, with tacticstosuppress opponents! !Enter the Dragon PK [between countries]Chu, Han, Sui, Tang, Jin, Wei, Shu and Wu eight vassal campdebut,urban warfare, grab mine, support allies, guarding thecapital,powerful BOSS, people with screen battle, fight WellWellcomfortable! ! Enter the Dragon, who is the final winner![command] Corps pumping freshTrue to the ancient battlefield of cold weapons, assaultcavalry,infantry close fight, archers remote kill; combinedarmscooperation, commander of the armed forces, strikes. Exclusivetobuild ultra-powerful corps, 38 kinds of fresh pumpingarms,military generals Aberdeen joint operations, seized politicalpowertogether![Fun affairs of state, beauty]Command of the armed forces to increase combat power, toconsolidatethe internal affairs of your reign, your kingdom strongdiplomacy,strategy means to help you dominate the landscape; newcollectionroots play, mimic human social, Diao Chan, beauty, WuMei Niangthousands of stunning beauty no matter how you choose;personalizedevelop, intimate interaction, you are really Zha Fit,want to playpoint to point to play! Official website link: http: // fan page: https: // Service Email: [email protected]
Historia Battles Napoleon 2.10
Historia Battles Napoleon is a 2D multiplatformturn-basedstrategygame reproducing real historical battles.Inspired byclassic chessgame and traditional war board game, themain gamedesignphilosophy is player involvement in real historicalcontext,funand challenge, keeping low game complexity and time tolearn.Thereproduced battles are: - 1798 A.D. Abukir Naval Battle(Trial)-1801 A.D. Marengo Battle - 1805 A.D. Austerlitz Battle -1806A.D.Ulm Battle - 1806 A.D. Trafalgar Naval Battle (Trial) -1807A.D.Eylau Battle (Trial) - 1809 A.D. Wagram Battle - 1812A.DBorodinoBattle - 1813 A.D. Leipzig Battle - 1815 A.D.WaterlooBattle Thedeluxe version of the game has more availablebattles andwill beupdated adding new scenarios. It has artistichistorical 32bitcolour depth maps, general picture bookmarks onunits andMilitaryStrategy View based on APP-6A standard. if thegame is ofyourinterest consider to support the developerdownloading thecompletechapter. Desktop version of the game isavailableon: Rules of the game: If all unitsarekilledor home location conquered the player loses the game.Theunitattacked from side or back is damaged consideringzerodefendpoints. The unit attacked can not move (it has nomovepoints).Unit severely wounded causes panic damage to nearones.Unitlocated near home location gets +1 healing point foreachturn.Unit that kill other unit increases experience,attackanddefendpoints, all life points are recovered.