Top 20 Games Similar to 红警世界

红警大战2 1.0.30
在这场史诗般的战斗策略游戏中,用你的聪明才智与邪恶的敌军作战。制造飞机、坦克、飞艇、机器人…,攻打敌军的基地,保护世界的和平。与世界各地的玩家一起游戏!请注意!红警大战2可以免费下载和使用。你也可以在游戏中购买一些物品以提升游戏速度。如果您不想使用此功能,请在设备的设置中禁用程序内购买。游戏特色-与数百万名其他玩家共同玩游戏,突袭敌军的基地,收获战利品!-通过战斗夺取珍贵的资源,升级您的基地,阻止敌军进攻!-多种多样的兵种和基地防御建筑,让游戏充满策略!In this epicbattlestrategy game, with your intelligence and evil enemycombat.Manufacture of aircraft, tanks, airships, robots ..., attackenemybases to protect world peace. Games with players around theworld!Please note! War Red Alert 2 is free to download and use. Youcanalso buy some of the items in the game to improve the speed ofthegame. If you do not want to use this feature, please disable inthesettings of the device within the program later.Game Features- And millions of other players to play the game, raid enemybases,harvest trophy!- To win by fighting precious resource, upgrading your baseandprevent the enemy attack!- A variety of arms and base defenses, the game is fullofstrategy!
RedSun 1.1.412
RedSun Real Time Strategy - strategy for the future.
Red War 1.0.2
Características del juego:- Escenarios, edificios y armas reales.- Diferentes fuerzas militares, como infanterías, tanques, cazasdereacción, helicópteros de ataque, misiles.- Numerosas misiones.- Simulación de la II Guerra Mundial.- Experiencia del usuario mejorada y más fluida.- Localizador de enemigos por satélite espía.- Recreación del juego Red Alert 2.Sistema de rangos:--El juego adopta el sistema de rangos del Ejército de losEstadosUnidos en la II GM, este sistema comienza la promocióndesdesoldado raso, hasta capitán general del ejército. En estejuegolucharás por conseguir el rango más alto. El camino de lapromociónno será fácil, no existe ningún comandante supremo oconsejerosestratégicos que te puedan ayudar, así que para mantenertu rango yllegar a conseguir el título de capitán, deberás dejarteel alma enel campo de batalla… ¡Sólo los soldados más fuertes delejércitoserán capaces de ascender rango tras rango y conseguir elgloriosotítulo de Mariscal!Red War recopila de manera exhaustiva muchas de lasclásicasbatallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, además incorporanumerososdiseños de la era bélica que abarcan desde la infantería,lasfuerzas aéreas, las divisiones acorazadas y muchas otras áreasdelas fuerzas armadas. Tu experiencia en el campo debatalla,luchando entre pólvora y destrucción, aumentará tupotenciamilitar, y te permitirá dominar a los demás jugadoresparafinalmente, ¡proclamar tu hegemonía! Red Warfare ha sidoreconocidocomo el mejor juego militar en la industria de los juegosbélicos,así como uno de los más novedosos y populares juegosbélicosclásicos.Red War, totalmente compatible con Android, es el primero y elúnicojuego bélico operativo en todo el mundo. Con sólo deslizartepor lapantalla, miles de tropas estarán a tu servicio y un simpletoque tedará el poder de un cazabombardero. Red Warfare no sóloincorporaelementos clásicos como los tanques Oracle o Rhino delpopular juegoque dio la vuelta al mundo, sino que también adaptafuerzasmilitares reales del mundo moderno, como aviones de combatede tipoThunderbolt, Wing drones y Raptor. Además, incluye unelementofantástico e impresionante, ¡el Hércules! ¡Todo es posibleen estejuego, no encontrarás nada igual en otros juegos!Red War se ha basado en un estilo realista para crear estemodernojuego de estrategia militar que se desarrolla en tiemporeal. Lascaracterísticas del juego incluyen la habilidad de mover alossoldados que elijas y luchar con ellos, controlar a tuejércitopara bloquear y atacar a las fuerzas enemigas, así comomoverlos enformación, etc. Entre tus responsabilidades comocomandante tendrásque crear y mejorar tu base militar, dirigir atus tropas que sedesplegarán en la base cuando las fuerzasoperativas se dispongan aatacar la base de un amigo o enemigo.Estos enfrentamientos sesitúan en Europa, donde se produjeron lasbatallas más importantesde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tu objetivocomo Comandante seráutilizar tu defensa militar contra frenéticosataques enemigos ymediante las batallas conseguirás promover turango militar paraalcanzar el rango más alto, Mariscal.Game features:- Scenarios, buildings and real weapons.- Different military forces, such as infantry, tanks, jetfighters,attack helicopters, missiles.- Numerous missions.- Simulation of the Second World War.- Experience improved and more fluid user.- Locator enemy spy satellite.- Recreation Game Red Alert 2.System ranges:--The Game ranking system adopts the United States Army in WorldWarII, this system begins promotion from the ranks, to captaingeneralof the army. In this game you fight to get the highestrank. Thepath of the promotion will not be easy, there is nosupremecommander or strategic advisors who can help you, so tomaintainyour rank and get to the title of captain, you must leavethe soulin the battlefield ... Only strongest army soldiers willbe able toascend range after range and get the glorious titleofMarshal!Red War exhaustively collects many of the classic battles oftheSecond World War, also includes numerous war era designsrangingfrom infantry, air forces, armored divisions and many otherareasof the armed forces. Your experience on the battlefield,fightingwith gunpowder and destruction, increase your militarypower, andallow you to dominate other players to finally proclaimyourhegemony! Red Warfare has been recognized as the best militarygameindustry war games, and one of the newest and most popularclassicgames war.Red War, fully compatible with Android, is the first andonlyoperational war game worldwide. Just slide on the screen,thousandsof troops are at your service and a simple touch will giveyou thepower of a bomber. Red Warfare not only incorporatesclassicalelements such as Oracle or Rhino tanks popular game thatwentaround the world, but also adapts real military forces ofthemodern world, such as fighter aircraft type Thunderbolt, dronesandRaptor Wing. It also includes a fantastic and impressiveelement,Hercules! Everything is possible in this game, you will notfindanything like it in other games!Red War was based on a realistic style to create thismodernmilitary strategy game that unfolds in real time. Gamefeaturesinclude the ability to move the soldiers you choose andfight withthem, control your army to block and attack enemy forcesand movein formation, etc. Among your responsibilities as commanderhave tocreate and improve your military base, lead your troops tobedeployed in the base when the operating forces are preparingtoattack the base of a friend or enemy. These clashes are inEurope,where the most important battles of World War II occurred.Yourgoal as Commander will use your military defense againstenemyattacks and by frantic battles get your military rankpromotion toachieve the highest rank, Mariscal.
Galaxy Alert ( Red Alert ) 1.0.4
luyen dm
Galaxy Alert (Red Alert alike) is acombinationof the tower defense and real-time strategy video gamedeveloped andpublished by DivMob. To assure victory, the playermust gatherresources in order to pay for new units, buildings,towers and moreadvanced technology.Tower system: toxic tower, flame tower and laser tower.Incampaign mode, towers can not be destroyed, however, inonlinemode, towers can be destroyed by enemy.Building system: LightSaber barracks, Marine barracks andRobotbarracks.Units: LightSaber, Marine and Robot.Single-player campaigns is in which the player is requiredtocomplete specific objectives and protect their Main House.Online mode allow players enjoy with their friendsviainternet.Endless mode is in which player have to stay alive as longaspossible.Multiplayer mode allow player enjoy with their friends viawifinetwork.Technology is researched at specific items.Technologicaladvances come in many categories, such as militaryupgrades (betterarms and hp units), economic upgrades (increasingthe efficiency ofresource gathering), and infrastructure upgrades(more resilientbuildings). As basic technology research iscompleted, moreadvanced technologies may become available.The Main House is the most important buildings in thegame.Player have to protect from enemies attack and hereadvancement isresearched. Beside the Main House, player have tobuild towers,LightSaber, Marine and Robot to protect MainHouse.How to get free gems?- Share photo to Facebook after winning a level- Invite friends to play- Install free games
Plague Empire:Bio hazard Alert 1.1.7
pu shencheng
Plague Empire :Red Alert of Bio hazardaresident evil walking dead game.Be the only king of the kingdomofyour resident base and evolve the crucial DNAtechnologicalBiochemical to build a pandemic and worldwidecontagion to join inthe resident evil virus infection world! Allyother multiplayers inan unstoppable strategic clash and destroyother resident evilclans’ bases. Alliance is crucial for you toconquer the infectionworld that was infected by contagion.You willbecome the king ofthe kingdom in the dead walking game of residentevil war likeplague Inc.Prepare yourself for a wonder infected world! JoinPlagueEmpire :Red Alert of Bio hazard NOW! Our Inc. lookingforwardto your joining in the resident evil and plague infectionvirusworld.  FEATURES:• Play and chat with your alliance, and form a Biochemicalzombies’team like in the Plague Inc and Resident Evil to fightforblackguard enemy’s pyromaniac war• In this real time strategy and pyromaniac war game you willrisethrough the ranks.• Battle with multiplayers by infected zombies and formanunstoppable zombies’ a resident evil army by Biochemical andtaketheir Trophies• Explore bacteria, plague virus, disease, contagion andotherpandemic infections like in the resident evil by Bio and usethemin your resident evil army• Invade and conquer your blackguard resident evil enemy byyourinfected zombies’ army and evolve your residentevilterritory• Command your Army to Conquer your resident rivals and seizeevilresource works with different virus zombies• Train your pyromaniac resident evil army with zombies,contagions,and virus infections by Biochemical• Build your empire and lead the pyromaniac game of infectedwar,you are the king of your own resident evil kingdom in thewalkingdead game• Addicted an exhilarating resident evil war with theuniquepyromaniac sounds and music• Upgrade your command and evolve your infected contagions makemoreresident evil creatures in your zombies’ army byBiochemicalManage your base, fight for a evil war, build your residentevilzombies’ army and fight infections in this Monument Wars now!Ifyou like games like Plague Inc or Clash of Clans or Clash of King,you will like this one. Trust me, simulating the way of theplaguemanufacturing from plague Inc will make you becomeaddictive.Youcan download Plague Empire :Bio hazard Alert inthe GooglePlay Store.Contact usWe are very willing to solve your any problems in the game.If you like our game, welcome to evaluate and leave a message atanytime.Service e-mail: [email protected]: for your support!Supportedlanguages:* English* Deutsch* Pусский* 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)* 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)NOTE: We recommend a good network condition for theupdate.Better is WLAN.
Command & Control:SpecOps Lite 1.1.1
Tower Defence about the war against the Syndicate
天啟艦隊 Naval Empire - 共和國光輝 2.6
Reshine Group
Glory of Generals: Pacific-WW2 1.3.12
Experiencing Pacific War, beacon of World War 2 and makingmilitaryachievement
Command & Control (Lite) 1.0.12
Tower Defense about modern military conflicts.The player will have to confront the global terroristthreatandperform 8 combat missions in hot spots in the Middle East.The player assumes the role of commander, which objectiveistoprevent enemies breakthrough on the protected territory.
1944 Burning Bridges 1.5.6
Join the war for Europe and relive the greatest military invasionofWW2: D-Day!
Generals war HD
Generals war is a real time strategy gamewithno waiting time wich you can Battle with real players inrealtimeFeature:- Real time strategy ( RTS ) game- Great explosions and war effects- HD graphics- Best strategy style in mobile games- Online battle- Tutorial- Chat with other players- Online real time war with other players- Skirmish battle with hard ai (makes you cry!)- Using different units and support units like : tanks, fasttanks,fire tanks, air support,nuclear, long range tanks and...
鋼鐵帝國 - War of Tanks - 1.1.20
FrontCraft (Chinese Version)
FrontCraft is an epic combat strategy game. A game that you canplaywith millions of other players online! You are going to playas acommander. Your airborne division should have landed insomewhereand completed your mission. But your fighter was got downin onebattle and you were besieged by the enemy. Your armies areat risknow. So, you need to build your arms, train your troops andbattlewith your enemies!FrontCraft is an addictive mixture of strategic planningandcompetitive fast-paced combats. Driving back the enemy is justthefirst step - your quest isn't over until your corps supremeoverall others!FrontCraft is easy to operate to anyone interested in WorldWarII—— it’s one of the best games in the similar ones. The timehascome to unleash your inner barbarian. Get the game, jointhefun!Website: QQ group: 279759221----------------------------Features--------------------------------Tactics System:Choose your own tactics. Different from the turn based game, it isareal-time strategy game. You need to decide your own tacticsbasedon the terrain and different arms immediately.Open-ended Building system:Take your own decision. Corps building is flexible:Decide yourownform of corps. You can build your military base on yourownpreference and intelligence.Plundering Resource:Find your own resource. You can search the resource by yourselforby plundering. The resource can help you to build morearmies.Deeper diplomatic system:Bring out your diplomatic skills. It is a deeper diplomaticgame,with coalitions and treats. To win the war, you need tocooperatewith other corps. You can build an alliance with othergameplayers. Battle with players worldwideSteel of the army:Build the corps with your unique strategies. Experience theclassicweapons in World War II coming to life. You can builddifferentarms and choose the tactics freely.Instance game system:Classic instance game can help you fight with the enemiestogetherwith your friends. You may win the world peace and conquertheworld by your excellent strategies.PLEASE NOTE! The game is completely free to play, however somegameitems can also be purchased for real money. If you don't wanttouse this feature, please disable in-app purchases in yourdevice'ssettings or forget it :)
Open Panzer 3.2.10
Nicu Pavel
Tactical scale World War 2 turn basedstrategygame, that puts the player in the role of an Axis or Alliedarmygeneral. You command battalion level units with the objectivestoengage the enemy forces to occupy key locations orsupplypoints.• Playable in both native high-resolution mode and normalresolutionmode.• US and German starting campaigns in 32 historicalsemi-accuratescenarios, and introductory tutorial scenario.• 4000 historically accurate units, each unit having more than20stats and only being available depending on scenario year, basedonAdlerKorps equipment. 30 countries available.• Build you own core army, train your core units to increasetheirexperience, gain prestige to upgrade or buy new units, carrythemover scenarios as the campaign progresses.• Units can gain Leaders in combat for more abilities• Special unit actions depending on unit class• Cross platform save/load game state at anytime besidetheautomatic turn save . Cloud based save/load game facilitytocontinue playing on other devices.• 20 Terrain types that influence combat, weather andgroundconditions, automatic reinforcements.• Strategic overview map of entire battlefield, clean userinterfacethat never hides the battlefield from player.• Full featured unit upgrade/purchase Equipment window withsortingand filtering• Ad Free.Notes:* Need to tap end turn button twice (tapone->blinkingcheckmark->tap again for confirmation)* Use email to report issues/suggestions. It's a free game, foroldtime players, being still in development. *
App 4 Fun
红色警戒,烽烟再起…最勥战略手游《坦克帝国》不容错过!「报告长官!前面烟雾太大,我们前进缓慢看不清楚…等等…看到移动的黑影了,炮管…是炮管!报告!报告!前方敌军是坦克!闪避!调整队形,迅速反击!!」肾上腺素加速分泌的紧张临场感,最血脉喷张的真实战斗场面,指挥官们准备就绪了吗?一同来建立最强大的坦克帝国!【游戏特色】* 最高指挥中心随心掌控,坦克帝国你为主宰!工厂烟囱火焰不断冒出,多种配件、装备、战车改造工厂强化军团武力,金属矿厂、油井精炼厂精准分配成为工业帝国。* 各式坦克大军强势出击!还原二战坦克真实战斗性能,史诗级坦克+传说级坦克通通进入军事工厂,由你掌控!* 经典棋盘战格布阵考验谋略能力!各式坦克类型、进攻或防守队形的相克搭配、任何一个细节都不能轻视,战斗中唯有胜利才是王道。*大战风暴即将席卷全球,指挥官怎能缺席?一大批优秀的指挥官正在向您报道!智慧的指挥官会用他们的头脑提升部队的作战能力!征战模式重温全世界各大经典战役,摧毁敌军!收复失土!探险模式获取神秘材料,强化战车每一处装置配件,打造最强兵种!限时模式潜入境外废墟找寻至尊碎片,打造最强兵器!* 能源警报!非我军团,必为异类!资源抢夺取得先机!坐标精准定位,全球铜矿、硅矿、铁矿、油井、宝石等重要资源提前锁定,与玩家间的掠夺与反击将是资源补给的重要手段!* 侵略真实玩家,建立帝国声威!卫星锁定目标位置,坦克大军出动摧毁敌军防线,同场竞技争夺世界排行!铁血大军,谁与争锋!* 百人军团混战争霸全服,谁才是军团王者!加入军团通过磁暴、特种、生化、超时空等魔鬼训练,提升科技坦克部队加成UP!千人报名天梯大战,稀有坦克、配件、装备等优厚奖励等着各指挥官挑战!【联系我们】玩家如有任何问题,我们将实时指派专人为您处理◆ 客服信箱:[email protected]◆ 官方Line: tankdiguo◆ Facebook粉丝页: Alert, populations...The most Jiang renewed strategic hand tour "Tank Empire" not tobemissed!"The report sir! Front smoke too much, we can not see forwardslowly... etc ... see moving shadows, the barrel is the barrel...!Report! Report! In front of enemy tanks! Dodge!Adjustmentformation, swift counterattack !! "Accelerate the secretion of adrenaline intense presence,mostagonistic real battle scenes, commanders ready yet? Togethertobuild the most powerful empire in the tank![Game Features]* Highest heart command center to control, tanks Empire youtodominate!Factory chimney fire continue to emerge, a variety ofaccessories,equipment, tanks rebuild the mill strengthen Corpsforce, metalmines, oil refineries precise distribution into anindustrialempire.* All kinds of tanks, army strong attack!Restore the true World War II battle tank capability, epic tank+Legend class tank all access to military factories, controlledbyyou!* Classic Plaid board battle array capacity test strategy!Various types of tank type, phase grams offensive ordefensiveformation with, any detail can not be ignored, only thevictory ofthe battle is king.* War and storm sweeping the globe, how can the commanderabsent?Large number of excellent commanders are to report toyou!Commander of wisdom will increase the combat capability oftroopswith their heads!Campaign mode revisit the classic battle of the world's majoranddestroy the enemy! Recover lost territories!Adventure mode Get mysterious material, strengthen everymeanschariot fittings, create the strongest arms!Limited models sneak outside the ruins looking for supremedebris,to create the strongest weapon!* Energy Alert! Not my regiment, will be for the alien!Resourcesnatch a head start!Coordinate precise positioning, important resource globalcopper,silicon ore, iron ore, oil, precious stones and other lockedinadvance, and between players and counterattack plunder ofresourceswill be an important means of recharge!* Aggression real players, prestige empire!Satellite targeted position, the army sent tanks to destroyenemydefenses, play together for world ranking! Jaggedarmy,rival!* Hundred full-service hegemony Legion melee, who islegionking!Join the Legion by storms, special, biochemistry, etc. Macrossdeviltraining, enhance the technological tanks addition UP!Thousands ofpeople sign up the ladder war, rare tanks, fittings,equipment andother generous incentives waiting CommandersChallenge!Contact usPlayers with any questions, we will assign someone to handleyourreal time◆ Customer Service: [email protected]◆ Official Line: tankdiguo◆ Facebook fan page: https: //
Trenches of War 1.8.3
Battle through the alps in this WWI-inspired side-scrollingstrategygame.
War of Glory:Blitz 0.3.3
Fight today in the War of Glory:Blitz andseizethe many lands that are corrupt of cruel, and pure eviltyrannicalleadership. Save the people and save humanity fromHitlerism!Fight for freedom, liberty, and justice for all!Now that the people have chosen you as Commanding Officer in theWarof Glory: Blitz, It is your duty to fulfill the needs of thepeopleand humanity! Your basic duties as Commanding Officer in theWar ofGlory: Blitz are to repair a weakened base in a foreignland,assemble a dominant Army, and unite the toughest Alliance toeverstand in human history! All the while fighting the cruel andevilleaders trying to take over the world!War of Glory: Blitz is a real time, strategic warfare game, thatisfree to play and offers incredible features that let you relivethethreat of Tyranny and Hitlerism in the Era of World War 2.REPAIR A WEAKENED BASE in a foreign land, and constructanimpenetrable defense that will halt any army from threatening​youand taking what's yours!ASSEMBLE AN ARMY with such strength and intelligence that allyourenemies will fear you!UNITE AN ALLIANCE with your family and friends and become knownasthe Policemen and World Leaders in the War of Glory: Blitz!RELIVE HISTORY and go through the many missions and operationsthatsaved the people and humanity from living in TyrannyandHitlerism!CHALLENGE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND ENEMIES, with theonlinescrimmage mode that allows you to engage armies intodirectbattle!ACCUMULATE RESOURCES that you need for your Base and Armyfromcompleting Missions, Operations, and Scrimmages!UPGRADE, RESEARCH, AND UNLOCK buildings and technology thatwillmake your enemies look like they pulled out their army fromWorldWar 1!COMPETE IN THE PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER LEAGUE and stay ahead ofthecompetition! All the while establishing your Name and Allianceinthe War of Glory: Blitz!DOMINATE THE GLOBE however you choose! Are you going to be theherothat controls the many Cities and Towns with freedom, liberty,andjustice for all? Will you take control of the cities and townswithevil intentions? The choice is yours!War of Glory: Blitz is still being developed! If you haveanyfeedback we'd love to hearFor questions and support, please contact the ITITA team atthefollowing:Facebook [email protected]
Pocket Platoons 1.3.2
Charge into battle with the greatestgenerationin history! Draft an army of WWII soldiers, tanks,machine guns, andartillery to dominate your enemies. Fortify yourbase, train thetroops, plan your attack, and control the frontline!• Battle across Normandy in the challenging180-missioncampaign!• Craft your tactics to overcome—and use—terrain features.• Train 29 distinct combat units, and customize each for yourplaystyle.• Lead your troops into battle—or delegate a lieutenant totakecommand!• Fight as either the Allies or Axis—the choice is yours!• Collect blueprints from battles and construct thebestweapons!• Build a defensive strategy to turn your base into theultimatecommand center.• Defend your base against enemy players, and conduct bombingraidson the enemy!With Six Battle Modes to Master:• Campaign – Battle across Normandy in 180challengingmissions.• Raid – Invade players' bases and test theirdefensivestrategies.• PvP War Games – Pit your tactics against live opponents.• Siege – Refine your strategies against waves ofcomputerenemies.• Coalition Battles – Gather a coalition and fight 5v5 againstotherteams of players.• Secret Mission – It's big, it's bad. It may take everythingyou'vegot to beat it.Contains both Player versus Player and Player versus Computergameplay.Pocket Platoons is totally free to download and play butsomeoptional items can be purchased with real money from insidethegame. You can disable in-app purchases within the settings menuofyour device. We cannot offer support or compensation related touseon non-recommended devices.
세계 대전 3--전략SLG전쟁게임 1.0.54
2015년 최고 기대의 전략SLG전쟁게임 탱크 대전!!!!!■ 박진감 넘치는 전쟁터!! 전형적인 RTS 게임 재현!!■ 일반 전략게임과 깊이가 다른 전략!!■ 세계의 주인이 되어, 역사를 새로 쓴다!!■ 해육공 삼군을 맘것 지배하라!! 세계 전쟁왕이 되라!!■ 전세계 수백만 플레이어와 함께 대작전-전형적인 RTS 게임 재현! 수동으로 병사를 이동하는 창쾌감을 즐기세요!-원정군 경기대회를 참여해봐! 강한 상대를 만나고 멋지게 이겨라! 풍성한 보상가 여러분을 기다리고 있어요!!■ 세계 대전에서 유명한 전투를 하나하나 직접 참여해봐!-스탈린그라드 전투, 레닌그라드 보위전, 노르망디 전역 등 전설적인 대전을 직접 참여하고 치열한 전투의긴장감을즐기세요!!■ 새 병종!! 멋진 전차와 항공기!!-폭발물 전문가,재규어 전투기,테슬라 탱크 ,테라 로봇,키로프 비행선 등 각기 특별한 능력 가지고 외형도 멋지는전쟁기계를지금 당장 가져라!!-강한 병사들을 잘 배치하고 자신에게 맞는 차별화된 전략을 구사해 보세요!!다운로드와 설치는 무료이지만, 일부 게임 아이템의 경우,유료로 구입이 가능합니다.유료 콘텐츠를 구매하지않으려면,기기설정에서 앱 내 구입 기능을 비활성화하면 됩니다.2015 SLG expects thebeststrategy war game Tank War !!!!!■ thrilling battle! It reproduces the typical RTS game!■ General Strategy and other strategic depth!■ The owner of the world, writes new history!■ Make dominated the year sixty samgun mamgeot! World War Be aKing!■ Battle with millions of players worldwide- Reproduce the typical RTS game! Enjoy the pleasure to movethewindow manually, soldier!- Come join the expedition tournament! Win cool to meet astrongopponent! Bosangga rich'm waiting for you!■ Try participate directly in one of the famous World WarIIbattle!- Battle of Stalingrad, Leningrad Bowie before, Normandy,includingglobal tensions and enjoy the direct participation of thelegendarywar and fierce battles!■ A new branch of the army! Cool tanks and aircraft!- Explosives expert, Jaguar fighter, Tesla Tanks, Terra robots,eachwith special abilities, such as the Kirov Airship looks niceis Havenow the war machine now!- Well, try placing a strong soldier, and speak adifferentiatedstrategy that suits you!Download and installation are free, but for some game items canbepurchased for a fee. If you do not want to buy the paidcontent,you can disable an app purchases on your device within theset.