Top 14 Apps Similar to Lapeyre

IKEA Store
The IKEA Store app is here to make shopping in storesmoothandsimple. From planning your visit to findingandrememberingeverything when you get there, this is theperfectshoppingcompanion. GET ORGANISED Browse and search the IKEArange,then addproducts to a shopping list. Already made a shoppingliston theIKEA website? Simply log in to access it in the app*.PLANYOURTRIP Find the nearest IKEA store based on your locationandcheckopening hours and driving directions. See if products areinstockat your selected store so you can plan the best time toshop.VISITIKEA See where products on your shopping list are locatedinstoreand get helpful hints so you don't forget anything.Scanbarcodes,QR-codes and article numbers to get productinformationand addproducts to your list. Then swipe right onproduct to markit ascollected and left to remove it from the list.STAY INFORMEDANDSAVE There’s always something going on at yourlocal IKEAstore.The app keeps you up to date with events, offersand newproducts.Sign up or log in to your IKEA FAMILY account soyou cankeep adigital IKEA FAMILY card to hand and make greatsavings. — —*Currently the app will only synchronise with themostrecentlysaved shopping list on the website. Some features maynotbeavailable in all countries and all IKEA stores. Your useofthisapp is governed by the Application License Agreement.
Leroy Merlin-rêver & réaliser
Find easily the nearest Leroy Merlinandassociated practical informations.Consult product characteristics and prices by scanning barcodeortyping product reference and add them to your starred list.
Ma Maison Mes Projets 2.3
Castorama vous accompagne dans tousvosprojetsVous voulez aménager votre cuisine ?L'application tablettes Ma maison Mes projets vous aide à choisirlemodèle de cuisine qui vous correspond et les produitscoordonnés.Vous pouvez changer la couleur des meubles et testerles meilleuresassociations de sols et de peintures murales.Découvrez également des idées d'aménagement, des astuces etdesvidéos pour installer vous-même votre cuisine.Vous voulez aménager votre extérieur ? Là aussi Castoramavousaide à choisir votre mobilier en fonction de la surface dontvousdisposez et à coordonner votre sol, les luminaires etlespoteries.Et toujours toutes les vidéos conseils pour installervotreterrasse, clôturer votre jardin ou encore créer un espace àl'abrides regards.Être bien chez soi c'est être bien dans sa vie et ça commenceici!Castorama you in allyourprojectsWant to design your kitchen?The shelves My home My application projects help you to choosethemodel that matches your kitchen and coordinating products. Youcanchange the color of the furniture and test the bestsoilassociations and murals.Discover the design ideas, tips and videos to install yourownkitchen.Want to design your outside? Again Castorama help you tochooseyour furniture depending on the area you have and coordinateyourflooring, lighting and pottery.And always all videos tips to install your deck, fence yourgardenor create a space of sight.Be well at home is to be good in his life and it startshere!
Confort Thermique 1
Lapeyre Confort Thermique vous permetselonl'orientation de vos fenêtres et votre situation géographiquedechoisir les vitrages les plus performants selon lesmateriauxproposés par Lapeyre.Laissez vous guider et découvrer combien vous economiserezenoptimisant vos vitrages !Lapeyre Thermalcomfortallows you depending on the orientation of your windows andyourlocation to choose the most efficient glazing according tothematerials offered by Lapeyre.Let us guide you and save you Know how optimizingyourwindows!
Kitchen Design Ideas 1.0.1
This is a gallery app dedicated to kitchen design ideas. As muchaswe can, we tried to gather the best images of kitchen designideasfor you. Our app is really very easy to use. You can viewthekitchen design ideas pictures by swiping the pictures. We knowthatkitchen design ideas is an essential part of home decor anddesign.That's why we designed this application in order to help thepeoplewho need inspirations about home decorating. Disclaimer: Ifyou arethe copyright owner of one of the images in our kitchendesignideas app, please contact us for removal, before reportingthe app.
Kitchen Cabinet Design Ideas 1.0
Whatever your passion is and whereverlifehastaken you about the home designing, we are here to help.Now,weare providing you a lot of kitchen cabinet home design.Youareable to explore the tools and browse the photo gallery toassistinidentifying your unique needs and preferred personalstyle.Onceyour personal taste has been established, so please giveus agoodreview and high rating.Some of our inspiration of kitchen cabinet design ideas are:kitchen cabinet decorating for apartmentkitchen cabinet for aluminium designkitchen cabinet new design cornerskitchen cabinet condominium design ideaskitchen cabinet for contemporary designkitchen cabinet in various color ideaskitchen cabinet design for diykitchen English style cabinet designdoor design for kitchen cabinetkitchen design cabinet for small kitchenkitchen cabinet design for small housekitchen design ideas for small apartmentkitchen cabinet design glass doorskitchen hanging cabinet designkitchen cabinet design limited spaceThere are so many things to consider when choosingcabinets!Hereare the biggies I recommend focusing on:Materials – Solid wood remains a popular choiceforkitchencabinetry, but other materials like metal,thermofoil,stainlesssteel, and melamine are readily available.Door style – A door style exists for every taste, whetheritbevery traditional or country or ultra-modern. Morecomplicatedwooddetailing, like raised panels and beading, aregenerallymoreexpensive and require more work to clean.
Castorama facilite vos projets 6.0
Parce qu'on n'a pas toujours une caisseàoutils ni une calculatrice sous la main, l’applicationCastoramamet l'essentiel dans votre poche en vous offrant lesoutilsindispensables sur lesquels vous pouvez compter, quel quesoitvotre projet !Des outils malins, simples et pratiques !- Une sélection de produits à essayer virtuellement dansvotreintérieur, à photographier et à partager avec vos amis.- Un calculateur de surfaces pour connaître vos besoins enmatériaux– peinture (mur et sol), papier peint, carrelage,parquet, grillage,terrasse- en fonction de vos dimensions et devotre projet.Un calculateur de la puissance de chauffage nécessaire pourlespièces de la maison.Les dimensions de vos pièces et les calculs effectuéssontmémorisables pour pouvoir les retrouver à tout moment.- Un lecteur de QRcodes qui permet de lire les Tags présents surlesdépliants Castorama. Chaque code vous permet d’accéderdirectement àdes informations complémentaires comme des vidéosexplicatives,l’avis clients, le descriptif détaillé ou ladisponibilité enmagasin.- Tout le contenu de la chaîne Youtube Castorama :Lancez-Vous.Les vidéos sont classées par thèmes et vous fontdécouvrir dessolutions simples pour réaliser vous-même vostravaux.- La consultation d’une fiche article. Vous pouvez rechercherunproduit en scannant son code barre, en saisissant sa référenceouson libellé, ou en prononçant son nom.Vous pouvez par exemple connaître la disponibilité du produitenmagasin et consulter les avis des autres clients sur leproduit.Vous pouvez également déposer directement votre propreavis.Dans certains magasins, la fiche article indique où se situeleproduit.- La liste de vos produits favoris que vous pouvez conserverenmémoire.- La recherche du magasin le plus proche et la possibilitédecalculer l’itinéraire pour vous y rendre. Toutes lesinformationspratiques pour préparer votre visite sont dans votreiPhone.- Un niveau à bulle pour prendre ses repères partout.- La reconnaissance produit permet d’accéder directementaudescriptif de l’ensemble des produits présents sur lesdépliantsCastorama. Pour cela, il suffit de photographier l’imageduproduit. Vous pouvez ainsi accéder à la fiche descriptiveavectoutes ses informations.Because we do notalwayshave a toolbox or a calculator handy, Castorama applicationismainly in your pocket by giving you the essential tools youcanrely on, no matter what your project!Tools smart, easy and convenient!- A selection of products to try virtually into your hometophotograph and share with your friends.- A calculator to determine your needs surface materials -painting(wall and floor), wallpaper, tiles, wood, fence, terracedependingon your size and your project.A computer of the heating power required for the parts ofthehouse.The dimensions of your room and the calculations can be stored tobeable to find at any time.- A drive that can read QRCodes the tags present on theleafletsCastorama. Each code allows you to directly accessinformation asexplanatory videos, the customer reviews, detaileddescription oravailability in store.- All content of the Castorama chain Youtube: Throw You. Thevideosare organized by themes and show you simple solutions to makeyourown work.- Consultation of a record. You can search for a product byscanningits bar code, by entering its reference or its terms, orbypronouncing his name.For example you can check the availability of the product instoreand see reviews of other customers on the product. You canalsodeposit your own review.In some stores, the item description indicates wheretheproduct.- List of your favorite products that you can store inmemory.- The search for the nearest store and the ability to calculatetheroute to get there. All the practical information to planyourvisit are in your iPhone.- A bubble level to make their marks everywhere.- The recognition product provides direct access to thedescriptionof all the products on the leaflets Castorama. To dothis, simplyphotograph the image of the product. You can access thelistingwith all its information.
Castorama 9.3.1
Castorama DIY store in your phone
Leroy Merlin Polska 6.0.0
You check, you are planning, you buy - it's all in a newapplicationLeroy Merlin!
Mr. Bricolage 1.2.8
L'application indispensable pour tousvosprojets bricolage, décoration, aménagement et équipement dujardin!Retrouvez l'ensemble des produits de votre magasin favoridansl'application !Feuilletez les catalogues du moment, préparez votre listed'envies,payez en ligne ou vérifiez la disponibilité des produits,vouspourrez ensuite les récupérer sous 2H dans votre magasinderéférence.Gérez votre compte en ligne et retrouvez vos chèquesfidélitédirectement dans l'appli.Soyez un client privilégié en recevant des offres et despromospersonnalisées tout au long de l'année directement survotresmartphone !Avec Critizr, vous pourrez communiquez directement avec legérantdu magasin pour lui remonter vos remarques.Une application qui facilite tous vos projets debricolage...The essentialapplicationfor all your DIY projects, decoration, furnishings andgardenequipment!Find all the products from your favorite store intheapplication!Browse the catalogs of the moment, prepare your wishlist, payonlineor to check the availability of products, you can thenrecover in 2Hreference in your store.Manage your account online and access your loyaltychecksdirectly in the app.Be a privileged customer by receiving personalized offersandspecials throughout the year directly on your smartphone!With Critizr you can communicate directly with the storemanagerto lift her feedback.An application that facilitates all your DIY projects ...
Modern Kitchen Design Ideas 3.0
There are pictures you can see online ifyouwant to look at contemporary kitchens. But, the more picturesyousee, the more you will feel like adding different items tothekitchen. However, the modern kitchen follows a fewdesignprinciples. The main design elements comprises clean lines,boldand contrast colors, some modern art fixtures, lot of light,and anuncluttered space. So, let us look at each of the kitchendesignelements in detail.It is not about the items or accessories that will giveyourkitchen the feel of a modern kitchen, but the design itself.So,keep in mind the elements below and shop for items, furniture,oraccessories which go in harmony with the design elements.Clean LinesAlways maintain clean long lines in the kitchen. This doesn'tmeanthat there can't be curves; you can also opt forkitchencountertops or other furniture that are curved in shape. Youcan gofor wooden flooring where you can see the horizontal linesofplanks to add more to the effect. Maintaining clean lines willnotjust give the feel of a modern kitchen, but also help to makethekitchen look bigger. Modular kitchen furniture and othermodernfurniture like table and chairs will also add more to the useoflines. You can also choose a table which is horizontalorsemi-curved and go for chairs that depict a modern design. Gofortable and chairs having sleek legs of steel. Using a glasstabletop will also help to enhance the look.ColorsGo for a dichromatic theme and avoid too many colors, also trytoavoid a black and steel colored kitchen. It is good to avoidanyinterior painting ideas to give the feel of an unclutteredkitchen.Some of the best color combinations for kitchens are aquablue orgreen walls with some portions of the walls painted white,andwhite kitchen appliances, and other steel items. Anothergreattheme is half lavender and half white walls, with blackappliances,and steel furniture. Try to avoid going for the basicoff-whitekitchens, but if you can't decide on wall colors thenchoosing theoff-white color for the walls and white appliances is asafe bet.Make sure you add few accents like a vase with flowers,chairs withgood color seats, or a few paintings in an off-whitemodernkitchen.Lot of LightMake sure the kitchen has plenty of light. In theme kitchenslikeTuscan or French Country kitchens, an old and yellowish lighttingeis given. But in a modern kitchen white soft lights are used.Makesure there are enough windows to let the natural light in. Ifthereisn't enough natural light, consider installing a skylight oranadditional window. To increase the artificial kitchen lighting,addextra lighting by hanging some modern design lamps that gowithyour kitchen decor.Uncluttered SpaceModular kitchen furniture itself provides enough space to storeallthe items, so the possibility of clutter is the least. Thereareenough shelves for you to store utensils and sections are madeinmodular furniture to store appliances like ovens. Placeyourrefrigerator in a way that it takes minimum space and at aplacewhere it is nearby for you to access. Try to avoid anyopenshelves. If you still want more space, then considerinstallingsome more kitchen cabinets. Make sure you always maintainthecountertop uncluttered.
Eurostyle Kitchen 3D design 2.2.0
Version 2.2.0Design your kitchen in 3D with EUROSTYLE cabinets collection.Startwith the 2D plan with your dimensions and genarate the 3Dview.Make modification direct in 3D view.Cabinet collection EUROSTYLE exclusif at HOME DEPOT Canada.
Casto 1.2
Casto streams your device's screen overyourfavorite web browser. While streaming, you can also interactwithyour device using your mouse.To start streaming:1. From your web browser, go to www.castoapp.com2. From your Android device, launch Casto and press on theStartStreaming button.3. Either scan the QR code from your web browser, or enter theCodeinto your screenTo control your Android device:1. From your Android device, press the Enable AccessibilityServicesbutton2. Enable Accessibility Services from the pop up menu3. Return to the Casto app4. Press the Enable Control from Web Browser buttonNotes:- Interacting with your device through your web browserrequiresyour app to have Accessibility Services enabled.- To launch other apps from your web browser, you will need tousethe drop down menu at the bottom of the page.- To minimize battery drain, please disable AccessibilityServicesfor Casto when it is not needed (e.g. when you are notcontrollingyour phone from your web browser)
Spirit Level
Spirit Level. Great Graphics. Enjoy.