Top 10 Apps Similar to Serune Kalee Android

Demung Digital
Supriyadi Pro
IndonesiaDemung Digital merupakan aplikasi sebuah alat musik tradisionalJawaTengah Yang bernama Demung . Aplikasi ini memiliki dua laras,yaituSlendro dan Pelog. Anda dapat mencoba memainkan bergantianataubersama teman.- Demung Slendro memiliki 5 nada, tetapi ada dua nada yangmemilikirendah dan tinggi (6 & 1), yaitu : nada 6 rendah, 1rendah, 2,3, 5, 6 tinggi, dan 1 tinggi.- Demung Pelog memiliki 7 nada berurutan, yaitu : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7Diluncurkannya aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan budayaJawakhususnya gamelan. Ini merupakan langkah awal kami sebelummembuataplikasi alat musik gamelan digital lainnya. Kami berharap,denganaplikasi Demung digital generasi muda akan lebih mengenaldanbelajar memainkan musik tradisi gamelan.Kami ingin mendengar reaksi anda mengenai Demung Digital.Dengankritik dan saran kami mencoba untuk memperbaiki berbagaikekuranganuntuk menjadikan aplikasi ini lebih mudahdigunakan.EnglishDemung Digital is the application of a traditionalmusicalinstrument of Central Java named Demung . This applicationhas twoLaras, is Slendro and Pelog. You can try to play alternatelyortogether with friends.- Demung Slendro has 5 tones but there are two low and hightones,namely: six low tone, low 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 high, and 1high.- Demung Pelog has 7 consecutive tones, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7The launch of this application aims to preserve Javaneseculture,especially musicians. This is our first step before makingtheapplication more digital gamelan musical instruments. We hopethat,with the application of digital Demung younger generation willgetto know and learn to play traditional gamelan music.We want to hear your reaction on Digital Demung . Withcriticismsand suggestions we are trying to improve the ease to maketheseapplications easier to use.IndonesiaDemung Digital is the application of a traditionalmusicalinstrument of Central Java Yang named Demung. Thisapplication hastwo barrel, ie Slendro and Pelog. You can try toplay alternatelyor together with friends.- Demung Slendro has five tones, but there are two tones thathavelow and high (6 & 1), namely: six low tone, low 1, 2, 3, 5,6high, and 1 high.- Demung Pelog has 7 consecutive tones, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7The launch of this application aims to preserve Javaneseculture,especially musicians. This is our first step before makingtheapplication more digital gamelan musical instruments. We hopethat,with the application of digital Demung younger generation willgetto know and learn to play traditional gamelan music.We want to hear your reaction on Demung Digital. With criticismsandsuggestions we are trying to improve the ease to maketheseapplications easier to use.EnglishDemung Digital is the application of a traditionalmusicalinstrument of Central Java named Demung. This applicationhas twoLaras, is Slendro and Pelog. You can try to play alternatelyortogether with friends.- Demung Slendro has 5 tones but there are two low and hightonesitems, namely: six low tone, low 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 high, andonehigh.- Demung Pelog has 7 consecutive tones items, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6, 7The launch of this application aims to preserve Javaneseculture,especially musicians. This is our first step before makingtheapplication more digital gamelan musical instruments. We hopethat,with the application of digital Demung younger generation willgetto know and learn to play traditional gamelan music.We want to hear your reaction on Digital Demung. With criticismsandsuggestions we are trying to improve the ease to make-ReviewsTheseapplications Easier to use.
Batara Sunda Musik 1.0
Batara Art
Batara Sunda Musik menjual alatmusiktradisional sunda berkualitas terbaik, dari bahan-bahanpilihan danmempunyai kualitas suara yang sangat baik
Virtual Angklung
Virtual Angklung It Is aVirtualApplicationTraditional Musical Instruments West Java.With the existence of this Application Make You Want ToLearntoPlay Angklung Not Usah Buy Mahal Mahal,You Live Download Aja And Can Learn Anytime Anywhere.With the existence of this Application May Be Useful MakeYouWhoLove Indonesia Culture particular Sundanese culture.I'm Very Glad If You Also Pleased With These Apps.In-App It There Two Views, Namely:1. Full (Which Means Nada "Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do" CanYouPlayDirect)2. Singel (Which Means You Can Only Choose One That YouWantNada.To Play Together Temen Temen guys.)How to play the game very easy.You Live Tap / Tap In The Picture Angklung her.Hopefully Culture Indonesia Always ThereAndAlwaysPreserve.If not We In Generation, Who Else?Thanks (Hatur Nuhun)
Sundanese Instruments 1.0
Aplikasi Sundanese Instruments inidirancangbagi semua orang yang ingin belajar tentang Alat MusikSunda. Diaplikasi ini terdapat virtual alat musik sundadiantaranyaAngklung, Kecapi, Kendang, dan Saron.Manfaat aplikasi ini adalah untuk melestarikan budayaIndonesiakhususnya budaya Sunda, menambah wawasan tentang bagaimanasuaraalat musik sunda, dan menambah kreatifitas dalam memainkanalatmusik sunda.Kelebihan Aplikasi ini :- HQ Sound Instruments- UI yang disesuaikan- Pada Angklung terdapat 8 nada utama : Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La,Sidan Do'- Pada Kecapi terdapat 20 Senar sesuai kecapi aslinya- Pada kendang terdapat 4 macam kendang- Pada saron terdapat 6 nada : Da, Mi, Na, Ti, La, dan Da
Pazia Angklung 1.1
Wise Stuff
Pazia is integrated Indonesian IT Corporation which in thelineofbusiness as a distributor and retail of Modern Shop.Paziaconcernabout traditional culture that indonesia have,especiallywith themusic. In this occassion, Pazia want to let allpeople knowaboutindonesian traditional music : ANGKLUNG withbringing thistoAndroid Platform. Enjoy it Pazia Friends....don’tforget tofollow@paziashop and like our facebookpage“”
AR-Gamelan 1.0
AmPu Studio
Pada AR-Gamelan penggunadapatberinteraksidengan menekan touch untuk mendapatkan bunyidarisetiap perangkatgamelan.Cara memainkan aplikasi ini adalah :1. Unduh Magic Book yang sudah kami sediakan di Unduh Aplikasi AR-Gamelan, Kemudian Instal di Device Anda3. Jalankan Aplikasi dan sorot kamera Device anda kegambaralatmusik gamelan4. Mainkan alat musik gamelan dengan menyentuh padalayardeviceanda.In AR-Gamelanuserscaninteract by pressing a touch to get the sound fromanysetgamelan.How to play this application are:1 Download Magic Book which we have provided in Download Application AR-Gamelan, then Install in yourDevice3 Run the application and highlight your device cameratoimagegamelan musical instruments4 Play gamelan instrument by touching the screenofyourdevice.
Sholawat Ceng Zamzam 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi mengenaisholawatyang dilantunkan oleh ceng zamzam. Dia memiliki suara yangkhassehingga bagi kita yang mendengarkan akan terasa sejuk dihati.Dalam membuat aplikasi ini, Kami berharap kita semuadapatmendekatkan diri kepada Allah Swt dan Nabi besar MuhammadSaw.Kedepannya, kami akan selalu update informasi ini. Semogatemanteman semua selalu install aplikasinya agar kami selalumendapatdukungan dari semuanya dalam mengembangkan aplikasi ini.Terimakasih banyak yah.Disclaimer :All of content in this application is not our trademark. We onlygetthe content from search engine and website. Please let me knowifyour original content want to remove from our application.This applicationcontainsinformation about sholawat sung by ceng Zamzam. He hasadistinctive voice so that those of us who listen will feel coolinthe liver.In making this application, we hope we can all draw closertoAllah and the great Prophet Muhammad. Going forward, we willalwaysupdate this information. We wish all the friends alwaysinstall theapplication so that we always have the support of all ofthem indeveloping this application. Thank you very much well.Disclaimer:All of the content in this application is not our trademark. Weonlyget the content from the search engines and websites. Pleaselet meknow if your original content want to remove fromourapplication.
Real Drum Pads 1.1
Real Drum Pads is an application functiontocreate a soundtrack and music in different formats.Has a unique soundtrack and sound design by a differentstyle.Real Drum Pads will help you design and imagination. Sound designormusic. Ideal for those who begin to design sound. It can be easytouse and allows you to evolve in terms of design and styleofmusic.Real Drum Pads will help you discover your style sounddesign.Create a fun course and enjoy the sound design.Different music styles.* Dubstep* Drum* Trap* Hip Hop* EDM* Electro* Techno
Gamelan 0.2
Gamelan is an application which allowsyoutoplay gamelan instruments on your Android device.Theonlyinstrument currently available is a Peking from aGamelanDegung.If you want me to respond, please email me directlyratherthanposting a comment.
Smalldrums 1.0.1
Play the kettledrum. Instruments. Itssoundslike Bongos or Djembe. Repeat your favourite melodies.Encourageyour team. This instrument is played in Cuban music,salsa, cumbia,Latin tropical music, latin jazz, pop and rock.