Top 1 Apps Similar to Best Falcon wallpapers

Falcon App 1.0
Bitty MD LLC
The Falcon App will let you tracktext(SMS)message that are sent on your child's Android phone.Downloadthisapp on to your (the parent) device and also on yourchild'sdeviceand go through the set-up.The app will use your keywords to monitor your child'singoingandoutgoing text messages. When they send or receive amessagewith akeyword, you will get an alert letting you know.(On parent's device)1. Install the app on the Parent's device2. Select Parent3. Set-up a new account4. Login to the account5. Manage which keywords should be triggers.(On child's device)1. Install app on Child's device2. Select Child3. Enter the email address used by the parent4. Link devices5. Now you can close the app and send test text messages (SMS)Note for the Child's App: If you tap the top nav bar 5 timesinarow, the app should ask you if you want to logout thechild.Whenlogging out, the app should no longer send triggers totheParentdevice for ANY SMS messages.(a) Falcon expressly disclaims all liability for anyvirusesorother contamination of your computer system or otherdevice usedtoaccess this application as a result of your useofthisapplication, and expressly disclaims all liabilityforactionstaken or not taken based on any or all of the contentsofthisapplication. THE APPLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS”,WITHOUTWARRANTYOF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESSFOR APARTICULARPURPOSE, TITLE, SECURITY, ACCURACY ANDNON-INFRINGEMENT.WITHOUTLIMITING THE FOREGOING, FALCON MAKES NOWARRANTY ORREPRESENTATION,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, THAT ACCESS TOOROPERATION OF THEAPPLICATION WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED ORERRORFREE.(b) USE OF THE APPLICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOUASSUMEFULLRESPONSIBILITY AND RISK OF LOSS RESULTING FROMYOURDOWNLOADINGAND/OR USE OF FILES, INFORMATION, OTHERCOMMUNICATIONS,CONTENT OROTHER MATERIAL (INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATION, SOFTWARE)ACCESSEDTHROUGH OR OBTAINED BY MEANS OF THEAPPLICATION.