Top 18 Apps Similar to GTD List

Focus GTD 2.05.36
A GTD task manager that synchronizes with Omnifocus 2 for MacandiOS.
TODO LIST Task Reminder 1.9
TODO LIST – Task Reminder is morepowerful,simplicity and convenience of use. You will focus onreallyimportant At home, at work and in your free time. Add,sechedule,and re-schedule tasks from your phone, tablet, desktop,email, andmore - even offline! Enjoy an automatic, 24/7 sync acrossall yourdevices.TODO LIST – Task Reminder - Set up and receive pushnotifications,email or SMS reminders based on your location andcreated tasks ora specific due date and time. Easily Upload files,media and photosto your tasks from your computer, Dropbox,etc.More Features:• Smart voice input while creating tasks & Set reminders.• Easy navigation and cool UI. It is really very easy to findoutthe desired and interested task.• You can filter the tasks based on tags. And possiblecustomizationof tags• Add & View your tasks on Google Calendarandsynchronization• Re-arrange your tasks easily by dragging & dropping.Setcustomized repeating reminders: daily/weekly/monthly... andsoon• Add comments and attachment like image along with tasks alongwithoptional comment.• Sort your tasks by manually, smart sort, by due date, bypriority,by title, by last modified.• Miss call alert and call later functionality.• Customizable themes (Light, Dark), Font size, show fulltasktitle, edit screen customization with drag and dropandrearrange.• Voice reminders - Tasks will speak task name and many more.• Local backup and restore functionality. Import andExportfacilities.TODO LIST – Task Reminder is user friendly task management andKeeptrack of your important deadlines with natural language duedates,start/end dates, and recurring due dates. View and organizeyourto-dos for the day or week ahead.If you think of any new features that makes this applicationuniqueand powerful just send us feedback. Also report any issuesyou facevia email. Your comfort and pleasant is very importantforus.
DGT GTD Value Pack 2.8
This plugin for "DGT GTD & ToDo" implementsadditionalfeaturesand services. Available features: - DropboxBackup /Restore -Dropbox Synchronization - FTP Synchronization -triggerautomaticbackups using Llama or Tasker:® isregistered trademark( DGT GTDis notaffiliated with or endorsedby the Dropbox Company.
IQTELL Email app and GTD® 2.8.1
The only mail app that seamlesslyintegratesemail and task management to Get Things Done*Please click the following link to download the QuickStartupGuide: Inbox Zero with completely customizable actionsfromany email (supports Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, iCloud and anyIMAP& POP3 email accounts). Use as a simple To-Do list or tapintoa full GTD® productivity suite with Next Actions, Projects,WeeklyReviews and much more.“If you want that "one app to rule them all" forproductivity,IQTELL does a great job. It fetches emails, includesto-do lists,lets you tag each item, and has a cool "Waitingfor"category.”– Lifehacker“The Best GTD App Yet? Other apps promise to help you manageyoure-mail, and some manage your projects and tasks as well, butfewhave integrated them to this degree.”– MakeUseOf“This application does it all. It receives e-mails fromalldifferent services and displays them in an interface similartoGmail. You can label everything. It enables you to create a todolist and also larger projects.”– PCWorldThe app is fully functional while offline, and syncs databetweenyour devices and the Web when online. Your Email, Contacts,Tasks,Projects, Someday, Prospects and more are at yourfingertipswherever you go. The web app also provides integrationwithCalendars and Evernote (coming soon to Android).Key Features* Full Task Management – actions and projects can be createdfromwithin email or independently.* Complete Email Functionality – access all your email fromwithinthe app.* Push Notifications - notifications for all your emailandreminders. Even snooze or park reminders for later.* Swipe Left to Process – Archive, trash, move to folder orquickreply to email* Swipe Right for Productivity – create actions,projects,sub-actions of a project, reminders, etc. fromemail.* Customizable Swipes – productivity swipes are fullycustomizable.Add specific folders, flag emails for reference, trackprospects,and much more. Organize your way.* Inbox Zero – clear your email in minutes and enjoy the peaceofInbox Zero.* Linked Emails – emails used to create actions or projectsalwaysstay linked for reference and easy reply. No more timewastingsearching for important emails.* Due Dates and Reminders – easy settings like “tomorrow” orprecisetiming down to the minute. Stay organized across email,tasks,projects and calendar. Never forget again.* Flexible Sorting – organize tasks by due date, startdate,priority or context (Home, Office, etc.), time needed,andmore.* Star Next Actions – always be ready to move with a list ofnextactions for each project.* Watch Lists – create ‘smart lists’ based on any search.* Direct-dial contacts related to Actions, Projects, etc.* Evernote Integration – two-way integration withEvernote(available with the web app - coming soon to our mobileapps aswell).* Calendar Integration – turn to-dos into appointments from thewebapp (coming soon to mobile as well).* Batch Operations – Archive, Complete, Move, set Due Date,Context,Star and more.* Add GTD Power Features – add in additional GTD© featuresincludingContext, Waiting For, Tickler File, Agendas, Phone Call,Prospectsand Reference. No in-app purchases required.Useful links:Knowledge Base ( ( ( ( ( &Conditions(* GTD® and Getting Things Done® are registered trademarks oftheDavid Allen Company. IQTELL is not affiliated with the DavidAllenCompany.
Simple and free todo list to get things done (GTD).
Minimal To Do 1.2
A minimal todo app that helps you be more productive.
Simple GTD 1.0
Simple GTD is an application which allowsyoutomanage the tasks of your daily life. You can do asmuchshoppinglists and lists to manage your work, etc.The application is based on contexts, such as"weeklyshop","work", "my homework", etc.The application lets you organize tasks bydifferentfilters:context, the current day, the week, the past, etc.It alsoallowsyou to organize the tasks by color.You can send the task list being displayed by email,makingiteasier to share information between devices.Languages: Spanish (en) English (en), Portuguese (pt),French(fr)German (de) and Italian (it).
2Do - To do List & Reminders 2.21
"2Do adapts to my needs, not the other way around. 2Do getsme."-Macstories
Task List: ToDo List & Notepad 1.4.4
This is a free and simple todo list application.
Tree-it / List Task Note GTD
Main features:- ability to group and order items into a treestructurewithoutany restrictions (so you can have your personal orworktasks (todolists), shopping lists, notes, ideas, recipes,dietmenu, list ofborrowed books, tips for gifts for your closerelative- anythingyou can think of, simultaneously stored in theapp.Everything isorganized and you have it right at hand.) The appisable to workwith tens of thousands items at once.- quick rearranging of items with bulk operations(editing,copying,moving, deleting). Easily divide itemsintomoresubitems/sublevels.- smart ordering (every level remembers its items' order andcanbeordered individually by various criteria)- it works offline. You do not need any data connectionoruseraccount.- it has a Widget for fast creation of items- voice input (You do not write, just talk)- unique capability to work with data (transferringbetweenusers,export/import of selected items, itemsbackup/restore)- cooperation with other apps (export into a calendar,importfromcontacts, speech input, live web links, directphonenumberdialing, and more)- powerful search mechanism which allows you to createacombinationof search conditions. It remembers the lastsearchcriteria andfilters stored search results by them.- templates for quick and easy item creations.- possibility to get useful lists and templates forfreeon localization into 6 languages (EN, CZ, D, ESP, FR, RU)It does not matter whether you use the app as astudent,traveler,housewife, worker, businessman or manager formanagingyour lists,notes or recipes. Tree-it always adjusts to allof yourneeds.Keywords: Productivity, Effectivity, Self-management
JustDoo Business Organizer 2.06.01
Simple but powerful task and project management for Small Business
GTD Task Collector 1.2
What is GTD Task Collector?It's a GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology-basedtasks/notescollector application, where minimal interaction andswiftness area priority for creating tasks/notes and sending themto adestination like e-mail or Dropbox folder. It's designed tokeepthose random thoughts that come to mind spontaneously, thataddresswe don't want forget, that name... but we cannot stop towritethem.What can it do?- Creating audio notes using the device microphone.- Creating text notes, being able to use speech to text.- Creating notes with capturing an image with thedevicecamera.- Creating notes with recording a video with thedevicecamera.- Receiving multiple files or text from other applications usingthe"Share" menu.Each note/task will be sent to the specified destinationinsettings.You can select diferent widgets for a better experience.Start creating notes with minimal effort!!
Viira for MS Outlook 6.0.1
Stay organized and get things done with Viira! Based onthetime-trusted principles of Getting Things Done (GTD), Viiraoffersa feature-rich Microsoft Outlook Add-In as well as Windows,iPhone,iPad and BlackBerry apps to help you take your productivityto thenext level - no matter if you are at home, in the office oron thego. The Viira Cloud Sync service ensures that yourpersonalorganization system stays in sync across all your devices.TheViira Outlook Add-In integrates tightly with MS Outlook, offersafeature-rich user interface and ensures your Outlook taskssyncwith the Viira tasks on your Android device and vice versa.BUILTFOR GETTING THINGS DONE Viira's productivity flow has beenbuiltfrom the ground up to help you apply the principles ofGettingThings Done (GTD) in your day-to-day life with ease. Youwill findall key building blocks for a GTD-style system fromprojects,contexs, day tasks, next actions - and a lot more! KEYFEATURES -Projects: the main building blocks of your personalorganizationsystem, projects help you organize tasks around acommon objective.- Contexts (tags): file a task in as many contextsas you need andclassify your to-dos in an effective, intuitivefashion. - DayView: view your day's to-dos, commitments andcalendar events at aglance. Your integrates with your Androidcalendar to bring youyour day's events in the Day View. - Overduetasks: Viira's DayView displays overdue tasks to make sure that noto-do 'slipsthrough the cracks' - Quick Add: Quickly enter newtasks one afterthe other in any project, context, day as well as inthe in-basketand Next Actions view. - Contact Tasks: create a taskbased on acontact. Contact tasks maintain a link to the contact anddisplaythe contact's card. Calling, emailing or just following upiseasily done without leaving Viira! - Fast Search: quickly findthetask you are looking for with Viira's fast search -In-Basket:Perfect for the collection phase of GTD, Viira'sIn-Basket lets youquickly add tasks, reminders and to-dos for laterclassification. -Task Reorder: Prioritize your tasks in anyproject, context, day aswell as all major views. - Next Actions:Focus on the tasks thatare immediately actionable. Tasks marked asnext actionsautomatically appear at the the top of any task list.The NextActions view offers an easy access to all important, nextactiontasks. - Delegate any project or context directly from Viira!-Project and context stars: assign a star to an important projectorcontext and it will appear at the top of any project orcontextlist - Email Tasks (MS Outlook): Create tasks based on anemailfrom MS Outlook. Email tasks maintain a link to the originalemailand sync with Viira apps on all platforms, including Android.MSOUTLOOK INTEGRATION The Viira Outlook Add-In provides allthecapabilities of Viira for Android plus a lot more !Feature-richyet intuitive interface, the add-in is embedded inMicrosoftOutlook and integrates tightly with the MS Outlookenvironment. Itand enables you to have your Outlook tasks on yourAndroid device(as well as all platforms on which Viira isavailable). Email andContact tasks created from the Viira OutlookAdd-In will display inViira for Android. MULTI-PLATFORM Viira isalso available forWindows, iPhone, iPad and BlackBerry 10 FREETRIAL You can try allof Viira's features including the Viira CloudSync service, theViira Outlook Add-In and all other Viira apps freefor a period of14 days. Viira is also available as app-only,without Cloud Sync.
To Do Lists for Google Tasks C 1.19.18t
CloudTasks: daily task reminder and checklist
One2Done 1.207
This GTD app will help you focus on the right task at therighttime.
Prioritize Me! - Goals & Todos 1.0.30
II Aliens
Reminders 1.7.9
Reminders is an intuitive and simple, yet very powerful, to-dolistmanager.There are no complicated options to set up. Even better: thereareno options to choose from, all you need is at your fingertip!Besides, Reminders allows you to fully andbidirectionallysynchronise with Google Task. You can have both abackup of yourtasks in the cloud and an easy way to manage themwhen you cannotaccess your Android device!However Reminders doesn't force you to synchronise with Googleifyou don't want. There's a switch you can use to enable ordisablethe online synchronisation - and it's off by default.Reminders allows you to manage all your Google accounts anditworks even if you choose to be offline.Reminders relies heavily on gestures:* swipe a task to the left or to the right to delete it* reorder tasks by drag and drop (only when "Sort by duedate"checkbox is not checked)* long press on the name of a task list to rename or delete itFeatures:- manages multiple Google accounts- manages multiple lists of tasks- bidirectionally synchronises with Google Tasks (optional)- works both offline (default) and online- tasks can have priorities- you can search for tasks and create, if you want, a new listfromthe search results- allows you to sort out tasks manually- allows you to set reminders (even recurring ones)- you can import text via standard Android sharing- recognises URLs, phone numbers, email addresses andstreetaddresses inside task and launch your default app when youtap onone of them- allows you to quick insert a new task with only the title(typingit on the keyboard or though voice command) or with fulldetails(only through keyboard)- last, but not least, Reminders has NO ADS!Starting from July 2015, Reminders is open source! You canfindthe sources on this github repository
ToDo for Google Tasks™ 4.0.126
Todo - task management app with Google Tasks™ syncFeatures:-Material Design - Light and Dark themes - Realtime syncwithGoogleTasks - Due date reminders - Multiple Google accounts-Recurringtasks for regularly scheduled todo’s - Color labelfortask -Widget - Drag&Drop - Subtasks support You canhelptranslatehere: