Top 8 Apps Similar to Mobile Manager Secret Shopper®

iSecretShop - Mystery Shopping 8.1.1
Turn your everyday shopping experiences into cash!
Merchandiser by 4.52.4
Earn real money by completing small projects connects you with paid retail services gigsthatyoucomplete in local stores. Gigs range from 15 minuteproductauditsto 8 hour resets. You get to choose when and where youwork.It’scompletely free to join, and top earners make thousandspermonth.If you have questions or would like moreinformation,[email protected]. Types of Projects: You’llgo to localgrocery,convenience, and big-box stores to completeprojects.Common tasksinclude: - Looking for promotional displays -Countinginventory -Taking pictures of products - Buildingpromotionaldisplays -Adding stickers to products - Stocking shelvesDetailed,easy tofollow instructions are available in our app, andoursupport teamwill help you if necessary. Choose When and WheretoWork: Ourproject team will contact you whenever we havenewopportunities inyour area. You get to choose which projects toworkon and whichstores to go to. How Do I Get Paid? And How Often?Youget paid bydirect deposit, or you can have your money put onapre-paid debitcard, through our partner Openforce.Completedassignments thatmeet all requirements are approved forpayment sixdays after youupload them. Once approved, you canrequest apayment, and paymentsare processed 1-2 business days afteryourrequest.’s on-demandretailintelligence andmerchandising services empower consumerbrands toincrease sales.With a fully-vetted national workforce,Survey.comensures itsclients' retail strategies are executedproperly, at alltimes. Formore informationpleasevisit, follow usonTwitter@MerchandiserApp, or visit our Facebookpageat Continued useofGPSrunning in the background can dramatically decreasebatterylife.The GPS feature is required to determine availablevisits inyourlocal area and to validate your visits.
Paradise Mystery Shopper 0.13.1
Alpaca Lab
Paradise Mystery Shopper mobile applicationforinternal auditing
Field Agent 3.15.3
Make Money While You Shop with Field Agent
Mystery Shoppers Mobile 5.7.3
1. First, register here: (it’sfreeandonly takes a few minutes). 2. Download this app andlogin.3.Search for assignments near you and complete the formsusingtheapp. Please note this app can only be used if you arearegisteredmystery shopper with Mystery Shoppers Ltd. What isamysteryshopper? A Mystery Shopper is a person who poses as arealcustomerwhilst assessing customer service provided by acompanyororganisation. An assignment might be a quick visit to thebanktomake a general enquiry, or it might be an overnight stayatahotel. As well as visiting places, we also dotelephonecalls,emails, posts on social media sites, letters,websiteenquiries andeven home visits. Use the App to… QuicklyFindAssignments: • Usethe map to search and apply foravailableassignments near you •Alerts for when your applicationshave beensuccessful or when anopportunity is close by CompletelyDiscrete… •Complete yourassessment forms secretly whilst out in thefield •Use your deviceto (covertly) take photos and upload theminstantlyCompleteAssessments Faster Than Ever: • Skip to any partof theassessmentusing ‘jump’ feature • Quick date and timeselection WorkOffline:• You can save assessments even when notconnected towireless ormobile data. It will automaticallysynchronise when yourdevice isconnected to the internet.
NearJobs - Nearby Odd Jobs 4.2
Nearjobs Inc.
It’s closer than you think—The app allyourneighbors are talking about is bound to get thejobdone. Like LinkedIn, but filled with odd jobs, small tasks, and localjobsfrom around your neighborhood, This app connects you to quicknearbyand local cash indeed. Find near jobs and build a reputationforyourself with your neighbors by completing these local jobs,andgetting paid in the process. Bid on the local jobs you like andpasson the ones you don’t. Use our instant messaging (live chat)featureto negotiate a price that is bound to put a smile on yourface andsome money in your pocket indeed.Have an odd job for local hands? Post it on NearJobs and haveitdone in a flash.From odd jobs search to getting the job done, NearJobs helpsyouthrough the entire process.Let the app do the work for you:1- WORKERS ( job seekers )• You won’t have to lift a finger. Okay, maybe just one. PICK,CHAT,DO and get PAID all through the app itself. • GET ALERTS for nearby or local jobs as they pop up.• CHAT LIVE with local job posters • BUILD a REPUTATION by creating a profile and completing oddjobs.Then get yourself featured on the app for more neighborstosee! Oh, we are not done yet. Get ready for getting a certificationfromus as you complete more and more of a given odd job withpositivereviews.2- Need Workers to help you?• Simply post a chore you don’t want to do it yourself. • CHAT LIVE with the workers who place offer • Award the job to the one you like.• Give your neighbor an awesome review after the wonderful jobtheydid for you.You just saved money and time by outsourcing to yourneighboursbefore calling expensive companies.Some near me jobs that can be listed are gardening, runningerrands,delivery, shopping, cleaning, cutting grass, moving, deckfixing,computer help, computer and cell phone fixing, tutoring,teachinglessons, fixing a car, walking a dog, house keeping,nursing, webdesign, logo design, graphic design, handyman, mysteryshopping,needing a truck, rideshare, need a van, packing, junkremoval,cooking, nearby chefs, hiring someone to entertain, DJ,musiclessons, construction, hiring, employment, andmanymore. Your day can't become better by near jobs.Keywords: Job search, near jobs, location-based apps, nearbyoddjobs, local hands, "find local jobs now hiring near me","jobsaround me", "hiring jobs now local", Local works, proximityapps,small jobs, nearby jobs, jobs near you.Tell us about your job search experience with near jobs onNearjobsor how fast your job was done by an energetic youth nearyou, andbe the first to hear the latest updates indeed:VISIT: www.nearjobs.coFOLLOW: LIKE:
Talon 2.1
Talon is the pinnacle of a mysteryshopping.Our goal in creating this first video mystery shoppingmobile appthat is to create something simple and intuitive yet morepowerfulthan anything else available.Talon is designed for any type of client and audit. Whetheryouare a convenience store, fast food restaurant, grocery store,oranother retail business our software will adapt nicely to thetypeof audit we perform for you.We do Video Auditing at the field level and it is thefoundationof our business. Years of development have gone intobuilding a oneof a kind model. Have you noticed that aren’t manyoptions forvideo mystery shopping, and that none seem to doitexclusively?We are most excited about Talon’s future. We want to keepraisingthe bar enhancing our processes and technology in order toprovideour clients’ more valuable and actionable data eachyear.
Mystery Shopper 2.13
Ejemplo Práctico de Evaluación en PuntodeVenta para efectos de Cotización Mystery Shopper - SEEDGroupNuestra necesidad se define de la siguiente forma:Requerimos que una persona ajena a nuestro personal de campo,visitecon el carácter de Cliente Misterioso los Puntos de Venta endondetiene presencia el personal de SUMMA.SEED se adaptará a rol de tiempos, tiendas y ciudades en dóndehoytiene presencia el personal de SUMMA, por ello, entregaríamosunlistado de tiendas-ciudades por cubrir con una semanadeanticipación a la visita de inspección, con un sencillo manualqueofrecerá la información clara y precisa de los puntosquerequerimos evaluar a través de sus servicios.Requerimos que nos confirmen si el envío de estainformaciónentregada con una semana de anticipación, permiteimplementar elservicio de SUMMA.Para efectos de cotización por parte de SUMMA, se presentan enestedocumento, tres ejemplos con la información que requieresupersonal para llevar a cabo esta labor.Por último, solicito su amable apoyo para conocer su propuestasobreel mecanismo que pudiera aplicar según su infraestructurapara:Enviar a SEED Group los reportes de campo y una ó dosfotografía porvisita.PracticalEvaluationExample for Point of Sale Quote effects Mystery Shopper -SEEDGroup Our need is defined as follows:We require someone outside our field staff visit with thecharacterof the Mystery Customer Outlets where staff is presentSUMMA.SEED role will suit times, shops and cities where it operatestodaySUMMA personnel therefore would deliver a list of shops,citiesfilled with a week in advance of the inspection visit, asimplemanual which will provide clear and accurate information ofthepoints that require evaluation by their services.Require us to confirm whether the submission of thisinformationcomes with a week's notice, can implement the serviceSUMMA.For purposes of contributions by SUMMA, are presented in thispaper,three examples with their personal information required toperformthis work.Finally, I request your kind support to meet its proposal onthemechanism that could be applied by infrastructure: SEED GroupEmailfield reports, and a photograph or two per visit.