Top 13 Apps Similar to Advanced Vannan Vector Play

Vectores 1.1
Esta aplicacion, ayuda al usuario conlapractica en la resolucion de ejercicios, los cuales involucranelcalculo de vector resultante, mostrando el desglosado enpantallade las variables mas importantes en el metodo analiticopara elcalculo del vector resultante.This application helpstheuser with practice in solving exercises, which involvethecalculation of resultant vector showing the broken display ofthemost important variables in the analytical method forthecalculation of the resulting vector.
Vectors 2D 0.6.2
Pavel Kříž
Calculations with vectors in 2D, theabilitytoenter vectors directly or using the coordinates of pointsintheplane. Applications for each specified vector calculatesitssize,forming an angle with the positive part of the x-axisandvectoropposite. For two specified vectors calculates thevectorsum,difference and scalar product.The application contains a chart of both vectors (enteredbyuser)and the vector sum and vector difference.The application supports the followinglanguages​​:English,Spanish, Czech, Portuguese.
Vector Product Calculator 1.0
Find the product value of two ormorevectorswith Vector Multiplication Calculator
Units and Vectors 1.0
Understand the importance offundamentalunitsof physical quantities and distinguish between thetwo systemsofunits.Explore the rules for writing the units foranyphysicalquantity.Estimate and measure very small and very large distances.Determine the dimensions of any physical quantity,usingdimensionalanalysis.Understand the nature of errors and methods of analysis oftheerrorsin measurement.Observe and understand the difference betweenaccuracyandprecision.Determine the number of significant figures inanumericalvalue.Analyse the least count of some measuring devices.Differentiate between vectors and scalars andinvestigatetheimportance of vectors with relevance todailylifeapplications.Express vectors in different types of co-ordinate system.Identify the types of vectors and resolve them intotheircorresponding components, based on the anglesubtended.Employ methods for addition and multiplication ofvectors,withreference to the properties of dot and cross products.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content inMaths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades."Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with applicationoriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, criticalthinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers canuseWWKas areference material to be more creative indesigningengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participateintheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Physics subject as a part oftheMechanicstopicand this topic contains following sub topicsUnits and VectorsRules for writing UnitsScalars and VectorsCoordinate SystemsTypes of vectorsAddition of vectorsResolution of vectorsMultiplication of vectors
Physics Vectors and Vector Alg 1.0.4
Ax Creations
This app helps you learn addition, subtraction and multiplicationofvectors
Vector Pro 1.2
Vector Pro fullversionThis app calculate in area of analytical geometrylines,planes,point and their distances positions and degrees in a3dcartesiancoordinate system.More functions comming soon.calculate:lines,planes,distances:point-to-line,lins-to-line,plane-to-plane,point-to-point,point-to-plane,line-to-plane,plane-to-planepoint of intersection(plane - line),-angel of intersection-point of intersectionline of intersection:-angel of intersectionposition of two lines:-angel of intersection-point of intersectionWhen you have ideas or improvements, send me a mail.
Vector plus 1.0
Calculate dot product, crossproduct,resultantand equilibrant vectors.Add your vectors by magnitude, angle and quadrant, choosetheunityou want to work with, press the solve button and that’sit!Yourproblem is solved. Easy as pie!
Vector Calculator 1.3
Vector Calculator: A handy tool for performing vectoroperations.Features: -Display vectors in rectangular, cylindrical,orspherical coordinates by tapping the vector label-Performaddition, subtraction, dot products, and cross products-Displayangles in radians or degrees -"Use" button copies theresult of thelast operation into the first vector field
These quiz is for JEE NEETPHYSICSVECTORQUIZ.Topic:Fundamentals of VectorsAddition and Subtraction of VectorsMultiplication of VectorsLami's TheoremRelative Velocity.Its contains 150+ Questions. Every time take a testshufflequestionsand options. After Completion test its displayedresultwithsolutions. So you can improve your maths skills withthisquiz.
Math Formula for 11th 12th 2.2
This app contains all Math formula . Useful for class 11th and12thStudents
Vector Z 33
It is a new tool that lets you explore.
Vector Calculator 1.5
This application may:Find the coordinates of the two pointsFind the sum and difference vectorsFind the length of the vectorFind the angle between the vectorsScalar multiply vectorsFind the result of the vector product of a vector by a vectorAs well as this application can be found:Distance between:  - Point and line  - Skew lines  - A point and a plane  - Straight lines and planes  - Parallel planesThe angle between:  - straight  - Straight lines and planes  - planesThe application supports English and Russian languages.
Vector Fields 2.1
Fly through vector fields in 3D, see chaotic motion! Coming Soon:-Plot your own vector field - Plot a surface - Choose background-Plot an initial condition - The vectors will look more like arrows