Top 18 Apps Similar to 40 días

Universal Church 7.26.0
IURD: Receive the Word of God and the Power of Prayer for YouandYour Family
30 Días con Dios 3.0.4
If you need God to speak directly to your heart, this app isforyou.
Guerrero de Dios: Versículo de 1.0.20
Verse of the day and Christian reflections to study the Bible
El Poder de la Oración 12.0.0
Learn all about the Prayer to share and dialogue with God
Un Amanecer Con Dios
Un Amanecer Con Dios de Avanza PorMás.Despiértate cada día con un devocional cristiano de poder juntoauna oración en audio ungida y poderosa. Puede elegir el horarioenque recibes las oraciones. Necesitas conexión a internet paraverlos vídeos, mira el video de bienvenida y espera al otro díapararecibir la siguiente oración luego de instalada. Si quierestenerun adelanto de estas reflexiones y oraciones cristianas, enaudio yvideo visita puedes ir al historial, dentro de la app ytendrásunas diez reflexiones de muestra, también puedes conocerlasen ennuestra página y tener cada día "Un AmanecerConDios".Estas predicaciones cristianas están adaptadas para unformatocondensado en tres minutos de duración aproximadamente. Elformatoes video y necesitas tener conexión wifi paraescucharloscorrectamente. La predica cristiana está también enformato escritoen nuestra web online avanzapormas puedes entrar yver todos losmensajes publicados y oraciones. Además en nuestra webencontrarastestimonios, reflexiones, imágenes, frases de Dioscristianas, deamor, fe motivación, familiar, para jóvenes, mujeresde estudiosbiblicos y devcionales adicionales, también predicas envideogratis, peliculas cristianas y mucho más. Recibe materialadicionalde nuestras otras aplicaciones. Dios te bendiga.A Dawn With God AvanzaForMore. Wake up each day with a Christian devotional power withaprayer anointed and powerful audio. You can choose the timethatyou receive the prayers. You need internet connection towatchvideos, look at the video and hopes to welcome the next daytoreceive the next sentence after installed. If you want to haveataste of these reflections and Christian prayers, audio andvideovisit you can go to history within the app and have tenreflectionssample, you can also meet them in on and haveevery day "A dawn with God. "These Christian preachings are adapted for a condensed formatinapproximately three minutes duration. The format is video andneedto wifi to listen properly. Christian preaching is also inwrittenform on our website online avanzapormas can come and see allthemessages posted and prayers. Also in our site you willfindtestimonies, reflections, images, phrases Christian God,love,faith, motivation, family, youth, women's Bible studiesandadditional devcionales, also preach free video, Christianmoviesand more. Receive additional material of our otherapplications.God bless you.
Las Promesas de Dios 4.5.0
God has plans for our lives and promises is up to us believeHimandHis promises to cause effects on our lives! Receivenewpromisesevery day and share them with friends and family viaSMS,Facebook,Twitter and more. Dios tiene planes y promesasparanuestras vidas,de nosotros depende creerle a El y suspromesaspara que causenefecto sobre nuestras vidas!!! Recibe todoslosdías nuevas promesasy compártelas con tus amigos y familiaresporSMS, Facebook, Twittery más.
Daily Word From Unity 1.0.14
Daily, positive reminders to help you live life fully with easeandgrace.
El Desafío Del Amor 2.0.1
Save Your Marriage in 40 days: Marriage Fireproof
Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas
Recibe Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas gratisentu móvil todos los días, son un fragmento corto que teharáreflexionar en distintos aspectos de tu vida cristiana.Lasreflexiones cristianas cortas diarias de esta aplicación tedarán,en muchas oportunidades, una respuesta directa de Dios.Receive freeShortChristian Reflections on your mobile every day, are a shortpieceyou will reflect on different aspects of your Christian life.Shortdaily Christian reflections of this application you will, inmanyinstances, a straight answer from God.
Oración CX 4.2.5
Con esta aplicación escucharás laoración"Todos Unánimes Juntos" de Camino Extremo y podrás ponerteencontacto con nosotros.Podcast en vivo 5:30 a.m. Hora de la Ciudad de México (GMT -6/GMT -5 en Horario de Verano).Tel. +52 (55) 5650-7088www.caminoextremo.orgWith this applicationyouwill hear the phrase "all together" End Road and you cancontactus.Live Podcast Time 5:30 a.m. Mexico City (-6 GMT / GMT -5 hoursinsummer).Tel +52 (55)
Godllywood 2.0
“Eu faço o #DESAFIOGODLLYWOOD”Que tal organizar seus desafios do Godllywood, criaranotações,acessar o conteúdo do blog da Cristiane Cardoso, postarlindasfotos aplicando efeitos e molduras direto do seucelular?Agora você pode tudo isso e muito mais, basta baixaresseaplicativo.É rápido, fácil e gratuito!Características:Contém todas as tarefas e desafios, e você pode marcar os quejáforam feitos e os que ainda estão pendentes.Você pode criar anotações e atribuí-las aos seus desafios.Acesso direto às redes sociais do GodllywoodAcesso direto às novidades do blog da Cristiane Cardoso e aportalUniversal.orgFiltros e efeitos nas suas imagensAplicação de moldura, backgrounds e adesivosEncontrou algum erro neste aplicativo? Ajude-nos amelhorar,envie um e-mail para [email protected]"Ido#DESAFIOGODLLYWOOD" How about organizing your challenges Godllywood, createnotes,access the contents of the blog Cristiane Cardoso, postinggorgeousphotos by applying effects and frames directly fromyourmobile?Now you can do all this and more, just download this app.It's fast, easy and free! Characteristics:       Contains all the tasksandchallenges, and you can mark that have already been made andwhichare still pending.        You can createnotesand assign them to their challenges.        Direct accesstosocial networks Godllywood        Direct access tothenews blog of Cristiane Cardoso and portal        Filters andeffectsto your images        Applicationframe,backgrounds and stickersFound an error in this application? Help us improve,pleasee-mail [email protected]
The 40 Day Soul Fast 1.2
Destiny Image
Get ready to experience the best 40 daysofyour life! Includes the entire journal, read aloud by the author.The 40 Day Soul Fast is an eight-week study of the life ofthesoul, the practice of fasting, and the process of livingmoreauthentically. It is a transformational expedition that willleadyou on an inward journey to greater health, happiness, andsuccessas you learn to live from the inside out.
Your Spiritual Guide 22.00
This app will help you develop your spirituality conceived asinnerstrength
Messages From Spirit Oracle
Get hundreds of messages for daily guidance from your SpiritGuides!
Orar con los Salmos 12.0.0
The psalms are hymns whose beauty allows us praise and thank God
Love Day: Relationship Counter 5.1.3
Counter to be notified for special dates, how long you havebeenwith your lover
Programa Espiritual 1.06
Poderoso Programa Espiritual que contém63afirmativas que deverão ser feitas durante nove semanasseguidas.Essas afirmativas podem transformar qualquer situaçãoaflitiva emvitória pessoal para você. O programa tem fundamentosnocristianismo e também se compõe de frases e ensinamentosdepsicólogos, pensadores e cientistas. Sua função primordial é adedisciplinar seus seguidores a dedicar um momento do diaàespiritualidade, à fé e a ideais superiores.Powerful SpiritualProgramwhich contains 63 statements to be made for nine straightweeks.These statements can transform any predicament in personalvictoryfor you. The program has foundations in Christianity andalsoconsists of phrases and teachings of psychologists thinkersandscientists. Its primary function is to discipline theirfollowers todevote a time of day to spirituality, faith and higherideals.