Top 17 Apps Similar to Guia Encuentro 2012 - Bíblico

EGW Writings 2.1.2
The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White. A free apponAndroid devices
EGW Writings 2 7.6.0
The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White available in137languages.
Plan Encuentro 2013 Adventista 1.0.1
Esta aplicación te permite leer el añobíblico2013, conformado por los evangelios de la Biblia de Mateo aJuan yel libro de Ellen White, El Deseado de todas las gentes.Puedes modificar el tamaño de la letra para unamejorlectura.También, podrás compartir su contenido a través de Facebook.Oramos que sea de gran bendición.Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo DíaThis application letsyouread the biblical year 2013, consisting of the gospels ofMatthewBible John and the book of Ellen White, The Desire of Ages.You can change the font size for better reading.Also, you can share your content through Facebook.We pray it is a blessing.Seventh-day Adventist Church
Plan Encuentro 2014 Adventista 3.7.2
"Cristo, nuestra redención"Esta aplicación te permite leer el año bíblico 2014, quesetitula "Cristo, nuestra redención", el cuál esta conformado porloslibros del Antiguo Testamento, de Génesis a 1° de Crónicas yellibro de Ellen White, Patriarcas y Profetas.Puedes modificar el tamaño de la letra para unamejorlectura.También, podrás compartir su contenido a través de Facebook.Oramos que sea de gran bendición, no te pierdas ningunalecturadiaria.Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo DíaUnión Mexicana del Norte"Christ our redemption"This application lets you read the Bible 2014, entitled"Christour redemption," which is comprised of the books of theOldTestament, from Genesis to 1 Chronicles and the book ofEllenWhite, Patriarchs and Prophets.You can change the font size for better reading.Also, you can share your content through Facebook.We pray it is a blessing and not miss any daily reading.Seventh-day Adventist ChurchNorth Mexican Union
Whats IncludedComplete Seventh day Adventist hymnal (695 hymns +Canticles,prayer, call to worship, offertory sentences andbenedictions)SDA Hymns comlpete with mp3 and midi tunes867 Other popular English hymns and choruses used inchurches120 popular Kids and children hymnsChildren hymns complete with mp3 children voices156 Popular Youth songs with mp3 tunes*** Ability to add songs to your favouriteAlso view SDA Hymns in categoryThe Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal is the official hymnal oftheSeventh-day Adventist Church and is widely used byEnglish-speakingAdventist congregations. It consists of words andmusic to 695hymns including traditional favorites from the earlierChurchHymnal that it replaced, American folk hymns, modern gospelsongs,compositions by Adventists, contemporary hymns, and224congregational responsive Scripture readings. Published in 1985byReview and Herald Publishing Association, the Hymnal hasbeenthrough multiple printings and is available in variousbindingcolors.
Beliefs of 7th Day Adventists Devarim
A description of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the 7th dayAdventistChurch.
Sabbath School & PM 4.30.0 (3111)
The official General Conference Sabbath School andPersonalMinistries app.
Bible Commentary Offline 1.2.0
Igor Apps
King James Bible with Matthew Henry Commentary Verse vy VerseandOffline
SDA Sabbath School Quarterly 5.0.237
Sabbath School Quarterly app allows you to take yourstudieswherever you go.
Story of Redemption in Lao
A new book made on the story of God's plan to redeem thisfallenrace.
SDA Hymnal & Choruses 4.2.5
SDA hymnal app which includes the new hymnal, the oldhymnalandadventist choruses. *****Any bugs found please reporttothedeveloper at [email protected]***** Keyfeatures*Favoriteslist* *Edit all hymns* *Search song by number,title andlyrics**Midi files for ALL songs* *Old Hymnal**Choruses**Materialdesign* I want to thank Dushane, a colleaguefrom Jamaicawhosupplied the Midi files for all the songs!
Step To Christ 1.0
Step To Christ
Shiva Sahasranamam 1.0
Shiva Sahasranamam,English Translation and their Meaning withAudio.
Estudo Bíblico 3.0
Chiquito Apps
Guia de Estudos Bíblicos para estudar a Palavra de Deus. Fiqueaquiperguntas importantes sobre temas religiosos. Detalhes dosestudos:Adoração a Deus. Andando Com Deus. O PECADO em a biblia. Adoutrinados Anjos. Casamento nos tempos bíblicos. Inferno é Real!Demôniose Possessões. O Espírito Santo. Dons do Espírito Santo. AOraçãoEficaz. Temer a Deus, Medo ? A Humildade. O que significaessapalavra na Bíblia? Desta forma podemos entender que aBíbliarealmente é muito bom.
Apocalipsis 1.0
El Camino a Cristo 5.0.0
En esta aplicación se encuentran los13capítulos del libro llamado "El Camino a Cristo" de laautoracristiana adventista Elena G. de White.Cada uno de los capítulos se encuentran en formato de texto,fácilesde leer; y además se podrá escuchar dichos capítulos deforma oralrecitados por personas, de manera que también podrádisfrutar deeste alimento espiritual en audio.Cabe resaltar que para poder escuchar cada capítulo, sudispositivorequiere estar conectado a Internet, y de preferenciacon unaconección WiFi ya que, el consumo de datos puede ser alto silohace a través de su operadora telefónica.Esperamos que este audio-libro sea de gran ayuda para su almaypermita que el Espíritu Santo pueda guiarle en este hermosocaminode la vida cristiana. Que Dios le bendigaIn this applicationarethe 13 chapters of the book called "The Way to Christ"AdventistChristian author Ellen G. White.Each of the chapters are in text format, easy to read; and alsoyoucan listen to those chapters orally recited by people, so youcanalso enjoy this spiritual food in audio.It should be noted that in order to hear each chapter, yourdevicerequires an Internet connection, preferably with a WiFiconnectionand that data consumption can be high if you do throughyourtelephone operator.We hope this audio book will be of great help for your soulandallow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this beautiful journey oftheChristian life. God bless you
SDA Adult Lesson (Quarterly)
This mobile application allows you to viewtheSeventh Day Adventist Adult Lesson (Quarterly) on yourmobiledevice.Languages:There are two languages available to choose from, with more tobeadded soon. The two currently available are EnglishandSpanish.*May not be compatible with certain tablets.The SDA Adult Lesson (Quarterly) App is an independent ministrythatsupports the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church;however,it is not part of, affiliated with, or supported by theGeneralConference of Seventh-day Adventists® headquartered inSilverSpring, Maryland or any of its affiliates known as theSeventh-dayAdventist ® Church.