Top 32 Apps Similar to Notes Libres - BatiScript

Service Report 3.4
Reiko Klein
With 'Service Report' you create service reports which canbesavedin a database and distributed as a PDF file. Theservicereportsare subdivided according to company, constructionsite andclient.Any number of attendances, executed work andprocessedmaterialscan be included in each service reports.According to thesettings,you can assign the attendances of aservice report toindividualemployees or a number of employees.Depending on theversion, youcan import employees, materials or aroom book, assigna logo toeach company and display it in the headeraccording to thesettingson each PDF document. On the Android deviceas of Android7.0Nougat you can drag & drop companies,constructionsites,clients, employees and rooms between our apps.With theexportfunction, daily wages can be exported as * .XML andimportedonanother device with the daily wages app. All employeesand roomsaswell as the company, client and construction site willbetakenover. The data in the XML file is encrypted and can onlybereadout via the app. The service reports can be signed directlyintheapp by the client. Where the client signature is not savedbutforprivacy reasons directly written in a PDF. If aservicereportsigned by the client is processed, the client'ssignaturewill belost. In the settings, you can change the title oftheform"Service Report" as well as the name of the constructionsite,nameof the contractor's signature and the name oftheclient'ssignature.
SailformsPro Relational DB 2.0.27c
A Relational Database for Sailforms
Addmin 2.4.3
Smart digital binder
Kizeo Forms, digital forms for the mobile & tablet 7.4.116
WHAT’S NEW? *A more intuitive, ergonomic and user-friendlyinterface*Planning function. *Sketch element *View PDF’s directlyon yoursmartphone and tablet. *Automatic saving. *And many moretodiscover! REPLACE YOUR PAPER FORMS WITH YOUR MOBILE ORTABLET!Regardless of your activity, your teams will have a truemobiletool and will be able to capture the information from thefield inreal time! —> You will be able to: *Create your ownforms thatwill perfectly fit your needs and your profession!*Collect yourdata on your mobile or tablet wherever you are, evenwithout aninternet connection! —> Test, use our sample forms:*Sitesupervision or daily reports *Reports (Intervention,security,meeting, etc) *Sales visit reports *Intervention report*Medicalvisit *Making contacts *Delivery report *Inspectionchecklist*Expense report *Security intervention *Attestation*Timesheet*Purchase order *etc…   The freedom that Kizeo Formsofferswill allow you to customize your forms from A to Z,whilerespecting your internal procedures, thanks to a multitudeofpossible combinations. HOW IT WORKS? —> From the webplatform:*Create your fully customized forms *Manage your users andaccessrights *Send information directly to the mobile or tablet ofyourusers *Get your reports in WORD, Excel, PDF formats *Analyzeandefficiently exploit your data —> From the mobile app: *Entertherequested information *Take pictures and annotate them *Haveyourclients or stakeholders sign directly on the mobile or tablet*Savefor your report to be generated and sent automatically byemail WHYUSE THE KIZEO FORMS APPLICATION? -> It works OFFLINE.-> Itis totally CUSTOMIZED. -> Create and send UNLIMITEDforms anddata entries. -> SIMPLE and QUICK implementation ->It allowsto CAPTURE AND SHARE INFORMATION in real time. -> Itoffersintelligent options such as GEOLOCATION, PHOTOS and BARCODEreading. -> It can be INTEGRATED with your internalsystemsthanks to our API. -> Optimize the COMMUNICATION withyouremployees HOW TO BENEFIT FROM THE FREE EVALUATION VERSION FOR15DAYS? Step 1: Create an account on ourwebsite *You will receive a freeevaluationversion with no commitment for 15 days. *You will haveaccess toall available features offered in the subscriptionversion. Step 2:Create your form on the web platform. Step 3:Collect your data inthe field with the mobile app. Step 4: Retrieveyour data andreports in the formats of your choice. DO YOU NEEDHELP? You willfind tutorials and tips on our Oursupport and customer service team will alsobe happy to assist you(via phone and mail).
Artinove, Devis Facture facile 3.2.6
🥇 The application for managing quotes, invoices, VAT andbusinessexpenses
Site Diary 3.6
Reiko Klein
Create, manage and distribute construction diaries in PDF format
DataScope Forms 1.5.11
What is DataScope? DataScope is the ideal tool to getridofpaperwork, save time and collect data efficiently fromthefield.The platform allows your team to answer personalizedmobileforms(even offline), from their phones or tablets throughtheDataScopeApp. All the information collected is available tobeviewed inreal-time, exported or integrated with othersoftwares.How does itwork? 1. Create, edit and assign forms Easilycreate andedit theforms using our Forms Builder. Add photos,signatures,geolocation,checklists and many other types of questionsto yourforms toreceive key information about your business. You canalsoassignthe forms to the users as task. 2. Data Collection Theworkteamanswers the forms easily from their phones or tablets. Theapphasdifferent tools that allow your team to report easierandfasterthan using paper. 3. Data Analysis All theinformationcollected isavailable to be: - Visualized in real-timein ourWebsite -Exported in PDF or Excel - Automatically graphed inourDashboardssection - Integrated with more than 1,500 platformsusingZapier orthrough our API Main Functionalities - Offline forms-Robustdashboards and automated reports. - Form builder-Automaticnotifications and alerts (email & SMS) -APIintegration - PDFbuilder - Assign tasks and getperformanceindicators - QR andbarcode scanner - Role and userpermissionmanagement -Integrations with databases Use cases -FieldInspections &Audits - Work Orders - Quality Control-Checklists - Surveys -Incident Reports - Field Sales - andanyother Form!
Formyoula Mobile Forms 5.0.6
Richard Ozols
Formyoula mobile forms provide a way of easily collectingdatafrompeople in the field from a smartphone or tabletdevice.Integratedwith Salesforce. - Remove paperwork - Improvedataquality -Real-time access to data in the field - Get up andrunninginminutes, not weeks - no programming required *Android 6andaboverecommended The questions you place in your forms supportarangeof data types: - text - numeric - date/time - yes/no -images-location - select one - select many - phone number -email-signature - sketch - (and more) Design Use our onlinedesignertocreate and manage mobile forms for order collection,leadcapture,maintenance and job cards, or any process you can thinkof!PublishAssign forms to organizational groups and distributethesetopeople in the field, all from your web browser. CaptureUsingtheFormyoula Mobile Forms application (freely availableformleadingapp stores), people complete the forms on theirAndroid,iPhone andiPad devices. Distribute This data is receivedbySalesforce andmapped to an object. *Requires
SailformsPlus Forms Database 2.0.27c
SailformsPlus Database to easily manage your information.
ADDIGO Service Report 2.1.11
The app for craftsmen, service technicians, maintenance&fieldservice to create & sign digital service reportsonsmartphoneor tablet. Immediately during field work withyourclient. Mobile,digital, simple, fast & secure.Craftsmen,service staff, fieldworkers, mechanics, technicians – inshort allservice providersworking in field at clients place need towritereports ordocumentations of repairs, routine maintenanceoremergencyservices every time to confirm or verify their work.Thosepaperreports often reach the office not before the end of thetour,aresometimes hard to read and need to be digitalized togettheminvoiced. With the ADDIGO Service Report appyoutrack/recordclients, times and used materials on site. Yourclientcan sign thereport directly on your device. You can send thesignedreport tothe client and to your back office. You can addfunctionslikeadding fotographs to the reports, adding supplementstoalreadysigned reports, individual layouts for your reportPDFincludingletterhead or logo, import & export ofclients,materials andservices via CSV, summarizing reports orprojectmanagement to thebasic application. Simple, secure and fastyouwill save time,efforts, nerves and cash in the end. TheADDIGOService Report appsupports you just where you need it: onsite! Usethosepossibilities: - Free basic version / helpful In-apppurchases-Simple user interface & fast creation of servicereports-Verification & security for you and your clients-Consistent,efficient & automated documentation - Reducingworkload foryour back office / faster invoicing / lesscoordinationorrejection effort - Professional profile / image -Time savingonsite & in the office - Smooth integrationwithexistingworkflows / minimum training requirements - Worksinoffline modeAPP SUPPORT If you have any questions regardingADDIGOServiceReport App or our service please do note hesitate tocontactoursupport team: [email protected]
FastField Forms 3.3.1
Deploy forms and collect cleaner, richer data from yoursmartphonesand tablets!
BauBuddy - Assisting your crafting business 4.0.1 (0)
Goodbye Paperwork! BauBuddy gets rid of the paperwork,sincenowadaysthe information, which is mostly persisted on paper,canbe doneeasier and safer. This structured communicationbetweenoffice andthe construction site saves time and nerves.BauBuddyeliminatesmissing time-tracking, incomplete documentationandconfusion on theconstruction site. Feature overviewMobiletime-tracking with themobile time stamp, differentiationofsingle- and convoy-activity -Site documentation with photos,textmodules and free texts -Customer registration withauto-completionof Google - Projectregistration with site address,working timeand pictures (e.g.drawings, special instructions) -Working ordermanagement withexecution day, convoy planning andpicturesTime-tracking The mobiletime stamp captures travellingtime,working time and work breakswith only a few clicks on the onehandand illustrates the convoystructure with regard to theworkingorder on the other hand. Workingtimes are checkedforplausibility. Forgotten bookings can later befollowed upthrough adigital form. When no network connection exist(WiFi, 3G,LTE), allinformation are stored. They are automaticallysentwhenevernetwork is connected. This enables live controllingofevery site.Site documentation This documentation takes placewithphotos.Every photo can be titled. It is archive with timestampandemployee information in the selected folder regard totheproject.Alternative, checklists and free text fields can beused.Sitedocumentation is - even like time-tracking - possible,whenthedevice is offline. Customer registration Customerregistrationisdone with a lean form. All data can be filled inwithGoogleautomatically. Project registration Projects can bedepositwith ameaningful title, the planned execution time andsiteaddress.Furthermore pictures can be added. Working ordermanagementWorkingorders are assigned to respective projects. Thisisbasically usedfor time-tracking and documentation. Adailydisposition and evenpre-planning of the convoy is possible,justlike deposit the riskassessment. Access authorisation BauBudddyhasa comprehensiveauthorisation concept which enables the on andoffswitch offunction buttons depending on authorisation. With thisanoptimaladaptation to hierarchy structure and to theinternalworkingprocesses is possible. Integration in existinginformationsystemAre you already using an information system? Justcontact usand wewill verify, whether BauBuddy can directly beintegrated inyourexisting system, so you don´t have to save yourinformation intwosystems. No additional effort is necessary.
Enterprise Pro Manager 2.22
EnterpriseProManager is the most complete and themostintuitivesolution to manage your company. It offers you asimplemanagementof the customers, the suppliers, the quotes,theinvoices, theorders, the stock and the products/articles.Thisapplication isgoing to facilitate your life by offering youdiversefeatures ofmanagement, generation PDF, monitoring, exportandstatistics ofyour quotes, invoices and order. You areanentrepreneur, anindependent, small or medium-sized company,liberalprofession...EnterpriseProManager was designed for you inacustomizable way togive yourselves the possibility ofmanagingeasily your productsand of adding in your invoices, quotesandorders, the usefulinformation of your company which changeacountry in an other one,such as: N VAT, TAX, VAT, Code APE,SIRET,… To save time,EnterpriseProManager allows you to export andtoimport easily yourproducts and customers/suppliers from anExcelfile by basing on amodel file. Besides the basicfeatures,EnterpriseProManager allowsto generate easily yourinvoice, quoteand order in a PDF file andto send it by email toyour customer orsupplier with a simpleclick. You want to exportyour invoices,quotes or orders validatedor not? WithEnterpriseProManager you canfilter yourquotes/invoices/orders andexport them towards an Excelfile or CSVto integrate them intoanother external tool. With thefeature ofstatistics, you can trackyour sales dayly, monthly oryearly andcompare it with previousyears. EnterpriseProManager is acompletetool that will simplifyyour financial management andaccounting ofyour business. Features:- Customer management -Suppliersmanagement - Quote management -Invoice management -Stockmanagement - Movements management(inputs/outputs) - Alerts oroverof stock management - Orderssuppliers (purchase orders)management- Orders customers (saleorders) management - Managementof payingbills/invoices - Transformquote to invoice - Transformorder toinvoice - Generation ofinvoice, quote or orders to PDF -Sendingof quotes, invoices andorders by email - Export details ofquotes,invoices and orders to anExcel or CSV file - Sending ofexports byemail - Management Setup:logo, company stamp, currency,tax, dateformat... - Statistics ofsales per day, month, year andcustomer -Ability to add acustomer/Supplier from a contact.-Product/articles Management -Management category of products-Import/Export products - Export ofmovements - Ability toaddinvoice/quote/order lines from theproducts - Ability to changethenumber of the invoice/quote/order -Import/Export customersorsuppliers - Ability to add discount byinvoice and by details-Generation catalogs of product in PDF -Generation inventoryofproduct in PDF - Attaching a document PDF(data sheet) withtheproduct - Scan bar code of products - Save andrestore Database-Possibility of signing a quote or order -Accounting: thefeatureis paying (in-app). - Accounts management -Transactionsmanagement improvethisapplication, please send me your requests toaddfeatures,feedback, comments or bugs/problems([email protected]).
Zervant: quote & invoice maker v1.23.2
We are Zervant - a leading provider of easy-to-use,professionalinvoice & estimate software made for small businessowners. Wehave over 100,000 users and an expert team dedicated tobringingyou a simple yet powerful invoice app and quote creator.Oursoftware is intuitive, reliable and efficient - you can evencreateinvoices in under 60 seconds! We have plans to suiteverybody,including a powerful free account with no limits on thenumber ofestimates and invoices you can send to 5 customers. Signup forfree to: → Easily add customers - save details for future use→Manage your products and services → Create quotes/estimates→Export a PDF invoice to send outside the app → Send invoicesviaclickable link → Convert your estimates to invoices → Viewyourhistory and track the payment progress → Let customers payonline& by debit/credit card → Track and follow up overduepaymentsCreating a free account couldn’t be easier - you only needan emailaddress and you’re done! No long forms to fill or detailstoremember, simply create a password and sign in to your newZervantaccount for access to our professionally-designed invoicetemplatesand more. Create and send invoices, estimates and quoteswithin theapp Our tool is easy to use and works equally great in awebbrowser as it does in the app. Our template isprofessionallydesigned and straight forward, whilst stillcontaining all therelevant information needed to send an invoice. →Your businessname, logo & contact information → Your customer'sbusinessname & contact info → A breakdown of the good andservicesprovided → A brief description of payment terms → Theduedate/payment period With a free account, you can sendunlimitedinvoices to 5 customers - sending professional paperworkto yourcustomers couldn’t be easier. Administration is rarely fun.Ifyou’re a small business owner, you know that the manual processofcontacting and logging customer information, sending quotesandinvoices then following those up with payment reminders can beatedious process. We’re here to ease that burden by giving youthetools to automate the invoice· process and the ability tocreateand send custom invoices online from your browser or mobiledevice.To increase the customer limit and for otherproductivity-boostingfeatures, subscribe to one of the premiumplans. Extend the Zervantexperience We’re working hard to make thebilling process as easyas possible so you can get paid faster - weare always updating andadding new features which we’ll share withyou in the account connection is coming soon. Toextend the Zervantexperience you should also try our web app - ithas a tonne ofgreat features which we’re working to bring to themobile app. Inour web app you can: → Send receipts → Set up paymentreminders →Set up payment schedules → Track your working hours →Send deliverynotes → Send paper and E-invoices → Receive free andfriendlycustomer service If you need any help using our invoiceapp°, ourHelp Centre is full of useful articles and tips. We're notonly aneasy invoice software provider but you can also have a lookat ourblog for information on running a small business andaccounting.We’re creating a rich source of information, educationandinspiration for the self-employed and small businessowners.Reliable, intuitive and powerfulinvoicing..°
Ogun APP
Manage your construction projects: discuss, decide and track
Tech Service Manager Pro 2.12
The most popular app among technicians. Simple, inexpensiveandindispensable.
Invoice & Estimate - Billdu 5.6.4
Billdu LTD
Create, Email or Printgreat-looking,professional invoices, quotes/estimates and purchaseorders in justa few seconds. It's extremely easy to use and saves alot oftime.------How the app works:Set up your unique invoice templateAdd own logo, set a signature, adjust the color and yourcustomtemplate is ready. Billdu invoice template is clear, pleasantandinformative.Simple invoice on the goIssue an invoice right after accomplished work. Create a PDFfilewith one click and send it to your client instantly. Printaninvoice with the print function right away.An offer your customer can’t refuseNot ready for an invoice? Send an estimate/quote with yourofferingas a PDF to your customer and create an easy invoice from aquoteafter the job is done - in one click.Track expensesScanning bills and tracking expenses is now easy. Receiptscannerand expense management are the right tools to keep track ofyourexpenditures thereby making your company balance clear at afirstglance.Billdu improves your cash flowSee how your company’s doing on simple charts using onlyessentialdata. Unpaid and overdue invoices are marked andclearlyvisible.Multiple users and devicesManage multiple companies, connect more devices and associatemoreusers to one account. Employers and employees may haveseparateuser rights.Synchronize data across mobile devices and computersManage your company from your mobile devices on the go or usetheadvanced web application from your office to keep track ofyourbusiness balance in real time. An invoice can be issued andviewedeven without an internet connection.------Additional features:- Billdu business page - your smart business card: Design yourownbusiness page in a few steps and get new clients.- API connection and online store modules: Use Billdu as aninvoicegenerator, connect your online shop with - - Billdu andcreateautomatic orders and invoices.- Send bills and invoices to your accountant. No more paperworkandtypos, just link your account with that of your accountant,it’seasy and efficient.- Online invoicing - send links instead of files- Import clients from your phone's contacts- Mobile and secure: invoices, quotes and other documents aresavedon secured IBM servers- Barcode scanner for an uncomplicated item management andsimpleinvoicing- Client rating via invoice and instant feedback: Give andreceiveratings through an invoice or quote.An amazing invoice is just a click away.
HashData - Innovative forms 2.44.8
Hashdata Team
Data generation in the palm of your hand! Collect informationonlineand offline
Novade Enterprise 6.59
Quality, Safety & Site Diaries: Smart field management software
airSlate: Business Automation 2.0.2
From document management to eSignature — automate your workflowsonthe go.
Captio - Expense Reports
Forget all about any paperwork for your expensereports.Captiotransforms your smartphone into the perfect tool foryourcorporatetravel. Use it to capture your receipts, bills,mileageand othertravel expenses and automatically generate yourreports.Captio isthe leading platform for automating businessexpensemanagement.Thousands of corporate travellers from companiesin allsectors andof all sizes use Captio to unburden themselvesfrompaperwork ontheir business trips. It all starts withyoursmartphone, the keyto full digital management of your travelandexpenses. Captioeliminates paper from your company’sexpensemanagement, filing allof the data practically and securelyon thecloud. Moreover, itsautomatic scanning system removes theneed formanual tasks,thereby enhancing productivity and preventingerrors.In the freeversion of Captio, you can try out the automaticdataextractionfacility with 10 captures (which are renewedeverymonth!), managethe rest of your expenses by entering themmanuallyand generate anunlimited number of reports. In the fullversion,Captio goesbeyond simply filing reports from yoursmartphone andenablescompanies and their employees to control theirexpensesmoreeffectively and discover new saving opportunities. Theprocessissimple: 1. You take a photo of the receipt. 2.Captioautomaticallyextracts the data. 3. Captio saves the image oncloud(throw thatpaper away!). 4. Whenever you want, you cangenerateyour expensereports at a single click. 5. If you have asupervisor,theyreceive the reports and the process continues (wealso maketheirlife easier, keep reading!). Still want more? Thefull versionofCaptio integrates all of the aspects of expensemanagement inasingle process for: ✔ Reporting businessexpenses,generatingexpense reports with your smartphone, withoutpaper ormanual input(unlimited captures), including receipts,mileage,allowances, etc.✔ Supervising business expenses.Captioautomatically verifiescompliance with your company’sexpensepolicies and notifies you ofany breaches. The supervisorscanrevise the reports using theirmobile handsets. ✔ Reconcilingcreditcard payments. ✔ Managingexpenses in various currenciesefficientlyand simply. ✔Classifying the information you need inorder tomanage travelexpenses: categories, payment methods,customizablefields, etc. ✔Facilitating the process of VAT returnsfor yourbusiness expenses.✔ Managing business expenses,establishing groupsof users and costcentres. ✔ Accounting forbusiness expenses,integrating expensemanagement data with yourcompany’s processesand systems (SAP,Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics,Sage, etc.) Captio isalso accessiblefrom and full synchronized withour web Have you read this far andstill have questions?Wewould be very glad to answer them for you.Write to [email protected].
Invoice Maker: ProBooks 9.36
Twan Software
Simple and easy invoice maker for freelancers, contractors andsmallbusinesses.
Invoice, estimates , receipts. Tropic Invoice Free 2.61 (2020)
Create invoices and quotes on the spot—no need to wait until yougetback to the office With Tropic Invoice, you have in your handstheability to create bills and estimates for your clients in asimpleway, with absolutely professional results that will leave agreatimpression. Refrigeration technicians, customs arrangements,civilengineering, lawyers, small businesses, various creditsales...thepossibilities are endless. Invoices and quotes aresimilar to thosecreated by traditional systems, but now you cancarry them with you,create new ones quickly, and send them to yourclients or even printthem on the spot. By combining the multimediapower of your devicewith the billing system, not only do you getenriched multimediadocuments, but also a completeaccounts-receivable helper (included)like the ones used intraditional accounting systems. - Invoices,Quotes/Estimates andAccount Receivable in one program - Produce aninvoice, quote orestimate, send it to the client by email,messaging etc. withoutreturning to the office - Easily send accountstatements to clients- Attach pictures or audio notes to invoices,client and estimates.Speed up your operations without writing longnotes - Send photosor multimedia files to the client - Print inbluetooth wirelessprinters (ESC/POS standard required) -Statements, balance agingreports, transactions and other accountsreceivable reports. -Support for debits and credits - Multiplecurrencies formats, datesand amounts - Backup, Restore, Import andExport Data - Severallanguages available - Manage several companiesin the same program- Contact the customer with ease using the meansavailable to yourdevice - Assign a geographical GPS point to aclient, allowing theuse of services installed in the device (Maps®,Waze® etc) - Designyour logo and stamps in simple form - Capturecustomer signatureusing the computer screen *Languages. English,Español, 中國傳統的,kreyòl ayisyen. *Incluye NCF para RepublicaDominicana fakti ,bòdwo. Languages supported for Haiti
planning, work to do, notes, absences in a 100% secure environment.
My Report 1.4 Cornelio
This application was developed with the main purpose of helpingyouin your service. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ATTENTION ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Beforedownloadingthis application, watch the Choose Your Apps Wiselyvideo from site. This application is the work of aJehovah's Witness.If your Bible trained conscience does not allowyou to downloadthis or any other application, please respect yourconscience.However, it is not necessary to make negative comments,rememberthat we are "cautious like snakes" but "meek [or innocent]likedoves" (Matthew 10:16). This app has been translated, anditstranslation may not be exact. Help translate it ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ATTENTION⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ It has what it takes to keep a good record ofyourpreaching, as well as the publications, videos and returnvisitsyou make during the month. Whatever your privilege ofservice, itwill also help you to analyze your goals and how you arereachingthem. Of course, you can adjust the goal in settings. Ithasgraphics that you will see: 📊 Hour history The time ofserviceperformed during the month, and compared to last month.⏱️Performance per day Do you know what day you spend more time intheservice? If you do not know, here you will see what it is andhowmuch time you have dedicated. That way you'll make theplansbetter. ⚖️ Balance of your goal Very important especiallyforpioneers, this graph will show how well you are fulfillingyourgoal or if you are somewhat behind . It will also indicate howmuchis needed to reach the average in the following days (Gray) The👥People section will help you record the courses you do, and inyourfinal report you will see the number of different Biblecourses.Interested people can also be added to remember them Youcan alsoorganize and analyze your service using tags. These serveto beable to see in detail the time, and other details, thatyoudedicate to certain activities such as: In the Ministry • 🏙️PublicPreaching • 🌎 Preaching in language O other theocraticactivities •🏗️ LDC • 🏠 Service in betel Assigning a color todistinguish itSimilar to the LDC function. Soon will be added newfunctions. MayJehovah bless your service!
Logmedo Database and Form 1.0.466
A customizable no-code/low-code database app and form builder
gastronovi Office 1.8.3
gastronovi Office is the software solution for gastronomy.
Signed Jobs Management 3.90
Do not lose your work! Saves invoices for your phone and forgetthepaper!
Ninox Database 3.4.4
Ninox is a user-friendly database that runs on allyourdevices.Create business apps for you and your team. With Ninoxyoucanorganize anything, optimize your work process andbecomemoreproductive. Easily create business applications withoutwritingasingle line of code. Start with a template and adapt ittoyourapplication. Ninox is used by individuals, largeandsmallbusinesses, startups, agencies in many areas:CRM,events,invoices, warehouse management, real estate and more.►CLEARPURCHASING RECOMMENDATION "With Ninox, I have foundanimpressivecompanion for the growth of my business. Value formoneycould notbe better. " - epicstudio - SO MUCH MORE THAN ADATABASE"Thisdatabase is simply brilliant and really easy to use.And bestofall , it's constantly evolving. " - trailer-man -EXCELLENTPRODUCT/ FUNCTIONALITY " I've been working with Ninoxsince 2014and I'mvery excited about the intuitive user interfaceandfunctionality.The application is really great! " - arwis -►TEMPLATES •Inventory • Invoices and Accounting • MeetingsandEvents • CRM •And many more! ► 100% CUSTOMIZABLE • Createforms,data fields andtriggers • Links between tables • Calculationswithvisual formulaeditor ► WORKING ON TEAM • Invite others toworktogether • Setrole and rights • Real-time syncing on alldevices ►DATA FIELDS •Rich Text • Selections • Date / Time • And15+ more! ►YOURDATABASE ON ALL DEVICES Ninox is available for •Android •iPhone •iPad • Mac • and on the web You can install Ninoxonmultipledevices. To keep all your devices in sync you can getaNinox Cloudsubscription which also gives you access to Ninox ontheweb. -Privacy Policy: - TermsofUse:
Site Inspection - Snagging 2.1
Saroj Vadekar
Logging and reporting construction site defects. Prepare snagging,punch list.
Punch List and Issue Tracker 1.0.11
A free trial includes 5 form submissions per month.Collectprojectinformation and issue details with a digital,customizablepunchlist that has options for pictures, issuestatusesanddescriptions. Perfect for project managers andgeneralcontractors.. Complete the form directly from your tabletorsmartphone, andsend it via email. This App can be customize tomeetyour specificneeds. By downloading, you agree to the Terms ofUseat After the trial, youcangetunlimited number of form submissions by subscribing viaanoptionalIn-App Purchase and remove all ads by purchasingonetimefee.Subscribe from your device and access these servicesviamobileapp.
Lumiform - Digital Inspections 2.2.2
Lumiform GmbH
Easy to use app for digital checklists, inspections & audits.