Top 9 Apps Similar to TestProdApp Mdm 5_1 new

Schneider Electric eLibrary 1.4
Tablish Ltd
Nederlands:Over Schneider ElectricAls wereldspecialist in energiebeheer en automatisatie,heeftSchneider Electric in 2015 een omzet gehaald van +/-27miljardeuro. Onze 160.000+ medewerkers beantwoorden aan debehoeften vanonze klanten in meer dan 100 landen. Ze helpen dezeklanten om hunenergie en hun processen op een zekere, betrouwbare,efficiënte enduurzame manier te beheren. Onze technologieën,software enservices met een bijzonder ruim gamma - van deeenvoudigsteschakelaars tot de meest complexe besturingssystemen -geven onzeklanten de mogelijkheid om het beheer en deautomatisering van hunactiviteiten te optimaliseren. Onzegeconnecteerde technologieënleveren een sterke bijdrage tot deherinrichting van deindustrieën, tot de omvorming van de steden entot de verrijkingvan het leven van hun inwoners. Bij SchneiderElectric heet dat:Life Is On.Français:A propos de Schneider ElectricSpécialiste mondial de la gestion de l'énergie et desautomatismes,Schneider Electric a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de+/-27milliards d’euros en 2015. Nos 160 000+ collaborateursrépondentaux besoins de clients dans plus de 100 pays en les aidantà gérerleur énergie et leurs processus de manière sûre, fiable,efficaceet durable. Des interrupteurs les plus simples auxsystèmesd'exploitation les plus complexes, nos technologies,logiciels etservices permettent à nos clients d’optimiser lagestion etl’automatisation de leurs activités. Nos technologiesconnectéescontribuent à repenser les industries, à transformer lesvilles età enrichir les vies de leurs habitants. Chez SchneiderElectric,nous appelons cela : Life Is On.
Offer Selection Support 3.1.0
Schneider Electric Industryoffersselectionsupport: Offer Range panorama with keyfeaturescomparison, crossreference, application library searchablebysegment, applicationand offer rangesOffer ranges covering: Variable Speed Drives, HumanMachineInterfaceDisplays, Pushbuttons, Control Stations,Towerlights andRelays
Innovation Summit 2017 1.213
The Schneider Electric App is an amazingnewapp from Schneider Electric, aimed at offering a trulyinteractiveenvironment for key conferences, important trade fairsandexhibitions, vital business meetings and other major socialevents.It is a cloud-based managed service where delegates orattendeesare in instant and constant contact with organisers orotherparticipantsSchneider Electric App allows users to make sure key content canbeconstantly updated, schedule or location changes quicklyadvised,and key event information instantly disseminated – bothprior to,and during, any event.This helps organisers to skilfully manage even the largestoccasion,ensuring the necessary level of control which allows forsmooth andprofessional delivery. At the same time, delegates havetheopportunity to gain valuable social interaction with guestspeakers,event managers, as well as other guests or attendees.This increasestheir sense of participation and inclusiveness,adding great valueto their attendance, and worth to the event. Theprofessional way inwhich the event is seamlessly managed alsoreflects well on thoseorganising it.Features:* Instant Messenger* Live Agenda* Ask the Speaker* Interactive Voting* Live Translation* Contact Exchange* Speaker Biographies* Sponsor Pages* Exhibitor Pages* RSVP for Optional Events* Attendance Register* File Library to share presentations and other documents* Photo Share* Surveys* Interactive Venue Map* So much more!
Connected Services App 1.1
This US Connected Services AppbySchneiderElectric is a tool dedicated for our BuildingManagementSystem(BMS) Connected Services customers located in theUnitedStates.Through mobile phones, our customers willreceivenotifications ofdetected issues by our Analytics platformalongwith the associatedresolutions by our remotebuildingengineers.
EcoStruxure for Small Business 4.6.2
EcoStruxure Facility Expert for Small Business is aconnectedsolution which gives the possibility to small businessowner toreduce the risk of issue with key equipment and shortenhisreaction time to events. Remotely, at any time, the businessownerhas instant access to key data, bringing peace of mind andquickerproblem resolution. He can also implement energy efficiencyactionswithout compromising the effectiveness of his company. Inadditionto that, he will also be able to remotely switch on and offatargeted device, monitor and generate reports regardingthetemperature of his fridge/ cold room. This thanks to amobileapplication that provides intelligent alarms and visibilityon theoperation of key equipment. Download NOW and experience itforFREE, using the embedded demo mode – no registration. Foranysupport, please contact Schneider Electric
Adapti-M 1.40.6
Adapti-M provides remote control tobuildingcomfort environment accessible to a resident such asroomtemperature setting, lighting, TV remote control, roomservice,room reservation.Remote control User App is deployed by facility manager ondevicesdedicated to building resident (e.g. Hotel's Bed SidePanel)
Adapti-C 1.40.6
Adapti-C provides remote control tobuildingcomfort environment accessible to a resident such asroomtemperature setting, lighting, TV remote control, roomservice,room reservation.Remote control App is deployed on resident device by email.