Top 18 Games Similar to 美人心計之宮廷風雲

熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
宮廷Q傳 2.3.0
【遊戲簡介】史上最Q最萌的宮廷系列卡牌手遊《宮廷Q傳》震撼來襲!遊戲內以詼諧的對話重新詮釋了人們耳熟能詳的經典宮鬥劇情,將五款熱門宮鬥劇合為一體,絕對是宮廷迷們的最愛。同時彙集了角色扮演、養成、卡牌三種流行要素,配上超細緻的萌系畫風和無厘頭的爆笑劇情,絕對能帶給你不一樣的宮廷體驗!想要爆笑穿越宮廷?想要後宮佳麗三千?一切盡在《宮廷Q傳》!【遊戲特色】1、超萌角色畫風,堪稱卡牌遊戲史上最萌。2、多部經典宮鬥劇情逐一體驗:玩一款遊戲,看五部宮廷劇!3、後宮陣營派系林立,這不單是女人的天下,男人才是掀起腥風血雨的根源!4、漫漫宮廷路,形單影隻未免太過淒涼;有伴我最強,結親姻緣攜手遊戲之旅。5、遊戲角色卡牌多達數百款,涵蓋各宮鬥名人大家,甚至還有意想不到的驚喜角色!喜歡誰,就用誰!6、卡牌組合效果千變,想要強,不再只侷限一種搭配!7、跨伺服器多人副本齊闖關,與好友一起並肩作戰吧!官網:粉絲團:[Game Description]History of the most Meng Q most court series card hand tour"palaceQ Biography" shock struck! Game with witty dialoguereinterpretedpeople familiar with the classic story house fighting,the fivepopular Palace play fighting as one, absolute favorite offanspalace. While a collection of role-playing, to develop, cardthreepopular feature, coupled with ultra-detailed MengDepartmentnonsense style and hilarious story can certainly give youadifferent court experience! Want hilarious through the court?Wantthree thousand concubines? Everything in the "palaceQBiography"![Game Features]1, Super Meng role style, called the card game in the history ofthemost Meng.2, many of the classic story house fighting each experience: Playagame, watch five court drama!3, harem camp factionalism, this is not just a woman's world, manisoff the root of the reign of terror!4, the long court road, all alone and too desolate; there withmystrongest hand in marriage matchmaking game trip.5, the game character cards up to hundreds of models, coveringallGong Dou celebrity everyone, and even the role of anunexpectedsurprise! Like who, who can use!6, the combined effect of a card-changing, you want strong, notonlythe limits of a single match!7, more than a copy Qi checkpoints across the server, andfriendsfought together now!Official website: http: // https: //
武媚娘之後宮風雲錄 3.6.2
Unequaled in Beauty 1.0.0
Do you know that each Chinese dynastyhasitsown unique dress style? There are various dressesfromdifferentdynasties in our new game Unequaled in Beauty.Tomorrow is the princess’s birthday, and the king is going toholdagrand birthday celebration for her. Can you help dressinguptheprincess?How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
新征途-喜結良緣 1.4.0
《征途》正版授權手游,持吾手中劍,稱王擁結衣!全新版本【喜結良緣】今日開啟,快來結識伴你一生的人!只要你能在遊戲中稱王,就有機會與女神『波多野結衣』親密接觸,『波多野結衣』首次為遊戲原聲配音,親自指導新手,就在你耳邊呢喃私語,馳騁疆場豈不更加爽快,結衣在遊戲里等你喲!【秦漢之戰】歷史兩大最強皇室戰爭登場,加入您敬仰的國家,體驗千人同屏、萬人國戰的激情,百人連斬、補刀收人頭的快感。【全民刀塔】MOBA與攻城完美結合,三路進攻推塔攻城,用您的智慧與勇氣的帶領您的國家走向勝利;【家族爭霸】爭奪國王至尊權利,實現統一霸業夢想,稱王更能擁得結衣美人歸;【美人助戰】波多野結衣領銜後宮三千妃子,為您助戰新征途,伴您踏上稱王之旅;【玄獸坐騎】擁有上百種酷炫坐騎、個性玄獸,獨創玄獸繁殖系統,讓您擁有獨一無二的個性寵物;【裝備傳承】不必再為更換裝備煩惱,只需一套裝備即可享用終生。粉絲團:問題回報:[email protected] 本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔13。- 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣,物品等付費服務。
萌妹當皇后 2.2.1
【遊戲簡介】忙碌的生活,壓抑的日子每當夜深人靜總是天馬行空亂幻想一番某天夜裡,睜開雙眼,發現自己穿越到充滿古代宮廷風格的世界~仔細一瞧,周遭的人事物竟都是過去於電視劇中耳熟能詳的人物!!左眼瞧著樺妃與熹妃在鬥嘴~右眼望見四阿哥牽著若嘻的小手漫步一切的一切都令自己興奮異常~這是個貨真價實的穿越情節啊!!!萌翻全球人的古裝系列卡牌手游『萌妹當皇后』震撼登場!橫掃各電視電影節目之六大膾炙人口經典古裝劇中的人物,皆於本作中爆笑登場!讓喜愛古裝劇的萌妹們穿越時空體驗經典戲劇中的惡搞台詞。『萌妹當皇后』更是結合了"角色扮演"、"卡牌"、"養成"、"盟姻"、"熔煉"、"族戰"、"打王"等最HITO的元素,搭配超卡哇伊的萌系畫風和無厘頭的爆笑劇情,絕對能帶給您耳目一新的感受,令各位玩家笑著玩遊戲,玩著笑嘻嘻,如此歡樂大作,親愛的玩家們可萬萬別錯過『萌妹當皇后』~一同來稱后!!!【遊戲特色】1、數百張超萌經典古裝角色,化身卡牌萌翻眼球任您選用!2、多部經典古裝電視劇情收錄其中:邊玩遊戲,邊看古裝劇 !3、東西宮之爭,家族間之戰,夥同三五摯友,邁向成后之路!4、牽手聯姻最強悍,皇子養成我最讚;攜伴同遊宮廷,打造最強陣容!5、百張卡牌任您搭,變幻莫測強更強,挑選最合適的隨從們,助您順利稱后!6、多人副本齊闖關,時裝煉丹不手軟,邀請眾多好友一同並肩作戰!7、動態送花表愛意,打造時裝冒險去,放閃曬裝全在萌妹裡!8、家族同心打BOSS,跨服協力探險去,超萌靈獸來助陣,各式互動系統全面開放![Game Description]Busy life, repressed dayWhenever the dead of night is always something abstractchaosfantasyOne night, opened his eyes and found himself through to thefullcourt style of the ancient world -A closer look, the people around things actually are pastfamiliarfigure in the drama !!Xi looked left Fei Cheng Fei and bickering ~Si Age saw eye holding hands stroll if heeAnd everything to make yourself excited ~This is a genuine cross plot ah !!!Meng turned global human costume series cards hand tour"Mengsister when the Queen" shocking debut!Swept six of the well-known film and television program eachclassiccostume characters, are in this for the hilarious debut!Letfavorite costume adorable girl who through time and spacetoexperience the classic drama spoof lines. "Meng sister whentheQueen" is a combination of "role play", "card", "become","marriagealliance", "melting", "clan war", "playing King" as themost HITOelements with ultra- Kawaii Meng Department nonsense styleandhilarious story, absolutely can bring you a fresh feeling, sotheplayers play the game, laughing, playing with a smile, sohappymasterpiece, dear players can never miss, "Moe sister whentheQueen "- together later came to be called !!![Game Features]1, hundreds of Zhang Chaomeng classic costume roles,incarnationcards Meng turned eyeball matter what you use!2, many of the classic costume drama situation whichincluded:while playing games, watching costume!3 things palace dispute, war between the family, togetherwiththree to five close friends, the Way into the rear of!4, the most powerful hand marriage, Prince cultivate mypraise;to bring accompanying tour the palace, to build thestrongestteam!5, one hundred cards to any of your ride, unpredictablestrongstronger, the selection of the most appropriate entourage,saidafter successfully help you!6, more than a copy Qi checkpoints, fashion alchemy doesnothesitate to invite many friends to fight side by side!7, dynamic flowers express love, to create fashion adventuretogo, put the flash in full sun mounted inside Meng sister!8, the family concentric playing BOSS, theinter-serviceadventure to work together, they reveal Super Meng tohelp out, allkinds of interactive systems fully open!
《聖城戰記》魔幻級史詩回合策略大作強勢來襲!!神魔之戰跨世紀重現,神話英雄變夥伴,組合變化隨你開心,精緻史詩寫實畫面,一手遊玩超便利,即刻加入!打造心目中的聖城傳奇!★★遊戲背景★★上古眾神時代,神魔大戰,曾經美麗富饒的諾亞大陸生靈塗炭。魔神皇魔威滔天,甚至對創世神發起了挑戰!為挽救大陸,創世神散盡自身神力將魔神皇封印於無盡混沌之中…在經過千年的和平之後,人們似乎淡忘了神魔大戰的殘酷,然而隱忍於荒蕪之地的魔族卻沒有忘記,獸潮現世,魔族降臨,異界勢力入侵,在這危機四伏的境地出現了<救世主>。千年聖戰跨世紀重現,現在,由你創造新神話!★★遊戲特色★★●陣營戰爭●獨特大型競技,自選陣營參戰。●多人副本●揪團輕鬆通關,大量虛寶隨你拿。●至尊神器●參加活動天天送,戰隊屬性瘋狂增幅。●莊園建設●自產金幣當首富,捕獲親友成為你的奴隸。●聖光裝備●全面屬性超進化,誰說花大錢才能有神裝。●惡魔之塔●Boss埋伏挑戰無極限,稀有寶物盡在其中。****************************************************※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
逆龍翻天 2.5.0
官方粉絲團:客服信箱: [email protected]====遊戲簡介====三國亂世之中,只有強大的戰鬥力才能在亂世中出人頭地,誰會是真正的【龍】呢?別錯過!眾多帥氣的戰神和氣質優雅的美女,酷炫的戰鬥模式,暴爽的戰鬥特效,創新豐富的多技能,等著你們一起【逆龍翻天】。【每日有好康】眾多好康等,免費抽寶、在線獎勵、等級禮包、現實挖寶、福利反饋、邀請分享獎等等。【國家系統】選擇三國其中之一當家,你要為哪個國家貢獻呢? 任你選擇!【爭王戰爭】哇哇哇! 這系統太酷了吧~ 來看看誰得的城池最多? 誰會當王?,想當王真的要趁現在囉。【奪寶系統】互相和其他玩家奪寶,收集寶物碎片後就可以合成一個品質更高的寶物~【後宮美女】想不想和雍正一樣有許多美眉陪在身邊。別錯過這麼酷的系統 !【轉生系統】人人都想變強,轉生不但變強還變得更帥更美。
夢幻遊戲(Go2Play) 1.0.91
客服信箱:[email protected]粉絲團:「是在幻想著只是一場遊戲?還是其實在此相遇就是一切緣分的開始?」創新豐富的特色養成模式,連擊魔物的絕佳快感,逗趣可愛的冒險故事,萬人齊聚的精采活動,美若天仙的精靈與翅膀。是天真無邪的萌娘,是千嬌百態的御姊,還是活潑可愛的姊妹組合,最後誰能讓你感受不一樣的冒險旅程❤~一起踏入如夢似幻般的真正冒險互動RPG-《夢幻遊戲》★遊戲特色★【唯美日系風格,百位女神任你蒐集】日系美術設定,萌娘、御姐與正太,我們的緣分將從這裡開始,不是只用金錢就可以招募的到我們的~還需要你對我們關愛與瞭解喲~❤【超絢麗必殺技,華麗連環combo】別看我們嬌小柔弱呢~❤每個女神姊姊們可是有著不同種強悍的技能,請善用女神的特性與瞬息萬變的戰鬥時機,施放出華麗夢幻的技能唷!【獨特親密互動模式,是情是愛由你決定】八種特色場景互動,考驗玩家對心目中的女神的瞭解,選擇正確將大大提升彼此的好感度的~【大型多人戰鬥,友情羈絆斬斷戰場束縛】多種的任務會造成選擇不同的朋友們的加入喔,善用友情間的羈絆將使冒險過程中事半功倍呢~【精彩冒險故事,愛情友情攜手共闖】是終點?還是起點?將由你創造璀璨如星的工會,寫出屬於自己的故事,多樣遊戲聊天頻道,讓你聊天戀愛零距離❤【豐富活動與副本 天天充滿戀愛元素】◆天使之翼◆貴族來答題◆消滅魔龍更多玩法與社群體驗活動,快來一起加入『夢幻遊戲』新紀元吧~❤
今年夏天揪友一起三國齊打交吧!!想要擁有超多Q萌英雄?刺激的戰鬥?華麗的畫面?還要與好友一起打團嗎?「三國齊打交」一次滿足你!另外還有許多讓你流連忘返的超~好玩模式喔!真正的線上PK!讓你從單人打到多人,從國家打到天下,還加入了國與國的戰爭呢!「三國齊打交」遊戲場景採全3D引擎打造,讓你可以隨時調整視角,用自己最喜歡的角度爽快開戰!當然最後不能錯過走闖江湖必備的「國家養成」模式啦!想要知道怎麼玩?趕快一起三國齊打交吧!- 三國齊打交不只萌萌噠還有超多系統讓你玩不停~【戰役模式】操控Q版英雄走闖江湖,你就是最強!【烽火皇城】真正三國齊打交,國與國的輸贏操之在你!【軍團模式】建立一個強大的軍團,讓別的國家望之生畏吧!- 獨創戰鬥系統體會英雄無敵!【隨時PK】擺脫體力限制,「烽火皇城」三國交戰、你從來沒體會過這麼爽快的PK!【稱皇之路】只要你夠強,突破三國鼎立不是夢,成為大漢之王,接受萬人膜拜!【四大職業】首創戰鬥互刻系統,每個人都有機會打造屬於最強的陣容!-除了戰鬥,還有更多等你發掘!【礦場】【伐木場】【糧倉】【牧場】自己的資源自己產,行走江湖不求人!【後宮】成功的男人背後總有一個支持他的女人,打造後宮還可以提升戰力喔!百位Q萌武將現世,異域高手前來助陣!就在~三國齊打交!Pulling togetherthissummer, the Friends of the Three Kingdoms Fighter it !!Want to have more Q Meng super hero? Exciting battle?Gorgeousscreen? But also with friends to play with and there?"ThreeKingdoms Fighter" first meet you!There are many to keep you entertained super fun mode ~ Oh! Therealline PK! Let you from a single person to hit people, hit fromthestate of the world, countries also joined the war it!"ThreeKingdoms Fighter" game scene taken full 3D engine to create,so youcan adjust the viewing angle, the angle with yourfavoriterefreshing war! Finally, of course can not miss walkingKenshinnecessary "to develop a national" model it! Want to know howtoplay? Three Fighter together quickly it!- Three Fighter not only Meng Meng da super multi systemalsoallow you to play non-stop ~[Battle Mode] Q version of the hero go Kenshin control, youarethe strongest![Imperial] real flames Three Fighter, countries win or loseinspeaking of you![Legion] mode to build a strong corps, so that other countrieshopeit's awesome!- Experience unique combat system Magic![PK] at any time to get rid of physical limitations,"Imperialwar" Three war, you've never had such a refreshingexperience ofPK!Wong said the road [] as long as you are strong enough tobreakthrough the Three Kingdoms is not a dream, to become the kingofHan, to accept people worship![] The first battle four professional mutual lithographysystem,everyone has the opportunity to create their strongestline-up!- In addition to the fighting, and more waiting for youtoexplore![Quarry] [sawmill] [] [ranch] granary own resources ownproduction,running rivers and lakes - yourself![Harem] Behind a successful man there is always a woman tosupporthim, to build the temple can also enhance the combat powerOh!One hundred Q Meng secular generals, exotic master came tohelpout! Just three countries - Fighter!
劍緣ol 1.02.00
《劍緣OL》一款以奇幻西方妖魔與中國古代神話結合的RPG動作修仙類手遊。遊戲融入了眾多風趣的神話元素,採用修仙必經的靈根系統,並植入豐富的養成系修仙技能,讓你體驗一次驚險刺激、逍遙快活的仙魔歷程;遊戲人物詼諧的語言和行動,途中需求你用智慧和靈活的戰術擊敗各種妖魔,和其他戰友一起大鬧仙魔世界,從一個籍籍無名之輩,飛升化仙成為天界仙宗之主!※《劍緣OL》職業篇腰藏鎖妖壺● 逸劍怒海奔雷槍● 烈槍左右掌陰陽● 妖輪九天風雷動● 月杖※《劍緣OL》系統篇成就系統,解鎖即得豐厚禮券及人物屬性翅膀系統,提品化形彰顯個性實力寵物系統,呆萌霸氣,收服為你而戰封神台系統,PK比試,唯我獨尊【FACEBOOK粉絲團】:【客服信箱】:[email protected]本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「辅12级」(十二歲以上之人始得使用)-勞逸結合,避免沉迷。-本遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色著裝暴露。-本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另有付費道具和項目。
初戀守护星-免費戀愛約會模擬選擇養成 乙女女性向遊戲 1.1
===描述=== 在分開數年之後再遇見你的未婚夫,這是巧合還是命運? ===推薦給這樣的人=== * 喜歡愛情電影,電視劇,言情小說*日本漫畫的愛好者 * 有興趣和帥哥談戀愛 * 無法抵擋和各種類型無敵帥哥談戀愛 * 現在就想談戀愛 * 喜歡戀愛遊戲,乙女養成遊戲*初次玩女性向視覺小說遊戲的人 * 喜歡時髦又可愛的虛擬角色的人 * 想體驗一場虛擬現實中戀愛的感覺 *想體驗臉紅心跳的感覺===提要===在天文社是第二年了,一直以來安靜又認真的你,該是時候去結交新朋友了然而事實是,另外一個也是唯一一個會員,是那個明星學校的混混安藤龍,而社長是變態山田廣樹,唯一的專長是演戲一開始你很擔心能不能融入,但當你開始認識他們之後,事情變得不一樣了,同時你也發現,某個一直以來很熟的人,居然是你的未婚夫!中村裕太是學生的心理師,最近開始替內米進行社交訓練課程,雖然只差了三歲,但是興趣相通的他們很快地變成好朋友這些人之間的關係會有甚麼變化?哪個又會是你的真命天子? ===主角===安藤龍留著一頭藍色龐克風髮型,耳環,在脖子上的鳥類圖騰刺青,綠色眼珠。他很常翹了課跑到屋頂,但還是認真考試。他看起來傲嬌又浪漫。山田弘樹波浪金髮和藍眼珠,他自認演技極佳,卻因為"騷擾女士"被戲劇社踢出社團,山田的個性風流又散漫藤原凜留著一頭整齊的黑短髮,有一雙蜂蜜色的眼珠,帶著眼鏡。他始終守著對內米在小學時的承諾。很快地他發現內米不知道他是誰,但藤原不放棄,仍然遠遠的守著內米。中村雄太淺咖啡色總是紮個馬尾的他,有一雙深藍墨水色的眼睛,他的身形健美,雖然年輕但有顆老靈魂,愛聽老歌。 ===特殊功能===①命運的相遇多年之後再命運的十字路口遇見你的未婚夫,而你已經忘記他是誰 ②各種的相遇這裡有許多不同類型的男生,快來看看誰會是你的菜? ③多重結局每個角色都有兩種故事走向,由你來決定結局! ④特殊故事劇情為了交到更多朋友,你可以跟明星學校的混混、變態社長相處的來嗎?===支援===如有問題請先查閱FAQ若您無法在FAQ裡找到您要的協助,請利用APP裡的"聯絡我們"功能,或者本頁面的"APP支援"我們將無法針對APP商店或者FB上的評論進行回覆,敬請知悉===關於Ice Queen Media=== IceQueenMedia致力於提供更高品質的互動浪漫故事,希望各位讀者都能享受更多有愛的日子,決定啟航,選擇屬於自己的愛的冒險吧!===重要資訊===需要安卓系統4.0及以上版本
knight saga(俠物語) 9.0
After Dreaming as general experience, I cametoa strange part of "Knights" prosperous era.As a card-style martial arts RPG game, "knight saga" hasinheritedthe essence of Chinese martial arts culture, for themajority ofplayers to create an authentic martial arts epic. One ofthe mostHighlights "knight saga", than full but has a few ups anddowns ofthe story plot. Oriental martial arts elementsvividlydemonstrated, familiar with the classic tricks routinesareunfolding. Imagine, when you are sitting in the strong wind,themartial arts world, started in the knife sword alone, it wouldbesufficient to set foot on the rivers and lakes, to experiencelifeknight swords.The whole background story drawn from the Northern SongDynastyduring troubled times, many heroes full debut paladin, yourmartialart with you wherever they went in the game. Mysteriousmartialarts with the aesthetic of the game scene, strife introubledtimes, experience the rivers and lakes Fiat allies andenemieschildren.Game Features:1, "knight saga" original accumulation formula develop play; inanygame a "knight" are highly collectible, you dominate the arenaofcutting edge. "knight saga" to abandon the traditional ordergoodsquality play, low-level, defective warrior, propsconstantlyaccumulate fate by chivalrous chivalrous andstrengthening willprovide superior fighting another knight!Accumulation formuladevelop a model that will take you toexperience positive realmartial arts world.2, in order to expand the section level progressive, fightingtheway for the traditional cards automatically fight, but therhythmis more compact, therefore, to develop a martial arts andteamdeployment has become the highlight of the pre-war players needtoconsider the ability of will between different rolescomplementary,thus derived from a variety of different games facebook page:
Anime Little Princess 1.0.0
She's an anime girl, and she's beenupgradedtothe next level. She can jump higher, run faster, anddressmorefashionably than ever before! This lovely anime cutie fromheadtotoes in order to get her ready for a new day! Comeandhelpdressing her up!How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
SimLove:Dating Simulation Game 1.0.1
Ourshow Games
SimLove is a free dating simulation game.Youare a lovely girl in a big city full of different guys. Buildupyour character, try and get a date, try to get a boyfriendwithin100 days!SimLove has a remarkably open design. Other than a fewstoryelements, you are free to do what you want. The centerpiece ofthegame is the relationships that you can form with 16 characters.Youneed to slowly build their relationships through a varietyofactivities, including talking, dating, traveling, andotherinteresting things.Come and play this really addictive simulation game! Inaddition,despite of the great gameplay, the game is absolutelyFREE forever!
Dress up! Legend Girl 1.0.0
It’s gorgeous! Can not imaginethetraditionalChinese dresses are so pretty that I wish I cantravelback to theancient time! Now given the chance that you areanancient girl,and tomorrow you are going to attend a ball. Howwillyou dress upyourself?How to play:Players need to collect coins first, then they can go to theshoptobuy their favorite clothes and other accessories. Afterthattheycan dress up the model! Remember you just need time togetmorecoins! It is free!Features:- Tons of cosmetics and accessories are free to choose- Beautiful doll to dress up withSave your works!The saved image can be:- emailed to your friends!- shared on Facebook!- used as wallpaper or avatar
魔力戰記-時空物語 3.11
全球獨創特色玩法 刺激好玩 最即時快速的魔力戰鬥手遊簡單好上手 好玩到停不下來=====《遊戲特色》=====百位動漫魔娘大集合 展開超激速對戰集合百位魔娘同時超激速對戰,首創塔防玩法結合策略式RPG玩,不同以往的全新體驗!與日本著名畫師合作 體驗獨創動漫式手遊最正統的日系畫風可愛唯美,蒐集你的可愛魔物娘大軍吧!多元的日系夥伴系統 親衛X寵物X技能百位魔女任君挑選,搭配可愛寵物的華麗技能,完美合擊絕佳冒險!純正日系造型穿搭系統千種換裝系統,打造獨一無二的專屬裝扮!隨時親密相伴的互動系統與自己的魔物娘對話,送禮增加親密度,各種互動系統讓你天天上線不無聊喔!《魔力戰記-時空物語》粉絲團:《魔力戰記-時空物語》官方網站:《魔力戰記-時空物語》客服論壇:★我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題, 請即時與我們聯繫!The world's mostuniquecharacteristics of play fun and excitement of instant magicfastfighting hand tourSimply good fun to get started can not stop===== "Game features" =====Large collection of hundreds of animation magic super excitedtoexpand your mother-speed battleA collection of one hundred magic super excited at the same timethemother-speed battle, the first tower defense gameplay combinedwithstrategy RPG style play, a fresh, new experience!In collaboration with the famous Japanese anime styleartist'soriginal hand travel experiencesThe most orthodox Japanese style lovely beautiful, collectyourlovely Mother Monster army now!Diversified Japanese partner system Chikae X X pet skillsOne hundred witch take your pick, with lovely pet skillsgorgeous,perfect punch a great adventure!Pure Japanese outfit modeling systemOne thousand kinds facelift system, to create unique andexclusivedress!Accompanied by the interactive system at any time closeMonster dialogue with their mother, gifts increaseintimacy,interactive system allows you to not boring on the lineevery day,Oh!"Magic Wars - temporal Story" Fans:"Magic Wars - Story time and space," the official website:"Magic Wars - temporal Story" Support Forum:★ We are very happy to help you solve any problems encounteredinthe game, please contact us immediately!
你的目的就是殺死我。 2.2
In Japan has exceeded 50 million downloads Super-popular gamethatfinally took place Hello! !