Top 22 Apps Similar to Cooling Towers

TXV Superheat Tuner 2.1.0
Danfoss A/S
Take the guesswork out of your superheat adjustments.TXVSuperheatTuner, part of the Danfoss CoolApps Toolbox,enablesservicetechnicians and HVAC installers to optimize superheatwithjust oneor two adjustments on most thermostatic expansionvalves.What usedto take hours now takes you only minutes. Simplyentersome basicinformation about the system you are working on, andtheTXVSuperheat Tuner app will provide you withvalve-specificadjustmentrecommendations. Using this information,you can optimizea coolingsystem in less than 15 minutes and boostits energyefficiency. Theresult: your customer saves money onenergy costsand you winrepeat business. TXV Superheat Tuner uses aset ofadvancedalgorithms to make its optimizationrecommendations.Thesealgorithms, developed and approved by some ofthe bestengineers atDanfoss, take multiple factors intoconsideration,beyond the basicsensitivity of each valve. You nolonger need touse manuals andpressure-temperature conversion toolsto performtrial and erroradjustments. TXV Superheat Tuner enablesyou to makepreciseadjustments from the start, saving you time anddelivering abetterresult. Support For app support, please use thein-appfeedbackfunction found in the app settings or send [email protected] Engineering Tomorrow Danfossengineersadvancedtechnologies that enable us to build a better,smarter andmoreefficient tomorrow. In the world’s growing cities,we ensurethesupply of fresh food and optimal comfort in our homesandoffices,while meeting the need forenergy-efficientinfrastructure,connected systems and integratedrenewable energy.Our solutionsare used in such areas asrefrigeration, airconditioning, heating,motor control and mobilemachinery. Ourinnovative engineeringdates back to 1933 and today,Danfoss holdsmarket-leadingpositions, employing 28,000 people andservingcustomers in morethan 100 countries. We are privately heldby thefounding family.Read more about us at TermsandConditions applyfor use of the app.
ChillerROI 1.0.1
Danfoss A/S
Calculate your return on investment (ROI) between differentchillertypes
Living Psychrometrics 27.0.0
MICRI Consult
Offers four different calculations on a psychrometric diagram inasingle app
Air conditioner or Heat pump 2.8
Sedec Apps
Technology to know the BTU, kW, Kcal and Ton of air conditionersorheat pumps.
HVAC School 2.1.0
HVAC School
An app for users to engage with tech tips and podcast episodesfromHVAC School
ProsaLink 2.2.45
Danfoss A/S
Manage and connect to your Prosa IoT devices
HVAC Calculator Pro 3.0.0
Calculations used in HVAC systems engineering field
Inspection HVAC Calculator 2.0.0
Inspector Nation HVAC Inspector Reference Calculator
QuickFinder 4.0
CAREL presents QuickFinder, the selectiontoolfor refrigeration applications.This has been designed and developed for distributorsandinstallers, with the following objectives:-To provide a useful contribution in the field, whenproductinformation is needed during installation or maintenance,such asparameter tables, alarm tables, connection diagrams andinstructionsheets, thus helping the installer in their every daywork, andmaking access to this information faster (and thereforelesscostly).-To offer a tool for selecting the most suitable solution:startingfrom the application (e.g. cold room, bottle cooler orrefrigeratedcabinet), the App suggests the most suitable product,consequentlysimplifying the selection process for the distributorandinstaller.-To offer a CAREL alternative to other products available onthemarket. Distributors or installers who want to use aCARELcontroller for a specific application can now refer to a tablewithcomplete comparison of compatible instruments.The current version included: easy, ir33, ir33+ and MasterCella.New Languages version --> COMING SOON!
The BITZER REFRIGERANT RULER enables easy and fastdeterminationofrefrigerant data. The app contains allcommonrefrigerants,including key fluid properties, safetygroupinformation, globalwarming potential (GWP), ozonedepletionpotential (ODP), andinformation on choice of oil type forthecompressor. Furthermore,additional information onrefrigerants,links to relevant onlinedocuments and otherinformation aredisplayed (under "More..." inthe menu bar). The toolprovides anintuitive user interface foreasy andaccuratetemperature-to-pressure conversion, whileallowing easy useandswitching between different metric (SI) andimperial (IP)units(under "Settings"). // CURRENTLY AVAILABLEREFRIGERANTS // ▸The appcontains data and information on morethan 100 natural andsyntheticrefrigerants, which can also bepreselected by filterfunctions(under "Search"). ▸ For comparisonpurposes and also forpracticaluse in service and operation ofolder existing systems,informationon previously usedrefrigerants, which may have beenaffected byusage restrictions,are also provided. // MAIN FUNCTIONS// ▸ Searchfilters andfavourites: Under the navigation item"Search" or viapredetermined"Search filters" or manual entry in thetext field theappropriaterefrigerant can be found and, ifnecessary, added to thefavouritesby tapping the "star symbol". Witha simple touch on theselectedrefrigerant, the slider for thepressure-temperatureconversion isdisplayed. ▸ Ruler: By means of aslider, the valuesof pressure,dew and boiling (bubble) temperatures(temperatureglide resultingfrom the difference) for the selectedrefrigerantcan bedetermined. Pressure and temperature values canalso beenteredmanually - either by tapping on the respective fieldor viathesymbol "123". When installing the app overpressurevaluesarepreset. With this setting, the atmospheric pressure canbeenteredeither manually on the upper ruler or via the"barometersymbol" tocorrect the pressure values. A change toabsolutepressure valuesis possible under "Settings", theatmosphericpressure correctionis then inactive. Further function:By tappingon the refrigerantname, direct access to "Search"(refrigerant listand searchfilters) is also possible. ▸ Settings:Under this menuallimportant parameters for the determination oftheatmosphericpressure as well as for temperature and pressurevaluescan beadjusted. Other functions allow for a change todefaultsettingsand a repeated display of the “Tutorials” in therulerview. ▸Automatic Barometer: The app offers the possibilitytodeterminethe current altitude above sea level and/or theactualatmosphericpressure to correct the corresponding dew andbubbletemperaturesin case of overpressure settings. Depending ontheconfiguration,the analysis for the location in questionisoptionally carried outautomatically via GPS or barometer ifthecorresponding terminalhas the aforementioned sensors.Manuallyentering the atmosphericpressure or correction is possibleasdescribed under “Slidercontrol”. ▸ Temperature /pressure:Temperature and pressure unitscan be freely selected andcombined,if necessary, a mix of SI andIP units is possible as well.Foroverpressure (or negativepressure) bar (g) or psig / inHg canbeselected. In the Settingpsig / inHg displays theoverpressurevalues in "psig" and thenegative pressure values in"negative inHg"(e.g., -7.5 inHg). ▸Further information onrefrigerants: Generaland additionalinformation can be found underthe information symbol"i" in theheader next to the refrigerantname. These include, forexample,GWP and ODP values for therefrigerants, safety group,chemicalcomposition or components inmixtures, CAS number,molecularweight, triple and boiling (bubble)points, criticaltemperature,critical pressure and information onthe type of oilfor thecompressor.
Oxley Solar Pro 4.1.116
View and log SMA solar systems over Bluetooth or pvoutputsystemsover Wi-Fi.
Plantweb Optics
The Plantweb Optics Mobile Applications allows youtoremainup-to-date with the health of your facility – anywhere intheworld– to deliver the right information to the right person attherighttime. This functionality includes: • Notifications forasseteventsand alarms • Analysis tools for diagnosis and prognosisofassethealth • Modern communication tools for quicker,moreaccuratedecision making The Plantweb Optics v1.6 includingthefollowingupdates: • Support for hierarchy view of the assets•Support forhistorical health and parameter data • Creatingandtracking ofCMMS notifications • Enhanced KPI’s:Overduecalibrations, overdueroutes, etc. • Access to documents,videos,and photos • Export andshare data as CSV files • Out of theboxsupport for futurelanguages. • QR Code searching availabletoidentify assets out inthe field • Resolved issues Formoreinformation on Emerson’sdigital transformation solutions,goto
Güntner 1.8.0
Our Güntner Refrigeration Engineering App offersrefrigerationengineering know-how in the form of news, informationand handyfunctions. News: Current information about GüntnerMaterialrecommendation: Displays the chemically and technicallybestmaterial combination for a large number of commonrefrigerationengineering applications Refrigerant slide: Display ofthepressure-temperature correlation for common refrigerants;includingODP and GWP values Converter: Offers the conversion of alargenumber of refrigerating parameters such as pressure,temperature,thermal conductivity and so on to every unit globallyused ServiceDocuments: The entire media diversity from Infobrochure tooperating instructions, sorted by languages and units,ready fordownload! Contacts: Each contact data of the ExternalSales Team aswell as the Service and Spare Parts departmentsFeedback: Directline to the Güntner App contact person
Danfoss Eco™ 1.6.0
Danfoss A/S
Danfoss Eco™ gives you complete in-home control of yourradiatorheating.
TurboTool® 2.4.0
Danfoss A/S
Troubleshoot, repair, and service Danfoss Turbocor® compressors
Cold Room Calculator 1.5.2
LU-VE Group
Calculates the required cooling capacity for cold rooms basedoncommon practise
DeltaV Mobile 3.1.1
DeltaV Mobile provides smart notifications andcontextaroundabnormal process situations. For managers,engineers,andoperators, it provides visibility into the processandalarmawareness, allowing users to monitor theiroperationson-demandwith mobile views that are relevant to theirspecificneeds. Unlikeother mobile solutions for process monitoringornotifications, thetight integration with DeltaV enables youtoleverage your existingDeltaV configurations to quickly findthedata and alarms that youwant to monitor, and to view thesamereal-time data, historicaltrends, and alarms that are displayedona DeltaV operatorworkstation. All of this requires noadditionalDeltaVconfiguration. With DeltaV Mobile, users can easilyhavetheiroperations at their fingertips whenever they need it,allowingthemto: •  Monitor personalized watch lists of processvalues,trends,and alarms that are smartly targeted to therightrecipients•  View real-time process data and historicaltrends•  View datafrom multiple DeltaV systems with no customengineeringrequired•  Receive instant notifications for yourcritical alarmsviamobile push notifications, email, or SMS text•  Diagnoseabnormalsituations with context by viewing relevantprocess dataaroundalarm events •  Share screenshots and links toprocessvalues,trends, or alarms by text or email
DEVI Smart
Danfoss A/S
With DEVIreg™ Smart enables wireless control of electricfloorheating anywhere.
KoolCode 1.7.1
Danfoss A/S
KoolCode offers you a fast and easy way to look up status,alarm,andsetting codes for Danfoss electronic refrigerationcontrols.KoolCodeprovides service technicians, refrigerationengineers,in-storetechnicians, and others with on-the-spot accessto alarm,status, andparameter descriptions for a large range ofDanfossrefrigerationcontrollers with a three digit display. Yousave timeand increaseproductivity with the Danfoss KoolCode Appfor“on-the-spot”ADAP-KOOL® controller information. Download thisappto get a simpleoff-line tool to easily look up alarm,error,status, and parametercodes without bringing along theprintedmanual or laptop. KoolCodeoffers three alternative ways tolook updisplay codes: 1. Quick codetranslation without knowing theexactcontroller type 2. Hierarchicalcontroller selection amongDanfossrefrigeration controllers 3.Automatic controlleridentificationvia QR-code scan Available in:English, French,Spanish, Russian,and German. Support For appsupport, please usethe in-app feedbackfunction found in the appsettings or send anemail [email protected] Engineering TomorrowDanfoss engineersadvancedtechnologies that enable us to build abetter, smarter andmoreefficient tomorrow. In the world’s growingcities, we ensurethesupply of fresh food and optimal comfort in ourhomes andoffices,while meeting the need forenergy-efficientinfrastructure,connected systems and integratedrenewable energy.Our solutionsare used in such areas asrefrigeration, airconditioning, heating,motor control and mobilemachinery. Ourinnovative engineeringdates back to 1933 and today,Danfoss holdsmarket-leadingpositions, employing 28,000 people andservingcustomers in morethan 100 countries. We are privately heldby thefounding family.Read more about us at TermsandConditions applyfor use of the app.
Danfoss Link™ 1.3.7
Danfoss A/S
Turn your mobile device into a remote control for your DanfossLink™CC.
measureQuick HVAC 2.1.0
HVAC diagnostics and measurement workflows that allow youtomeasure, quick!
Danfoss Icon 1.2.3
Danfoss A/S
The Danfoss Icon App Module 088U1101 enables userstocontrolhydronic floor heating and other applications withactuatorsviathis App. The App can control both wireless and wired(24V)DanfossIcon™ systems. The App turns your mobile device intoanintuitivefloor heating remote control. Safe and privatecloudconnection.The App communicates through a safe cloud systembasedon the samesecurity that is used in mobile bankingapplications.Adjust yourfloor heating from your smartphone. Adjusthome heatingeasily andintuitively. If disconnected from theinternet, theheating systemwill continue to work and you can stilloperate theroomtemperature on each individual room thermostat.Schedule yourhomeheating and save energy. Control all yourthermostats inmultiplelocations. The App lets you stay in controland operate allyourthermostats in multiple locations from onesingle point ofaccess.Reduce energy costs The App lets you scheduleyour floorheatingsystem to fit your rhythm and reduce energy costs.TheDanfoss Iconsystem even adapts to climatic conditions andlearnswhen toinitiate heating to reach the desired scheduledroomtemperature.Save energy by scheduling the temperature to fityourrhythm andenjoy superior comfort. Danfoss Icon App features:•Adjust homeheating from anywhere in the world • The floorheatingsystem willcontinue to be fully operational withoutinternetconnection • Useliving zone to schedule and set temperatureformultiple rooms – orschedule and set each roomtemperatureindividually • Controlthermostats in multiple locations( home) • Frostprotection, weekly schedule, “Away”/”AtHome”mode, “Vacation” modeand “Pause” mode •Receivenotifications/warnings about importantsystem events •Accessdedicated support and troubleshootingdirectly from the App •Securewireless communication through asafe cloud system based onthe samesecurity that is used in mobilebanking applications.