Top 3 Apps Similar to Ankle2

VR Human Brain 1.0.6
Virtual Reality ( VR ) App of Human Brainin360 VR view.It is one of the best VR Apps.Enjoy Human Brain App in Virtual reality and augmentedreality(AR).This VR application includes fun quiz VR Game for naming partsofthe Human Brain.This is one of best educational VR Games.One of the Only VR apps to have Human Brain in VR andARsimultaneously.Record a VR Video with this Application.DOWNLOAD MARKER for VR APP FROM THISLINK: of the VR Human Brain App:1) Users can Zoom and Rotate the 3d model.2) Students and teachers can Take apart each of the parts.3) Each Part of the virtual reality model can be made Glassy.4) Teachers can Label or Title every part of the vr modelinapplication.5) Analyse feature allows teachers discuss any one part of theVRHuman Brain.6) The snap feature allows you to save the image of the 3Doraugmented reality model. This image can be used for yournextproject or learning. Share or upload or print the imagestoshowcase it to your friends.7) Pen tool allows teachers to draw or pin specific parts of theVRHuman Brain.8) The AR button allows you to bring the model from virtual worldtoreal life situation by placing the camera on a marker.9) Quiz feature allows you to play a fun vr game of naming partsofthe model.
Shoulder2 1.2
Descripción: Sobre el marcadorenfoquelasección del hombro ('shoulder'). Una vez detectadoapareceránlosmodelos 3D del húmero, de la clavícula y de laescápula. Alpulsarsobre cada hueso el alumno podrá visualizar comolosotrosdesaparecen. El hueso seleccionado empezará a rotar.Elalumnopodrá pausar y reanudar la animación, ampliar el modeloparaverlos detalles y dirigirse a un vídeo de youtube realizadoporelprof. Manuel Dorado, del dpto de Anatomía de laUniversidaddeSevilla.Aplicación: Permite a los alumnos de laasignaturaAnatomíaHumana, del Grado de Medicina, estudiar sobre losapuntesimpresosy , a la vez, tener la ventaja de visionar elrecursoymanipularlo. Todo ello con su móvil y/o tablet, de unamaneraágil,sin tener que interrumpir la actividad de estudioparaconectarse.En particular, esta app muestra un ejemplo decómoaplicar laRealidad Aumentada al estudio de la anatomíahumana.Concretamentemuestra tres huesos cuya animación 3D esrotable yampliable,además de dos botones que enlazan con dosvídeos.La app ha sido desarrollada para integrarse en los apuntesdelaasignatura de Anatomía Humana, como resultado delaprimeraConvocatoria de Producción de Recursos deRealidadAumentada.Description:Onthescoreboard approach the shoulder section ( 'shoulder').Once3Dmodels of the humerus, clavicle and scapuladetectedappear.Clicking on each bone can view the student asothersdisappear. Theselected bone start rotating. The student canpauseand resume theanimation, expanding the model to see detailsandcontact a youtubevideo made by prof. Manuel Dorado, theDepartmentof Anatomy at theUniversity of Seville. Application: Allows students of the subject HumanAnatomy,MedicalGrade, study on printed notes and, at the same timehavetheadvantage of viewing the use and handling. All with yourmobilephoneand / or tablet, in an agile manner, withoutinterrupting thestudyactivity to connect. In particular, this appshows an exampleof howto apply the Augmented Reality to the studyof humananatomy.Specifically it shows three bones that 3Danimation isrotatable andscalable, and two buttons that link totwovideos.The app has been developed to be integrated in the notesonthesubject of Human Anatomy, as a result of the firstCallforProduction Resource Augmented Reality.
VR Blood Circulation 1.0.2
Virtual Reality ( VR ) App of BloodCirculationin 360 VR view. It is one of the best VR Apps.Enjoy Blood Circulation App in Virtual reality and augmentedreality(AR).This VR application includes fun quiz VR Game for naming partsofthe Blood Circulation.This is one of best educational VR Games.One of the Only VR apps to have Blood Circulation in VR andARsimultaneously.Record a VR Video with this Application.DOWNLOAD MARKER for VR APP FROM THISLINK: of the VR Blood Circulation App:1) Users can Zoom and Rotate the 3d model.2) Students and teachers can Take apart each of the parts.3) Each Part of the virtual reality model can be made Glassy.4) Teachers can Label or Title every part of the vr modelinapplication.5) Analyse feature allows teachers discuss any one part of theVRBlood Circulation.6) The snap feature allows you to save the image of the 3Doraugmented reality model. This image can be used for yournextproject or learning. Share or upload or print the imagestoshowcase it to your friends.7) Pen tool allows teachers to draw or pin specific parts of theVRBlood Circulation.8) The AR button allows you to bring the model from virtual worldtoreal life situation by placing the camera on a marker.9) Quiz feature allows you to play a fun vr game of naming partsofthe model.